251,064 research outputs found

    Implementation of Spiritual Education in Generation Z Students

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    People born in today's information technology era between 1995 and 2010 are commonly referred to as generation Z (gen Z), namely teenagers born in the digital generation who enjoy the wonders of internet technology. They are proficient in information technology and various computer applications and can easily and quickly access information for educational or personal purposes. They live with smartphones and are very busy with social media. Information technology providing convenience has significantly impacted the way of life of young people from generation Z. Many teenagers cannot control themselves, use information technology in a defective manner, and encourage them to be involved in juvenile delinquency. This study aims to describe and develop learning formulas for generation z in the modern era. This research uses the literature review method, in which the study focuses on domestic and foreign literature. A literature review is a research method that collects data from various literary sources, which are then analyzed to obtain the required information. The results of the literature review found that the concept of spiritual education for generation Z requires efforts in the form of a school with an integrated system with a model of character and spiritual development or integration of faith and practice.(Orang-orang yang lahir di era teknologi informasi dewasa ini dalam rentang antara 1995 sampai 2010 biasa disebut sebagai generasi Z (gen Z), yaitu remaja yang lahir di generasi digital dan menikmati keajaiban teknologi internet. Mereka mahir teknologi informasi dan berbagai aplikasi komputer serta dengan mudah dan cepat mengakses informasi untuk kepentingan pendidikan atau pribadi. Mereka hidup dengan telepon cerdas (smartphone) dan sangat sibuk dengan media sosial Selain memberi kemudahan, teknologi informasi ternyata menimbulkan dampak signifikan terhadap cara hidup remaja dari generasi Z ini. Bahkan banyak remaja tidak dapat mengendalikan diri, menggunakan teknologi informasi secara menyimpang, dan mendorong mereka terlibat dalam kenakalan remaja. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengembangkan formula pembelajaran untuk generasi z di era modern. Studi penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian kepustakaan, di mana kajiannya berfokus pada literatur dalam negeri juga literatur asing. Kajian kepustakaan merupakan salah satu bentuk metode kajian yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber literatur yang kemudian dianalisis untuk mendapatkan sumber informasi yang dibutuhkan. Hasil dari kajian literatur menemukan bahwa konsep pendidikan spiritual untuk generasi Z memerlukan usaha berupa sekolah dengan sistem terpadu dengan model pengembangan karakter dan spiritual atau integration of faith and practice)

    The Life of Pi in the Electronic Silk Road

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    The Life of Pi presents an epic journey that a boy survives by maximizing spiritual strength in the most adverse circumstances. Called Pi, the boy harnesses curiosity, spirituality, and love to go through his adventurous “international” journeys through religions, cultures, and most notably nature with a stormy ocean. In his new book The Electronic Silk Road: How the Web Binds the World in Commerce, Anupam Chander also narrates an epic journey that we must embark on in the digital age. Skillfully written with elegant prose, the book explores complex challenges posed by culture, politics, and technology associated with trade in information services.postprin

    Model samootpornosti za početak uzimanja droga te ovisnosti o drogama (Pristup modelom strukturalne jednadžbe)

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    This study aims to find a model of students’ self-resilience to drug initiation and addiction. Samples taken were 130 street children respondents who were assumed to be vulnerable to drug initiation and addiction. Data were collected using a questionnaire containing questions from 5 latent variables (unobserved variables) with 26 indicators and 288 questions that had been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis was performed using Structural Equation Model. This study shows that the Technology Utilization variable has a significant influence on the variables of Drug Danger Awareness, Spiritual Guidance, and Life Skills. In addition, the Spiritual Guidance variable also has a significant influence on the Self-Resilience variable, while the Technology Utilization variable does not have a significant effect on the Self-Resilience variable. Drug Danger Awareness variable also does not have a significant influence on the Self-Resilience variable, as well as the Life Skills variable on the Self-Resilience variable. To build adolescent resilience begins with increasing spiritual guidance with information technology media. Optimizing the role of educators in building children’s self-resilience by utilizing information technology is very helpful in strengthening students’ self-resilience.Ova studija ima za cilj pronaći model za studentsku samootpornost za inicijaciju droge i ovisnost. Uzet je uzorak od 130 ispitanika s ulice za koje se pretpostavljalo da su osjetljivi na uzimanje droge i ovisnosti. Podaci su prikupljeni pomoću upitnika koji je sadržavao pitanja iz 5 latentnih varijabli (neopažene varijable) sa 26 pokazatelja i 288 pitanja koja su testirana na valjanost i pouzdanost. Analiza podataka izvedena je korištenjem modela strukturne jednadžbe. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da varijabla tehnološke upotrebe ima značajan utjecaj na varijable svjesnosti opasnosti droga, duhovnog vođenja i životnih vještina. Uz to, varijabla duhovnog vođenja također ima značajan utjecaj na varijablu samootpornosti. Varijabla tehnološke upotrebe nema značajan utjecaj na varijablu samootpornosti, osim toga, varijabla svjesnosti opasnosti droge također nema značajan utjecaj na varijablu samo-otpornosti, kao i varijabla živitnih vještina. Izgradnja otpornosti adolescenata počinje povećanjem duhovnog vodstva s medijima informacijske tehnologije. Optimizacija uloge odgajatelja u izgradnji dječje samootpornosti korištenjem informacijske tehnologije vrlo je korisna u jačanju samo-otpornosti učenika

