107 research outputs found

    Multimedia over wireless ip networks:distortion estimation and applications.

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    2006/2007This thesis deals with multimedia communication over unreliable and resource constrained IP-based packet-switched networks. The focus is on estimating, evaluating and enhancing the quality of streaming media services with particular regard to video services. The original contributions of this study involve mainly the development of three video distortion estimation techniques and the successive definition of some application scenarios used to demonstrate the benefits obtained applying such algorithms. The material presented in this dissertation is the result of the studies performed within the Telecommunication Group of the Department of Electronic Engineering at the University of Trieste during the course of Doctorate in Information Engineering. In recent years multimedia communication over wired and wireless packet based networks is exploding. Applications such as BitTorrent, music file sharing, multimedia podcasting are the main source of all traffic on the Internet. Internet radio for example is now evolving into peer to peer television such as CoolStreaming. Moreover, web sites such as YouTube have made publishing videos on demand available to anyone owning a home video camera. Another challenge in the multimedia evolution is inside the house where videos are distributed over local WiFi networks to many end devices around the house. More in general we are assisting an all media over IP revolution, with radio, television, telephony and stored media all being delivered over IP wired and wireless networks. All the presented applications require an extreme high bandwidth and often a low delay especially for interactive applications. Unfortunately the Internet and the wireless networks provide only limited support for multimedia applications. Variations in network conditions can have considerable consequences for real-time multimedia applications and can lead to unsatisfactory user experience. In fact, multimedia applications are usually delay sensitive, bandwidth intense and loss tolerant applications. In order to overcame this limitations, efficient adaptation mechanism must be derived to bridge the application requirements with the transport medium characteristics. Several approaches have been proposed for the robust transmission of multimedia packets; they range from source coding solutions to the addition of redundancy with forward error correction and retransmissions. Additionally, other techniques are based on developing efficient QoS architectures at the network layer or at the data link layer where routers or specialized devices apply different forwarding behaviors to packets depending on the value of some field in the packet header. Using such network architecture, video packets are assigned to classes, in order to obtain a different treatment by the network; in particular, packets assigned to the most privileged class will be lost with a very small probability, while packets belonging to the lowest priority class will experience the traditional best–effort service. But the key problem in this solution is how to assign optimally video packets to the network classes. One way to perform the assignment is to proceed on a packet-by-packet basis, to exploit the highly non-uniform distortion impact of compressed video. Working on the distortion impact of each individual video packet has been shown in recent years to deliver better performance than relying on the average error sensitivity of each bitstream element. The distortion impact of a video packet can be expressed as the distortion that would be introduced at the receiver by its loss, taking into account the effects of both error concealment and error propagation due to temporal prediction. The estimation algorithms proposed in this dissertation are able to reproduce accurately the distortion envelope deriving from multiple losses on the network and the computational complexity required is negligible in respect to those proposed in literature. Several tests are run to validate the distortion estimation algorithms and to measure the influence of the main encoder-decoder settings. Different application scenarios are described and compared to demonstrate the benefits obtained using the developed algorithms. The packet distortion impact is inserted in each video packet and transmitted over the network where specialized agents manage the video packets using the distortion information. In particular, the internal structure of the agents is modified to allow video packets prioritization using primarily the distortion impact estimated by the transmitter. The results obtained will show that, in each scenario, a significant improvement may be obtained with respect to traditional transmission policies. The thesis is organized in two parts. The first provides the background material and represents the basics of the following arguments, while the other is dedicated to the original results obtained during the research activity. Referring to the first part in the first chapter it summarized an introduction to the principles and challenges for the multimedia transmission over