844 research outputs found

    Runtime Verification of Temporal Properties over Out-of-order Data Streams

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    We present a monitoring approach for verifying systems at runtime. Our approach targets systems whose components communicate with the monitors over unreliable channels, where messages can be delayed or lost. In contrast to prior works, whose property specification languages are limited to propositional temporal logics, our approach handles an extension of the real-time logic MTL with freeze quantifiers for reasoning about data values. We present its underlying theory based on a new three-valued semantics that is well suited to soundly and completely reason online about event streams in the presence of message delay or loss. We also evaluate our approach experimentally. Our prototype implementation processes hundreds of events per second in settings where messages are received out of order.Comment: long version of the CAV 2017 pape

    Monitoring Assumptions in Assume-Guarantee Contracts

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    Pre-deployment verification of software components with respect to behavioral specifications in the assume-guarantee form does not, in general, guarantee absence of errors at run time. This is because assumptions about the environment cannot be discharged until the environment is fixed. An intuitive approach is to complement pre-deployment verification of guarantees, up to the assumptions, with post-deployment monitoring of environment behavior to check that the assumptions are satisfied at run time. Such a monitor is typically implemented by instrumenting the application code of the component. An additional challenge for the monitoring step is that environment behaviors are typically obtained through an I/O library, which may alter the component’s view of the input format. This transformation requires us to introduce a second pre-deployment verification step to ensure that alarms raised by the monitor would indeed correspond to violations of the environment assumptions. In this paper, we describe an approach for constructing monitors and verifying them against the component assumption. We also discuss limitations of instrumentation-based monitoring and potential ways to overcome it

    RitHM: A Modular Software Framework for Runtime Monitoring Supporting Complete and Lossy Traces

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    Runtime verification (RV) is an effective and automated method for specification based offline testing as well as online monitoring of complex real-world systems. Firstly, a software framework for RV needs to exhibit certain design features to support usability, modifiability and efficiency. While usability and modifiability are important for providing support for expressive logical formalisms, efficiency is required to reduce the extra overhead at run time. Secondly, most existing techniques assume the existence of a complete execution trace for RV. However, real-world systems often produce incomplete execution traces due to reasons such as network issues, logging failures, etc. A few verification techniques have recently emerged for performing verification of incomplete execution traces. While some of these techniques sacrifice soundness, others are too restrictive in their tolerance for incompleteness. For addressing the first problem, we introduce RitHM, a comprehensive framework, which enables development and integration of efficient verification techniques. RitHM's design takes into account various state-of-the-art techniques that are developed to optimize RV w.r.t. the efficiency of monitors and expressivity of logical formalisms. RitHM's design supports modifiability by allowing a reuse of efficient monitoring algorithms in the form of plugins, which can utilize heterogeneous back-ends. RitHM also supports extensions of logical formalisms through logic plugins. It also facilitates the interoperability between implementations of monitoring algorithms, and this feature allows utilizing different efficient algorithms for monitoring different sub-parts of a specification. We evaluate RitHM's architecture and architectures of a few more tools using architecture trade-off analysis (ATAM) method. We also report empirical results, where RitHM is used for monitoring real-world systems. The results underscore the importance of various design features of RitHM. For addressing the second problem, we identify a fragment of LTL specifications, which can be soundly monitored in the presence of transient loss events in an execution trace. We present an offline algorithm, which identifies whether an LTL formula is monitorable in a presence of a transient loss of events and constructs a loss-tolerant monitor depending upon the monitorability of the formula. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method increases the applicability of RV for monitoring various real-world applications, which produce lossy traces. The extra overhead caused by our constructed monitors is minimal as demonstrated by application of our method on commonly used patterns of LTL formulas

    A Verified and Compositional Translation of LTL to Deterministic Rabin Automata

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    We present a formalisation of the unified translation approach from linear temporal logic (LTL) to omega-automata from [Javier Esparza et al., 2018]. This approach decomposes LTL formulas into "simple" languages and allows a clear separation of concerns: first, we formalise the purely logical result yielding this decomposition; second, we develop a generic, executable, and expressive automata library providing necessary operations on automata to re-combine the "simple" languages; third, we instantiate this generic theory to obtain a construction for deterministic Rabin automata (DRA). We extract from this particular instantiation an executable tool translating LTL to DRAs. To the best of our knowledge this is the first verified translation of LTL to DRAs that is proven to be double-exponential in the worst case which asymptotically matches the known lower bound

