1,030 research outputs found

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    Libro de aplicaciones y usabilidad de la televisión digital interactiva : VIII Conferencia Iberoamericana de Aplicaciones t Usabilidad de la TV Interactiva (jAUTI 2019)

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    Las jAUTI2019 VIII Jornadas Iberoamericanas sobre Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, se realizaron durante WebMedia 2019 XXV Simpósio Brasilero de Sistemas Multimedia y Web , del 29 de Octubre al 1 de Noviembre en Río de Janeiro (Brasil). jAUTI2019 es la octava edición de un evento científico organizado anualmente por la RedAUTI Red Temática de Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, formada por más de 250 investigadores pertenecientes a 32 universidades de España, Portugal y once países latinoamericanos (Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela). Este libro reúne los trabajos aceptados en el evento el cual tiene como objetivo presentar los esfuerzos de investigación de la academia, la industria o las agencias gubernamentales en el diseño, desarrollo y usabilidad de aplicaciones para la Televisión Digital Interactiva (TVDi) y tecnologías relacionadas.A jAUTI 2019 - VIII Conferência Ibero-Americana de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa, foi realizada durante o WebMedia 2019 - XXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Multimídia e Sistemas Web, de 29 de outubro à 1 de novembro no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). O jAUTI 2019 é a oitava edição de um evento científico organizado anualmente pela Rede Temática de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa (RedAUTI), formada por mais de 250 pesquisadores de 32 universidades de Espanha, Portugal e onze países da América Latina (Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Equador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguai, Venezuela). Este livro reúne os trabalhos aceitos no evento, que visa apresentar os esforços de pesquisa da academia, da indústria ou de agências governamentais no projeto, desenvolvimento e usabilidade de aplicativos para Televisão Digital Interativa (TVDi) e tecnologias relacionadas.The jAUTI 2019 VIII Ibero-American Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, were held during WebMedia 2019 XXV Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems, from October 29 to November 1 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). jAUTI 2019 is the eighth edition of a scientific event organized annually by the RedAUTI Thematic Network of Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, formed by more than 250 researchers from 32 universities in Spain, Portugal and eleven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela). This book gathers the works accepted in the event which aims to present the research efforts of the academy, industry or government agencies in the design, development and usability of applications for Interactive Digital Television (TVDi) and related technologies.RedAUT

    Libro de aplicaciones y usabilidad de la televisión digital interactiva : VIII Conferencia Iberoamericana de Aplicaciones t Usabilidad de la TV Interactiva (jAUTI 2019)

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    Las jAUTI2019 VIII Jornadas Iberoamericanas sobre Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, se realizaron durante WebMedia 2019 XXV Simpósio Brasilero de Sistemas Multimedia y Web , del 29 de Octubre al 1 de Noviembre en Río de Janeiro (Brasil). jAUTI2019 es la octava edición de un evento científico organizado anualmente por la RedAUTI Red Temática de Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, formada por más de 250 investigadores pertenecientes a 32 universidades de España, Portugal y once países latinoamericanos (Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela). Este libro reúne los trabajos aceptados en el evento el cual tiene como objetivo presentar los esfuerzos de investigación de la academia, la industria o las agencias gubernamentales en el diseño, desarrollo y usabilidad de aplicaciones para la Televisión Digital Interactiva (TVDi) y tecnologías relacionadas.A jAUTI 2019 - VIII Conferência Ibero-Americana de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa, foi realizada durante o WebMedia 2019 - XXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Multimídia e Sistemas Web, de 29 de outubro à 1 de novembro no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). O jAUTI 2019 é a oitava edição de um evento científico organizado anualmente pela Rede Temática de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa (RedAUTI), formada por mais de 250 pesquisadores de 32 universidades de Espanha, Portugal e onze países da América Latina (Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Equador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguai, Venezuela). Este livro reúne os trabalhos aceitos no evento, que visa apresentar os esforços de pesquisa da academia, da indústria ou de agências governamentais no projeto, desenvolvimento e usabilidade de aplicativos para Televisão Digital Interativa (TVDi) e tecnologias relacionadas.The jAUTI 2019 VIII Ibero-American Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, were held during WebMedia 2019 XXV Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems, from October 29 to November 1 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). jAUTI 2019 is the eighth edition of a scientific event organized annually by the RedAUTI Thematic Network of Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, formed by more than 250 researchers from 32 universities in Spain, Portugal and eleven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela). This book gathers the works accepted in the event which aims to present the research efforts of the academy, industry or government agencies in the design, development and usability of applications for Interactive Digital Television (TVDi) and related technologies.RedAUT

