44 research outputs found

    Speaker-Independent Microphone Identification in Noisy Conditions

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    This work proposes a method for source device identification from speech recordings that applies neural-network-based denoising, to mitigate the impact of counter-forensics attacks using noise injection. The method is evaluated by comparing the impact of denoising on three state-of-the-art features for microphone classification, determining their discriminating power with and without denoising being applied. The proposed framework achieves a significant performance increase for noisy material, and more generally, validates the usefulness of applying denoising prior to device identification for noisy recordings

    An evaluation of entropy measures for microphone identification

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    Research findings have shown that microphones can be uniquely identified by audio recordings since physical features of the microphone components leave repeatable and distinguishable traces on the audio stream. This property can be exploited in security applications to perform the identification of a mobile phone through the built-in microphone. The problem is to determine an accurate but also efficient representation of the physical characteristics, which is not known a priori. Usually there is a trade-off between the identification accuracy and the time requested to perform the classification. Various approaches have been used in literature to deal with it, ranging from the application of handcrafted statistical features to the recent application of deep learning techniques. This paper evaluates the application of different entropy measures (Shannon Entropy, Permutation Entropy, Dispersion Entropy, Approximate Entropy, Sample Entropy, and Fuzzy Entropy) and their suitability for microphone classification. The analysis is validated against an experimental dataset of built-in microphones of 34 mobile phones, stimulated by three different audio signals. The findings show that selected entropy measures can provide a very high identification accuracy in comparison to other statistical features and that they can be robust against the presence of noise. This paper performs an extensive analysis based on filter features selection methods to identify the most discriminating entropy measures and the related hyper-parameters (e.g., embedding dimension). Results on the trade-off between accuracy and classification time are also presented

    Audio Splicing Detection and Localization Based on Acquisition Device Traces

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    In recent years, the multimedia forensic community has put a great effort in developing solutions to assess the integrity and authenticity of multimedia objects, focusing especially on manipulations applied by means of advanced deep learning techniques. However, in addition to complex forgeries as the deepfakes, very simple yet effective manipulation techniques not involving any use of state-of-the-art editing tools still exist and prove dangerous. This is the case of audio splicing for speech signals, i.e., to concatenate and combine multiple speech segments obtained from different recordings of a person in order to cast a new fake speech. Indeed, by simply adding a few words to an existing speech we can completely alter its meaning. In this work, we address the overlooked problem of detection and localization of audio splicing from different models of acquisition devices. Our goal is to determine whether an audio track under analysis is pristine, or it has been manipulated by splicing one or multiple segments obtained from different device models. Moreover, if a recording is detected as spliced, we identify where the modification has been introduced in the temporal dimension. The proposed method is based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that extracts model-specific features from the audio recording. After extracting the features, we determine whether there has been a manipulation through a clustering algorithm. Finally, we identify the point where the modification has been introduced through a distance-measuring technique. The proposed method allows to detect and localize multiple splicing points within a recording

