306 research outputs found

    UPC system for the 2016 MediaEval multimodal person discovery in broadcast TV task

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    The UPC system works by extracting monomodal signal segments (face tracks, speech segments) that overlap with the person names overlaid in the video signal. These segments are assigned directly with the name of the person and used as a reference to compare against the non-overlapping (unassigned) signal segments. This process is performed independently both on the speech and video signals. A simple fusion scheme is used to combine both monomodal annotations into a single one.Postprint (published version

    Physiologically-Motivated Feature Extraction Methods for Speaker Recognition

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    Speaker recognition has received a great deal of attention from the speech community, and significant gains in robustness and accuracy have been obtained over the past decade. However, the features used for identification are still primarily representations of overall spectral characteristics, and thus the models are primarily phonetic in nature, differentiating speakers based on overall pronunciation patterns. This creates difficulties in terms of the amount of enrollment data and complexity of the models required to cover the phonetic space, especially in tasks such as identification where enrollment and testing data may not have similar phonetic coverage. This dissertation introduces new features based on vocal source characteristics intended to capture physiological information related to the laryngeal excitation energy of a speaker. These features, including RPCC, GLFCC and TPCC, represent the unique characteristics of speech production not represented in current state-of-the-art speaker identification systems. The proposed features are evaluated through three experimental paradigms including cross-lingual speaker identification, cross song-type avian speaker identification and mono-lingual speaker identification. The experimental results show that the proposed features provide information about speaker characteristics that is significantly different in nature from the phonetically-focused information present in traditional spectral features. The incorporation of the proposed glottal source features offers significant overall improvement to the robustness and accuracy of speaker identification tasks

    Noise invariant frame selection: a simple method to address the background noise problem for text-independent speaker verification

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    The performance of speaker-related systems usually degrades heavily in practical applications largely due to the background noise. To improve the robustness of such systems in unknown noisy environments, this paper proposes a simple pre-processing method called Noise Invariant Frame Selection (NIFS). Based on several noisy constraints, it selects noise invariant frames from utterances to represent speakers. Experiments conducted on the TIMIT database showed that the NIFS can significantly improve the performance of Vector Quantization (VQ), Gaussian Mixture Model-Universal Background Model (GMM-UBM) and i-vector-based speaker verification systems in different unknown noisy environments with different SNRs, in comparison to their baselines. Meanwhile, the proposed NIFS-based speaker systems has achieves similar performance when we change the constraints (hyper-parameters) or features, which indicates that it is easy to reproduce. Since NIFS is designed as a general algorithm, it could be further applied to other similar tasks

    Intersession Variability Compensation in Language and Speaker Identification

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    Variabilita kanálu a hovoru je velmi důležitým problémem v úloze rozpoznávání mluvčího. V současné době je ve velkém množství vědeckých článků uvedeno několik technik pro kompenzaci vlivu kanálu. Kompenzace vlivu kanálu může být implementována jak v doméně modelu, tak i v doménách příznaků i skóre. Relativně nová výkoná technika je takzvaná eigenchannel adaptace pro GMM (Gaussian Mixture Models). Mevýhodou této metody je nemožnost její aplikace na jiné klasifikátory, jako napřílad takzvané SVM (Support Vector Machines), GMM s různým počtem Gausových komponent nebo v rozpoznávání řeči s použitím skrytých markovových modelů (HMM). Řešením může být aproximace této metody, eigenchannel adaptace v doméně příznaků. Obě tyto techniky, eigenchannel adaptace v doméně modelu a doméně příznaků v systémech rozpoznávání mluvčího, jsou uvedeny v této práci. Po dosažení dobrých výsledků v rozpoznávání mluvčího, byl přínos těchto technik zkoumán pro akustický systém rozpoznávání jazyka zahrnující 14 jazyků. V této úloze má nežádoucí vliv nejen variabilita kanálu, ale i variabilita mluvčího. Výsledky jsou prezentovány na datech definovaných pro evaluaci rozpoznávání mluvčího z roku 2006 a evaluaci rozpoznávání jazyka v roce 2007, obě organizované Amerických Národním Institutem pro Standard a Technologie (NIST)Varibiality in the channel and session is an important issue in the text-independent speaker recognition task. To date, several techniques providing channel and session variability compensation were introduced in a number of scientic papers. Such implementation can be done in feature, model and score domain. Relatively new and powerful approach to remove channel distortion is so-called eigenchannel adaptation for Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). The drawback of the technique is that it is not applicable in its original implementation to different types of classifiers, eg. Support Vector Machines (SVM), GMM with different number of Gaussians or in speech recognition task using Hidden Markov Models (HMM). The solution can be the approximation of the technique, eigenchannel adaptation in feature domain. Both, the original eigenchannel adaptation and eigenchannel adaptation on features in task of speaker recognition are presented. After achieving good results in speaker recognition, contribution of the same techniques was examined in acoustic language identification system with 1414 languages. In this task undesired factors are channel and speaker variability. Presented results are presented on the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2006 data and NIST Language Recognition Evaluation 2007 data.