    Libro de aplicaciones y usabilidad de la televisión digital interactiva : VIII Conferencia Iberoamericana de Aplicaciones t Usabilidad de la TV Interactiva (jAUTI 2019)

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    Las jAUTI2019 VIII Jornadas Iberoamericanas sobre Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, se realizaron durante WebMedia 2019 XXV Simpósio Brasilero de Sistemas Multimedia y Web , del 29 de Octubre al 1 de Noviembre en Río de Janeiro (Brasil). jAUTI2019 es la octava edición de un evento científico organizado anualmente por la RedAUTI Red Temática de Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la Televisión Digital Interactiva, formada por más de 250 investigadores pertenecientes a 32 universidades de España, Portugal y once países latinoamericanos (Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela). Este libro reúne los trabajos aceptados en el evento el cual tiene como objetivo presentar los esfuerzos de investigación de la academia, la industria o las agencias gubernamentales en el diseño, desarrollo y usabilidad de aplicaciones para la Televisión Digital Interactiva (TVDi) y tecnologías relacionadas.A jAUTI 2019 - VIII Conferência Ibero-Americana de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa, foi realizada durante o WebMedia 2019 - XXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Multimídia e Sistemas Web, de 29 de outubro à 1 de novembro no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). O jAUTI 2019 é a oitava edição de um evento científico organizado anualmente pela Rede Temática de Aplicações e Usabilidade da Televisão Digital Interativa (RedAUTI), formada por mais de 250 pesquisadores de 32 universidades de Espanha, Portugal e onze países da América Latina (Argentina, Brasil, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Equador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguai, Venezuela). Este livro reúne os trabalhos aceitos no evento, que visa apresentar os esforços de pesquisa da academia, da indústria ou de agências governamentais no projeto, desenvolvimento e usabilidade de aplicativos para Televisão Digital Interativa (TVDi) e tecnologias relacionadas.The jAUTI 2019 VIII Ibero-American Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, were held during WebMedia 2019 XXV Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems, from October 29 to November 1 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). jAUTI 2019 is the eighth edition of a scientific event organized annually by the RedAUTI Thematic Network of Applications and Usability of Interactive Digital Television, formed by more than 250 researchers from 32 universities in Spain, Portugal and eleven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela). This book gathers the works accepted in the event which aims to present the research efforts of the academy, industry or government agencies in the design, development and usability of applications for Interactive Digital Television (TVDi) and related technologies.RedAUT

    Mapping and analysis of the current self- and co- regulatory framework of commercial communication aimed at minors

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    As the advertising sector has been very active in self-regulating commercial communication aimed at children, a patchwork of different rules and instruments exist, drafted by different self-regulatory organisations at international, European and national level. In order to determine the scope and contents of these rules, and hence, the actual level of protection of children, a structured mapping of these rules is needed. As such, this report aims to provide an overview of different categories of Alternative Regulatory Instruments(ARIs,such as self- and co-regulation regarding (new) advertising formats aimed at children. This report complements the first legal AdLit research report, which provided an overview of the legislative provisions in this domain.status: publishe

    Netflix phenomenon: The new pervasive subject interacting with the traditional film industry.

