1,410 research outputs found

    Dielectric mixtures -- electrical properties and modeling

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    In this paper, a review on dielectric mixtures and the importance of the numerical simulations of dielectric mixtures are presented. It stresses on the interfacial polarization observed in mixtures. It is shown that this polarization can yield different dielectric responses depending on the properties of the constituents and their concentrations. Open question on the subject are also introduced.Comment: 40 pages 12 figures, to be appear in IEEE Trans. on Dielectric

    Fundamental limits to optical response in absorptive systems

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    At visible and infrared frequencies, metals show tantalizing promise for strong subwavelength resonances, but material loss typically dampens the response. We derive fundamental limits to the optical response of absorptive systems, bounding the largest enhancements possible given intrinsic material losses. Through basic conservation-of-energy principles, we derive geometry-independent limits to per-volume absorption and scattering rates, and to local-density-of-states enhancements that represent the power radiated or expended by a dipole near a material body. We provide examples of structures that approach our absorption and scattering limits at any frequency, by contrast, we find that common "antenna" structures fall far short of our radiative LDOS bounds, suggesting the possibility for significant further improvement. Underlying the limits is a simple metric, χ2/Imχ|\chi|^2 / \operatorname{Im} \chi for a material with susceptibility χ\chi, that enables broad technological evaluation of lossy materials across optical frequencies.Comment: 21 pages and 6 figures (excluding appendices, references

    Effective permittivity of random plasmonic composites

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    An effective-medium theory (EMT) is developed to predict the effective permittivity \epsilon_eff of dense random dispersions of high optical-conductivity metals such as Ag, Au and Cu. Dependence of \epsilon_eff on the volume fraction \phi, a microstructure parameter \kappa related to the static structure factor and particle radius a is studied. In the electrostatic limit, the upper and lower bounds of \kappa correspond to Maxwell-Garnett and Bruggeman EMTs respectively. Finite size effects are significant when |\beta^2(ka/n)^3| becomes O(1) where \beta, k, and n denote the nanoparticle polarizability, wavenumber and matrix refractive index respectively. The coupling between the particle and effective medium results in a red-shift in the resonance peak, a non-linear dependence of \epsilon_eff on \phi, and Fano resonance in \epsilon_eff.Comment: Manuscript submitted to J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 33 page

    Design of an All-dielectric Sublayer for Enhanced Transmittance In Stacked Antenna Array Applications

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    In spatially constrained applications, the overlapping of antenna arrays can be unavoidable and its presence can lead to a blockage in the line-of-sight for the underlying antennas. Although previous investigations focused predominantly on the contribution of the ground plane and feed network-which were resolved through the use of frequency selective surfaces and proper feed network design, respectively-it is believed that the ground plane, substrate, and patch regions can emplace a substantial combined impedance. To rectify the transmission through these layers, an all-dielectric implementation is suggested based on the properties of complementary media and Fabry-Perot resonance shifting phenomena. Consequently, both spherical inclusion based dielectric metamaterials and regular dielectrics are suggested, such that additional conductive losses are avoided and surface wave coupling becomes less plausible; while making possible both negative and positive refractive indices. The transfer matrix method and effective medium theory are jointly implemented to examine the required properties of the dielectric or metamaterial sublayer on the basis of providing a transmittance on the order of a known high transmittance analog. Mie theory provides the basis behind the effective properties of the spherical inclusion based metamaterial whereby the required dimensions and permittivity can be determined by a sequential quadratic programming optimization in MATLAB. It is found that the metamaterial emplaces constraints on fabrication which are not currently feasible. Therefore, the equally practicable positive refractive index solutions in a regular dielectric are proposed as the most viable alternative and utilized to determine a functional bandwidth

    Frequency range and explicit expressions for negative permittivity and permeability for an isotropic medium formed by a lattice of perfectly conducting Ω\Omega particles

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    An analytical model is presented for a rectangular lattice of isotropic scatterers with electric and magnetic resonances. Each isotropic scatterer is formed by putting appropriately 6 Ω\Omega-shaped perfectly conducting particles on the faces of a cubic unit cell. A self-consistent dispersion equation is derived and then used to calculate correctly the effective permittivity and permeability in the frequency band where the lattice can be homogenized. The frequency range in which both the effective permittivity and permeability are negative corresponds to the mini-band of backward waves within the resonant band of the individual isotropic scatterer.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Anomalies in Light Scattering

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    Scattering of electromagnetic waves lies at the heart of most experimental techniques over nearly the entire electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from radio waves to optics and X-rays. Hence, deep insight into the basics of scattering theory and understanding the peculiar features of electromagnetic scattering is necessary for the correct interpretation of experimental data and an understanding of the underlying physics. Recently, a broad spectrum of exceptional scattering phenomena attainable in suitably engineered structures has been predicted and demonstrated. Examples include bound states in the continuum, exceptional points in PT-symmetrical non-Hermitian systems, coherent perfect absorption, virtual perfect absorption, nontrivial lasing, non-radiating sources, and others. In this paper, we establish a unified description of such exotic scattering phenomena and show that the origin of all these effects can be traced back to the properties of poles and zeros of the underlying scattering matrix. We provide insights on how managing these special points in the complex frequency plane provides a powerful approach to tailor unusual scattering regimes

    Negative index materials: at the frontier of macroscopic electromagnetism

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    Resonance meets homogenization - Construction of meta-materials with astonishing properties

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    Meta-materials are assemblies of small components. Even though the single component consists of ordinary materials, the meta-material may behave effectively in a way that is not known from ordinary materials. In this text, we discuss some meta-materials that exhibit unusual properties in the propagation of sound or light. The phenomena are based on resonance effects in the small components. The small (sub-wavelength) components can be resonant to the wave-length of an external field if they incorporate singular features such as a high contrast or a singular geometry. Homogenization theory allows to derive effective equations for the macroscopic description of the meta-material and to verify its unusual properties. We discuss three examples: Sound-absorbing materials, optical materials with a negative index of refraction, perfect transmission through grated metals

    Homogenization principles and effect of mixing on dielectric behavior

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    This paper consists of two parts. First, a review of classical mixing principles lists the multitude of the various ways to characterize the effective permittivity of heterogeneous materials. Different connections between the various mixing formulas are underlined and the homogenization principles are classified into families of mixing rules. The second part emphasizes and analyzes the richness of the manner how the mixing process is able to create new types of dielectric behaviors, in particular with respect to enhancement of dielectric polarization, shifts of the dispersion parameters, and emergence of new effects in electrical response.Non Peer reviewe