22,281 research outputs found

    Space-Efficient Plane-Sweep Algorithms

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    We introduce space-efficient plane-sweep algorithms for basic planar geometric problems. It is assumed that the input is in a read-only array of n items and that the available workspace is Theta(s) bits, where lg n <= s <= n * lg n. Three techniques that can be used as general tools in different space-efficient algorithms are introduced and employed within our algorithms. In particular, we give an almost-optimal algorithm for finding the closest pair among a set of n points that runs in O(n^2 /s + n * lg s) time. We also give a simple algorithm to enumerate the intersections of n line segments that runs in O((n^2 /s^{2/3}) * lg s + k) time, where k is the number of intersections. The counting version can be solved in O((n^2/s^{2/3}) * lg s) time. When the segments are axis-parallel, we give an O((n^2/s) * lg^{4/3} s + n^{4/3} * lg^{1/3} n)-time algorithm that counts the intersections and an O((n^2/s) * lg s * lg lg s + n * lg s + k)-time algorithm that enumerates the intersections, where k is the number of intersections. We finally present an algorithm that runs in O((n^2 /s + n * lg s) * sqrt{(n/s) * lg n}) time to calculate Klee\u27s measure of axis-parallel rectangles

    New Plane-Sweep Algorithms for Distance-Based Join Queries in Spatial Databases

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    Efficient and effective processing of the distance-based join query (DJQ) is of great importance in spatial databases due to the wide area of applications that may address such queries (mapping, urban planning, transportation planning, resource management, etc.). The most representative and studied DJQs are the K Closest Pairs Query (KCPQ) and ΔDistance Join Query (ΔDJQ). These spatial queries involve two spatial data sets and a distance function to measure the degree of closeness, along with a given number of pairs in the final result (K) or a distance threshold (Δ). In this paper, we propose four new plane-sweep-based algorithms for KCPQs and their extensions for ΔDJQs in the context of spatial databases, without the use of an index for any of the two disk-resident data sets (since, building and using indexes is not always in favor of processing performance). They employ a combination of plane-sweep algorithms and space partitioning techniques to join the data sets. Finally, we present results of an extensive experimental study, that compares the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms for KCPQs and ΔDJQs. This performance study, conducted on medium and big spatial data sets (real and synthetic) validates that the proposed plane-sweep-based algorithms are very promising in terms of both efficient and effective measures, when neither inputs are indexed. Moreover, the best of the new algorithms is experimentally compared to the best algorithm that is based on the R-tree (a widely accepted access method), for KCPQs and ΔDJQs, using the same data sets. This comparison shows that the new algorithms outperform R-tree based algorithms, in most cases

    Visualization of a plane sweep algorithm for construction of the visibility graph for robot path planning

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    Research and development work in robotics and industrial automation has prompted a need for efficient motion planning algorithms for collision avoidance. To build fully autonomous robots, these algorithms must also model the environment correctly and accurately to safely maneuver the robot around obstacles. The main focus of this thesis is on the following problem and its solution: Given a set of obstacles represented as polygons in two-dimensional space, determine the shortest, collision-free path from the source point of the robot to some destination point. A fast and efficient algorithm for solving this problem is based on a plane-sweeping technique and runs in O(N{dollar}\sp2{dollar} log N) time; Since this solution has been studied very briefly in its theoretical form by (SS84), we present an in-depth analysis of the plane-sweep algorithm along with a full-scale implementation as well as an animation of the plane-sweeping technique

    Empirical Evaluation of the Parallel Distribution Sweeping Framework on Multicore Architectures

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    In this paper, we perform an empirical evaluation of the Parallel External Memory (PEM) model in the context of geometric problems. In particular, we implement the parallel distribution sweeping framework of Ajwani, Sitchinava and Zeh to solve batched 1-dimensional stabbing max problem. While modern processors consist of sophisticated memory systems (multiple levels of caches, set associativity, TLB, prefetching), we empirically show that algorithms designed in simple models, that focus on minimizing the I/O transfers between shared memory and single level cache, can lead to efficient software on current multicore architectures. Our implementation exhibits significantly fewer accesses to slow DRAM and, therefore, outperforms traditional approaches based on plane sweep and two-way divide and conquer.Comment: Longer version of ESA'13 pape

