19 research outputs found

    A Primal-Dual Proximal Algorithm for Sparse Template-Based Adaptive Filtering: Application to Seismic Multiple Removal

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    Unveiling meaningful geophysical information from seismic data requires to deal with both random and structured "noises". As their amplitude may be greater than signals of interest (primaries), additional prior information is especially important in performing efficient signal separation. We address here the problem of multiple reflections, caused by wave-field bouncing between layers. Since only approximate models of these phenomena are available, we propose a flexible framework for time-varying adaptive filtering of seismic signals, using sparse representations, based on inaccurate templates. We recast the joint estimation of adaptive filters and primaries in a new convex variational formulation. This approach allows us to incorporate plausible knowledge about noise statistics, data sparsity and slow filter variation in parsimony-promoting wavelet frames. The designed primal-dual algorithm solves a constrained minimization problem that alleviates standard regularization issues in finding hyperparameters. The approach demonstrates significantly good performance in low signal-to-noise ratio conditions, both for simulated and real field seismic data

    Structured Pruning for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: A survey

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    The remarkable performance of deep Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is generally attributed to their deeper and wider architectures, which can come with significant computational costs. Pruning neural networks has thus gained interest since it effectively lowers storage and computational costs. In contrast to weight pruning, which results in unstructured models, structured pruning provides the benefit of realistic acceleration by producing models that are friendly to hardware implementation. The special requirements of structured pruning have led to the discovery of numerous new challenges and the development of innovative solutions. This article surveys the recent progress towards structured pruning of deep CNNs. We summarize and compare the state-of-the-art structured pruning techniques with respect to filter ranking methods, regularization methods, dynamic execution, neural architecture search, the lottery ticket hypothesis, and the applications of pruning. While discussing structured pruning algorithms, we briefly introduce the unstructured pruning counterpart to emphasize their differences. Furthermore, we provide insights into potential research opportunities in the field of structured pruning. A curated list of neural network pruning papers can be found at https://github.com/he-y/Awesome-Pruning . A dedicated website offering a more interactive comparison of structured pruning methods can be found at: https://huggingface.co/spaces/he-yang/Structured-Pruning-Survey .Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    Automatic Extraction of Ordinary Differential Equations from Data: Sparse Regression Tools for System Identification

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    Studying nonlinear systems across engineering, physics, economics, biology, and chemistry often hinges upon successfully discovering their underlying dynamics. However, despite the abundance of data in today's world, a complete comprehension of these governing equations often remains elusive, posing a significant challenge. Traditional system identification methods for building mathematical models to describe these dynamics can be time-consuming, error-prone, and limited by data availability. This thesis presents three comprehensive strategies to address these challenges and automate model discovery. The procedures outlined here employ classic statistical and machine learning methods, such as signal filtering, sparse regression, bootstrap sampling, Bayesian inference, and unsupervised learning algorithms, to capture complex and nonlinear relationships in data. Building on these foundational techniques, the proposed processes offer a reliable and efficient approach to identifying models of ordinary differential equations from data, differing from and complementing existing frameworks. The results presented here provide rigorous benchmarking against state-of-the-art algorithms, demonstrating the proposed methods' effectiveness in model discovery and highlighting the potential for discovering governing equations across applications such as weather forecasting, chemical reaction and electrical circuit modelling, and predator-prey dynamics. These methods can aid in solving critical decision-making problems, including optimising resource allocation, predicting system failures, and facilitating adaptive control in various domains. Ultimately, the strategies developed in this thesis are designed to integrate seamlessly into current workflows, thereby promoting data-driven decision-making and enhancing understanding of complex system dynamics

    Theoretical Perspectives on Deep Learning Methods in Inverse Problems

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    In recent years, there have been significant advances in the use of deep learning methods in inverse problems such as denoising, compressive sensing, inpainting, and super-resolution. While this line of works has predominantly been driven by practical algorithms and experiments, it has also given rise to a variety of intriguing theoretical problems. In this paper, we survey some of the prominent theoretical developments in this line of works, focusing in particular on generative priors, untrained neural network priors, and unfolding algorithms. In addition to summarizing existing results in these topics, we highlight several ongoing challenges and open problems

