507 research outputs found

    Parallel Programming Models, Tools and Performance Analysis

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    An evaluation of Java implementations of message-passing

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    An evaluation of Java implementations of message‐passing

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    Towards A Quasi High Level Compiler Comparative and Attributive Model for OpenMP Programs

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    In order to understand the behavior of OpenMP programs, special tools and adaptive techniques are needed for performance analysis. However, these tools provide low level profile information at the assembly and functions boundaries via instrumentation at the binary or code level, which are very hard to interpret. Hence, this thesis proposes a new model for OpenMP enabled compilers that assesses the performance differences in well defined formulations by dividing OpenMP program conditions into four distinct states which account for all the possible cases that an OpenMP program can take. An improved version of the standard performance metrics is proposed: speedup, overhead and efficiency based on the model categorization that is state\u27s aware. Moreover, an algorithmic approach to find patterns between OpenMP compilers is proposed which is verified along with the model formulations experimentally. Finally, the thesis reveals the mathematical model behind the optimum performance for any OpenMP program

    Grid Environment for On-line Application Monitoring and Performance Analysis

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    Performance analysis and tuning in multicore environments

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    Performance analysis is the task of monitor the behavior of a program execution. The main goal is to find out the possible adjustments that might be done in order improve the performance. To be able to get that improvement it is necessary to find the different causes of overhead. Nowadays we are already in the multicore era, but there is a gap between the level of development of the two main divisions of multicore technology (hardware and software). When we talk about multicore we are also speaking of shared memory systems, on this master thesis we talk about the issues involved on the performance analysis and tuning of applications running specifically in a shared Memory system. We move one step ahead to take the performance analysis to another level by analyzing the applications structure and patterns. We also present some tools specifically addressed to the performance analysis of OpenMP multithread application. At the end we present the results of some experiments performed with a set of OpenMP scientific application.Análisis de rendimiento es el área de estudio encargada de monitorizar el comportamiento de la ejecución de programas informáticos. El principal objetivo es encontrar los posibles ajustes que serán necesarios para mejorar el rendimiento. Para poder obtener esa mejora es necesario encontrar las principales causas de overhead. Actualmente estamos sumergidos en la era multicore, pero existe una brecha entre el nivel de desarrollo de sus dos principales divisiones (hardware y software). Cuando hablamos de multicore también estamos hablando de sistemas de memoria compartida. Nosotros damos un paso más al abordar el análisis de rendimiento a otro nivel por medio del estudio de la estructura de las aplicaciones y sus patrones. También presentamos herramientas de análisis de aplicaciones que son específicas para el análisis de rendimiento de aplicaciones paralelas desarrolladas con OpenMP. Al final presentamos los resultados de algunos experimentos realizados con un grupo de aplicaciones científicas desarrolladas bajo este modelo de programación.L'Anàlisi de rendiment és l'àrea d'estudi encarregada de monitorar el comportament de l'execució de programes informàtics. El principal objectiu és trobar els possibles ajustaments que seran necessaris per a millorar el rendiment. Per a poder obtenir aquesta millora és necessari trobar les principals causes de l'overhead (excessos de computació no productiva). Actualment estem immersos en l'era multicore, però existeix una rasa entre el nivell de desenvolupament de les seves dues principals divisions (maquinari i programari). Quan parlam de multicore, també estem parlant de sistemes de memòria compartida. Nosaltres donem un pas més per a abordar l'anàlisi de rendiment en un altre nivell per mitjà de l'estudi de l'estructura de les aplicacions i els seus patrons. També presentem eines d'anàlisis d'aplicacions que són específiques per a l'anàlisi de rendiment d'aplicacions paral·leles desenvolupades amb OpenMP. Al final, presentem els resultats d'alguns experiments realitzats amb un grup d'aplicacions científiques desenvolupades sota aquest model de programació

    JIT-based cost models for adaptive parallelism

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    Parallel programming is extremely challenging. Worse yet, parallel architectures evolve quickly, and parallel programs must often be refactored for each new architecture. It is highly desirable to provide performance portability, so programs developed on one architecture can deliver good performance on other architectures. This thesis is part of the AJITPar project that investigates a novel approach for achieving performance portability by the development of suitable cost models to inform scheduling decisions with dynamic information about computational and communication costs on the target architecture. The main artifact of the AJITPar project is the Adaptive Skeleton Library (ASL) that pro- vides a distributed-memory master-worker implementation of a set of Algorithmic Skeletons i.e. programming patterns that abstract away the low-level intricacies of parallelism. After JIT warm-up, ASL uses a computational cost model applied to JIT trace information from the Pycket compiler, a tracing JIT implementation of the Racket language, to transform the skeletons. The execution time of an ASL task is primarily determined by computation and communication costs. The Pycket compiler is extended to enable runtime access to JIT traces, both the sequences of instructions and frequency of execution. Crucially for dynamic, adaption these are obtained with minimal overhead. A low cost, dynamic computation cost model for estimating the runtime of JIT compiled Pycket programs, Γ, is developed and validated. This is believed to be the first such model. The design explores the challenges of estimating execution time from JIT trace instructions and presents three increasingly sophisticated cost models. The cost model predicts execution time based on the PyPy JIT instructions present in compiled JIT traces. The final abstract cost model applies weightings for 5 different classes of trace instructions and also proposes a method for aggregating the cost models for single traces into a cost model for an entire program. Execution time is measured, and traces generated are recorded, from a suite of 41 benchmarks. Linear regression is used to determine the weightings for the abstract cost model from this data. The final cost model reveals that allocation operations count most for execution time, followed by guards and numeric operations. The suitability of Γ for predicting the effect of ASL program transformations is investigated. The real utility of Γ is not in absolute predictions of execution times for different programs, but in predicting the effects of applying program transformations on parallel programs. A linear relationship between the actual computational cost for a task, and that predicted by Γ for five benchmarks on two architectures is demonstrated. A series of increasingly accurate low cost, dynamic cost models for estimating the communi- cation costs of ASL programs, K, are developed and validated. Predicting the optimum task size in ASL not only relies on computational cost predictions, but also predictions of the over- head of communicating tasks to worker nodes and results back to the master. The design and iterative development of a cost model which predicts the serialisation, deserialisation, and network send times of spawning a task in ASL is presented. Linear regression of communication timings are used to determine the appropriate weighting parameters for each. K is shown to be valid for predicting other, arbitrary data structures by demonstrating an additive property of the model. The model K is validated by showing a linear relationship between the combined predicted costs of the simple types in instances of aggregated data structures, and measured communication time. This validation is performed on five benchmarks on two platforms. Finally, a low cost dynamic cost model, T , that predicts a good ASL task size by combining information from the computation and communication cost models (Γand K) is developed and validated. The key insight in the design in this model is to balance the communications cost on the master node with the computational and communications cost on the worker nodes. The predictive power of T is tested model using six benchmarks, and it is shown to more accurately predict the optimal task size, reducing total program runtimes when compared with the default ASL prototype

    Context-bounded Verification of Thread Pools

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