30 research outputs found

    Grand challenges for the spatial information community

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    The spatial information (SI) community has an opportunity to address major societal and scientific problems including public health, climate change, air pollution, transportation, and others. Beyond the significant contributions made by the SI community, more can be done by focusing the efforts of the community, and generalizing them. Focus can be achieved by an IMAGENET-like spatial information database and competition. Generalization can be achieved by solving spatio-temporal information problems in disciplines such as neuroscience, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and engineering

    Complex Event Processing (CEP) - Using SQL Server StreamInsight for Near Real-Time Visualization and Monitoring

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    Atualmente as empresas têm necessidade em reagir em tempo real a eventos que ocorram durante o seu funcionamento. Estes eventos surgem sob a forma de streams de eventos que ocorrem a um dado instante de tempo.Uma forma popular de processar essas streams de eventos é utilizar a tecnologia de Complex Event Processing. Esta permite processar streams de eventos em tempo real e construir janelas temporais sobre essa stream, podendo depois aplicar agregações sobre as mesmas. Normalmente esta funcionalidade é obtida através da adição de funcionalidades à linguagem SQL por parte de um motor de CEP, permitindo que se possa utilizar SQL para processar streams através da construção de queries e criar janelas temporais sobre as mesmas.Infelizmente muitos sistemas de CEP requerem conhecimento à priori do tipo (schema) de eventos que terão de processar bem como do tipo de queries que irão ser executadas sobre eles.Pretende-se com esta dissertação implementar um sistema de CEP que possa funcionar sem ter qualquer tipo de conhecimento à priori do tipo de eventos que possam surgir, mas mantendo a capacidade de criar queries que possam executar esses eventos.O motor de CEP utilizado nesta dissertação foi o Microsoft StreamInsight.Nowadays business needs to react in real time to events that happen during their work. These events appear as streams of events, where each event has occurred during a point in time.A popular way to process those event streams, is by using Complex Event Processing. This technology allows the processing, in real time, of event streams, the creating of time windows over those streams and the use of aggregations on those windows. Usually this functionality is gained by using a CEP engine that extends the SQL language allowing the latter to process streams by constructing queries and create temporal windows on them.Unfortunately before using a CEP system, many require à priori knowledge regarding the type (i.e. schema) of events that can appear on their streams and what queries it can run. This dissertation implements a CEP system that can work without knowing the type of events that may appear, but still has the ability to create queries over those event.The CEP engine used in this dissertation was Microsoft's StreamInsight

    Large-Scale Indexing, Discovery, and Ranking for the Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Network-enabled sensing and actuation devices are key enablers to connect real-world objects to the cyber world. The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of the network-enabled devices and communication technologies that allow connectivity and integration of physical objects (Things) into the digital world (Internet). Enormous amounts of dynamic IoT data are collected from Internet-connected devices. IoT data are usually multi-variant streams that are heterogeneous, sporadic, multi-modal, and spatio-temporal. IoT data can be disseminated with different granularities and have diverse structures, types, and qualities. Dealing with the data deluge from heterogeneous IoT resources and services imposes new challenges on indexing, discovery, and ranking mechanisms that will allow building applications that require on-line access and retrieval of ad-hoc IoT data. However, the existing IoT data indexing and discovery approaches are complex or centralised, which hinders their scalability. The primary objective of this article is to provide a holistic overview of the state-of-the-art on indexing, discovery, and ranking of IoT data. The article aims to pave the way for researchers to design, develop, implement, and evaluate techniques and approaches for on-line large-scale distributed IoT applications and services

    AT-GIS: highly parallel spatial query processing with associative transducers

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    Users in many domains, including urban planning, transportation, and environmental science want to execute analytical queries over continuously updated spatial datasets. Current solutions for largescale spatial query processing either rely on extensions to RDBMS, which entails expensive loading and indexing phases when the data changes, or distributed map/reduce frameworks, running on resource-hungry compute clusters. Both solutions struggle with the sequential bottleneck of parsing complex, hierarchical spatial data formats, which frequently dominates query execution time. Our goal is to fully exploit the parallelism offered by modern multicore CPUs for parsing and query execution, thus providing the performance of a cluster with the resources of a single machine. We describe AT-GIS, a highly-parallel spatial query processing system that scales linearly to a large number of CPU cores. ATGIS integrates the parsing and querying of spatial data using a new computational abstraction called associative transducers(ATs). ATs can form a single data-parallel pipeline for computation without requiring the spatial input data to be split into logically independent blocks. Using ATs, AT-GIS can execute, in parallel, spatial query operators on the raw input data in multiple formats, without any pre-processing. On a single 64-core machine, AT-GIS provides 3× the performance of an 8-node Hadoop cluster with 192 cores for containment queries, and 10× for aggregation queries