packet networks. The most recent advances in video compression technologies are detailed in the second chapter, focusing in particular on aspects that involve the resilience to packet loss impairments. The third chapter deals with the main techniques adopted to protect the multimedia flow for mitigating the packet loss corruption due to channel failures. The fourth chapter introduces the more recent advances in network adaptive media transport detailing the techniques that prioritize the video packet flow. The fifth chapter makes a literature review of the existing distortion estimation techniques focusing mainly on their limitation aspects. The second part of the thesis describes the original results obtained in the modelling of the video distortion deriving from the transmission over an error prone network. In particular, the sixth chapter presents three new distortion estimation algorithms able to estimate the video quality and shows the results of some validation tests performed to measure the accuracy of the employed algorithms. The seventh chapter proposes different application scenarios where the developed algorithms may be used to enhance quickly the video quality at the end user side. Finally, the eight chapter summarizes the thesis contributions and remarks the most important conclusions. It also derives some directions for future improvements. The intent of the entire work presented hereafter is to develop some video distortion estimation algorithms able to predict the user quality deriving from the loss on the network as well as providing the results of some useful applications able to enhance the user experience during a video streaming session.Questa tesi di dottorato affronta il problema della trasmissione efficiente di contenuti multimediali su reti a pacchetto inaffidabili e con limitate risorse di banda. L’obiettivo è quello di ideare alcuni algoritmi in grado di predire l’andamento della qualità del video ricevuto da un utente e successivamente ideare alcune tecniche in grado di migliorare l’esperienza dell’utente finale nella fruizione dei servizi video. In particolare i contributi originali del presente lavoro riguardano lo sviluppo di algoritmi per la stima della distorsione e l’ideazione di alcuni scenari applicativi in molto frequenti dove poter valutare i benefici ottenibili applicando gli algoritmi di stima. I contributi presentati in questa tesi di dottorato sono il risultato degli studi compiuti con il gruppo di Telecomunicazioni del Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica Elettronica ed Informatica (DEEI) dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste durante il corso di dottorato in Ingegneria dell’Informazione. Negli ultimi anni la multimedialità, diffusa sulle reti cablate e wireless, sta diventando parte integrante del modo di utilizzare la rete diventando di fatto il fenomeno più imponente. Applicazioni come BitTorrent, la condivisione di file musicali e multimediali e il podcasting ad esempio costituiscono una parte significativa del traffico attuale su Internet. Quelle che negli ultimi anni erano le prime radio che trsmettevano sulla rete oggi si stanno evolvendo nei sistemi peer to peer per più avanzati per la diffusione della TV via web come CoolStreaming. Inoltre siti web come YouTube hanno costruito il loro business sulla memorizzazione/ distribuzione di video creati da chiunque abbia una semplice video camera. Un’altra caratteristica dell’imponente rivoluzione multimediale a cui stiamo assistendo è la diffusione dei video anche all’interno delle case dove i contenuti multimediali vengono distribuiti mediante delle reti wireless locali tra i vari dispositivi finali. Tutt’oggi è in corso una rivoluzione della multimedialità sulle reti IP con le radio, i televisioni, la telefonia e tutti i video che devono essere distribuiti sulle reti cablate e wireless verso utenti eterogenei. In generale la gran parte delle applicazioni multimediali richiedono una banda elevata e dei ritardi molto contenuti specialmente se le applicazioni sono di tipo interattivo. Sfortunatamente le reti wireless e Internet più in generale sono in grado di fornire un supporto limitato alle applicazioni multimediali. La variabilità di banda, di ritardo e nella perdita possono avere conseguenze gravi sulla qualità con cui viene ricevuto il video e questo può portare a una parziale insoddisfazione o addirittura alla rinuncia della fruizione da parte dell’utente finale. Le applicazioni multimediali sono spesso sensibili al ritardo e con requisiti di banda molto stringenti ma di fatto rimango tolleranti nei confronti delle perdite che possono avvenire durante la trasmissione. Al fine di superare le limitazioni è necessario sviluppare dei meccanismi di adattamento in grado di fare da ponte fra i requisiti delle applicazioni multimediali e le caratteristiche offerte dal livello di trasporto. Diversi approcci sono stati proposti in passato in letteratura per migliorare la trasmissione dei pacchetti riducendo le perdite; gli approcci variano dalle soluzioni di compressione efficiente all’aggiunta di ridondanza con tecniche di forward error correction e ritrasmissioni. Altre tecniche si basano sulla creazione di architetture di rete complesse in grado di garantire