1,743 research outputs found

    Proceedings of International Workshop "Global Computing: Programming Environments, Languages, Security and Analysis of Systems"

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    According to the IST/ FET proactive initiative on GLOBAL COMPUTING, the goal is to obtain techniques (models, frameworks, methods, algorithms) for constructing systems that are flexible, dependable, secure, robust and efficient. The dominant concerns are not those of representing and manipulating data efficiently but rather those of handling the co-ordination and interaction, security, reliability, robustness, failure modes, and control of risk of the entities in the system and the overall design, description and performance of the system itself. Completely different paradigms of computer science may have to be developed to tackle these issues effectively. The research should concentrate on systems having the following characteristics: • The systems are composed of autonomous computational entities where activity is not centrally controlled, either because global control is impossible or impractical, or because the entities are created or controlled by different owners. • The computational entities are mobile, due to the movement of the physical platforms or by movement of the entity from one platform to another. • The configuration varies over time. For instance, the system is open to the introduction of new computational entities and likewise their deletion. The behaviour of the entities may vary over time. • The systems operate with incomplete information about the environment. For instance, information becomes rapidly out of date and mobility requires information about the environment to be discovered. The ultimate goal of the research action is to provide a solid scientific foundation for the design of such systems, and to lay the groundwork for achieving effective principles for building and analysing such systems. This workshop covers the aspects related to languages and programming environments as well as analysis of systems and resources involving 9 projects (AGILE , DART, DEGAS , MIKADO, MRG, MYTHS, PEPITO, PROFUNDIS, SECURE) out of the 13 founded under the initiative. After an year from the start of the projects, the goal of the workshop is to fix the state of the art on the topics covered by the two clusters related to programming environments and analysis of systems as well as to devise strategies and new ideas to profitably continue the research effort towards the overall objective of the initiative. We acknowledge the Dipartimento di Informatica and Tlc of the University of Trento, the Comune di Rovereto, the project DEGAS for partially funding the event and the Events and Meetings Office of the University of Trento for the valuable collaboration

    A Case Study on Formal Verification of Self-Adaptive Behaviors in a Decentralized System

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    Self-adaptation is a promising approach to manage the complexity of modern software systems. A self-adaptive system is able to adapt autonomously to internal dynamics and changing conditions in the environment to achieve particular quality goals. Our particular interest is in decentralized self-adaptive systems, in which central control of adaptation is not an option. One important challenge in self-adaptive systems, in particular those with decentralized control of adaptation, is to provide guarantees about the intended runtime qualities. In this paper, we present a case study in which we use model checking to verify behavioral properties of a decentralized self-adaptive system. Concretely, we contribute with a formalized architecture model of a decentralized traffic monitoring system and prove a number of self-adaptation properties for flexibility and robustness. To model the main processes in the system we use timed automata, and for the specification of the required properties we use timed computation tree logic. We use the Uppaal tool to specify the system and verify the flexibility and robustness properties.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2012, arXiv:1208.432

    Fault-Tolerant Distributed Deployment of Embedded Control Software

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    The synchronous languages 12 years later

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    In car embedded electronic architectures: how to ensure their safety

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audienceThe part of software based systems in a car is growing. Moreover, in the next years will emerge the X-by-Wire technology that intends to replace mechanical or hydraulic systems by electronic ones even for critical function as braking or steering. This requires a stringent proof that these new vehicles will ensure the safety of driver, occupants, vehicle and environment. In this paper, we intend to list certain activities and key points for ensuring the development of a safe and optimized embedded system. More precisely, we propose two main axis that contribute to establish a design methodology of such systems. The first one identifies the generic components of an embedded system while the second one details how to model and validate the embedded system throughout the different steps of the development process. || On assiste actuellement à un accroîssement de la part de l'informatique embarquée dans une automobile. De plus, dans les prochaines années, les systèmes X-by-Wire remplaceront de plus en plus les systèmes traditionnels reposant sur des technologies mécan
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