138 research outputs found

    Digital and Mixed Domain Hardware Reduction Algorithms and Implementations for Massive MIMO

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    Emerging 5G and 6G based wireless communications systems largely rely on multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems to reduce inherently extensive path losses, facilitate high data rates, and high spatial diversity. Massive MIMO systems used in mmWave and sub-THz applications consists of hundreds perhaps thousands of antenna elements at base stations. Digital beamforming techniques provide the highest flexibility and better degrees of freedom for phased antenna arrays as compared to its analog and hybrid alternatives but has the highest hardware complexity. Conventional digital beamformers at the receiver require a dedicated analog to digital converter (ADC) for every antenna element, leading to ADCs for elements. The number of ADCs is the key deterministic factor for the power consumption of an antenna array system. The digital hardware consists of fast Fourier transform (FFT) cores with a multiplier complexity of (N log2N) for an element system to generate multiple beams. It is required to reduce the mixed and digital hardware complexities in MIMO systems to reduce the cost and the power consumption, while maintaining high performance. The well-known concept has been in use for ADCs to achieve reduced complexities. An extension of the architecture to multi-dimensional domain is explored in this dissertation to implement a single port ADC to replace ADCs in an element system, using the correlation of received signals in the spatial domain. This concept has applications in conventional uniform linear arrays (ULAs) as well as in focal plane array (FPA) receivers. Our analysis has shown that sparsity in the spatio-temporal frequency domain can be exploited to reduce the number of ADCs from N to where . By using the limited field of view of practical antennas, multiple sub-arrays are combined without interferences to achieve a factor of K increment in the information carrying capacity of the ADC systems. Applications of this concept include ULAs and rectangular array systems. Experimental verifications were done for a element, 1.8 - 2.1 GHz wideband array system to sample using ADCs. This dissertation proposes that frequency division multiplexing (FDM) receiver outputs at an intermediate frequency (IF) can pack multiple (M) narrowband channels with a guard band to avoid interferences. The combined output is then sampled using a single wideband ADC and baseband channels are retrieved in the digital domain. Measurement results were obtained by employing a element, 28 GHz antenna array system to combine channels together to achieve a 75% reduction of ADC requirement. Implementation of FFT cores in the digital domain is not always exact because of the finite precision. Therefore, this dissertation explores the possibility of approximating the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix to achieve reduced hardware complexities at an allowable cost of accuracy. A point approximate DFT (ADFT) core was implemented on digital hardware using radix-32 to achieve savings in cost, size, weight and power (C-SWaP) and synthesized for ASIC at 45-nm technology

    Evaluation of Sigma-Delta-over-Fiber for High-Speed Wireless Applications

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    Future mobile communication networks aim to increase the communication speed,\ua0provide better reliability and improve the coverage. It needs to achieve all of these enhancements, while the number of users are increasing drastically. As a result, new base-station (BS) architectures where the signal processing is centralized and wireless access is provided through multiple, carefully coordinated remote radio heads are needed. Sigma-delta-over-fiber (SDoF) is a communication technique that can address both requirements and enable very low-complexity, phase coherent remote radio transmission, while transmitting wide-band communication signals with high quality. This thesis investigates the potential and limitations of SDoF communication links as an enabler for future mobile networks.In the first part of the thesis, an ultra-high-speed SDoF link is realized by using state-of-the-art vertical-cavity surface-emitting-lasers (VCSEL). The effects of VCSEL characteristics on such links in terms of signal quality, energy efficiency and potential lifespan is investigated. Furthermore, the potential and limitations of UHS-SDoF are evaluated with signals having various parameters. The results show that, low-cost, reliable, energy efficient, high signal quality SDoF links can be formed by using emerging VCSEL technology. Therefore, ultra-high-speed SDoF is a very promising technique for beyond 10~GHz communication systems.In the second part of the thesis, a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) communication testbed with physically separated antenna elements, distributed-MIMO, is formed by multiple SDoF links. It is shown that the digital up-conversion, performed with a shared local-oscillator/clock at the central unit, provides excellent phase coherency between the physically distributed antenna elements. The proposed testbed demonstrates the advantages of SDoF for realizing distributed MIMO systems and is a powerful tool to perform various communication experiments in real environments.In general, SDoF is a solution for the downlink of a communication system, i.e. from central unit to remote radio head, however, the low complexity and low cost requirement of the remote radio heads makes it difficult to realize the uplinks of such systems. The third part of this thesis proposes an all-digital solution for realizing complementary uplinks for SDoF systems. The proposed structure is extensively investigated through simulations and measurements and the results demonstrate that it is possible realize all-digital, duplex, optical communication links between central units and remote radio heads.In summary, the results in this thesis demonstrate the potential of SDoF for wideband, distributed MIMO communication systems and proposes a new architecture for all-digital duplex communication links. Overall, the thesis shows that SDoF technique is powerful technique for emerging and future mobile communication networks, since it enables a centralized structure with low complexity remote radio heads and provides high signal quality