    Cepstral trajectories in linguistic units for text-independent speaker recognition

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-35292-8_3Proceedings of IberSPEECH, held in Madrid (Spain) on 2012.In this paper, the contributions of different linguistic units to the speaker recognition task are explored by means of temporal trajectories of their MFCC features. Inspired by successful work in forensic speaker identification, we extend the approach based on temporal contours of formant frequencies in linguistic units to design a fully automatic system that puts together both forensic and automatic speaker recognition worlds. The combination of MFCC features and unit-dependent trajectories provides a powerful tool to extract individualizing information. At a fine-grained level, we provide a calibrated likelihood ratio per linguistic unit under analysis (extremely useful in applications such as forensics), and at a coarse-grained level, we combine the individual contributions of the different units to obtain a highly discriminative single system. This approach has been tested with NIST SRE 2006 datasets and protocols, consisting of 9,720 trials from 219 male speakers for the 1side-1side English-only task, and development data being extracted from 367 male speakers from 1,808 conversations from NIST SRE 2004 and 2005 datasetsSupported by MEC grant PR-2010-123, MICINN project TEC09-14179, ForBayes project CCG10-UAM/TIC-5792 and Cátedra UAM-Telefónica

    Automatic Speaker Recognition System in Adverse Conditions — Implication of Noise and Reverberation on System Performance

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    Speaker recognition has been developed and evolved over the past few decades into a supposedly mature technique. Existing methods typically utilize robust features extracted from clean speech. In real-world applications, especially security and forensics related ones, reliability of recognition becomes crucial, meanwhile limited speech samples and adverse acoustic conditions, most notably noise and reverberation, impose further complications. This paper is presented from a study into the behavior of typical speaker recognition systems in adverse retrieval phases. Following a brief review, a speaker recognition system was implemented using the MSR Identity Toolbox by Microsoft. Validation tests were carried out with clean speech and the speech contaminated by noise and/or reverberation of varying degrees. The image source method was adopted to take into account real acoustic conditions in the spaces. Statistical relationships between recognition accuracy and signal to noise ratios or reverberation times have therefore been established. Results show noise and reverberation can, to different extents, degrade the performance of recognition. Both reverberation time and direct to reverberation ratio can affect recognition accuracy. The findings may be used to estimate the accuracy of speaker recognition and further determine the likelihood a particular speaker

    Métodos discriminativos para la optimización de modelos en la Verificación del Hablante

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    La creciente necesidad de sistemas de autenticación seguros ha motivado el interés de algoritmos efectivos de Verificación de Hablante (VH). Dicha necesidad de algoritmos de alto rendimiento, capaces de obtener tasas de error bajas, ha abierto varias ramas de investigación. En este trabajo proponemos investigar, desde un punto de vista discriminativo, un conjunto de metodologías para mejorar el desempeño del estado del arte de los sistemas de VH. En un primer enfoque investigamos la optimización de los hiper-parámetros para explícitamente considerar el compromiso entre los errores de falsa aceptación y falso rechazo. El objetivo de la optimización se puede lograr maximizando el área bajo la curva conocida como ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) por sus siglas en inglés. Creemos que esta optimización de los parámetros no debe de estar limitada solo a un punto de operación y una estrategia más robusta es optimizar los parámetros para incrementar el área bajo la curva, AUC (Area Under the Curve por sus siglas en inglés) de modo que todos los puntos sean maximizados. Estudiaremos cómo optimizar los parámetros utilizando la representación matemática del área bajo la curva ROC basada en la estadística de Wilcoxon Mann Whitney (WMW) y el cálculo adecuado empleando el algoritmo de descendente probabilístico generalizado. Además, analizamos el efecto y mejoras en métricas como la curva detection error tradeoff (DET), el error conocido como Equal Error Rate (EER) y el valor mínimo de la función de detección de costo, minimum value of the detection cost function (minDCF) todos ellos por sue siglas en inglés. En un segundo enfoque, investigamos la señal de voz como una combinación de atributos que contienen información del hablante, del canal y el ruido. Los sistemas de verificación convencionales entrenan modelos únicos genéricos para todos los casos, y manejan las variaciones de estos atributos ya sea usando análisis de factores o no considerando esas variaciones de manera explícita. Proponemos una nueva metodología para particionar el espacio de los datos de acuerdo a estas carcterísticas y entrenar modelos por separado para cada partición. Las particiones se pueden obtener de acuerdo a cada atributo. En esta investigación mostraremos como entrenar efectivamente los modelos de manera discriminativa para maximizar la separación entre ellos. Además, el diseño de algoritimos robustos a las condiciones de ruido juegan un papel clave que permite a los sistemas de VH operar en condiciones reales. Proponemos extender nuestras metodologías para mitigar los efectos del ruido en esas condiciones. Para nuestro primer enfoque, en una situación donde el ruido se encuentre presente, el punto de operación puede no ser solo un punto, o puede existir un corrimiento de forma impredecible. Mostraremos como nuestra metodología de maximización del área bajo la curva ROC es más robusta que la usada por clasificadores convencionales incluso cuando el ruido no está explícitamente considerado. Además, podemos encontrar ruido a diferentes relación señal a ruido (SNR) que puede degradar el desempeño del sistema. Así, es factible considerar una descomposición eficiente de las señales de voz que tome en cuenta los diferentes atributos como son SNR, el ruido y el tipo de canal. Consideramos que en lugar de abordar el problema con un modelo unificado, una descomposición en particiones del espacio de características basado en atributos especiales puede proporcionar mejores resultados. Esos atributos pueden representar diferentes canales y condiciones de ruido. Hemos analizado el potencial de estas metodologías que permiten mejorar el desempeño del estado del arte de los sistemas reduciendo el error, y por otra parte controlar los puntos de operación y mitigar los efectos del ruido