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    Questa ricerca mira a concentrare la sua attenzione sul campo dell'intrattenimento, considerando in particolar modo l'impatto della produzione Netflix sull'industria cinematografica. Lo studio vuole approfondire: la creazione di Netflix (1997, California), le sue organizzazioni e ideologie, le strategie graduali di espansione dei prodotti in Europa (2015, in Italia) e in altri paesi del mondo, gli algoritmi e i dati utilizzati dal team per comprendere quale sarà il il miglior posizionamento dell’azienda a livello nazionale e globale. Il focus sarà incentrato sull’abilità da parte del mercato del cinema di adattarsi e aprirsi ai nuovi orizzonti e aspetti importati dall'evoluzione dei prodotti on-demand. Per comprendere le dinamiche di crescita di Netflix è importante presentarne la sua storia e ideologie, ma anche non perdere di vista la particolare strategia usata dallo stesso colosso nel creare piccoli mercati nazionali che si sviluppano in modo parallelo con la strategia a livello globale. L'obiettivo finale di questo studio è capire come Netflix crei un doppio mercato parallelo - locale e globale - per poter sostenere le proprie infrastrutture alimentando l'attenzione verso i suoi prodotti anche partecipando ai più importanti festival mondiali, entrando quindi in un settore che prima ad ora veniva considerato in parte elitario e legato alla tradizione del cinema. Infatti, nell’ultimo capitolo, sarà fatta attenzione alle dinamiche instaurate tra i più conosciuti festival europei (Cannes, Venezia, Berlino) per comprendere come questi abbiano reagito in modo differente, con supporto e scetticismo davanti alla partecipazione di una piattaforma SVOD come Netflix. Questo lavoro si propone di concludere la possibile e costante convivenza del servizio Netflix VOD (video-on-demand) e il campo del cinema tradizionale grazie al sostegno reciproco dei due. La chiave di lettura per la riuscita di questa nuova sfida è senz’altro una maturazione graduale verso le nuove esigenze di fruizione da parte del pubblico che porta, per forza di cose, all’esigenza di creare sinergie e partnership nel mercato cinematografico attuale coinvolge vecchi e nuovi attori del settore. Contemporaneamente lo studio, vuole comprendere come l’attività di collaborazione tra il settore del cinema e la piattaforma nasca proprio dall’esigenza di rinnovare il sistema normativo istituzionale, responsabile di delineare le linee guida nazionali in modo da rendere il settore cinematografico sempre più accessibile agli investimenti apportati da Netflix.This research aims to focus on the entertainment field elaborating on Netflix's production impact on the cinema industry. This study delves into the creation of Netflix (1997, California), its organizations and ideologies, the gradual strategies of expansion of products in Europe (2015, in Italy) and other countries in the world, algorithms and data used by the team to comprehend what will be the next perfect product to create for their audiences. To understand the dynamics of Netflix’s growth it is important to introduce its story and ideologies, with an emphasis on the strong strategy to create small national markets, how they attract their audience, at the same time working globally and aiming to extend itself in an increasing number of territories. The final goal of this study is to understand how Netflix creates a double parallel market - local and global - to be able to sustain their infrastructures feeding attention and participating in the most important global festivals. Particular attention is given to some considerations about the reactions provoked by Netflix with its participation in Festivals, sharing a short list of the major and widely preferred award-winning movies and subsequently explaining various skepticism and optimistic reactions to the participation of Netflix. This work aims to conclude the possible coexistence of the Netflix VOD service (video-on-demand) and the cinema field thanks to the mutual support comprehending how indispensable it is for the future of the film market to create synergies and partnerships. Simultaneously, it wants to elaborate on the collaboration between the institutional regulatory system, responsible to outline the guideline with the increasingly innovative and changing strategies designed by the global company of Netflix

    Making a name for Anonymous. Digital culture , anonymous publics and transgressie subjectivities