    On the Impact of Hardware Impairments on Massive MIMO

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    Massive multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are one possible key technology for next generation wireless communication systems. Claims have been made that massive MU-MIMO will increase both the radiated energy efficiency as well as the sum-rate capacity by orders of magnitude, because of the high transmit directivity. However, due to the very large number of transceivers needed at each base-station (BS), a successful implementation of massive MU-MIMO will be contingent on of the availability of very cheap, compact and power-efficient radio and digital-processing hardware. This may in turn impair the quality of the modulated radio frequency (RF) signal due to an increased amount of power-amplifier distortion, phase-noise, and quantization noise. In this paper, we examine the effects of hardware impairments on a massive MU-MIMO single-cell system by means of theory and simulation. The simulations are performed using simplified, well-established statistical hardware impairment models as well as more sophisticated and realistic models based upon measurements and electromagnetic antenna array simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for presentation at Globe-Com workshop on Massive MIM

    Achievable Rate and Modulation for Bandlimited Channels with Oversampling and 1-Bit Quantization at the Receiver

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    Sustainably realizing applications of the future with high performance demands requires that energy efficiency becomes a central design criterion for the entire system. For example, the power consumption of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) can become a major factor when transmitting at large bandwidths and carrier frequencies, e.g., for ultra-short range high data rate communication. The consumed energy per conversion step increases with the sampling rate such that high resolution ADCs become unfeasible in the sub-THz regime at the very high sampling rates required. This makes signaling schemes adapted to 1-bit quantizers a promising alternative. We therefore quantify the performance of bandlimited 1-bit quantized wireless communication channels using techniques like oversampling and faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling to compensate for the loss of achievable rate. As a limiting case, we provide bounds on the mutual information rate of the hard bandlimited 1-bit quantized continuous-time – i.e., infinitely oversampled – additive white Gaussian noise channel in the mid-to-high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. We derive analytic expressions using runlength encoded input signals. For real signals the maximum value of the lower bound on the spectral efficiency in the high-SNR limit was found to be approximately 1.63 bit/s/Hz. Since in practical scenarios the oversampling ratio remains finite, we derive bounds on the achievable rate of the bandlimited oversampled discrete-time channel. These bounds match the results of the continuous-time channel remarkably well. We observe spectral efficiencies up to 1.53 bit/s/Hz in the high-SNR limit given hard bandlimitation. When excess bandwidth is tolerable, spectral efficiencies above 2 bit/s/Hz per domain are achievable w.r.t. the 95 %-power containment bandwidth. Applying the obtained bounds to a bandlimited oversampled 1-bit quantized multiple-input multiple-output channel, we show the benefits when using appropriate power allocation schemes. As a constant envelope modulation scheme, continuous phase modulation is considered in order to relieve linearity requirements on the power amplifier. Noise-free performance limits are investigated for phase shift keying (PSK) and continuous phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK) using higher-order modulation alphabets and intermediate frequencies. Adapted waveforms are designed that can be described as FTN-CPFSK. With the same spectral efficiency in the high-SNR limit as PSK and CPFSK, these waveforms provide a significantly improved bit error rate (BER) performance. The gain in SNR required for achieving a certain BER can be up to 20 dB.Die nachhaltige Realisierung von zukünftigen Übertragungssystemen mit hohen Leistungsanforderungen erfordert, dass die Energieeffizienz zu einem zentralen Designkriterium für das gesamte System wird. Zum Beispiel kann die Leistungsaufnahme des Analog-Digital-Wandlers (ADC) zu einem wichtigen Faktor bei der Übertragung mit großen Bandbreiten und Trägerfrequenzen werden, z. B. für die Kommunikation mit hohen Datenraten über sehr kurze Entfernungen. Die verbrauchte Energie des ADCs steigt mit der Abtastrate, so dass hochauflösende ADCs im Sub-THz-Bereich bei den erforderlichen sehr hohen Abtastraten schwer einsetzbar sind. Dies macht Signalisierungsschemata, die an 1-Bit-Quantisierer angepasst sind, zu einer vielversprechenden Alternative. Wir quantifizieren daher die Leistungsfähigkeit von bandbegrenzten 1-Bit-quantisierten drahtlosen Kommunikationssystemen, wobei Techniken wie Oversampling und Faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) Signalisierung eingesetzt werden, um den durch Quantisierung verursachten Verlust der erreichbaren Rate auszugleichen. Wir geben Grenzen für die Transinformationsrate des Extremfalls eines strikt bandbegrenzten 1-Bit quantisierten zeitkontinuierlichen – d.h. unendlich überabgetasteten – Kanals mit additivem weißen Gauß’schen Rauschen bei mittlerem bis hohem Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis (SNR) an. Wir leiten analytische Ausdrücke basierend auf lauflängencodierten Eingangssignalen ab. Für reelle Signale ist der maximale Wert der unteren Grenze der spektralen Effizienz im Hoch-SNR-Bereich etwa 1,63 Bit/s/Hz. Da die Überabtastrate in praktischen Szenarien endlich bleibt, geben wir Grenzen für die erreichbare Rate eines bandbegrenzten, überabgetasteten zeitdiskreten Kanals an. Diese Grenzen stimmen mit den Ergebnissen des zeitkontinuierlichen Kanals bemerkenswert gut überein. Im Hoch-SNR-Bereich sind spektrale Effizienzen bis zu 1,53 Bit/s/Hz bei strikter Bandbegrenzung möglich. Wenn Energieanteile außerhalb des Frequenzbandes tolerierbar sind, können spektrale Effizienzen über 2 Bit/s/Hz pro Domäne – bezogen auf die Bandbreite, die 95 % der Energie enthält – erreichbar sein. Durch die Anwendung der erhaltenen Grenzen auf einen bandbegrenzten überabgetasteten 1-Bit quantisierten Multiple-Input Multiple-Output-Kanal zeigen wir Vorteile durch die Verwendung geeigneter Leistungsverteilungsschemata. Als Modulationsverfahren mit konstanter Hüllkurve betrachten wir kontinuierliche Phasenmodulation, um die Anforderungen an die Linearität des Leistungsverstärkers zu verringern. Beschränkungen für die erreichbare Datenrate bei rauschfreier Übertragung auf Zwischenfrequenzen mit Modulationsalphabeten höherer Ordnung werden für Phase-shift keying (PSK) and Continuous-phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK) untersucht. Weiterhin werden angepasste Signalformen entworfen, die als FTN-CPFSK beschrieben werden können. Mit der gleichen spektralen Effizienz im Hoch-SNR-Bereich wie PSK und CPFSK bieten diese Signalformen eine deutlich verbesserte Bitfehlerrate (BER). Die Verringerung des erforderlichen SNRs zur Erreichung einer bestimmten BER kann bis zu 20 dB betragen

