832 research outputs found

    ROI coding of volumetric medical images with application to visualisation

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    Hyperspectral image compression : adapting SPIHT and EZW to Anisotropic 3-D Wavelet Coding

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    Hyperspectral images present some specific characteristics that should be used by an efficient compression system. In compression, wavelets have shown a good adaptability to a wide range of data, while being of reasonable complexity. Some wavelet-based compression algorithms have been successfully used for some hyperspectral space missions. This paper focuses on the optimization of a full wavelet compression system for hyperspectral images. Each step of the compression algorithm is studied and optimized. First, an algorithm to find the optimal 3-D wavelet decomposition in a rate-distortion sense is defined. Then, it is shown that a specific fixed decomposition has almost the same performance, while being more useful in terms of complexity issues. It is shown that this decomposition significantly improves the classical isotropic decomposition. One of the most useful properties of this fixed decomposition is that it allows the use of zero tree algorithms. Various tree structures, creating a relationship between coefficients, are compared. Two efficient compression methods based on zerotree coding (EZW and SPIHT) are adapted on this near-optimal decomposition with the best tree structure found. Performances are compared with the adaptation of JPEG 2000 for hyperspectral images on six different areas presenting different statistical properties

    Adaptation of Zerotrees Using Signed Binary Digit Representations for 3D Image Coding

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    Zerotrees of wavelet coefficients have shown a good adaptability for the compression of three-dimensional images. EZW, the original algorithm using zerotree, shows good performance and was successfully adapted to 3D image compression. This paper focuses on the adaptation of EZW for the compression of hyperspectral images. The subordinate pass is suppressed to remove the necessity to keep the significant pixels in memory. To compensate the loss due to this removal, signed binary digit representations are used to increase the efficiency of zerotrees. Contextual arithmetic coding with very limited contexts is also used. Finally, we show that this simplified version of 3D-EZW performs almost as well as the original one

    Low-complexity wavelet-based scalable image & video coding for home-use surveillance

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    We study scalable image and video coding for the surveillance of rooms and personal environments based on inexpensive cameras and portable devices. The scalability is achieved through a multi-level 2D dyadic wavelet decomposition featuring an accurate low-cost integer wavelet implementation with lifting. As our primary contribution, we present a modification to the SPECK wavelet coefficient encoding algorithm to significantly improve the efficiency of an embedded system implementation. The modification consists of storing the significance of all quadtree nodes in a buffer, where each node comprises several coefficients. This buffer is then used to efficiently construct the code with minimal and direct memory access. Our approach allows efficient parallel implementation on multi-core computer systems and gives a substantial reduction of memory access and thus power consumption. We report experimental results, showing an approximate gain factor of 1,000 in execution time compared to a straightforward SPECK implementation, when combined with code optimization on a common digital signal processor. This translates to 75 full color 4CIF 4:2:0 encoding cycles per second, clearly demonstrating the realtime capabilities of the proposed modification

    Work design improvement at Miroad Rubber Industries Sdn. Bhd.

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    Erul Food Industries known as Salaiport Industry is a family-owned company and was established on July 2017. Salaiport Industry apparently moved to a new place at Pedas, Negeri Sembilan. Previously, Salaiport Industry operated in-house located at Pagoh, Johor. This small company major business is producing frozen smoked beef, smoked quail, smoke catfish and smoked duck. The main frozen product is smoked beef. The frozen smoked meat produced by Salaiport Industry is depending on customer demands. Usually the company produce 40 kg to 60 kg a day and operated between for four days until five days. Therefore, the company produce approximately around 80 kg to 120 kg per week. The company usually take 2 days for 1 complete cycle for the production as the first day the company will only receive the meat from the supplier and freeze the meat for use of tomorrow

    Contemporary Affirmation of SPIHT Improvements in Image Coding

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    Set partitioning in hierarchal trees (SPIHT) is actually a widely-used compression algorithm for wavelet altered images. On most algorithms developed, SPIHT algorithm from the time its introduction in 1996 for image compression has got lots of interest. Though SPIHT is considerably simpler and efficient than several present compression methods since it's a completely inserted codec, provides good image quality, large PSNR, optimized for modern image transmission, efficient conjunction with error defense, form information on demand and hence element powerful error correction decreases from starting to finish but still it has some downsides that need to be taken away for its better use therefore since its development it has experienced many adjustments in its original model. This document presents a survey on several different improvements in SPIHT in certain fields as velocity, redundancy, quality, error resilience, sophistication, and compression ratio and memory requirement

    A Lossy Colour Image Compression Using Integer Wavelet Transforms and Binary Plane Transform

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    In the recent period, image data compression is the major component of communication and storage systems where the uncompressed images requires considerable compression technique, which should be capable to reduce the crippling disadvantages of data transmission and image storage. In the research paper, the novel image compression technique is proposed which is based on the spatial domain and quite effective for the compression of images. However, the performance of the proposed methodology is compared with the conventional compression techniques (Joint Photographic Experts Group) JPEG and set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) using the evaluation metrics compression ratio and peak signal to noise ratio. It is evaluated that Integer wavelets with binary plane technique is more effective compression technique than JPEG and SPIHT as it provided more efficient quality metrics values and visual quality

    Wavelet-Based Embedded Rate Scalable Still Image Coders: A review

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    Embedded scalable image coding algorithms based on the wavelet transform have received considerable attention lately in academia and in industry in terms of both coding algorithms and standards activity. In addition to providing a very good coding performance, the embedded coder has the property that the bit stream can be truncated at any point and still decodes a reasonably good image. In this paper we present some state-of-the-art wavelet-based embedded rate scalable still image coders. In addition, the JPEG2000 still image compression standard is presented.

    Color image compression based on spatial and magnitude signal decomposition

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    In this paper, a simple color image compression system has been proposed using image signal decomposition. Where, the RGB image color band is converted to the less correlated YUV color model and the pixel value (magnitude) in each band is decomposed into 2-values; most and least significant. According to the importance of the most significant value (MSV) that influenced by any simply modification happened, an adaptive lossless image compression system is proposed using bit plane (BP) slicing, delta pulse code modulation (Delta PCM), adaptive quadtree (QT) partitioning followed by an adaptive shift encoder. On the other hand, a lossy compression system is introduced to handle the least significant value (LSV), it is based on an adaptive, error bounded coding system, and it uses the DCT compression scheme. The performance of the developed compression system was analyzed and compared with those attained from the universal standard JPEG, and the results of applying the proposed system indicated its performance is comparable or better than that of the JPEG standards