26 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThree-dimensional (3D) models of industrial plant primitives are used extensively in modern asset design, management, and visualization systems. Such systems allow users to efficiently perform tasks in Computer Aided Design (CAD), life-cycle management, construction progress monitoring, virtual reality training, marketing walk-throughs, or other visualization. Thus, capturing industrial plant models has correspondingly become a rapidly growing industry. The purpose of this research was to demonstrate an efficient way to ascertain physical model parameters of reflectance properties of industrial plant primitives for use in CAD and 3D modeling visualization systems. The first part of this research outlines the sources of error corresponding to 3D models created from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) point clouds. Fourier analysis exposes the error due to a LiDAR system's finite sampling rate. Taylor expansion illustrates the errors associated with linearization due to flat polygonal surfaces. Finally, a statistical analysis of the error associated with LiDar scanner hardware is presented. The second part of this research demonstrates a method for determining Phong specular and Oren-Nayar diffuse reflectance parameters for modeling and rendering pipes, the most ubiquitous form of industrial plant primitives. For specular reflectance, the Phong model is used. Estimates of specular and diffuse parameters of two ideal cylinders and one measured cylinder using brightness data acquired from a LiDAR scanner are presented. The estimated reflectance model of the measured cylinder has a mean relative error of 2.88% and a standard deviation of relative error of 4.0%. The final part of this research describes a method for determining specular, diffuse and color material properties and applies the method to seven pipes from an industrial plant. The colorless specular and diffuse properties were estimated by numerically inverting LiDAR brightness data. The color ambient and diffuse properties are estimated using k-means clustering. The colorless properties yielded estimated brightness values that are within an RMS of 3.4% with a maximum of 7.0% and a minimum of 1.6%. The estimated color properties effected an RMS residual of 13.2% with a maximum of 20.3% and a minimum of 9.1%

    Analysis and Radiometric Calibration for Backscatter Intensity of Hyperspectral LiDAR Caused by Incident Angle Effect

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    Hyperspectral LiDAR (HSL) is a new remote sensing detection method with high spatial and spectral information detection ability. In the process of laser scanning, the laser echo intensity is affected by many factors. Therefore, it is necessary to calibrate the backscatter intensity data of HSL. Laser incidence angle is one of the important factors that affect the backscatter intensity of the target. This paper studied the radiometric calibration method of incidence angle effect for HSL. The reflectance of natural surfaces can be simulated as a combination of specular reflection and diffuse reflection. The linear combination of the Lambertian model and Beckmann model provides a comprehensive theory that can be applied to various surface conditions, from glossy to rough surfaces. Therefore, an adaptive threshold radiometric calibration method (Lambertian-Beckmann model) is proposed to solve the problem caused by the incident angle effect. The relationship between backscatter intensity and incident angle of HSL is studied by combining theory with experiments, and the model successfully quantifies the difference between diffuse and specular reflectance coefficients. Compared with the Lambertian model, the proposed model has higher calibration accuracy, and the average improvement rate to the samples in this study was 22.67%. Compared with the results before calibration with the incidence angle of less than 70 degrees, the average improvement rate of the Lambertian-Beckmann model was 62.26%. Moreover, we also found that the green leaves have an obvious specular reflection effect near 650-720 nm, which might be related to the inner microstructure of chlorophyll. The Lambertian-Beckmann model was more helpful to the calibration of leaves in the visible wavelength range. This is a meaningful and a breakthrough exploration for HSL.Peer reviewe

    Increasing the reliability of data collection of laser line triangulation sensor by proper placement of the sensor

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    In this paper, we investigated the effect of the incidence angle of a laser ray on the reflected laser intensity. A dataset on this dependence is presented for materials usually used in the industry, such as transparent and non-transparent plastics and aluminum alloys with different surface roughness. The measurements have been performed with a laser line triangulation sensor and a UR10e robot. The presented results are proposing where to place the sensor relative to the scanned object, thus increasing the reliability of the sensor data collection.Web of Science218art. no. 289

    Measuring surface moisture on a sandy beach based on corrected intensity data of a mobile terrestrial LiDAR

