85,091 research outputs found

    The parameterized space complexity of model-checking bounded variable first-order logic

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    The parameterized model-checking problem for a class of first-order sentences (queries) asks to decide whether a given sentence from the class holds true in a given relational structure (database); the parameter is the length of the sentence. We study the parameterized space complexity of the model-checking problem for queries with a bounded number of variables. For each bound on the quantifier alternation rank the problem becomes complete for the corresponding level of what we call the tree hierarchy, a hierarchy of parameterized complexity classes defined via space bounded alternating machines between parameterized logarithmic space and fixed-parameter tractable time. We observe that a parameterized logarithmic space model-checker for existential bounded variable queries would allow to improve Savitch's classical simulation of nondeterministic logarithmic space in deterministic space O(log2n)O(\log^2n). Further, we define a highly space efficient model-checker for queries with a bounded number of variables and bounded quantifier alternation rank. We study its optimality under the assumption that Savitch's Theorem is optimal

    Bounded saturation-based CTL model checking

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    Formal verification is becoming a fundamental step of safety-critical and model-based software development. As part of the verification process, model checking is one of the current advanced techniques to analyze the behavior of a system. Symbolic model checking is an efficient approach to handling even complex models with huge state spaces. Saturation is a symbolic algorithm with a special iteration strategy, which is efficient for asynchronous models. Recent advances have resulted in many new kinds of saturation-based algorithms for state space generation and bounded state space generation and also for structural model checking. In this paper, we examine how the combination of two advanced model checking algorithms – bounded saturation and saturation-based structural model checking – can be used to verify systems. Our work is the first attempt to combine these approaches, and this way we are able to handle and examine complex or even infinite state systems. Our measurements show that we can exploit the efficiency of saturation in bounded model checking

    Automata-theoretic and bounded model checking for linear temporal logic

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    In this work we study methods for model checking the temporal logic LTL. The focus is on the automata-theoretic approach to model checking and bounded model checking. We begin by examining automata-theoretic methods to model check LTL safety properties. The model checking problem can be reduced to checking whether the language of a finite state automaton on finite words is empty. We describe an efficient algorithm for generating small finite state automata for so called non-pathological safety properties. The presented implementation is the first tool able to decide whether a formula is non-pathological. The experimental results show that treating safety properties can benefit model checking at very little cost. In addition, we find supporting evidence for the view that minimising the automaton representing the property does not always lead to a small product state space. A deterministic property automaton can result in a smaller product state space even though it might have a larger number states. Next we investigate modular analysis. Modular analysis is a state space reduction method for modular Petri nets. The method can be used to construct a reduced state space called the synchronisation graph. We devise an on-the-fly automata-theoretic method for model checking the behaviour of a modular Petri net from the synchronisation graph. The solution is based on reducing the model checking problem to an instance of verification with testers. We analyse the tester verification problem and present an efficient on-the-fly algorithm, the first complete solution to tester verification problem, based on generalised nested depth-first search. We have also studied propositional encodings for bounded model checking LTL. A new simple linear sized encoding is developed and experimentally evaluated. The implementation in the NuSMV2 model checker is competitive with previously presented encodings. We show how to generalise the LTL encoding to a more succint logic: LTL with past operators. The generalised encoding compares favourably with previous encodings for LTL with past operators. Links between bounded model checking and the automata-theoretic approach are also explored.reviewe

    Improving Saturation-based Bounded Model Checking

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    Formal verification is becoming a fundamental step in assuring the correctness of safety-critical systems. Since these systems are often asynchronous and even distributed, their verification requires methods that can deal with huge or even infinite state spaces. Model checking is one of the current techniques to analyse the behaviour of systems, as part of the verification process. In this paper a symbolic bounded model checking algorithm is presented that relies on efficient saturation-based methods. The previous approaches are extended with new bounded state space exploration strategies. In addition, constrained saturation is also introduced to improve the efficiency of bounded model checking. Our measurements confirm that these approaches do not only offer a solution to deal with infinite state spaces, but in many cases they even outperform the original methods