la QoS a livello rete dove router oppure altri agenti specializzati applicano diverse politiche di gestione del traffico in base ai valori contenuti nei campi dei pacchetti. Mediante queste architetture il traffico video viene marcato con delle classi di priorità al fine di creare una differenziazione nel traffico a livello rete; in particolare i pacchetti con i privilegi maggiori vengono assegnati alle classi di priorità più elevate e verranno persi con probabilità molto bassa mentre i pacchetti appartenenti alle classi di priorità inferiori saranno trattati alla stregua dei servizi di tipo best-effort. Uno dei principali problemi di questa soluzione riguarda come assegnare in maniera ottimale i singoli pacchetti video alle diverse classi di priorità. Un modo per effettuare questa classificazione è quello di procedere assegnando i pacchetti alle varie classi sulla base dell’importanza che ogni pacchetto ha sulla qualità finale. E’ stato dimostrato in numerosi lavori recenti che utilizzando come meccanismo per l’adattamento l’impatto sulla distorsione finale, porta significativi miglioramenti rispetto alle tecniche che utilizzano come parametro la sensibilità media del flusso nei confronti delle perdite. L’impatto che ogni pacchetto ha sulla qualità può essere espresso come la distorsione che viene introdotta al ricevitore se il pacchetto viene perso tenendo in considerazione gli effetti del recupero (error concealment) e la propagazione dell’errore (error propagation) caratteristica dei più recenti codificatori video. Gli algoritmi di stima della distorsione proposti in questa tesi sono in grado di riprodurre in maniera accurata l’inviluppo della distorsione derivante sia da perdite isolate che da perdite multiple nella rete con una complessità computazionale minima se confrontata con le più recenti tecniche di stima. Numerose prove sono stati effettuate al fine di validare gli algoritmi di stima e misurare l’influenza dei principali parametri di codifica e di decodifica. Al fine di enfatizzare i benefici ottenuti applicando gli algoritmi di stima della distorsione, durante la tesi verranno presentati alcuni scenari applicativi dove l’applicazione degli algoritmi proposti migliora sensibilmente la qualità finale percepita dagli utenti. Tali scenari verranno descritti, implementati e accuratamente valutati. In particolare, la distorsione stimata dal trasmettitore verrà incapsulata nei pacchetti video e, trasmessa nella rete dove agenti specializzati potranno agevolmente estrarla e utilizzarla come meccanismo rate-distortion per privilegiare alcuni pacchetti a discapito di altri. In particolare la struttura interna di un agente (un router) verrà modificata al fine di consentire la differenziazione del traffico utilizzando l’informazione dell’impatto che ogni pacchetto ha sulla qualità finale. I risultati ottenuti anche in termini di ridotta complessità computazionale in ogni scenario applicativo proposto mettono in luce i benefici derivanti dall’implementazione degli algoritmi di stima. La presenti tesi di dottorato è strutturata in due parti principali; la prima fornisce il background e rappresenta la base per tutti gli argomenti trattati nel seguito mentre la seconda parte è dedicata ai contributi originali e ai risultati ottenuti durante l’intera attività di ricerca. In riferimento alla prima parte in particolare un’introduzione ai principi e alle opportunità offerte dalla diffusione dei servizi multimediali sulle reti a pacchetto viene esposta nel primo capitolo. I progressi più recenti nelle tecniche di compressione video vengono esposti dettagliatamente nel secondo capitolo che si focalizza in particolare solo sugli aspetti che riguardano le tecniche per la mitigazione delle perdite. Il terzo capitolo introduce le principali tecniche per proteggere i flussi multimediali e ridurre le perdite causate dai fenomeni caratteristici del canale. Il quarto capitolo descrive i recenti avanzamenti nelle tecniche di network adaptive media transport illustrando i principali metodi utilizzati per differenziare il traffico video. Il quinto capitolo analizza i principali contributi nella letteratura sulle tecniche di stima della distorsione e si focalizza in particolare sulle limitazioni dei metodi attuali. La seconda parte della tesi descrive i contributi originali ottenuti nella modellizzazione della distorsione video derivante dalla trasmissione sulle reti con perdite. In particolare il sesto capitolo presenta tre nuovi algoritmi in grado di riprodurre fedelmente l’inviluppo della distorsione video. I numerosi test e risultati verranno proposti al fine di validare gli algoritmi e misurare l’accuratezza nella stima. Il settimo capitolo propone diversi scenari applicativi dove gli algoritmi sviluppati possono essere utilizzati per migliorare in maniera significativa la qualità percepita dall’utente finale. Infine l’ottavo capitolo sintetizza l’intero lavoro svolto e i principali risultati ottenuti. Nello stesso capitolo vengono inoltre descritti gli sviluppi futuri dell’attività di ricerca. L’obiettivo dell’intero lavoro presentato è quello di mostrare i benefici derivanti dall’utilizzo di nuovi algoritmi per la stima della distorsione e di fornire alcuni scenari applicativi di utilizzo.XIX Ciclo197

