70 research outputs found

    Estimation of the ocean geoid near the Blake Escarpment using GEOS-3 satellite altimetry

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    The accuracy with which the local ocean geoid structure could be determined using satellite altimetry data was investigated. The undulation and along-track component of the vertical deflection for selected passes of GEOS-3 near the Blake Escarpment were estimated and compared with independent analogous estimates based on U. S. Navy surface gravimetric survey data. The results of these comparisons show agreement in the geoid undulation values generally to within one or two meters. The nature of the discrepancy in the undulation values was primarily that of a bias error believed to be due essentially to radial orbit uncertainties. The agreement between the vertical deflection estimates was not significantly affected by orbit uncertainties over the track lengths considered in this study (100 - 1500 km), and the comparisons show typical rms differences of between one and two arc secs. In addition, the capability of the altimeter to resolve short wavelength features of the geoid was determined. This analysis involved spectrum and cross spectrum analysis of sets of closely spaced parallel subtracks to determine statistically significant short wavelength geoid resolution capability. The results of this analysis show that resolution can be achieved down to wavelengths as short as 30 km - 80 km depending on regional geoid variations

    Directional calibration of wave reanalysis databases using instrumental data

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    Wave reanalysis databases (WRDBs) offer important advantages for the statistical characterization of wave climate (continuous time series, good spatial coverage, constant time span, homogeneous forcing, and more than a 40-yr-long time series) and for this reason, they have become a powerful tool for the design of offshore and coastal structures. However, WRDBs are not quantitatively perfect and corrections using instrumental observations must be addressed before they are used; this process is called calibration. The calibration is especially relevant near the coast and in areas where the orography is complex, since in these places the inaccuracy of WRDB is evident because of the bad description of the wind fields (i.e., insufficient forcing resolution). The quantitative differences between numerical and instrumental data suggest that different corrections should be applied depending on the mean direction of the sea state. This paper proposes a calibration method based on a nonlinear regression problem, where the corresponding correction parameters vary smoothly along the possible wave directions by means of cubic splines. The correction of significant wave height is performed using instrumental data: (i) buoy records and/or (ii) satellite data. The performance of the method is illustrated considering data from different locations around SpainThe authors thank Puertos del Estado (Spanish State Port) for providing the information from the wave reanalysis data base. R. Mínguez is indebted to the Spanish Ministry MICINN for the funding provided within the Ramon y Cajal program. This work was partly funded by projects GRACCIE (CSD2007-00067, ProgramaConsolider-Ingenio 2010) and AMVAR (CTM2010-15009) from the Spanish Ministry MICINN, by Project C3E (200800050084091) from the Spanish Ministry MAMRM, and by Project MARUCA (E17/08) from the Spanish Ministry MF

    An investigation into the dynamical and statistical properties of dominant ocean surface waves using close-range remote sensing

