12 research outputs found

    Global Multivariable Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Mechanical Elastic Energy Storage System under Multiclass Nonharmonic External Disturbances

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    For the technology of mechanical elastic energy storage utilizing spiral torsion springs as the energy storage media presented previously, a global multivariable control algorithm based on nonlinear internal model principle under multiclass external disturbances is proposed. The nonlinear external disturbances with nonharmonic periodic characteristics are generated by multiclass nonlinear external systems. New equations of nonlinear internal model are designed to estimate the multiclass external disturbances. On the basis of constructing the control law of nominal system, a state feedback controller is designed to guarantee the closed-loop system globally uniformly bounded, and a Lyapunov function is constructed to theoretically prove the global uniform boundedness of the multivariable closed-loop system signals. The simulation results verify the correctness and effectiveness of the presented algorithm

    Conformable Fractional Order PI Controller Design and Optimization for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Speed Tracking System

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    The use of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is increasing rapidly to meet the need to increase efficiency in variable speed drive systems used in the industry, in recent years. This paper aims to improve the speed control performance of the PMSM based systems. To achieve this, a PMSM speed controller is designed based on the conformable fractional order proportional integral (CFOPI) method. CFOPI controller coefficients kp, ki and γ are optimized using response surface method (RSM). To validate the success of the proposed scheme, the CFOPI controller and the integer order PI (IOPI) controller are tested under the same simulation model and the results are compared. The proposed method grants robust performance with less computational load then the classical fractional order controllers for variable referenced PMSM speed tracking systems. The CFOPI controller can be applied easily for industrial variable speed drive systems which is using PMSM to improve the performance and stability of the systems

    θ-D Approximation Technique for Nonlinear Optimal Speed Control Design of Surface-Mounted PMSM Drives

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    This paper proposes nonlinear optimal controller and observer schemes based on a θ-D approximation approach for surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs). By applying the θ-D method in both the controller and observer designs, the unsolvable Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations are switched to an algebraic Riccati equation and statedependent Lyapunov equations (SDLEs). Then, through selecting the suitable coefficient matrices, the SDLEs become algebraic, so the complex matrix operation technique, i.e., the Kronecker product applied in the previous papers to solve the SDLEs is eliminated. Moreover, the proposed technique not only solves the problem of controlling the large initial states, but also avoids the excessive online computations. By utilizing a more accurate approximation method, the proposed control system achieves superior control performance (e.g., faster transient response, more robustness under the parameter uncertainties and load torque variations) compared to the state-dependent Riccati equation-based control method and conventional PI controlmethod. The proposed observer-based control methodology is tested with an experimental setup of a PMSM servo drive using a Texas Instruments TMS320F28335 DSP. Finally, the experimental results are shown for proving the effectiveness of the proposed control approac

    Diagnostic Method Combining the Lookup Tables and Fault Models Applied on a Hybrid Electric Vehicle

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    Speed regulation of permanent magnet synchronous motor via feedback dissipative Hamiltonian realisation

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    Abstract: Here, the speed regulation of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) is investigated through feedback dissipative Hamiltonian realisation. Feedback laws for precise and uncertain cases are constructed to transfer the dynamics of PMSM into dissipative Hamiltonian forms. When the load torque is unknown, to realise the speed regulation, an update law is embedded into the dissipative Hamiltonian structure. Simulations show that the controllers designed in this way are efficient

    Speed Ripple Reduction of Direct-Drive PMSM Servo System at Low-Speed Operation Using Virtual Cogging Torque Control Method

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    This paper presents a virtual cogging torque (VCT) control method to reduce the speed ripple of direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous machine (DD-PMSM) servo system under low-speed conditions. Compared with other factors, at low speeds, the cogging torque is the main factor that deteriorates the drive performance, even induces speed oscillations. Especially in this paper, due to volume limitation, the cogging torque is designed larger than normal one in order to remove the need of brake. Based on the model of PMSM, the cause and effect of the cogging torque are analyzed. Inspired by the characteristic of cogging torque, the VCT control method is proposed and investigated to significantly reduce the speed ripple at low speeds. The main idea of this proposed control method is to produce a proper virtual cogging torque and continuously move the corresponding virtual stable equilibrium point to drive the rotor smoothly. In addition to the principle of this control method, its analysis and implementation are studied as well. Simulation and experimental results from the prototype demonstrate that the proposed control method is correct and valid, and it is simple and effective to smooth the speed at low-speed operations

