1,650 research outputs found

    Direct estimation of kinetic parametric images for dynamic PET.

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    Dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) can monitor spatiotemporal distribution of radiotracer in vivo. The spatiotemporal information can be used to estimate parametric images of radiotracer kinetics that are of physiological and biochemical interests. Direct estimation of parametric images from raw projection data allows accurate noise modeling and has been shown to offer better image quality than conventional indirect methods, which reconstruct a sequence of PET images first and then perform tracer kinetic modeling pixel-by-pixel. Direct reconstruction of parametric images has gained increasing interests with the advances in computing hardware. Many direct reconstruction algorithms have been developed for different kinetic models. In this paper we review the recent progress in the development of direct reconstruction algorithms for parametric image estimation. Algorithms for linear and nonlinear kinetic models are described and their properties are discussed

    Bootstrap-Optimised Regularised Image Reconstruction for Emission Tomography

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    Supporting data and MATLAB code for the paper: A. J. Reader and S. Ellis, "Bootstrap-Optimised Regularised Image Reconstruction for Emission Tomography," in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2020) DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2019.2956878 Instructions for use (tested on MATLAB R2017a): - unzip the file bootstrap_optimised_PET_image_reconstruction.zip Dependencies - add the utils directory to your path before running the scripts. Figures - there is a directory for each figure, not including those figures which do not contain experimental results. Each directory contains a .m script file and a .mat data file. Running the .m file produces the figure roughly as it appears in the manuscript. Independent exploration of the data can be performed if desired. Sample code - Running the example.m file will perform example 2D reconstructions with MLEM, bootstrap optimised guided quadratic MAPEM, and bootstrap optimised unweighted quadratic MAPEM. The reconstruction code is contained in the @reconClass folder. This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) [EP/M020142/1]; and the Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering [WT 203148/Z/16/Z]

    Accurate molecular imaging of small animals taking into account animal models, handling, anaesthesia, quality control and imaging system performance

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    Small-animal imaging has become an important technique for the development of new radiotracers, drugs and therapies. Many laboratories have now a combination of different small-animal imaging systems, which are being used by biologists, pharmacists, medical doctors and physicists. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the important factors in the design of a small animal, nuclear medicine and imaging experiment. Different experts summarize one specific aspect important for a good design of a small-animal experiment

    Topics in image reconstruction for high resolution positron emission tomography

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    Les problèmes mal posés représentent un sujet d'intérêt interdisciplinaire qui surgires dans la télédétection et des applications d'imagerie. Cependant, il subsiste des questions cruciales pour l'application réussie de la théorie à une modalité d'imagerie. La tomographie d'émission par positron (TEP) est une technique d'imagerie non-invasive qui permet d'évaluer des processus biochimiques se déroulant à l'intérieur d'organismes in vivo. La TEP est un outil avantageux pour la recherche sur la physiologie normale chez l'humain ou l'animal, pour le diagnostic et le suivi thérapeutique du cancer, et l'étude des pathologies dans le coeur et dans le cerveau. La TEP partage plusieurs similarités avec d'autres modalités d'imagerie tomographiques, mais pour exploiter pleinement sa capacité à extraire le maximum d'information à partir des projections, la TEP doit utiliser des algorithmes de reconstruction d'images à la fois sophistiquée et pratiques. Plusieurs aspects de la reconstruction d'images TEP ont été explorés dans le présent travail. Les contributions suivantes sont d'objet de ce travail: Un modèle viable de la matrice de transition du système a été élaboré, utilisant la fonction de réponse analytique des détecteurs basée sur l'atténuation linéaire des rayons y dans un banc de détecteur. Nous avons aussi démontré que l'utilisation d'un modèle simplifié pour le calcul de la matrice du système conduit à des artefacts dans l'image. (IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sei., 2000) );> La modélisation analytique de la dépendance décrite à l'égard de la statistique des images a simplifié l'utilisation de la règle d'arrêt par contre-vérification (CV) et a permis d'accélérer la reconstruction statistique itérative. Cette règle peut être utilisée au lieu du procédé CV original pour des projections aux taux de comptage élevés, lorsque la règle CV produit des images raisonnablement précises. (IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sei., 2001) Nous avons proposé une méthodologie de régularisation utilisant la décomposition en valeur propre (DVP) de la matrice du système basée sur l'analyse de la résolution spatiale. L'analyse des caractéristiques du spectre de valeurs propres nous a permis d'identifier la relation qui existe entre le niveau optimal de troncation du spectre pour la reconstruction DVP et la résolution optimale dans l'image reconstruite. (IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sei., 2001) Nous avons proposé une nouvelle technique linéaire de reconstruction d'image événement-par-événement basée sur la matrice pseudo-inverse régularisée du système. L'algorithme représente une façon rapide de mettre à jour une image, potentiellement en temps réel, et permet, en principe, la visualisation instantanée de distribution de la radioactivité durant l'acquisition des données tomographiques. L'image ainsi calculée est la solution minimisant les moindres carrés du problème inverse régularisé.Abstract: Ill-posed problems are a topic of an interdisciplinary interest arising in remote sensing and non-invasive imaging. However, there are issues crucial for successful application of the theory to a given imaging modality. Positron emission tomography (PET) is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows assessing biochemical processes taking place in an organism in vivo. PET is a valuable tool in investigation of normal human or animal physiology, diagnosing and staging cancer, heart and brain disorders. PET is similar to other tomographie imaging techniques in many ways, but to reach its full potential and to extract maximum information from projection data, PET has to use accurate, yet practical, image reconstruction algorithms. Several topics related to PET image reconstruction have been explored in the present dissertation. The following contributions have been made: (1) A system matrix model has been developed using an analytic detector response function based on linear attenuation of [gamma]-rays in a detector array. It has been demonstrated that the use of an oversimplified system model for the computation of a system matrix results in image artefacts. (IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 2000); (2) The dependence on total counts modelled analytically was used to simplify utilisation of the cross-validation (CV) stopping rule and accelerate statistical iterative reconstruction. It can be utilised instead of the original CV procedure for high-count projection data, when the CV yields reasonably accurate images. (IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 2001); (3) A regularisation methodology employing singular value decomposition (SVD) of the system matrix was proposed based on the spatial resolution analysis. A characteristic property of the singular value spectrum shape was found that revealed a relationship between the optimal truncation level to be used with the truncated SVD reconstruction and the optimal reconstructed image resolution. (IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 2001); (4) A novel event-by-event linear image reconstruction technique based on a regularised pseudo-inverse of the system matrix was proposed. The algorithm provides a fast way to update an image potentially in real time and allows, in principle, for the instant visualisation of the radioactivity distribution while the object is still being scanned. The computed image estimate is the minimum-norm least-squares solution of the regularised inverse problem

