308 research outputs found

    Evolutionary computation based on nanocomposite training: application to data classification

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    Research into novel materials and computation frameworks by-passing the limitations of the current paradigm, has been identified as crucial for the development of the next generation of computing technology. Within this context, evolution in materio (EiM) proposes an approach where evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are used to explore and exploit the properties of un-configured materials until they reach a state where they can perform a computational task. Following an EiM approach, this thesis demonstrates the ability of EAs to evolve dynamic nanocomposites into data classifiers. Material-based computation is treated as an optimisation problem with a hybrid search space consisting of configuration voltages creating an electric field applied to the material, and the infinite space of possible states the material can reach in response to this field. In a first set of investigations, two different algorithms, differential evolution (DE) and particle swarm optimisation (PSO), are used to evolve single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) / liquid crystal (LC) composites capable of classifying artificial, two-dimensional, binary linear and non-linear separable and merged datasets at low SWCNT concentrations. The difference in search behaviour between the two algorithms is found to affect differently the composite’ state during training, which in turn affects the accuracy, consistency and generalisation of evolved solutions. SWCNT/LC processors are also able to scale to complex, real-life classification problems. Crucially, results suggest that problem complexity influences the properties of the processors. For more complex problems, networks of SWCNT structures tend to form within the composite, creating stable devices requiring no configuration voltages to classify data, and with computational capabilities that can be recovered more than several hours after training. A method of programming the dynamic composites is demonstrated, based on the reapplication of sequences of configuration voltages which have produced good quality SWCNT/LC classifiers. A second set of investigations aims at exploiting the properties presented by the dynamic nanocomposites, whilst also providing a means for evolved device encapsulation, making their use easier in out-of-the lab applications. Novel composites based on SWCNTs dispersed in one-part UV-cure epoxies are introduced. Results obtained with these composites support their choice for use in subsequent EiM research. A final discussion is concerned with evolving an electro-biological processor and a memristive processor. Overall, the work reported in the thesis suggests that dynamic nanocomposites present a number of unexpected, potentially attractive properties not found in other materials investigated in the context of EiM

    Training Single Walled Carbon Nanotube based Materials to perform computation

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    This thesis illustrates the use of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube based materials for the solution of various computational problems by using the process of computer controlled evolution. The study aims to explore and identify three dimensions of a form of unconventional computing called, `Evolution-in-materio'. First, it focuses on identifying suitable materials for computation. Second, it explores suitable methods, i.e. optimisation and evolutionary algorithms to train these materials to perform computation. And third, it aims to identify suitable computational problems to test with these materials. Different carbon based materials, mainly single walled carbon nano-tubes with their varying concentrations in polymers have been studied to be trained for different computational problems using the principal of `evolution-in-materio'. The conductive property of the materials is used to train these materials to perform some meaningful computation. The training process is formulated as an optimisation problem with hardware in loop. It involves the application of an external stimuli (voltages) on the material which brings changes in its electrical properties. In order to train the material for a specific computational problem, a large number of configuration signals need to be tested to find the one that transforms the incident signal in such a way that a meaningful computation can be extracted from the material. An evolutionary algorithm is used to identify this configuration data and using a hardware platform, this data is transformed into incident signals. Depending on the computational problem, the specific voltages signals when applied at specific points on to the material, as identified by an evolutionary algorithm, can make the material behave as a Logic gate, a tone discriminator or a data classifier. The problem is implemented on two types of hardware platforms, one a more simple implementation using mbed ( a micro- controller) and other is a purpose-built platform for `Evolution-in-materio" called Mecobo. The results of this study showed that the single walled carbon nanotube composites can be trained to perform simple computational tasks (such as tone discriminator, AND, OR logic gates and a Half adder circuit), as well as complex computational problems such as Full Adder circuit and various binary and multiple class machine learning problems. The study has also identified the suitability of using evolutionary algorithms such as Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithm (PSO) and Differential evolution for finding solutions of complex computational problems such as complex logic gates and various machine learning classification problems. The implementation of classification problem with the carbon nanotube based materials also identified the role of a classifier. It has been found that K-nearest neighbour method and its variant kNN ball tree algorithm are more suitable to train carbon nanotube based materials for different classification problems. The study of varying concentrations of single walled carbon nanotubes in fixed polymer ratio for the solution of different computational problems provided an indication of the link between single walled carbon nanotubes concentration and ability to solve computational problem. The materials used in this study showed stability in the results for all the considered computational problems. These material systems can compliment the current electronic technology and can be used to create a new type of low energy and low cost electronic devices. This offers a promising new direction for evolutionary computation