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of-the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: quality-of-service and video communication, routing protocol and cross-layer design. A few interesting problems about security and delay-tolerant networks are also discussed. This book is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Construction de mosaïques de super-résolution à partir de la vidéo de basse résolution. Application au résumé vidéo et la dissimulation d'erreurs de transmission.

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    La numérisation des vidéos existantes ainsi que le développement explosif des services multimédia par des réseaux comme la diffusion de la télévision numérique ou les communications mobiles ont produit une énorme quantité de vidéos compressées. Ceci nécessite des outils d’indexation et de navigation efficaces, mais une indexation avant l’encodage n’est pas habituelle. L’approche courante est le décodage complet des ces vidéos pour ensuite créer des indexes. Ceci est très coûteux et par conséquent non réalisable en temps réel. De plus, des informations importantes comme le mouvement, perdus lors du décodage, sont reestimées bien que déjà présentes dans le flux comprimé. Notre but dans cette thèse est donc la réutilisation des données déjà présents dans le flux comprimé MPEG pour l’indexation et la navigation rapide. Plus précisément, nous extrayons des coefficients DC et des vecteurs de mouvement. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous sommes en particulier intéressés à la construction de mosaïques à partir des images DC extraites des images I. Une mosaïque est construite par recalage et fusion de toutes les images d’une séquence vidéo dans un seul système de coordonnées. Ce dernier est en général aligné avec une des images de la séquence : l’image de référence. Il en résulte une seule image qui donne une vue globale de la séquence. Ainsi, nous proposons dans cette thèse un système complet pour la construction des mosaïques à partir du flux MPEG-1/2 qui tient compte de différentes problèmes apparaissant dans des séquences vidéo réeles, comme par exemple des objets en mouvment ou des changements d’éclairage. Une tâche essentielle pour la construction d’une mosaïque est l’estimation de mouvement entre chaque image de la séquence et l’image de référence. Notre méthode se base sur une estimation robuste du mouvement global de la caméra à partir des vecteurs de mouvement des images P. Cependant, le mouvement global de la caméra estimé pour une image P peut être incorrect car il dépend fortement de la précision des vecteurs encodés. Nous détectons les images P concernées en tenant compte des coefficients DC de l’erreur encodée associée et proposons deux méthodes pour corriger ces mouvements. Unemosaïque construite à partir des images DC a une résolution très faible et souffre des effets d’aliasing dus à la nature des images DC. Afin d’augmenter sa résolution et d’améliorer sa qualité visuelle, nous appliquons une méthode de super-résolution basée sur des rétro-projections itératives. Les méthodes de super-résolution sont également basées sur le recalage et la fusion des images d’une séquence vidéo, mais sont accompagnées d’une restauration d’image. Dans ce cadre, nous avons développé une nouvelleméthode d’estimation de flou dû au mouvement de la caméra ainsi qu’une méthode correspondante de restauration spectrale. La restauration spectrale permet de traiter le flou globalement, mais, dans le cas des obvi jets ayant un mouvement indépendant du mouvement de la caméra, des flous locaux apparaissent. C’est pourquoi, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme de super-résolution dérivé de la restauration spatiale itérative de Van Cittert et Jansson permettant de restaurer des flous locaux. En nous basant sur une segmentation d’objets en mouvement, nous restaurons séparément lamosaïque d’arrière-plan et les objets de l’avant-plan. Nous avons adapté notre méthode d’estimation de flou en conséquence. Dans une premier temps, nous avons appliqué notre méthode à la construction de résumé vidéo avec pour l’objectif la navigation rapide par mosaïques dans la vidéo compressée. Puis, nous établissions comment la réutilisation des résultats intermédiaires sert à d’autres tâches d’indexation, notamment à la détection de changement de plan pour les images I et à la caractérisation dumouvement de la caméra. Enfin, nous avons exploré le domaine de la récupération des erreurs de transmission. Notre approche consiste en construire une mosaïque lors du décodage d’un plan ; en cas de perte de données, l’information manquante peut être dissimulée grace à cette mosaïque

    Cross-layer analysis for video transmission over COFDM-based wireless local area networks

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Error-resilient multi-view video plus depth based 3-D video coding