    Wilderness, A Spiritual Antidote to the Everyday: A Phenomenology of Spiritual Experiences in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness

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    The purpose of this study was to explore, describe, and explain the phenomena of spiritual experiences in wilderness. The motivations for the research included: growing interest in empirical studies on the relationship between spirituality and human health, increasing concern over human’s loss of spiritual relationships with nature, and personal curiosity about the wild and spiritual nature of wilderness experiences. Research was focused on overnight visitors traveling by canoe in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness of northeastern Minnesota. Data from thirty-two semi-structured interviews was used to question, update, and improve understanding of the phenomena. Phenomenological interviews (interviews that situate comments made in the moment within the life-worlds of respondents) were conducted in-situ on a random sample of visitors to six wilderness lakes. The interviews were transcribed and both idiographic (individual level) analyses and nomethetic (overall patterns) analyses were conducted through the process of the hermeneutic circle. The resulting narrative develops the inputs, processes and outcomes of participant’s spiritual experiences in wilderness, and advances the understanding of a) visitors’ perspectives of wilderness as different from the everyday; b) the role of antecedents in spiritual experiences, including mentors, memories, and religious and spiritual perspectives; and c) the growing impact that cultural changes have on spiritual experiences in wilderness. As visitors committed to wilderness experiences filled with novel, primitive, physical, and quiet elements, study participants found the time and space necessary for spiritual practices and processes. They depicted wilderness as a setting where they can manage the information they are required to process and engage in habits and rituals that support contemplation of spiritual themes. This study captured how participants engaged the wild (space free from intentional human control), immersed themselves in primitive and simple ways of being, and escaped information technology and their everyday. In those ways participants kindled, stoked, and/or sustained their relationship with themselves, other humans, powers greater than themselves and the wild landscape. While wilderness managers may feel challenged in their abilities to provide opportunities for spiritual experiences in wilderness, visitors stressed the importance and significance of the experiences, especially as a spiritual antidote to their everyday lives

    Business Resilience and Quality of Life of Timber Smes During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bandung Regency

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    Purpose: This knows the influence of business ethics, spiritual behavior, external support and information technology on business resilience and quality of life of logging SMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic in Badung District.   Theoretical framework: The number of wood SMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic in Badung District shows the low business resilience of wood SMEs, which may affect their quality of life. small and medium-sized wood enterprises. Business ethics of small and medium enterprises in the wood industry based on local wisdom in rural areas, the importance of spiritual behavior, external support and the development of information technology are Important studies affecting business resilience and quality of life of small and medium-sized enterprises in the wood industry during the Covid-19 pandemic in Badung. Regent.   Design/Methodology/Approach: This study is quantitative and uses structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. The respondents of this study are 804 medium-sized industrial small and medium enterprises. And the location of this study is in Bandung Regency.   Findings: This shows that, through experiments, it can be seen that the variable of business resilience has a significant influence, each increase in the value of business resilience will improve the quality of life of medium-sized enterprises. and small wood industry, both in terms of social and psychological support. and mental conditions. health,  safety and income levels during the COVID-19 pandemic.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This shows that, through experiments, it can be seen that the variable of business resilience has a significant influence, each increase in the value of business resilience will improve the quality of life of medium-sized enterprises. and small wood industry, both in terms of social and psychological support. and mental conditions. health,  safety and income levels during the COVID-19 pandemic.   Originality/Value:  The performance of wood SMEs will gradually begin to improve thanks to various initiatives undertaken both operationally and commercially