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    Denne avhandlingen er basert på forskningsresultat som behandler statistiske og dynamiske egenskaper av dominante vinddrevne overflatebølger i åpent hav. Med uttrykket dominante bølger refererer vi her til de største bølgene, med størst energi, i en gitt sjøtilstand. Bølgedrevne prosesser er viktige både i klimasammenheng via atmosfære--hav interaksjon som drives i stor grad av bølgebrytning, samt for kommersiell og rekreasjonell offshorevirksomhet p.g.a. risikoen for å bli utsatt for f.eks. ekstreme enkeltbølger. Både bølgebrytning og ekstrembølgestatistikk er i skrivende stund ufullstendig representert i teoretiske og numeriske modeller. Arbeidet som presenteres i denne avhandlingen undersøker de ovennevnte temaene ved bruk av bølgeobservasjoner som er primært samlet inn på Ekofiskfeltet i den sentrale delen av Nordsjøen. Observasjonsdatasettene består av en langtidstidsserie av laser-altimetermålinger og stereoskopiske videodata fra Ekofisk, samt videomålinger av brytende bølger fra et forskningstokt i nordre Stillehavet. Forskningsresultatene er presentert i artikkelform med to publiserte verk og ett innlevert manuskript. Det blir påvist en tydelig forbindelse mellom økt bølgebrytning og dominante bølgegrupper, et resultat som tidligere har blitt påvist i laboratorie- og modelleksperiment, men sjeldent ved bruk av feltobservasjoner. Tredimensjonale stereo-rekonstruksjoner viser også at ekstreme bølgekammer, både brytende og ikke-brytende, følger nylig utviklet teori om ikke-lineær bølgegruppedynamikk. Dette funnet har konsekvenser f.eks. for estimering av geometriske og kinematiske bølgeegenskaper såsom steilhet og kamhastighet fra endimensjonale tidsseriemålinger. Som følge av en langtidsanalyse av endimensjonal bølgestatistikk blir det vist at enrettet, langkammet og bratt sjø mest sannsynlig leder til ekstreme enkeltbølger med statistiske egenskaper som avviker systematisk fra ordinære statistiske modeller. Tredimensjonal, kortsiktig tid-rom-statistikk av ekstreme bølgekammer blir også undersøkt v.h.a. stereomålingene fra Ekofisk. Her blir det vist at statistiske modeller utvidet fra endimensjonale til tredimensjonale bølgefelt i snitt er velegnet til å beskrive forekomsten av de høyeste bølgekammene, spesielt for relativt store tid-rom segment.The research presented in this thesis characterizes statistical and dynamical aspects of dominant wind-generated surface gravity waves inferred from field observations in intermediate-to-deep water. Dominant waves are the most energetic waves in a sea state, and as such, understanding their behavior is important in both engineering and geophysical contexts. Large waves impart considerable impact forces on marine structures such as oil and gas platforms and offshore wind turbines, and these forces may multiply manyfold when waves break. Wave breaking in deep water, often referred to as whitecapping, is also a key, though incompletely understood, process regulating the transfer of momentum, gas and heat across the air-sea interface, and must thus be accurately parameterized in large-scale weather and climate models. Current theory holds that the wave breaking process is closely linked kinematically and dynamically to the group structure inherent in ocean surface wave fields. Wave group dynamics is also believed to govern the characteristic shape and motion of so-called extreme or rogue waves, whose correct statistical description is central to many offshore activities. The work presented herein shows, using state-of-the-art stereoscopic imaging techniques employed at the Ekofisk platform complex in the central North Sea, that large-scale wave breaking activity in the open ocean is strongly enhanced in dominant wave groups. The topic of wave group-modulated wave breaking has received considerable attention in the past two decades from theoretical, numerical and laboratory perspectives; however, quantitative field studies of the phenomenon remain comparatively rare. The current results also support the general notion that the dominant waves in a given sea state regulate the breaking of shorter waves. The statistics of extreme wave crest elevations is investigated using a novel long-term laser altimeter data set, also located at the Ekofisk field. The validity of the extreme values is verified using a newly developed despiking methodology, and the quality controlled data set, which covers storm events over an 18-year period, is used to investigate the effects of wave steepness and directionality on crest height statistics. Narrow directional spread combined with high wave steepness is found to lead to crest height statistics that deviate the most from standard linear and second-order formulations. Finally, geometric wave shape and crest speed dynamics are analyzed for the highest wave crests encountered in three-dimensional, spatially and temporally resolved segments of the stereo-reconstructed sea surface fields. The directly measured crest steepness is found to conform to the classical breaking limit of Stokes, whereas crest steepness estimated from one-dimensional time series measurements using the linear gravity-wave dispersion relation are systematically higher. This may be at least in part explained by the observation that the directly measured crest speed just before, during and after the moment of maximum crest elevation slows down compared to the linear gravity-wave phase speed estimate. For the first time, the crest speed slowdown is shown with field measurements to apply to both breaking and non-breaking dominant wave crests.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Improving Satellite Leaf Area Index Estimation Based On Various Integration Methods