    Linear Transmit-Receive Strategies for Multi-user MIMO Wireless Communications

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    Die Notwendigkeit zur Unterdrueckung von Interferenzen auf der einen Seite und zur Ausnutzung der durch Mehrfachzugriffsverfahren erzielbaren Gewinne auf der anderen Seite rueckte die raeumlichen Mehrfachzugriffsverfahren (Space Division Multiple Access, SDMA) in den Fokus der Forschung. Ein Vertreter der raeumlichen Mehrfachzugriffsverfahren, die lineare Vorkodierung, fand aufgrund steigender Anzahl an Nutzern und Antennen in heutigen und zukuenftigen Mobilkommunikationssystemen besondere Beachtung, da diese Verfahren das Design von Algorithmen zur Vorcodierung vereinfachen. Aus diesem Grund leistet diese Dissertation einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung linearer Sende- und Empfangstechniken fuer MIMO-Technologie mit mehreren Nutzern. Zunaechst stellen wir ein Framework zur Approximation des Datendurchsatzes in Broadcast-MIMO-Kanaelen mit mehreren Nutzern vor. In diesem Framework nehmen wir das lineare Vorkodierverfahren regularisierte Blockdiagonalisierung (RBD) an. Durch den Vergleich von Dirty Paper Coding (DPC) und linearen Vorkodieralgorithmen (z.B. Zero Forcing (ZF) und Blockdiagonalisierung (BD)) ist es uns moeglich, untere und obere Schranken fuer den Unterschied bezueglich Datenraten und bezueglich Leistung zwischen beiden anzugeben. Im Weiteren entwickeln wir einen Algorithmus fuer koordiniertes Beamforming (Coordinated Beamforming, CBF), dessen Loesung sich in geschlossener Form angeben laesst. Dieser CBF-Algorithmus basiert auf der SeDJoCo-Transformation und loest bisher vorhandene Probleme im Bereich CBF. Im Anschluss schlagen wir einen iterativen CBF-Algorithmus namens FlexCoBF (flexible coordinated beamforming) fuer MIMO-Broadcast-Kanaele mit mehreren Nutzern vor. Im Vergleich mit bis dato existierenden iterativen CBF-Algorithmen kann als vielversprechendster Vorteil die freie Wahl der linearen Sende- und Empfangsstrategie herausgestellt werden. Das heisst, jede existierende Methode der linearen Vorkodierung kann als Sendestrategie genutzt werden, waehrend die Strategie zum Empfangsbeamforming frei aus MRC oder MMSE gewaehlt werden darf. Im Hinblick auf Szenarien, in denen Mobilfunkzellen in Clustern zusammengefasst sind, erweitern wir FlexCoBF noch weiter. Hier wurde das Konzept der koordinierten Mehrpunktverbindung (Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP) transmission) integriert. Zuletzt stellen wir drei Moeglichkeiten vor, Kanalzustandsinformationen (Channel State Information, CSI) unter verschiedenen Kanalumstaenden zu erlangen. Die Qualitaet der Kanalzustandsinformationen hat einen starken Einfluss auf die Guete des Uebertragungssystems. Die durch unsere neuen Algorithmen erzielten Verbesserungen haben wir mittels numerischer Simulationen von Summenraten und Bitfehlerraten belegt.In order to combat interference and exploit large multiplexing gains of the multi-antenna systems, a particular interest in spatial division multiple access (SDMA) techniques has emerged. Linear precoding techniques, as one of the SDMA strategies, have obtained more attention due to the fact that an increasing number of users and antennas involved into the existing and future mobile communication systems requires a simplification of the precoding design. Therefore, this thesis contributes to the design of linear transmit and receive strategies for multi-user MIMO broadcast channels in a single cell and clustered multiple cells. First, we present a throughput approximation framework for multi-user MIMO broadcast channels employing regularized block diagonalization (RBD) linear precoding. Comparing dirty paper coding (DPC) and linear precoding algorithms (e.g., zero forcing (ZF) and block diagonalization (BD)), we further quantify lower and upper bounds of the rate and power offset between them as a function of the system parameters such as the number of users and antennas. Next, we develop a novel closed-form coordinated beamforming (CBF) algorithm (i.e., SeDJoCo based closed-form CBF) to solve the existing open problem of CBF. Our new algorithm can support a MIMO system with an arbitrary number of users