    Cyberflesh: The Me I\u27ve Made for You

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    This thesis deals with the impact of digital life on individuals by examining how real things become virtual bodies of information. Throughout this text, I weave key theoretical and literary references between my own thoughts and experiences which led to the work that appears in this book. I find it useful to attend to the spaces in between entities, theories, and technolo- gies. In these undefined spaces lies the spiritual dimension of media, the everyday magic that makes digital life possible. These ‘in-betweens’ are the site of transcendence granted by technology. In my practice, I’ve learned that things have a certain resistance to being captured, so the transcen- dence we gain is incomplete and muddled by corruption, distortion, and loss. I conclude with the suggestion of a new term to refer to the separate entity of data that constitutes a fractured and fragmented digital double. This cyberflesh is an evolving, vulnerable being, captured by media and contained within the global infrastructure of technology

    Technology support for cancer management of culturally and linguistically diverse communities: A systematic review

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    Current research on technology-supported health promotion in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities cancer support is in its infancy. This paper aims to identify the technology-related studies that facilitate the cancer management of CALD consumers. A literature search was conducted in Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar, CINAHL Plus, Medline, and EBSCO. The new revised PRISMA framework is employed in the selection process of the studied papers. In addition, the revised Cochrane Collaboration approach was used to assess the risk of bias. The review included 12 empirical studies in technology-mediated CALD cancer support. Functionalities such as Pain management, cancer-related information support, psychological and physiological support, social and spiritual support, self-efficacy and support care needs, and health-related quality of life support are presented in these studies The results indicate the functionalities that will need to be included for Technology support of cancer consumers from diverse backgrounds

    Konsep Pendidikan Moral Menurut Al-gazali Dan éMile Durkheim

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    : The development of science and technology has brought about many changes in society life. However, the main concern here is that the changes have caused the existence of moral crisis. This is based on the fact that the development of knowledge in the area of technology and information is not balanced with the development of moral of modern society. The reality of life that drives educa­tional activity continuously to run and change that demand the new acceleration in educational world, especially moral education. Therefore, the concept of moral education still needs to be specifically examined because the concept of moral education is very important in educational world. Moral education is not a new problem. There are many experts that have formulated the concept of education and have taken moral as not a separated part of educational system. Even, moral education has to integrate the spiritual and intelectual aspects and also normatif and hystorical aspects (reality). The integration of all these aspects will become the core for the balance between the aspects of cognitive (mind), affective (faith), and pychomotoric (deed) in education practices

    Information System As a Factor Determining the Development Vector of Modern Education

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    The information system is considered one of the paradigmatic coordinates of modern education. It is noted that education is one of the most important factors contributing to the successful solution of problems related to globalization, allowing us forming a citizen’s stable personal potential and self–defense skills of the latter as a carrier of certain cultural values in the information flow. The aim of the research is to study the information role in modern culture and in modern education. It should be noted that culture as a process of accumulation and translation of social experience determines the society progress and its intellectual and spiritual sphere. Education is the main socio-cultural mechanism that society uses to purposefully influence the course of its development. Education provides information and historical continuity of generations and security of continuity of this process. The research has revealed the importance of the information system in culture as a factor that is decisive in the modern education entire set of components formation. The information society is a civilization in the basis of the development and existence of which is a special non-material substance, conventionally referred to as “information”. This substance interacts with a person’s spiritual and material worlds. The latter is especially important for understanding the essence of the new social order. On the one hand, information forms the material side of a person’s life, as it acts as innovative technologies, computer programs, etc., on the other hand, it is one of the main means of interpersonal relationships and spiritual representations, which can be dynamically transformed and interpreted. Information begins to determine both the material existence and the socio–cultural reality of a person at the same time. The study has fixed that in the conditions of the information society, the most important task is to prepare a person for the perception and processing of large amounts of information, for mastering modern means, methods and technology of working with information. Keywords: culture, education, globalization, information societ