    Evolution of Electronic Circuits using Carbon Nanotube Composites

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    Evolution-in-materio concerns the computer controlled manipulation of material systems using external stimuli to train or evolve the material to perform a useful function. In this paper we demonstrate the evolution of a disordered composite material, using voltages as the external stimuli, into a form where a simple computational problem can be solved. The material consists of single-walled carbon nanotubes suspended in liquid crystal; the nanotubes act as a conductive network, with the liquid crystal providing a host medium to allow the conductive network to reorganise when voltages are applied. We show that the application of electric fields under computer control results in a significant change in the material morphology, favouring the solution to a classification task

    Harnessing Evolution in-Materio as an Unconventional Computing Resource

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    This thesis illustrates the use and development of physical conductive analogue systems for unconventional computing using the Evolution in-Materio (EiM) paradigm. EiM uses an Evolutionary Algorithm to configure and exploit a physical material (or medium) for computation. While EiM processors show promise, fundamental questions and scaling issues remain. Additionally, their development is hindered by slow manufacturing and physical experimentation. This work addressed these issues by implementing simulated models to speed up research efforts, followed by investigations of physically implemented novel in-materio devices. Initial work leveraged simulated conductive networks as single substrate ‘monolithic’ EiM processors, performing classification by formulating the system as an optimisation problem, solved using Differential Evolution. Different material properties and algorithm parameters were isolated and investigated; which explained the capabilities of configurable parameters and showed ideal nanomaterial choice depended upon problem complexity. Subsequently, drawing from concepts in the wider Machine Learning field, several enhancements to monolithic EiM processors were proposed and investigated. These ensured more efficient use of training data, better classification decision boundary placement, an independently optimised readout layer, and a smoother search space. Finally, scalability and performance issues were addressed by constructing in-Materio Neural Networks (iM-NNs), where several EiM processors were stacked in parallel and operated as physical realisations of Hidden Layer neurons. Greater flexibility in system implementation was achieved by re-using a single physical substrate recursively as several virtual neurons, but this sacrificed faster parallelised execution. These novel iM-NNs were first implemented using Simulated in-Materio neurons, and trained for classification as Extreme Learning Machines, which were found to outperform artificial networks of a similar size. Physical iM-NN were then implemented using a Raspberry Pi, custom Hardware Interface and Lambda Diode based Physical in-Materio neurons, which were trained successfully with neuroevolution. A more complex AutoEncoder structure was then proposed and implemented physically to perform dimensionality reduction on a handwritten digits dataset, outperforming both Principal Component Analysis and artificial AutoEncoders. This work presents an approach to exploit systems with interesting physical dynamics, and leverage them as a computational resource. Such systems could become low power, high speed, unconventional computing assets in the future

    Training a Carbon-Nanotube/Liquid Crystal Data Classifier Using Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Evolution-in-Materio uses evolutionary algorithms (EA) to exploit the physical properties of unconfigured, physically rich materials, in effect transforming them into information processors. The potential of this technique for machine learning problems is explored here. Results are obtained from a mixture of single walled carbon nanotubes and liquid crystals (SWCNT/LC). The complex nature of the voltage/current relationship of this material presents a potential for adaptation. Here, it is used as a computational medium evolved by two derivative-free, population-based stochastic search algorithms, particle swarm optimisation (PSO) and differential evolution (DE). The computational problem considered is data classification. A custom made electronic motherboard for interacting with the material has been developed, which allows the application of control signals on the material body. Starting with a simple binary classification problem of separable data, the material is trained with an error minimisation objective for both algorithms. Subsequently, the solution, defined as the combination of the material itself and optimal inputs, is verified and results are reported. The evolution process based on EAs has the capacity to evolve the material to a state where data classification can be performed. PSO outperforms DE in terms of results’ reproducibility due to the smoother, as opposed to more noisy, inputs applied on the material