and transmit antennas. Moreover, the application of our new algorithm is not only for CBF, but also for blind source separation (BSS), since the same mathematical model has been used in BSS application.Then, we further propose a new iterative CBF algorithm (i.e., flexible coordinated beamforming (FlexCoBF)) for multi-user MIMO broadcast channels. Compared to the existing iterative CBF algorithms, the most promising advantage of our new algorithm is that it provides freedom in the choice of the linear transmit and receive beamforming strategies, i.e., any existing linear precoding method can be chosen as the transmit strategy and the receive beamforming strategy can be flexibly chosen from MRC or MMSE receivers. Considering clustered multiple cell scenarios, we extend the FlexCoBF algorithm further and introduce the concept of the coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission. Finally, we present three strategies for channel state information (CSI) acquisition regarding various channel conditions and channel estimation strategies. The CSI knowledge is required at the base station in order to implement SDMA techniques. The quality of the obtained CSI heavily affects the system performance. The performance enhancement achieved by our new strategies has been demonstrated by numerical simulation results in terms of the system sum rate and the bit error rate

    Massive Multi-Antenna Communications with Low-Resolution Data Converters

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    Massive multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) will be a core technology in future cellular communication systems. In massive MU-MIMO systems, the number of antennas at the base station (BS) is scaled up by several orders of magnitude compared to traditional multi-antenna systems with the goals of enabling large gains in capacity and energy efficiency. However, scaling up the number of active antenna elements at the BS will lead to significant increases in power consumption and system costs unless power-efficient and low-cost hardware components are used. In this thesis, we investigate the performance of massive MU-MIMO systems for the case when the BS is equipped with low-resolution data converters.First, we consider the massive MU-MIMO uplink for the case when the BS uses low-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) to convert the received signal into the digital domain. Our focus is on the case where neither the transmitter nor the receiver have any a priori channel state information (CSI), which implies that the channel realizations have to be learned through pilot transmission followed by BS-side channel estimation, based on coarsely quantized observations. We derive a low-complexity channel estimator and present lower bounds and closed-form approximations for the information-theoretic rates achievable with the proposed channel estimator together with conventional linear detection algorithms. Second, we consider the massive MU-MIMO downlink for the case when the BS uses low-resolution digital-to-analog converters (DACs) to generate the transmit signal. We derive lower bounds and closed-form approximations for the achievable rates with linear precoding under the assumption that the BS has access to perfect CSI. We also propose novel nonlinear precoding algorithms that are shown to significantly outperform linear precoding for the extreme case of 1-bit DACs. Specifically, for the case of symbol-rate 1-bit DACs and frequency-flat channels, we develop a multitude of nonlinear precoders that trade between performance and complexity. We then extend the most promising nonlinear precoders to the case of oversampling 1-bit DACs and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing for operation over frequency-selective channels.Third, we extend our analysis to take into account other hardware imperfections such as nonlinear amplifiers and local oscillators with phase noise.The results in this thesis suggest that the resolution of the ADCs and DACs in massive MU-MIMO systems can be reduced significantly compared to what is used in today\u27s state-of-the-art communication systems, without significantly reducing the overall system performance