    Efficient methodologies for system matrix modelling in iterative image reconstruction for rotating high-resolution PET

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    A fully 3D iterative image reconstruction algorithm has been developed for high-resolution PET cameras composed of pixelated scintillator crystal arrays and rotating planar detectors, based on the ordered subsets approach. The associated system matrix is precalculated with Monte Carlo methods that incorporate physical effects not included in analytical models, such as positron range effects and interaction of the incident gammas with the scintillator material. Custom Monte Carlo methodologies have been developed and optimized for modelling of system matrices for fast iterative image reconstruction adapted to specific scanner geometries, without redundant calculations. According to the methodology proposed here, only one-eighth of the voxels within two central transaxial slices need to be modelled in detail. The rest of the system matrix elements can be obtained with the aid of axial symmetries and redundancies, as well as in-plane symmetries within transaxial slices. Sparse matrix techniques for the non-zero system matrix elements are employed, allowing for fast execution of the image reconstruction process. This 3D image reconstruction scheme has been compared in terms of image quality to a 2D fast implementation of the OSEM algorithm combined with Fourier rebinning approaches. This work confirms the superiority of fully 3D OSEM in terms of spatial resolution, contrast recovery and noise reduction as compared to conventional 2D approaches based on rebinning schemes. At the same time it demonstrates that fully 3D methodologies can be efficiently applied to the image reconstruction problem for high-resolution rotational PET cameras by applying accurate pre-calculated system models and taking advantage of the system's symmetries

    Stochastic Optimisation Methods Applied to PET Image Reconstruction

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    Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a medical imaging technique that is used to pro- vide functional information regarding physiological processes. Statistical PET reconstruc- tion attempts to estimate the distribution of radiotracer in the body but this methodology is generally computationally demanding because of the use of iterative algorithms. These algorithms are often accelerated by the utilisation of data subsets, which may result in con- vergence to a limit set rather than the unique solution. Methods exist to relax the update step sizes of subset algorithms but they introduce additional heuristic parameters that may result in extended reconstruction times. This work investigates novel methods to modify subset algorithms to converge to the unique solution while maintaining the acceleration benefits of subset methods. This work begins with a study of an automatic method for increasing subset sizes, called AutoSubsets. This algorithm measures the divergence between two distinct data subset update directions and, if significant, the subset size is increased for future updates. The algorithm is evaluated using both projection and list mode data. The algorithm’s use of small initial subsets benefits early reconstruction but unfortunately, at later updates, the subsets size increases too early, which impedes convergence rates. The main part of this work investigates the application of stochastic variance reduction optimisation algorithms to PET image reconstruction. These algorithms reduce variance due to the use of subsets by incorporating previously computed subset gradients into the update direction. The algorithms are adapted for the application to PET reconstruction. This study evaluates the reconstruction performance of these algorithms when applied to various 3D non-TOF PET simulated, phantom and patient data sets. The impact of a number of algorithm parameters are explored, which includes: subset selection methodologies, the number of subsets, step size methodologies and preconditioners. The results indicate that these stochastic variance reduction algorithms demonstrate superior performance after only a few epochs when compared to a standard PET reconstruction algorithm

    Kinetic Modelling in Human Brain Imaging

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    Geneeskunde en GesondheidswetenskappeKerngeneeskundePlease help us populate SUNScholar with the post print version of this article. It can be e-mailed to: [email protected]
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