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    Three Dimensional (3-D) video, by definition, is a collection of signals that can provide depth perception of a 3-D scene. With the development of 3-D display technologies and interactive multimedia systems, 3-D video has attracted significant interest from both industries and academia with a variety of applications. In order to provide desired services in various 3-D video applications, the multiview video plus depth (MVD) representation, which can facilitate the generation of virtual views, has been determined to be the best format for 3-D video data. Similar to 2-D video, compressed 3-D video is highly sensitive to transmission errors due to errors propagated from the current frame to the future predicted frames. Moreover, since the virtual views required for auto-stereoscopic displays are rendered from the compressed texture videos and depth maps, transmission errors of the distorted texture videos and depth maps can be further propagated to the virtual views. Besides, the distortions in texture and depth show different effects on the rendering views. Therefore, compared to the reliability of the transmission of the 2-D video, error-resilient texture video and depth map coding are facing major new challenges. This research concentrates on improving the error resilience performance of MVD-based 3-D video in packet loss scenarios. Based on the analysis of the propagating behaviour of transmission errors, a Wyner-Ziv (WZ)-based error-resilient algorithm is first designed for coding of the multi-view video data or depth data. In this scheme, an auxiliary redundant stream encoded according to WZ principle is employed to protect a primary stream encoded with standard multi-view video coding codec. Then, considering the fact that different combinations of texture and depth coding mode will exhibit varying robustness to transmission errors, a rate-distortion optimized mode switching scheme is proposed to strike the optimal trade-off between robustness and compression effciency. In this approach, the texture and depth modes are jointly optimized by minimizing the overall distortion of both the coded and synthesized views subject to a given bit rate. Finally, this study extends the research on the reliable transmission of view synthesis prediction (VSP)-based 3-D video. In order to mitigate the prediction position error caused by packet losses in the depth map, a novel disparity vector correction algorithm is developed, where the corrected disparity vector is calculated from the depth error. To facilitate decoder error concealment, the depth error is recursively estimated at the decoder. The contributions of this dissertation are multifold. First, the proposed WZbased error-resilient algorithm can accurately characterize the effect of transmission error on multi-view distortion at the transform domain in consideration of both temporal and inter-view error propagation, and based on the estimated distortion, this algorithm can perform optimal WZ bit allocation at the encoder through explicitly developing a sophisticated rate allocation strategy. This proposed algorithm is able to provide a finer granularity in performing rate adaptivity and unequal error protection for multi-view data, not only at the frame level, but also at the bit-plane level. Secondly, in the proposed mode switching scheme, a new analytic model is formulated to optimally estimate the view synthesis distortion due to packet losses, in which the compound impact of the transmission distortions of both the texture video and the depth map on the quality of the synthesized view is mathematically analysed. The accuracy of this view synthesis distortion model is demonstrated via simulation results and, further, the estimated distortion is integrated into a rate-distortion framework for optimal mode switching to achieve substantial performance gains over state-of-the-art algorithms. Last, but not least, this dissertation provides a preliminary investigation of VSP-based 3-D video over unreliable channel. In the proposed disparity vector correction algorithm, the pixel-level depth map error can be precisely estimated at the decoder without the deterministic knowledge of the error-free reconstructed depth. The approximation of the innovation term involved in depth error estimation is proved theoretically. This algorithm is very useful to conceal the position-erroneous pixels whose disparity vectors are correctly received

    Physical Layer Security in Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems

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    The development of integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems has been spurred by the growing congestion of the wireless spectrum. The ISAC system detects targets and communicates with downlink cellular users simultaneously. Uniquely for such scenarios, radar targets are regarded as potential eavesdroppers which might surveil the information sent from the base station (BS) to communication users (CUs) via the radar probing signal. To address this issue, we propose security solutions for ISAC systems to prevent confidential information from being intercepted by radar targets. In this thesis, we firstly present a beamformer design algorithm assisted by artificial noise (AN), which aims to minimize the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the target while ensuring the quality of service (QoS) of legitimate receivers. Furthermore, to reduce the power consumed by AN, we apply the directional modulation (DM) approach to exploit constructive interference (CI). In this case, the optimization problem is designed to maximize the SINR of the target reflected echoes with CI constraints for each CU, while constraining the received symbols at the target in the destructive region. Apart from the separate functionalities of radar and communication systems above, we investigate sensing-aided physical layer security (PLS), where the ISAC BS first emits an omnidirectional waveform to search for and estimate target directions. Then, we formulate a weighted optimization problem to simultaneously maximize the secrecy rate and minimize the Cram\'er-Rao bound (CRB) with the aid of the AN, designing a beampattern with a wide main beam covering all possible angles of targets. The main beam width of the next iteration depends on the optimal CRB. In this way, the sensing and security functionalities provide mutual benefits, resulting in the improvement of mutual performances with every iteration of the optimization, until convergence. Overall, numerical results show the effectiveness of the ISAC security designs through the deployment of AN-aided secrecy rate maximization and CI techniques. The sensing-assisted PLS scheme offers a new approach for obtaining channel information of eavesdroppers, which is treated as a limitation of conventional PLS studies. This design gains mutual benefits in both single and multi-target scenarios

    Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks

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    This book focuses on the current hottest issues from the lowest layers to the upper layers of wireless communication networks and provides "real-time" research progress on these issues. The authors have made every effort to systematically organize the information on these topics to make it easily accessible to readers of any level. This book also maintains the balance between current research results and their theoretical support. In this book, a variety of novel techniques in wireless communications and networks are investigated. The authors attempt to present these topics in detail. Insightful and reader-friendly descriptions are presented to nourish readers of any level, from practicing and knowledgeable communication engineers to beginning or professional researchers. All interested readers can easily find noteworthy materials in much greater detail than in previous publications and in the references cited in these chapters