    Work Analysis with Resource-Aware Session Types

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    While there exist several successful techniques for supporting programmers in deriving static resource bounds for sequential code, analyzing the resource usage of message-passing concurrent processes poses additional challenges. To meet these challenges, this article presents an analysis for statically deriving worst-case bounds on the total work performed by message-passing processes. To decompose interacting processes into components that can be analyzed in isolation, the analysis is based on novel resource-aware session types, which describe protocols and resource contracts for inter-process communication. A key innovation is that both messages and processes carry potential to share and amortize cost while communicating. To symbolically express resource usage in a setting without static data structures and intrinsic sizes, resource contracts describe bounds that are functions of interactions between processes. Resource-aware session types combine standard binary session types and type-based amortized resource analysis in a linear type system. This type system is formulated for a core session-type calculus of the language SILL and proved sound with respect to a multiset-based operational cost semantics that tracks the total number of messages that are exchanged in a system. The effectiveness of the analysis is demonstrated by analyzing standard examples from amortized analysis and the literature on session types and by a comparative performance analysis of different concurrent programs implementing the same interface.Comment: 25 pages, 2 pages of references, 11 pages of appendix, Accepted at LICS 201

    A Survey of Challenges for Runtime Verification from Advanced Application Domains (Beyond Software)

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    Runtime verification is an area of formal methods that studies the dynamic analysis of execution traces against formal specifications. Typically, the two main activities in runtime verification efforts are the process of creating monitors from specifications, and the algorithms for the evaluation of traces against the generated monitors. Other activities involve the instrumentation of the system to generate the trace and the communication between the system under analysis and the monitor. Most of the applications in runtime verification have been focused on the dynamic analysis of software, even though there are many more potential applications to other computational devices and target systems. In this paper we present a collection of challenges for runtime verification extracted from concrete application domains, focusing on the difficulties that must be overcome to tackle these specific challenges. The computational models that characterize these domains require to devise new techniques beyond the current state of the art in runtime verification

    Handling of Past and Future with Phenesthe+

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    Writing temporal logic formulae for properties that combine instantaneous events with overlapping temporal phenomena of some duration is difficult in classical temporal logics. To address this issue, in previous work we introduced a new temporal logic with intuitive temporal modalities specifically tailored for the representation of both instantaneous and durative phenomena. We also provided an implementation of a complex event processing system, Phenesthe, based on this logic, that has been applied and tested on a real maritime surveillance scenario. In this work, we extend our temporal logic with two extra modalities to increase its expressive power for handling future formulae. We compare the expressive power of different fragments of our logic with Linear Temporal Logic and dyadic first-order logic. Furthermore, we define correctness criteria for stream processors that use our language. Last but not least, we evaluate empirically the performance of Phenesthe+, our extended implementation, and show that the increased expressive power does not affect efficiency significantly