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    Surface moisture plays a key role in limiting the aeolian transport on sandy beaches. However, the existing measurement techniques cannot adequately characterize the spatial and temporal distribution of the beach surface moisture. In this study, a mobile terrestrial LiDAR (MTL) is demonstrated as a promising method to detect the beach surface moisture using a phase-based Z&F/Leica HDS6100 laser scanner mounted on an all-terrain vehicle. Firstly, two sets of indoor calibration experiments were conducted so as to comprehensively investigate the effect of distance, incidence angle and sand moisture contents on the backscattered intensity by means of sand samples with an average grain diameter of 0.12 mm. A moisture estimation model was developed which eliminated the effects of the incidence angle and distance (it only relates to the target surface reflectance). The experimental results reveal both the distance and incidence angle influencing the backscattered intensity of the sand samples. The standard error of the moisture model amounts to 2.0% moisture, which is considerably lower than the results of the photographic method. Moreover, a field measurement was conducted using the MTL system on a sandy beach in Belgium. The accuracy and robustness of the beach surface moisture derived from the MTL data was evaluated. The results show that the MTL is a highly suitable technique to accurately and robustly measure the surface moisture variations on a sandy beach with an ultra-high spatial resolution (centimeter-level) in a short time span (12 x 200 m per minute)

    Lidar: A New Self-driving Vehicle for Introducing Optics to Broader Engineering and Non-engineering Audiences

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    Since Stanley, the self-driven Stanford car equipped with five SICK LIDAR sensors won the 2005 DARPA Challenge, the race to developing and deploying fully autonomous, self-driving vehicles has come to a full swing. By now, it has engulfed all major automotive companies and suppliers, major trucking and taxi companies, not to mention companies like Google (Waymo), Apple and Tesla. With the notable exception of the Tesla self-driving cars, a LIDAR (Light, Detection and Ranging) unit is a key component of the suit of sensors that allow autonomous vehicles to see and navigate the world. The market space for lidar units is by now downright crowded, with a number of companies and their respective technologies jockeying for long-run leading positions in the field. Major lidar technologies for autonomous driving include mechanical scanning (spinning) lidar, MEMS micro-mirror lidar, optical-phased array lidar, flash lidar, frequencymodulated continuous-wave (FMCW) lidar and others. A major technical specification of any lidar is the operating wavelength. Many existing systems use 905 nm diode lasers, a wavelength compatible with CMOS-technology detectors. But other wavelengths (like 850 nm, 940 nm and 1550 nm) are also investigated and, in the long run, the telecom nearinfrared range (1550 nm) is expected to experience significant growth because it offers a larger detecting distance range (200-300 meters) within eye safety laser power limits while also offering potential better performance in bad weather conditions. This paper discusses the above-mentioned technical (optics and photonics) aspects of the most common lidar technologies, with the educational focus of identifying opportunities for employing such discussions in introducing optics to broader engineering audiences, drawing in part on experiences and examples from Kettering University

    Digital 3D documentation of cultural heritage sites based on terrestrial laser scanning

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    Algorithms for the reconstruction, analysis, repairing and enhancement of 3D urban models from multiple data sources