    Reservoir Computing in Materio

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    Reservoir Computing first emerged as an efficient mechanism for training recurrent neural networks and later evolved into a general theoretical model for dynamical systems. By applying only a simple training mechanism many physical systems have become exploitable unconventional computers. However, at present, many of these systems require careful selection and tuning by hand to produce usable or optimal reservoir computers. In this thesis we show the first steps to applying the reservoir model as a simple computational layer to extract exploitable information from complex material substrates. We argue that many physical substrates, even systems that in their natural state might not form usable or "good" reservoirs, can be configured into working reservoirs given some stimulation. To achieve this we apply techniques from evolution in materio whereby configuration is through evolved input-output signal mappings and targeted stimuli. In preliminary experiments the combined model and configuration method is applied to carbon nanotube/polymer composites. The results show substrates can be configured and trained as reservoir computers of varying quality. It is shown that applying the reservoir model adds greater functionality and programmability to physical substrates, without sacrificing performance. Next, the weaknesses of the technique are addressed, with the creation of new high input-output hardware system and an alternative multi-substrate framework. Lastly, a substantial effort is put into characterising the quality of a substrate for reservoir computing, i.e its ability to realise many reservoirs. From this, a methodological framework is devised. Using the framework, radically different computing substrates are compared and assessed, something previously not possible. As a result, a new understanding of the relationships between substrate, tasks and properties is possible, outlining the way for future exploration and optimisation of new computing substrates

    Evolution-In-Materio: Solving Computational Problems Using Materials

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    The motivation behind the research is to show that evolutionary algorithms can exploit properties of materials to solve various computational problems without requiring a detailed understanding of such properties. This approach is referred to as evolution-in-materio. In this research, it has been shown that using a purpose-built hardware platform called Mecobo, it is possible to evolve voltages and signals applied to physical materials to solve a number of computational problems. Here it has been demonstrated for the first time that the evolution-in-materio method can be applied to function optimisation, machine learning classification, frequency classification, even parity and bin packing problems. This evolution-in-materio method has also been applied here to discriminate tones and control robots. The physical material used in each of these experiments is a mixture of single-walled carbon nanotubes and a polymer. This is the first time that such material has been used to solve computational problems. The results of all of these experiments indicate that evolution-in-materio has promise and further investigations would be fruitful. Other than the solutions regarding these computational problems, this thesis has also devised and investigated suitable input-output mappings and input signals that allow various computational problems to be solved using the Mecobo platform and the experimental material

    VLSI Design

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    This book provides some recent advances in design nanometer VLSI chips. The selected topics try to present some open problems and challenges with important topics ranging from design tools, new post-silicon devices, GPU-based parallel computing, emerging 3D integration, and antenna design. The book consists of two parts, with chapters such as: VLSI design for multi-sensor smart systems on a chip, Three-dimensional integrated circuits design for thousand-core processors, Parallel symbolic analysis of large analog circuits on GPU platforms, Algorithms for CAD tools VLSI design, A multilevel memetic algorithm for large SAT-encoded problems, etc

    Computers from plants we never made. Speculations

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    We discuss possible designs and prototypes of computing systems that could be based on morphological development of roots, interaction of roots, and analog electrical computation with plants, and plant-derived electronic components. In morphological plant processors data are represented by initial configuration of roots and configurations of sources of attractants and repellents; results of computation are represented by topology of the roots' network. Computation is implemented by the roots following gradients of attractants and repellents, as well as interacting with each other. Problems solvable by plant roots, in principle, include shortest-path, minimum spanning tree, Voronoi diagram, α\alpha-shapes, convex subdivision of concave polygons. Electrical properties of plants can be modified by loading the plants with functional nanoparticles or coating parts of plants of conductive polymers. Thus, we are in position to make living variable resistors, capacitors, operational amplifiers, multipliers, potentiometers and fixed-function generators. The electrically modified plants can implement summation, integration with respect to time, inversion, multiplication, exponentiation, logarithm, division. Mathematical and engineering problems to be solved can be represented in plant root networks of resistive or reaction elements. Developments in plant-based computing architectures will trigger emergence of a unique community of biologists, electronic engineering and computer scientists working together to produce living electronic devices which future green computers will be made of.Comment: The chapter will be published in "Inspired by Nature. Computing inspired by physics, chemistry and biology. Essays presented to Julian Miller on the occasion of his 60th birthday", Editors: Susan Stepney and Andrew Adamatzky (Springer, 2017

    SciTech News [full issue]

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