    Towards Optimization and Robustification of Data-Driven Models

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    In the past two decades, data-driven models have experienced a renaissance, with notable success achieved through the use of models such as deep neural networks (DNNs) in various applications. However, complete reliance on intelligent machine learning systems is still a distant dream. Nevertheless, the initial success of data-driven approaches presents a promising path for building trustworthy data-oriented models. This thesis aims to take a few steps toward improving the performance of existing data-driven frameworks in both the training and testing phases. Specifically, we focus on several key questions: 1) How to efficiently design optimization methods for learning algorithms that can be used in parallel settings and also when first-order information is unavailable? 2) How to revise existing adversarial attacks on DNNs to structured attacks with minimal distortion of benign samples? 3) How to integrate attention models such as Transformers into data-driven inertial navigation systems? 4) How to address the lack of data problem for existing data-driven models and enhance the performance of existing semi-supervised learning (SSL) methods? In terms of parallel optimization methods, our research focuses on investigating a delay-aware asynchronous variance-reduced coordinate descent approach. Additionally, we explore the development of a proximal zeroth-order algorithm for nonsmooth nonconvex problems when first-order information is unavailable. We also extend our study to zeroth-order stochastic gradient descent problems. As for robustness, we develop a structured white-box adversarial attack to enhance research on robust machine learning schemes. Furthermore, our research investigates a group threat model in which adversaries can only perturb image segments rather than the entire image to generate adversarial examples. We also explore the use of attention models, specifically Transformer models, for deep inertial navigation systems based on the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). In addressing the problem of data scarcity during the training process, we propose a solution that involves quantizing the uncertainty from the unlabeled data and corresponding pseudo-labels, and incorporating it into the loss term to compensate for noisy pseudo-labeling. We also extend the generic semi-supervised method for data-driven noise suppression frameworks by utilizing a reinforcement learning (RL) model to learn contrastive features in an SSL fashion. Each chapter of the thesis presents the problem and our solutions using concrete algorithms. We verify our approach through comparisons with existing methods on different benchmarks and discuss future research directions

    Rapid Digital Architecture Design of Computationally Complex Algorithms

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    Traditional digital design techniques hardly keep up with the rising abundance of programmable circuitry found on recent Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. Therefore, the novel Rapid Data Type-Agnostic Digital Design Methodology (RDAM) elevates the design perspective of digital design engineers away from the register-transfer level to the algorithmic level. It is founded on the capabilities of High-Level Synthesis tools. By consequently working with data type-agnostic source codes, the RDAM brings significant simplifications to the fixed-point conversion of algorithms and the design of complex-valued architectures. Signal processing applications from the field of Compressed Sensing illustrate the efficacy of the RDAM in the context of multi-user wireless communications. For instance, a complex-valued digital architecture of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit with rank-1 updating has successfully been implemented and tested

    A Research on Enhancing Reconstructed Frames in Video Codecs

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    A series of video codecs, combining encoder and decoder, have been developed to improve the human experience of video-on-demand: higher quality videos at lower bitrates. Despite being at the leading of the compression race, the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC or H.265), the latest Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standard, and compressive sensing (CS) are still suffering from lossy compression. Lossy compression algorithms approximate input signals by smaller file size but degrade reconstructed data, leaving space for further improvement. This work aims to develop hybrid codecs taking advantage of both state-of-the-art video coding technologies and deep learning techniques: traditional non-learning components will either be replaced or combined with various deep learning models. Note that related studies have not made the most of coding information, this work studies and utilizes more potential resources in both encoder and decoder for further improving different codecs.In the encoder, motion compensated prediction (MCP) is one of the key components that bring high compression ratios to video codecs. For enhancing the MCP performance, modern video codecs offer interpolation filters for fractional motions. However, these handcrafted fractional interpolation filters are designed on ideal signals, which limit the codecs in dealing with real-world video data. This proposal introduces a deep learning approach for all Luma and Chroma fractional pixels, aiming for more accurate motion compensation and coding efficiency.One extraordinary feature of CS compared to other codecs is that CS can recover multiple images at the decoder by applying various algorithms on the one and only coded data. Note that the related works have not made use of this property, this work enables a deep learning-based compressive sensing image enhancement framework using multiple reconstructed signals. Learning to enhance from multiple reconstructed images delivers a valuable mechanism for training deep neural networks while requiring no additional transmitted data.In the encoder and decoder of modern video coding standards, in-loop filters (ILF) dedicate the most important role in producing the final reconstructed image quality and compression rate. This work introduces a deep learning approach for improving the handcrafted ILF for modern video coding standards. We first utilize various coding resources and present novel deep learning-based ILF. Related works perform the rate-distortion-based ILF mode selection at the coding-tree-unit (CTU) level to further enhance the deep learning-based ILF, and the corresponding bits are encoded and transmitted to the decoder. In this work, we move towards a deeper approach: a reinforcement-learning based autonomous ILF mode selection scheme is presented, enabling the ability to adapt to different coding unit (CU) levels. Using this approach, we require no additional bits while ensuring the best image quality at local levels beyond the CTU level.While this research mainly targets improving the recent video coding standard VVC and the sparse-based CS, it is also flexibly designed to adapt the previous and future video coding standards with minor modifications.博士(工学)法政大学 (Hosei University

    Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Autoencoders

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    The subject of this thesis is blind hyperspectral unmixing using deep learning based autoencoders. Two methods based on autoencoders are proposed and analyzed. Both methods seek to exploit the spatial correlations in the hyperspectral images to improve the performance. One by using multitask learning to simultaneously unmix a neighbourhood of pixels while the other by using a convolutional neural network autoencoder. This increases the consistency and robustness of the methods. In addition, a review of the various autoencoder methods in the literature is given along with a detailed discussion of different types of autoencoders. The thesis concludes by a critical comparison of eleven different autoencoder based methods. Ablation experiments are performed to answer the question of why autoencoders are so effective in blind hyperspectral unmixing, and an opinion is given on what the future in autoencoder unmixing holds.Efni þessarar ritgerðar er aðgreining fjölrásamynda (e. blind hyperspectral unmixing) með sjálfkóðurum (e. autoencoders) byggðum á djúpum lærdómi (e. deep learning). Tvær aðferðir byggðar á sjálfkóðurum eru kynntar og rannsakaðar. Báðar aðferðirnar leitast við að nýta sér rúmfræðilega fylgni rófa í fjölrásamyndum til að bæta árangur aðgreiningar. Ein aðferð með að nýta sér fjölbeitingarlærdóm (e. multitask learning) og hin með að nota sjálfkóðara útfærðan með földunartaugnaneti (e. convolutional neural network). Hvortveggja bætir samkvæmni og hæfni fjölrásagreiningarinnar. Ennfremur inniheldur ritgerðin yfirgripsmikið yfirlit yfir þær sjálfkóðaraaðferðir sem hafa verið birtar ásamt greinargóðri umræðu um mismunandi gerðir sjálfkóðara og útfærslur á þeim. í lok ritgerðarinnar er svo að finna gagnrýninn samanburð á 11 mismunandi aðferðum byggðum á sjálfkóðurum. Brottnáms (e. ablation) tilraunir eru gerðar til að svara spurningunni hvers vegna sjálfkóðarar eru svo árangursríkir í fjölrásagreiningu og stuttlega rætt um hvað framtíðin ber í skauti sér varðandi aðgreiningu fjölrásamynda með sjálfkóðurum. Megin framlag ritgerðarinnar er eftirfarandi: - Ný sjálfkóðaraaðferð, MTLAEU, sem nýtir á beinan hátt rúmfræðilega fylgni rófa í fjölrásamyndum til að bæta árangur aðgreiningar. Aðferðin notar fjölbeitingarlærdóm til að aðgreina grennd af rófum í einu. - Ný aðferð, CNNAEU, sem notar 2D földunartaugnanet fyrir bæði kóðara og afkóðara og er fyrsta birta aðferðin til að gera það. Aðferðin er þjálfuð á myndbútum (e.patches) og því er rúmfræðileg bygging myndarinnar sem greina á varðveitt í gegnum aðferðina. - Yfirgripsmikil og ítarlegt fræðilegt yfirlit yfir birtar sjálfkóðaraaðferðir fyrir fjölrásagreiningu. Gefinn er inngangur að sjálfkóðurum og elstu tegundir sjálfkóðara eru kynntar. Gefið er greinargott yfirlit yfir helstu birtar aðferðir fyrir fjölrásagreiningu sem byggja á sjálfkóðurum og gerður er gangrýninn samburður á 11 mismunandi sjálfkóðaraaðferðum.The Icelandic Research Fund under Grants 174075-05 and 207233-05