    Commande et synthèse des observateurs non linéaires dédiés aux entraînements électriques avec défauts

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    Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse, a pour but de proposer une méthodologie de commande et d’observation de la machine synchrone MSAP basée sur les algorithmes à base de la valeur moyenne (MVT) et les transformations par secteurs non linéaires. Dans une première étape, les différentes techniques de commande des entraînements électriques ont été recensées et analysées. Une approche de commande PDC est ensuite élaborée. Dans le domaine des faibles puissances, la suppression du capteur mécanique de vitesse peut présenter un intérêt économique et améliorer la sûreté de fonctionnement. Nous avons présenté deux catégories de méthodes qui permettent de reconstituer et contrôler cette grandeur de vitesse rotorique, l’observateur et le régulateur par l’approche MVT robuste respectivement. L’ensemble des solutions a été validé par simulation numérique pour comparer les caractéristiques de précision et de dynamique des différentes méthodes avec la commande MVT. Finalement, des nouvelles approches de localisation et de détection du défaut ont été traitées une fois le modèle défaillant de la MSAP est établi. Les résultats des différents tests de simulation ont mis en preuve les propriétés de robustesse des algorithmes proposés. La thèse se termine par un bilan de notre contribution en termes de recherche

    Control para máquinas de CA de imanes permanentes con FEM arbitraria, sin sensores mecánicos

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    En este trabajo de tesis se proponen nuevas soluciones a dos problemáticas de control de máquinas de corriente alterna con imanes permanentes: la minimización del ripple de par y la eliminación de sensores mecánicos de posición y/o velocidad. Para minimizar el ripple de par, producido por formas de onda de fem inducida no sinusoidales ni trapezoidales, se propone una nueva técnica para realizar la regulación de las corrientes de la máquina, basado en las ideas de control vectorial, lo que permite realizar el control de corriente en variables continuas del mismo modo que para máquinas sinusoidales. Con el fin de eliminar los sensores de posición y/o velocidad en el control de máquinas con forma de onda de fem arbitraria, se proponen dos nuevas estrategias, basadas en observadores de estado, que permiten estimar la fem inducida de la máquina, y a partir de ella obtener la velocidad y/o la posición del rotor. Una de las propuestas incluye una aproximación por series de Fourier de las formas de onda de la fem, que permite modelar máquinas con cualquier forma de onda de fem inducida. La segunda propuesta emplea un observador de orden reducido combinado con un observador de alta ganancia. Además, para compensar las perturbaciones producidas por el par de carga desconocido, se propuso extender el vector de estados para estimar dicho par de carga. El principal aporte de este trabajo radica en el uso de observadores que no se limitan únicamente a máquinas con fem sinusoidal o trapezoidal. Se presentan resultados de simulación y experimentales que validan las estrategias propuestas.New solutions for two permanent magnet AC machines control issues are proposed in this thesis. These issues are: ripple torque minimization and elimination of mechanical speed and/or position sensors. In order to minimize the ripple torque that is produced by neither sinusoidal nor trapezoidal induced emf, a new current control technique is proposed. The proposal is based on vector control ideas, and it allows to perform the current control in DC variables, in the same way as in sinusoidal PM machines. Two new reduced-order state-observer based strategies are proposed with the aim of eliminating position and/or speed sensor, for the control of arbitrary emf waveform machines. The proposals allow the estimation of machine induced emf. Rotor speed and/or position can be obtained from the estimated emf. One of the proposals includes a Fourier series approximation of the induced emf waveform that allows the modeling of machines with any emf waveform. The second one employs a reduced order observer combined with a high gain observer. In addition, a state vector extension is proposed for load torque estimation, in order to compensate the perturbations produced by the unknown load. The most important contribution of this work is the use of observers that are not limited only to sinusoidal or trapezoidal emf machines. Simulation and experimental results that validate the proposed strategies are presented.Facultad de Ingenierí