    Behavioural Types: from Theory to Tools

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    This book presents research produced by members of COST Action IC1201: Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems (BETTY), a European research network that was funded from October 2012 to October 2016. The technical theme of BETTY was the use of behavioural type systems in programming languages, to specify and verify properties of programs beyond the traditional use of type systems to describe data processing. A significant area within behavioural types is session types, which concerns the use of type-theoretic techniques to describe communication protocols so that static typechecking or dynamic monitoring can verify that protocols are implemented correctly. This is closely related to the topic of choreography, in which system design starts from a description of the overall communication flows. Another area is behavioural contracts, which describe the obligations of interacting agents in a way that enables blame to be attributed to the agent responsible for failed interaction. Type-theoretic techniques can also be used to analyse potential deadlocks due to cyclic dependencies between inter-process interactions. BETTY was organised into four Working Groups: (1) Foundations; (2) Security; (3) Programming Languages; (4) Tools and Applications. Working Groups 1–3 produced “state-of-the-art reports”, which originally intended to take snapshots of the field at the time the network started, but grew into substantial survey articles including much research carried out during the network [1–3]. The situation for Working Group 4 was different. When the network started, the community had produced relatively few implementations of programming languages or tools. One of the aims of the network was to encourage more implementation work, and this was a great success. The community as a whole has developed a greater interest in putting theoretical ideas into practice. The sixteen chapters in this book describe systems that were either completely developed, or substantially extended, during BETTY. The total of 41 co-authors represents a significant proportion of the active participants in the network (around 120 people who attended at least one meeting). The book is a report on the new state of the art created by BETTY in xv xvi Preface the area of Working Group 4, and the title “Behavioural Types: from Theory to Tools” summarises the trajectory of the community during the last four years. The book begins with two tutorials by Atzei et al. on contract-oriented design of distributed systems. Chapter 1 introduces the CO2 contract specifi- cation language and the Diogenes toolchain. Chapter 2 describes how timing constraints can be incorporated into the framework and checked with the CO2 middleware. Part of the CO2 middleware is a monitoring system, and the theme of monitoring continues in the next two chapters. In Chapter 3, Attard et al. present detectEr, a runtime monitoring tool for Erlang programs that allows correctness properties to be expressed in Hennessy-Milner logic. In Chapter 4, which is the first chapter about session types, Neykova and Yoshida describe a runtime verification framework for Python programs. Communication protocols are specified in the Scribble language, which is based on multiparty session types. The next three chapters deal with choreographic programming. In Chap- ter 5, Debois and Hildebrandt present a toolset for working with dynamic condition response (DCR) graphs, which are a graphical formalism for choreography. Chapter 6, by Lange et al., continues the graphical theme with ChorGram, a tool for synthesising global graphical choreographies from collections of communicating finite-state automata. Giallorenzo et al., in Chapter 7, consider runtime adaptation. They describe AIOCJ, a choreographic programming language in which runtime adaptation is supported with a guarantee that it doesn’t introduce deadlocks or races. Deadlock analysis is important in other settings too, and there are two more chapters about it. In Chapter 8, Padovani describes the Hypha tool, which uses a type-based approach to check deadlock-freedom and lock-freedom of systems modelled in a form of pi-calculus. In Chapter 9, Garcia and Laneve present a tool for analysing deadlocks in Java programs; this tool, called JaDA, is based on a behavioural type system. The next three chapters report on projects that have added session types to functional programming languages in order to support typechecking of communication-based code. In Chapter 10, Orchard and Yoshida describe an implementation of session types in Haskell, and survey several approaches to typechecking the linearity conditions required for safe session implemen- tation. In Chapter 11, Melgratti and Padovani describe an implementation of session types in OCaml. Their system uses runtime linearity checking. In Chapter 12, Lindley and Morris describe an extension of the web programming language Links with session types; their work contrasts with the previous two chapters in being less constrained by an existing language design. Continuing the theme of session types in programming languages, the next two chapters describe two approaches based on Java. Hu’s work, presented in Chapter 13, starts with the Scribble description of a multiparty session type and generates an API in the form of a collection of Java classes, each class containing the communication methods that are available in a particular state of the protocol. Dardha et al., in Chapter 14, also start with a Scribble specification. Their StMungo tool generates an API as a single class with an associated typestate specification to constrain sequences of method calls. Code that uses the API can be checked for correctness with the Mungo typechecker. Finally, there are two chapters about programming with the MPI libraries. Chapter 15, by Ng and Yoshida, uses an extension of Scribble, called Pabble, to describe protocols that parametric in the number of runtime roles. From a Pabble specification they generate C code that uses MPI for communication and is guaranteed correct by construction. Chapter 16, by Ng et al., describes the ParTypes framework for analysing existing C+MPI programs with respect to protocols defined in an extension of Scribble. We hope that the book will serve a useful purpose as a report on the activities of COST Action IC1201 and as a survey of programming languages and tools based on behavioural types
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