    Internet of things

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    Manual of Digital Earth / Editors: Huadong Guo, Michael F. Goodchild, Alessandro Annoni .- Springer, 2020 .- ISBN: 978-981-32-9915-3Digital Earth was born with the aim of replicating the real world within the digital world. Many efforts have been made to observe and sense the Earth, both from space (remote sensing) and by using in situ sensors. Focusing on the latter, advances in Digital Earth have established vital bridges to exploit these sensors and their networks by taking location as a key element. The current era of connectivity envisions that everything is connected to everything. The concept of the Internet of Things(IoT)emergedasaholisticproposaltoenableanecosystemofvaried,heterogeneous networked objects and devices to speak to and interact with each other. To make the IoT ecosystem a reality, it is necessary to understand the electronic components, communication protocols, real-time analysis techniques, and the location of the objects and devices. The IoT ecosystem and the Digital Earth (DE) jointly form interrelated infrastructures for addressing today’s pressing issues and complex challenges. In this chapter, we explore the synergies and frictions in establishing an efficient and permanent collaboration between the two infrastructures, in order to adequately address multidisciplinary and increasingly complex real-world problems. Although there are still some pending issues, the identified synergies generate optimism for a true collaboration between the Internet of Things and the Digital Earth

    Towards an Efficient, Scalable Stream Query Operator Framework for Representing and Analyzing Continuous Fields

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    Advancements in sensor technology have made it less expensive to deploy massive numbers of sensors to observe continuous geographic phenomena at high sample rates and stream live sensor observations. This fact has raised new challenges since sensor streams have pushed the limits of traditional geo-sensor data management technology. Data Stream Engines (DSEs) provide facilities for near real-time processing of streams, however, algorithms supporting representing and analyzing Spatio-Temporal (ST) phenomena are limited. This dissertation investigates near real-time representation and analysis of continuous ST phenomena, observed by large numbers of mobile, asynchronously sampling sensors, using a DSE and proposes two novel stream query operator frameworks. First, the ST Interpolation Stream Query Operator Framework (STI-SQO framework) continuously transforms sensor streams into rasters using a novel set of stream query operators that perform ST-IDW interpolation. A key component of the STI-SQO framework is the 3D, main memory-based, ST Grid Index that enables high performance ST insertion and deletion of massive numbers of sensor observations through Isotropic Time Cell and Time Block-based partitioning. The ST Grid Index facilitates fast ST search for samples using ST shell-based neighborhood search templates, namely the Cylindrical Shell Template and Nested Shell Template. Furthermore, the framework contains the stream-based ST-IDW algorithms ST Shell and ST ak-Shell for high performance, parallel grid cell interpolation. Secondly, the proposed ST Predicate Stream Query Operator Framework (STP-SQO framework) efficiently evaluates value predicates over ST streams of ST continuous phenomena. The framework contains several stream-based predicate evaluation algorithms, including Region-Growing, Tile-based, and Phenomenon-Aware algorithms, that target predicate evaluation to regions with seed points and minimize the number of raster cells that are interpolated when evaluating value predicates. The performance of the proposed frameworks was assessed with regard to prediction accuracy of output results and runtime. The STI-SQO framework achieved a processing throughput of 250,000 observations in 2.5 s with a Normalized Root Mean Square Error under 0.19 using a 500×500 grid. The STP-SQO framework processed over 250,000 observations in under 0.25 s for predicate results covering less than 40% of the observation area, and the Scan Line Region Growing algorithm was consistently the fastest algorithm tested

    The design of a benchmark for geo-stream management systems

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