    Model checking Markov chains : techniques and tools

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    This dissertation deals with four important aspects of model checking Markov chains: the development of efficient model-checking tools, the improvement of model-checking algorithms, the efficiency of the state-space reduction techniques, and the development of simulation-based model-checking procedures. First, we introduce MRMC, a model checker for DMRMs and CMRMs, that supports reward extensions of PCTL and CSL. We study the efficiency, of the tool in comparison with probabilistic model checkers such as E -MC2, PRISM, Ymer and VESTA, and focus on fully probabilistic systems. Further, we provide a precise procedure for steady-state detection for time-bounded reachabiity on CTMCs. After what we study the effect of bisimulation minimization in model checking of monolithic DTMCs, CTMCs and the variants thereof with rewards. We conclude our work by deriving techniques based on discrete-event sijulation and sequential confidence intervals for model checking CSL properties on CTMCs.\u

    TCTL model checking of Time Petri Nets

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    International audienceIn this paper, we consider \emph{subscript} TCTL for Time Petri Nets (TPN-TCTL) for which temporal operators are extended with a time interval, specifying a time constraint on the firing sequences. We prove that the model-checking of a TPN-TCTL formula on a bounded TPN is decidable and is a PSPACE-complete problem. We propose a zone based state space abstraction that preserves marking reachability and traces of the TPN. As for Timed Automata (TA), the abstraction may use an over-approximation operator on zones to enforce the termination. A coarser (and efficient) abstraction is then provided and proved exact w.r.t. marking reachability and traces (LTL properties). Finally, we consider a subset of TPN-TCTL properties for which it is possible to propose efficient on-the-fly model-checking algorithms. Our approach consists in computing and exploring the zone based state space abstractio

    Formal Verification of Abstract SystemC Models

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    In this paper we present a formal verification approach for abstract SystemC models. The approach allows checking expressive properties and lifts induction known from bounded model checking to a higher level, to cope with the large state space of abstract SystemC programs. The technique is tightly integrated with our SystemC to C transformation and generation of monitoring logic to form a complete and efficient method. Properties specifying both hardware and software aspects, e.g. pre- and post-conditions as well as temporal relations of transactions and events, can be specified. As shown by experiments modern proof techniques allow verifying important non-trivial behavior. Moreover, our inductive technique gives significant speed-ups in comparison to simple methods

    On-the-fly Probabilistic Model Checking

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    Model checking approaches can be divided into two broad categories: global approaches that determine the set of all states in a model M that satisfy a temporal logic formula f, and local approaches in which, given a state s in M, the procedure determines whether s satisfies f. When s is a term of a process language, the model checking procedure can be executed "on-the-fly", driven by the syntactical structure of s. For certain classes of systems, e.g. those composed of many parallel components, the local approach is preferable because, depending on the specific property, it may be sufficient to generate and inspect only a relatively small part of the state space. We propose an efficient, on-the-fly, PCTL model checking procedure that is parametric with respect to the semantic interpretation of the language. The procedure comprises both bounded and unbounded until modalities. The correctness of the procedure is shown and its efficiency is compared with a global PCTL model checker on representative applications.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2014, arXiv:1410.701

    Symbolic model checking of analog/mixed-signal circuits*

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    Journal ArticleAbstract- This paper presents a Boolean based symbolic model checking algorithm for the verification of analog/mixedsignal (AMS) circuits. The systems are modeled in VHDL-AMS, a hardware description language for AMS circuits. The VHDLAMS description is compiled into labeled hybrid Petri nets (LHPNs) in which analog values are modeled as continuous variables that can change at rates in a bounded range and digital values are modeled using Boolean signals. System properties are specified as temporal logic formulas using timed CTL (TCTL). The verification proceeds over the structure of the formula and maps separation predicates to Boolean variables. The state space is thus represented as a Boolean function using a binary decision diagram (BDD) and the verification algorithm relies on the efficient use of BDD operations