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    Over the last few years, there has been a notorious growth in the field of digitization of 3D buildings and urban environments. The substantial improvement of both scanning hardware and reconstruction algorithms has led to the development of representations of buildings and cities that can be remotely transmitted and inspected in real-time. Among the applications that implement these technologies are several GPS navigators and virtual globes such as Google Earth or the tools provided by the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya. In particular, in this thesis, we conceptualize cities as a collection of individual buildings. Hence, we focus on the individual processing of one structure at a time, rather than on the larger-scale processing of urban environments. Nowadays, there is a wide diversity of digitization technologies, and the choice of the appropriate one is key for each particular application. Roughly, these techniques can be grouped around three main families: - Time-of-flight (terrestrial and aerial LiDAR). - Photogrammetry (street-level, satellite, and aerial imagery). - Human-edited vector data (cadastre and other map sources). Each of these has its advantages in terms of covered area, data quality, economic cost, and processing effort. Plane and car-mounted LiDAR devices are optimal for sweeping huge areas, but acquiring and calibrating such devices is not a trivial task. Moreover, the capturing process is done by scan lines, which need to be registered using GPS and inertial data. As an alternative, terrestrial LiDAR devices are more accessible but cover smaller areas, and their sampling strategy usually produces massive point clouds with over-represented plain regions. A more inexpensive option is street-level imagery. A dense set of images captured with a commodity camera can be fed to state-of-the-art multi-view stereo algorithms to produce realistic-enough reconstructions. One other advantage of this approach is capturing high-quality color data, whereas the geometric information is usually lacking. In this thesis, we analyze in-depth some of the shortcomings of these data-acquisition methods and propose new ways to overcome them. Mainly, we focus on the technologies that allow high-quality digitization of individual buildings. These are terrestrial LiDAR for geometric information and street-level imagery for color information. Our main goal is the processing and completion of detailed 3D urban representations. For this, we will work with multiple data sources and combine them when possible to produce models that can be inspected in real-time. Our research has focused on the following contributions: - Effective and feature-preserving simplification of massive point clouds. - Developing normal estimation algorithms explicitly designed for LiDAR data. - Low-stretch panoramic representation for point clouds. - Semantic analysis of street-level imagery for improved multi-view stereo reconstruction. - Color improvement through heuristic techniques and the registration of LiDAR and imagery data. - Efficient and faithful visualization of massive point clouds using image-based techniques.Durant els darrers anys, hi ha hagut un creixement notori en el camp de la digitalització d'edificis en 3D i entorns urbans. La millora substancial tant del maquinari d'escaneig com dels algorismes de reconstrucció ha portat al desenvolupament de representacions d'edificis i ciutats que es poden transmetre i inspeccionar remotament en temps real. Entre les aplicacions que implementen aquestes tecnologies hi ha diversos navegadors GPS i globus virtuals com Google Earth o les eines proporcionades per l'Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya. En particular, en aquesta tesi, conceptualitzem les ciutats com una col·lecció d'edificis individuals. Per tant, ens centrem en el processament individual d'una estructura a la vegada, en lloc del processament a gran escala d'entorns urbans. Avui en dia, hi ha una àmplia diversitat de tecnologies de digitalització i la selecció de l'adequada és clau per a cada aplicació particular. Aproximadament, aquestes tècniques es poden agrupar en tres famílies principals: - Temps de vol (LiDAR terrestre i aeri). - Fotogrametria (imatges a escala de carrer, de satèl·lit i aèries). - Dades vectorials editades per humans (cadastre i altres fonts de mapes). Cadascun d'ells presenta els seus avantatges en termes d'àrea coberta, qualitat de les dades, cost econòmic i esforç de processament. Els dispositius LiDAR muntats en avió i en cotxe són òptims per escombrar àrees enormes, però adquirir i calibrar aquests dispositius no és una tasca trivial. A més, el procés de captura es realitza mitjançant línies d'escaneig, que cal registrar mitjançant GPS i dades inercials. Com a alternativa, els dispositius terrestres de LiDAR són més accessibles, però cobreixen àrees més petites, i la seva estratègia de mostreig sol produir núvols de punts massius amb regions planes sobrerepresentades. Una opció més barata són les imatges a escala de carrer. Es pot fer servir un conjunt dens d'imatges capturades amb una càmera de qualitat mitjana per obtenir reconstruccions prou realistes mitjançant algorismes estèreo d'última generació per produir. Un altre avantatge d'aquest mètode és la captura de dades de color d'alta qualitat. Tanmateix, la informació geomètrica resultant sol ser de baixa qualitat. En aquesta tesi, analitzem en profunditat algunes de les mancances d'aquests mètodes d'adquisició de dades i proposem noves maneres de superar-les. Principalment, ens centrem en les tecnologies que permeten una digitalització d'alta qualitat d'edificis individuals. Es tracta de LiDAR terrestre per obtenir informació geomètrica i imatges a escala de carrer per obtenir informació sobre colors. El nostre objectiu principal és el processament i la millora de representacions urbanes 3D amb molt detall. Per a això, treballarem amb diverses fonts de dades i les combinarem quan sigui possible per produir models que es puguin inspeccionar en temps real. La nostra investigació s'ha centrat en les següents contribucions: - Simplificació eficaç de núvols de punts massius, preservant detalls d'alta resolució. - Desenvolupament d'algoritmes d'estimació normal dissenyats explícitament per a dades LiDAR. - Representació panoràmica de baixa distorsió per a núvols de punts. - Anàlisi semàntica d'imatges a escala de carrer per millorar la reconstrucció estèreo de façanes. - Millora del color mitjançant tècniques heurístiques i el registre de dades LiDAR i imatge. - Visualització eficient i fidel de núvols de punts massius mitjançant tècniques basades en imatges

    Optical absorption factor of solar cells for PVT systems

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