    OpenACC Based GPU Parallelization of Plane Sweep Algorithm for Geometric Intersection

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    Line segment intersection is one of the elementary operations in computational geometry. Complex problems in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) like finding map overlays or spatial joins using polygonal data require solving segment intersections. Plane sweep paradigm is used for finding geometric intersection in an efficient manner. However, it is difficult to parallelize due to its in-order processing of spatial events. We present a new fine-grained parallel algorithm for geometric intersection and its CPU and GPU implementation using OpenMP and OpenACC. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work demonstrating an effective parallelization of plane sweep on GPUs. We chose compiler directive based approach for implementation because of its simplicity to parallelize sequential code. Using Nvidia Tesla P100 GPU, our implementation achieves around 40X speedup for line segment intersection problem on 40K and 80K data sets compared to sequential CGAL library

    The combination of spatial access methods and computational geometry in geographic database systems

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    Geographic database systems, known as geographic information systems (GISs) particularly among non-computer scientists, are one of the most important applications of the very active research area named spatial database systems. Consequently following the database approach, a GIS hag to be seamless, i.e. store the complete area of interest (e.g. the whole world) in one database map. For exhibiting acceptable performance a seamless GIS hag to use spatial access methods. Due to the complexity of query and analysis operations on geographic objects, state-of-the-art computational geomeny concepts have to be used in implementing these operations. In this paper, we present GIS operations based on the compuational geomeny technique plane sweep. Specifically, we show how the two ingredients spatial access methods and computational geomeny concepts can be combined fĂŒr improving the performance of GIS operations. The fruitfulness of this combination is based on the fact that spatial access methods efficiently provide the data at the time when computational geomeny algorithms need it fĂŒr processing. Additionally, this combination avoids page faults and facilitates the parallelization of the algorithms.

    Multi-Step Processing of Spatial Joins

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    Spatial joins are one of the most important operations for combining spatial objects of several relations. In this paper, spatial join processing is studied in detail for extended spatial objects in twodimensional data space. We present an approach for spatial join processing that is based on three steps. First, a spatial join is performed on the minimum bounding rectangles of the objects returning a set of candidates. Various approaches for accelerating this step of join processing have been examined at the last year’s conference [BKS 93a]. In this paper, we focus on the problem how to compute the answers from the set of candidates which is handled by the following two steps. First of all, sophisticated approximations are used to identify answers as well as to filter out false hits from the set of candidates. For this purpose, we investigate various types of conservative and progressive approximations. In the last step, the exact geometry of the remaining candidates has to be tested against the join predicate. The time required for computing spatial join predicates can essentially be reduced when objects are adequately organized in main memory. In our approach, objects are first decomposed into simple components which are exclusively organized by a main-memory resident spatial data structure. Overall, we present a complete approach of spatial join processing on complex spatial objects. The performance of the individual steps of our approach is evaluated with data sets from real cartographic applications. The results show that our approach reduces the total execution time of the spatial join by factors

    Efficient Processing of Spatial Joins Using R-Trees

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    Abstract: In this paper, we show that spatial joins are very suitable to be processed on a parallel hardware platform. The parallel system is equipped with a so-called shared virtual memory which is well-suited for the design and implementation of parallel spatial join algorithms. We start with an algorithm that consists of three phases: task creation, task assignment and parallel task execu-tion. In order to reduce CPU- and I/O-cost, the three phases are processed in a fashion that pre-serves spatial locality. Dynamic load balancing is achieved by splitting tasks into smaller ones and reassigning some of the smaller tasks to idle processors. In an experimental performance compar-ison, we identify the advantages and disadvantages of several variants of our algorithm. The most efficient one shows an almost optimal speed-up under the assumption that the number of disks is sufficiently large. Topics: spatial database systems, parallel database systems