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    Recently, researchers from various domains of social sciences have been particularly concerned with the social, cultural, and political impacts of digital media. To give an account of the specific processes behind the formation of Anonymous, I develop a microsociological framework for the analysis of disembodied global forms – anchoring such forms in intersubjective reciprocity. In order to move beyond interpretative sociology’s emphasis on language as society’s integrative function, I privileged the dimensions of temporality, rhythms and patterns. I also focused on how “disembodied” internet collectives are enacted and assembled within computer screens, terminals, and the digital networks that connect them. My analysis takes into account those temporalities, projections and reflections, which point to the non-symbolic components of mediated sociality. Those dynamic interconnections behind the Anonymous collective are approached through the notions of publics, networks or even swarms.Recientemente, investigadores de diversos campos de las ciencias sociales se han enfocado en los impactos sociales, culturales y políticos de los medios digitales. Para dar cuenta de los procesos específicos detrás de la formación de Anonymous, yo desarrollo un marco microsociológico para el análisis de formas globales “desencarnadas” de sociabilidad, anclando estas formas en la reciprocidad intersubjetiva mediada. Para ir más allá del énfasis en el lenguaje como función integrativa de la sociedad de la sociología interpretativa, privilegié las dimensiones de la temporalidad, los ritmos y los patrones en mi análisis. También me enfoqué a ver cómo los colectivos de Internet "desencarnados" se construyen en pantallas de computadora, terminales y las redes digitales que los conectan. Mi análisis tiene en cuenta esas temporalidades, proyecciones y reflexiones, que apuntan a los componentes no simbólicos de la socialidad mediada. Esas interconexiones dinámicas detrás del colectivo Anónimo se acercan a través de las nociones de públicos, redes y enjambres.Recentment, investigadors de diversos camps de les ciències socials s'han enfocat en els impactes socials, culturals i polítics dels mitjans digitals. Per donar compte dels processos específics darrere de la formació d'Anonymous, jo desenvolupament un marc miocrosociològic per a l'anàlisi de formes globals "desencarnades" de sociabilitat, ancorant aquestes formes en la reciprocitat intersubjectiva intervinguda. Per anar més enllà de l'èmfasi en el llenguatge com a funció integrativa de la societat de la sociologia interpretativa, privilegiï les dimensions de la temporalitat, els ritmes i els patrons en la meva anàlisi. També vaig focalitzar a veure com els col·lectius d'Internet "desencarnats" es construeixen en pantalles d'ordinador, terminals i les xarxes digitals que els connecten. La meva anàlisi té en compte aquestes temporalitats, projeccions i reflexions, que apunten als components no simbòlics de la socialitat intervinguda. Aquestes interconnexions dinàmiques darrere del col·lectiu Anònim s'acosten a través de les nocions de públics, xarxes i eixams

    An overview of digital media in Latin America

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    An overview of digital media in Latin American is a focus and a contribution to emerging debate, international exchanges and the building of global scientific communication as a contribution to development. Contents Editorial introduction; Carlos Arcila Calderón, Mabel Calderín & Cosette Castro Chapter 1: Globalization of the information society; Jorge Hidalgo Chapter 2: Digital and interactive content production as a strategy for development – a brief study on the Latin American experience in digital free-to-air television; Cosette Castro Chapter 3: e-Research: the new paradigm of science in Latin America; Carlos Arcila Calderón, Mabel Calderín, Luis Núñez & Ysabel Briceño Chapter 4: Mobilizing the consumer as a partner in social networks: reflections on the commodification of subjectivities; Gisela Castro Chapter 5: The mediatization of reception by Brazilian online collaborative journalism: rules and protocols to control reader's participation; Paulo César Castro Chapter 6: A contract in transition: online press and its audience; Natalia Raimondo Anselmino Chapter 7: Interactivity in education: social and complex network analysis; Ana María Casnati Guberna, Claudia Ribeiro Santos Lopes, Dante Galeffi & Hernane Borges de Barros Pereira Chapter 8: Media transformations for journalistic practices in regional print media due to new technologies and the implications that shape the agendas of journalists and media companies; Henry Rubiano Daz