    Contributions à la sonification d’image et à la classification de sons

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    L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier d’une part le problème de sonification d’image et de le solutionner à travers de nouveaux modèles de correspondance entre domaines visuel et sonore. D’autre part d’étudier le problème de la classification de son et de le résoudre avec des méthodes ayant fait leurs preuves dans le domaine de la reconnaissance d’image. La sonification d’image est la traduction de données d’image (forme, couleur, texture, objet) en sons. Il est utilisé dans les domaines de l’assistance visuelle et de l’accessibilité des images pour les personnes malvoyantes. En raison de sa complexité, un système de sonification d’image qui traduit correctement les données d’image en son de manière intuitive n’est pas facile à concevoir. Notre première contribution est de proposer un nouveau système de sonification d’image de bas-niveau qui utilise une approche hiérarchique basée sur les caractéristiques visuelles. Il traduit, à l’aide de notes musicales, la plupart des propriétés d’une image (couleur, gradient, contour, texture, région) vers le domaine audio, de manière très prévisible et donc est facilement ensuite décodable par l’être humain. Notre deuxième contribution est une application Android de sonification de haut niveau qui est complémentaire à notre première contribution car elle implémente la traduction des objets et du contenu sémantique de l’image. Il propose également une base de données pour la sonification d’image. Finalement dans le domaine de l’audio, notre dernière contribution généralise le motif binaire local (LBP) à 1D et le combine avec des descripteurs audio pour faire de la classification de sons environnementaux. La méthode proposée surpasse les résultats des méthodes qui utilisent des algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique classiques et est plus rapide que toutes les méthodes de réseau neuronal convolutif. Il représente un meilleur choix lorsqu’il y a une rareté des données ou une puissance de calcul minimale.The objective of this thesis is to study on the one hand the problem of image sonification and to solve it through new models of mapping between visual and sound domains. On the other hand, to study the problem of sound classification and to solve it with methods which have proven track record in the field of image recognition. Image sonification is the translation of image data (shape, color, texture, objects) into sounds. It is used in vision assistance and image accessibility domains for visual impaired people. Due to its complexity, an image sonification system that properly conveys the image data to sound in an intuitive way is not easy to design. Our first contribution is to propose a new low-level image sonification system which uses an hierarchical visual feature-based approach to translate, usingmusical notes, most of the properties of an image (color, gradient, edge, texture, region) to the audio domain, in a very predictable way in which is then easily decodable by the human being. Our second contribution is a high-level sonification Android application which is complementary to our first contribution because it implements the translation to the audio domain of the objects and the semantic content of an image. It also proposes a dataset for an image sonification. Finally, in the audio domain, our third contribution generalizes the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) to 1D and combines it with audio features for an environmental sound classification task. The proposed method outperforms the results of methods that uses handcrafted features with classical machine learning algorithms and is faster than any convolutional neural network methods. It represents a better choice when there is data scarcity or minimal computing power

    Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2016 Workshop (DCASE2016)

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    Development and exploration of a timbre space representation of audio

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    Sound is an important part of the human experience and provides valuable information about the world around us. Auditory human-computer interfaces do not have the same richness of expression and variety as audio in the world, and it has been said that this is primarily due to a lack of reasonable design tools for audio interfaces.There are a number of good guidelines for audio design and a strong psychoacoustic understanding of how sounds are interpreted. There are also a number of sound manipulation techniques developed for computer music. This research takes these ideas as the basis for an audio interface design system. A proof-of-concept of this system has been developed in order to explore the design possibilities allowed by the new system.The core of this novel audio design system is the timbre space. This provides a multi-dimensional representation of a sound. Each sound is represented as a path in the timbre space and this path can be manipulated geometrically. Several timbre spaces are compared to determine which amongst them is the best one for audio interface design. The various transformations available in the timbre space are discussed and the perceptual relevance of two novel transformations are explored by encoding "urgency" as a design parameter.This research demonstrates that the timbre space is a viable option for audio interface design and provides novel features that are not found in current audio design systems. A number of problems with the approach and some suggested solutions are discussed. The timbre space opens up new possibilities for audio designers to explore combinations of sounds and sound design based on perceptual cues rather than synthesiser parameters

    Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the SMC2010 - 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference, July 21st - July 24th 2010

    Effects of errorless learning on the acquisition of velopharyngeal movement control

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    Session 1pSC - Speech Communication: Cross-Linguistic Studies of Speech Sound Learning of the Languages of Hong Kong (Poster Session)The implicit motor learning literature suggests a benefit for learning if errors are minimized during practice. This study investigated whether the same principle holds for learning velopharyngeal movement control. Normal speaking participants learned to produce hypernasal speech in either an errorless learning condition (in which the possibility for errors was limited) or an errorful learning condition (in which the possibility for errors was not limited). Nasality level of the participants’ speech was measured by nasometer and reflected by nasalance scores (in %). Errorless learners practiced producing hypernasal speech with a threshold nasalance score of 10% at the beginning, which gradually increased to a threshold of 50% at the end. The same set of threshold targets were presented to errorful learners but in a reversed order. Errors were defined by the proportion of speech with a nasalance score below the threshold. The results showed that, relative to errorful learners, errorless learners displayed fewer errors (50.7% vs. 17.7%) and a higher mean nasalance score (31.3% vs. 46.7%) during the acquisition phase. Furthermore, errorless learners outperformed errorful learners in both retention and novel transfer tests. Acknowledgment: Supported by The University of Hong Kong Strategic Research Theme for Sciences of Learning © 2012 Acoustical Society of Americapublished_or_final_versio