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    Leaf Area Index (LAI) is an important land surface biophysical variable that is used to characterize vegetation amount and activity. Current satellite LAI products, however, do not satisfy the requirements of the modeling community due to their large uncertainties and frequent missing values. Each LAI product is currently generated from only one satellite sensor data. There is an urgent need for advanced methods to integrate multiple LAI products to improve the product's accuracy and integrality for various applications. To meet this need, this study proposes four methods, including the Optimal Interpolation (OI), Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME), Multi-Resolution Tree (MRT) and Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF), to integrate multiple LAI products. Three LAI products have been considered in this study: Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) and Carbon cYcle and Change in Land Observational Products from an Ensemble of Satellites (CYCLOPES) LAI. As the basis of data integration, this dissertation first validates and intercompares MODIS and CYCLOPES LAI products and also evaluates their geometric accuracies. The CYCLOPES LAI product has smoother temporal profiles and fewer spatial variations, but tends to produce spurious large errors in winter. The Locally Adjusted Cubic-spline Capping algorithm is revised to smooth multiple years' average and variance. Although OI, BME and MRT based methods have been used in other fields, this is the first research to employ them in integrating multiple LAI products. This dissertation also presents a new integration method based on EOF to solve the problem of large data volume and inconsistent temporal resolution of different datasets. High resolution LAI reference maps generated with ground measurements are used to validate these algorithms. Validation results show that all of these four methods can fill data gaps and reduce the errors of the existing LAI products. The data gaps are filled with information from adjacent pixels and background. These algorithms remove the spurious large temporal and spatial variation of the original LAI products. The combination of multiple satellite products significantly reduces bias. OI and BME can reduce the RMSE from 1.0 (MODIS) to 0.7 and reduce the bias from +0.3 (MODIS) and -0.2 (CYCLOPES) to -0.1. MRT can produce similar results with OI but with significantly improved efficiency. EOF also generates the results with the RMSE of 0.7 but zero bias. Limited ground measurement data hardly prove which methods outperform the others. OI and BME theoretically produce statistically optimal results. BME relaxes OI's linear and Gaussian assumption and explicitly considers data error, but bears a much higher computational burden. MRT has improved efficiency but needs strict assumptions on the scale transfer function. EOF requires simpler model identification, while it is more "empirical" than "statistical". The original contributions of this study mainly include: 1) a new application of several different integration methods to incorporate multiple satellite LAI products to reduce uncertainties and improve integrality, 2) an enhancement of the Locally Adjusted Cubic-spline Capping by revising the end condition, 3) a novel comprehensive comparison of MODIS C5 LAI product with other satellite products, 4) the development of a new LAI normalization scheme by assuming the linear relationship between measurement error and LAI natural variance to account for the inconsistency between products, and finally, 5) the creation of a new data integration method based on EOF

    The Impact of Sea Surface Height Data Assimilation on El Niño Analyses and Forecasts

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    This thesis investigates the impact of sea surface height (SSH) data assimilation on El Niño simulations and forecasts. SSH measured by the Topex/Poseidon (T/P) altimeters were assimilated into the Pacific version of the E-HOPE ocean general circulation model (OGCM). The method of assimilation is based on the projection of the sea surface heights at each grid point onto the first two leading vertical empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) of temperature. Assimilation of T/P data reduced the errors of the ocean simulations that were used later on for initialisation of the coupled model forecasts. Remaining errors in the ocean simulations were identified to be invoked by unrealistic fresh water flux estimates of the simulation itself. Tests with projections onto both, temperature and salinity EOFs together, were less satisfying. Coupled model integrations were performed with the OGCM coupled to a statistical atmosphere model to investigate the ENSO forecast skill. The initial conditions for the coupled integrations were taken from ocean simulations with and without T/P data assimilation and from ocean simulations with assimilation of TAO/TRITON data. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the El Niño simulations and forecasts to bivariate data assimilation, using SSH and sea surface temperatures (SST) together, was tested. Assimilation of T/P SSH generally led to an improved ENSO forecast skill. Both TAO/TRITON as well as bivariate data assimilation yielded a similar skill improvement. A sensitivity study with different atmospheric forcing data sets showed that the choice of the atmospheric forcing considerably influences the ocean initialisation runs and the coupled model forecasts. Furthermore, comparison of two experiments with assimilation of SSH data which differ only in their forcing data sets showed that the errors of the atmospheric forcings were corrected by assimilation of SSH data

    Earth resources: A continuing bibliography, issue 46

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    This bibliography lists 467 reports, articles and other documents introdcued into the NASA scientific and technical information system between April 1 and June 30, 1985. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental cultural resources geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economical analysis

    Earth Resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 475 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1 and March 31, 1984. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economical analysis

    Earth Resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes, issue 36

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    This bibliography lists 576 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System between October 1 and December 31, 1982. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Earth Resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes (Issue 37)

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    This bibliography lists 512 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1 and March 31, 1983. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis