14 research outputs found


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    Urbanisasi pada suatu kota meningkat dalam beberapa dekade tahun terakhir. Tingkat urbanisasi yang tinggi pada suatu kota menyebabkan pertumbuhan kota menjadi tidak terkendali. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk suatu kota yang secara signifikan dapat menyebabkan perubahan bentuk dan struktur kota. Selain itu, dapat menimbulkan masalah sosial dan lingkungan seperti pertumbuhan kawasan permukiman informal

    Land Cover classification and change-detection analysis using multi-temporal remote sensed imagery and landscape metrics

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    AbstractRemote Sensing (RS) data and techniques, in combination with GIS and landscape metrics, are fundamental to analyse and characterise Land Cover (LC) and its changes. The case study here described, has been conducted in the area of Avellino (Southern Italy). To characterise the dynamics of changes during a fifty year period (1954–2004), a multitemporal set of images has been processed: aerial photos (1954), and Landsat scenes (MSS 1975, TM 1985 and 1993, ETM+ 2004). LC pattern and its changes are linked to both natural and social processes whose driving role has been clearly demonstrated in the case study: after the disastrous Irpinia earthquake (1980), specific zoning laws and urban plans have significantly addressed landscape change

    Using GIS and Remote Sensing Applications to Determine Recovery from Disaster: Seven Years Post-Katrina in Residential Communities of Hancock County

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    Hurricane Katrina devastated the gulf coast states of Louisiana and Mississippi on August 29th, 2005. The communities of Shoreline Park and Waveland in Hancock County, Mississippi were used in this study to analyze land use change post-Hurricane Katrina using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing. These two communities are experiencing slower recovery than their counterparts along the coast. By examining high-resolution aerial imagery from 2007 and 2012, there can be comparisons that show the timeline of recovery for these two communities post-Katrina. Shoreline Park has seen 30% of its total parcels change their structural footprints from 2007 – 2012 with an increase to its residential land use of 14.4%. Empty parcels still make up the bulk of Shoreline Park with 76.89% of the total land use. Waveland experienced a 7.74% change to its residential land use, while 30% of its total parcels changed their structural footprints post-Katrina. Both Shoreline Park and Waveland are currently dominated by empty parcels. While these numbers may seem high concerning residential land use, 70 % of structures in Shoreline Park and 90 % of structures in Waveland were damaged or destroyed. The data indicate rebuilding is slower than expected seven years post event. This study shows how insurance costs, elevation, and flood zoning are directly contributed to slower rebuilding efforts. Evidence suggests that residents are migrating from their coastal locations to areas further inland

    Modeling urban growth in Kigali city Rwanda

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    The uncontrolled urban growth is the key characteristics in most cities in less developed countries. However, having a good understanding of the key drivers of the city's growth dynamism has proven to be a key instrument to manage urban growth. This paper investigates the main determinants of Kigali city growth looking at how they changed over time and also how they contributed to the city change through different Logistic Regression models. First, it analyses the spatio-temporal growth of Kigali city through a consistent set of land cover maps of during the period 1987, 1999, 2009 and 2014. Second, after building a Logistic Regression model; the main drivers of Kigali city growth are identified. Third to characterize the future pattern of the city in next 26 years, three scenarios are performed, i.e. urban growth model forexpansion (normal growth) and two densification (zoning implication) i.e. strict and moderate scenarios. Logistic Regression Models probability maps for the three scenario were evaluated by means of Kappa statistic, ROC value and the percentage of 2014 built-up land cover predicted. The results indicated that new urban developments in Kigali city tend to be close to the existing urban areas, further from the Center Business District (CBD) and wetlands but on low slope sites. Three scenarios built have patterns characterized by a strong compactness of urban densities. However, all three models tend to exclude urban units in the Eastern-Southern part of the city. The three models tend to exclude urban units in the Eastern-Southern part of the city compared to the proposed zoning maps. Models results in 2040 indicate that the city trend will be doubled if the current trend rate continues. Models built, will help to better understand the dynamics of built-up area and guide sustainable urban development planning of the future urban growth in Kigali city

    Influence of oil activity and sheep ranching on plant cover in the arid and semi-arid region of Patagonia, Argentina

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    La Geografía como ciencia ha provisto el mayor cuerpo teórico para el estudio de las configuraciones que se producen sobre el espacio geográfico. La generación de cartografía que representa las cubiertas de suelo es uno de los usos más importantes de la percepción remota. Se seleccionaron polígonos, con actividad petrolera y ganadera, en las siguientes unidades de paisaje: cañadones, pampas y valles. Los polígonos se utilizaron para evaluar cambios multi-tempo-rales de las cubiertas de suelo y las comunidades vegetales en un período de 15 años. Se realizaron clasificaciones supervisadas y análisis de métricas de paisaje para examinar las posibles causas de estos cambios comparando: i) polígonos sin actividad petrolera ni ganadera (testigo), ii) con actividad petrolera y ganadera, iii) con actividad petrolera y sin actividad ganadera, y iv) sin actividad petrolera y con actividad ganadera. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que la densidad de parches, el borde total, la densidad de borde y el índice de división de los fragmen-tos aumentaron en las tres unidades de paisaje, entre 2001 y 2016. El índice de contagio, en cambio, disminuyó. Se observó un incremento del suelo desnudo en las pampas y en los valles occidentales, con un retroceso de las comunidades vegetales dominantes. La densidad de parches en los sitios sin disturbios fue la menor, y en los sitios con ambos disturbios actuando simultáneamente fue máxima. En los sitios sin disturbio el tamaño efectivo de malla fue máximo, mientras que en los sitios con algún disturbio fue menor. Al analizar el efecto del disturbio sobre los elementos del paisaje se observó que su presencia genera la mayor densidad de parches y la mínima conectividad. Los resultados muestran que se produjo un proceso de frag-mentación en las coberturas del suelo direccionados por la explotación petrolera y la ganadería ovina, que disminuyen el tamaño de los parches y, por lo tanto, la densidad de los mismos por unidad de superficie.The Geography has provided the greatest theoretical body for the study of the configurations that occur over the geographical space. The generation of cartography that represents ground cover is one of the most important uses of remote sensing. Polygons were selected, with oil and livestock activity, in the landscape units: coastal canyons, plateaus and western valleys. The polygons were used to evaluate multi-temporal changes in land cover and plant communities over a period of 15 years. Supervised classifications and analysis of landscape metrics were made to examine the possible causes of these changes by comparing: i) polygons without oil or livestock activity (control), ii) polygons with oil and livestock activity, iii) polygons with oil activity and without livestock activity, and iv) polygons without oil activity and livestock activity. The results obtained indicated that the density of patches, the total edge, the edge density and the division index of the fragments increased in the three landscape units, between 2001 and 2016. The contagion index, however, decreased. An increase in bare soil was observed in the plateaus and in the western valleys, with a regression of the dominant plant communities. The density of patches in the sites without disturbance was the lowest, and in the sites with both disturbances acting simultaneously was maximum. In the sites without disturbance the effective mesh size was maximum, while in the sites with some disturbance it was smaller. When analyzing the effect of the disturbance on the elements of the landscape it was observed that the presence of the disturbance generates the highest density of patches and the minimum connectivity. The results show that there was a process of fragmentation in the coverage of the soil directed by the oil exploitation and sheep farming, which decrease the size of the patches and, therefore, the density of the same per unit area.Fil: Buzzi, Mariana Andrea. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias de la Salud - Sede Puerto Madryn. Departamento de Biología y Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Rueter, Barbara Lisa. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias de la Salud - Sede Puerto Madryn. Departamento de Biología y Ambiente; ArgentinaFil: Ghermandi, Luciana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Maldonado, F.. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Sede Puerto Madryn; Argentin

    Urban sprawl in the state of Missouri : current trends, driving forces, and predicted growth on Missouri's natural landscape

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    Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on March 5, 2013).The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file.Dissertation advisor: Dr. Hong S. HeIncludes bibliographical references.Vita.Ph.D. University of Missouri--Columbia 2012."December 2012"Missouri reflects a full range of sprawl characteristics that include large metropolitan centers, which led growth in 1980s, and smaller metropolitan and rural areas, which led growth in 1990s. In order to study the historical patterns of sprawl, there is a need to quantitatively and geographically depict the extent and density of impervious surface for three time periods of 1980, 1990, and 2000 for the entire state of Missouri. Mapped impervious surface is the best candidate of ancillary data for dasymetric mapping of population in several comparison studies. The current research examines the performances of dasymetric mapping of population with imperviousness as ancillary data and regression analysis of population using imperviousness as a predictor Results from this work can be aggregated to any geographical unit (hydrologic boundaries, administrative boundaries, etc.). A pilot future urban growth study for the two decades of 1980s and 1990s was done in Missouri. The historical urban growth of the two decades were analyzed then coupled with various predictor variables to investigate the influence of each predictor variables towards the process of urban growth. The knowledge learned from the process is then used to build an urban growth simulation model that is GIS-based with open framework for ease of management and improvement. Pixel level urban growth was simulated for year 2010, 2020 and 2030. This model framework is developed with the ultimate goal of simulating urban growth for the entire state of Missouri.Includes bibliographical reference

    Uso y cobertura del suelo en las islas macaronésicas de Portugal y España: nuevos métodos para cuantificar y visualizar información de patrones espaciales

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Departamento de Geografía Humana, leída el 23/11/2016The aim of this research is to propose novel methods for quantifying and visualizing geographical information, in order to aid the spatial planning decision-making process when addressing land use and land cover patterns. In doing so, several modeling and geographic visualization methods are developed and demonstrated by using the Macaronesian islands of Portugal and Spain as study areas. Macaronesia is a biogeographical region consisting of several archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean belonging to three countries: Portugal, Spain, and Cape Verde. This research encompasses three archipelagos: the Azores, Madeira, and the Canary Islands. From these three archipelagos, the four most densely populated islands were further selected for the land use and land cover assessments: São Miguel, Madeira, Tenerife, and Gran Canaria. A common feature of the Macaronesian islands is that, ever since European colonization in the fifteenth century, up until the mid-twentieth century, anthropogenic land change was predominately attributable to agricultural activities consuming forests and natural areas. In the mid-twentieth century, owing to profound social and economic changes, the tertiary sector started its rise in becoming the main economic sector. Because the secondary sector in this region has always been minor, this substantial shift to the tertiary sector would dictate a progressive abandonment of the primary sector. Hence, agricultural areas started to recede. As a result, the last decades of the twentieth century were marked by a significant shift in land use dynamics. Agricultural activities ceased to be the main driving force of land change and were replaced by a rampant increase of the artificial surfaces, mainly on the southern coastal areas, where tourism-related and real estate pressure constitute a major impact on the landscape. A direct consequence of this pressure was the drastic transformation across the islands’ leeward coastal landscapes...El objetivo principal de esta investigación es proponer nuevos métodos para cuantificar y visualizar información geográfica, con el fin de facilitar el proceso de toma de decisiones en relación a los patrones de uso y ocupación del suelo. De este modo, se desarrollan y aplican varios métodos de modelación y visualización geográfica, utilizando las islas macaronésicas de Portugal y España como áreas de estudio. La Macaronesia es una región biogeográfica que integra varios archipiélagos en el Océano Atlántico pertenecientes a tres países: Portugal, España y Cabo Verde. Esta investigación abarca tres archipiélagos: Azores, Madeira y Canarias. Para una evaluación detallada de uso y cobertura del suelo se seleccionaron las cuatro islas más densamente pobladas: San Miguel, Madeira, Tenerife y Gran Canaria. Una característica común a las islas macaronésicas es que, desde de la colonización en el siglo XV hasta mediados del siglo XX, el cambio antropogénico del suelo se debió principalmente a las actividades agrícolas, que ocuparon bosques y áreas naturales. A mediados del siglo XX, debido a profundos cambios sociales y económicos, el sector terciario empezó su ascenso para convertirse en el principal sector económico. Debido a que el sector secundario en esta región siempre ha tenido una importancia menor, este proceso de terciarización de la economía supuso un progresivo abandono del sector primario. Por lo tanto, las áreas agrícolas comenzaron a experimentar un claro retroceso. Como resultado de este proceso, las últimas décadas del siglo XX se caracterizaron por un cambio significativo en las dinámicas de uso y cobertura del suelo. Las actividades agrícolas dejaron de ser la principal fuerza impulsora en el cambio de lo suelo y fueron reemplazadas por el aumento desenfrenado de las superficies artificiales, principalmente en las zonas costeras del sur, donde el turismo y la especulación inmobiliaria ejercen una gran presión sobre el paisaje. Consecuencia directa de esta presión fueron las drásticas transformaciones de los paisajes costeros de las islas...Esta investigação tem como principal objectivo propor novos métodos para quantificar e visualizar informação geográfica, de modo a auxiliar o processo de tomada de decisão quando seja necessário analisar padrões de uso e ocupação do solo. Ao longo da investigação são apresentados vários métodos de modelação e visualização geográfica, usando como área de estudo as ilhas da Macaronésia pertencentes a Portugal e Espanha. A Macaronésia é uma região biogeográfica no Oceano Atlântico constituída por vários arquipélagos pertencentes a três países: Portugal, Espanha e Cabo Verde. Este trabalho de investigação abrange três arquipélagos: os Açores, a Madeira e as Ilhas Canárias. Para uma avaliação mais detalhada quanto ao uso e ocupação do solo, foram seleccionadas as quatro ilhas mais densamente povoadas: São Miguel, Madeira, Gran Canaria e Tenerife. Uma característica comum às ilhas da Macaronésia reside na particularidade de, desde a sua colonização no século XV, até meados do século XX, as alterações antropogénicas do solo terem estado predominantemente associadas às actividades agrícolas que consumiram extensas áreas de floresta e espaços naturais. Em meados do século XX, devido a profundas alterações sociais e económicas, o sector terciário iniciou a sua ascensão para se tornar o principal sector económico. Uma vez que, nesta região, o sector secundário foi sempre pouco significativo, a terciarização da actividade económica ditou um progressivo abandono do sector primário. Deste modo, as áreas agrícolas começaram a recuar. Como resultado deste processo, as últimas décadas do século XX foram marcadas por uma mudança significativa na dinâmica de uso e ocupação do solo nas ilhas desta região. As actividades agrícolas deixaram de ser a principal força motriz para as alterações no uso do solo, sendo substituídas pelo aumento galopante das superfícies artificiais, principalmente nas áreas costeiras do sul, onde as actividades relacionadas com o turismo e a especulação imobiliária causaram um grande impacto na paisagem, e contribuiram para a transformação drástica do litoral sotavento das ilhas...Depto. de GeografíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEunpu

    The Legal, Administrative and Managing Framework for Spatial Policy, Planning and Land-Use. Interdependence, Barriers and Directions of Change

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    The book aims to explore the legal and administrative aspects of spatial governance and the challenges that their interaction entails. It does this through a number of chapters focusing on case studies located in different geographical areas of Europe and beyond. By doing this, the editors shed light on a set of challenges that emerge around the world at the intersection between the legal and administrative spheres during the governance and planning of territorial phenomena. The issues addressed in the various chapters highlight how spatial planning activities continue to face serious challenges that have not yet been satisfactorily addressed. In more detail, a correlation emerges between the legal regulations that allow and shape spatial-planning activities and the socio-economic and territorial challenges that those activities should tackle. This is often a consequence of the path-dependent influence of the traditional administrative and spatial planning configuration, which presents an inertial resistance to change that is hard to overcome. A similar situation arises concerning the mismatch between the boundaries of the existing administrative units and the extent of territorial phenomena, with a system of judicial–territorial administration that does not always coincide with the boundaries of the fundamental administrative division of a country, leading to an overall deterioration of the conditions in which all actors involved in spatial development operate