6,263 research outputs found

    Inverse heat conduction problems by using particular solutions

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    Based on the method of fundamental solutions, we develop in this paper a new computational method to solve two-dimensional transient heat conduction inverse problems. The main idea is to use particular solutions as radial basis functions (PSRBF) for approximation of the solutions to the inverse heat conduction problems. The heat conduction equations are first analyzed in the Laplace transformed domain and the Durbin inversion method is then used to determine the solutions in the time domain. Least-square and singular value decomposition (SVD) techniques are adopted to solve the ill-conditioned linear system of algebraic equations obtained from the proposed PSRBF method. To demonstrate the effectiveness and simplicity of this approach, several numerical examples are given with satisfactory accuracy and stability.Peer reviewe

    Analysis of crosstalk and field coupling to lossy MTL's in a SPICE environment

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    This paper proposes a circuit model for lossy multiconductor transmission lines (MTLs) suitable for implementation in modern SPICE simulators, as well as in any simulator supporting differential operators. The model includes the effects of a uniform or nonuniform disturbing field illuminating the line and is especially devised for the transient simulation of electrically long wideband interconnects with frequency dependent per-unit-length parameters. The MTL is characterized by its transient matched scattering responses, which are computed including both dc and skin losses by means of a specific algorithm for the inversion of the Laplace transform. The line characteristics are then represented in terms of differential operators and ideal delays to improve the numerical efficiency and to simplify the coding of the model in existing simulators. The model can be successfully applied to many kinds of interconnects ranging from micrometric high-resistivity metallizations to low-loss PCBs and cables, and can be considered a practical extension of the widely appreciated lossless MTL SPICE model, which maintains the simplicity and efficienc

    A Fast Algorithm for Parabolic PDE-based Inverse Problems Based on Laplace Transforms and Flexible Krylov Solvers

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    We consider the problem of estimating parameters in large-scale weakly nonlinear inverse problems for which the underlying governing equations is a linear, time-dependent, parabolic partial differential equation. A major challenge in solving these inverse problems using Newton-type methods is the computational cost associated with solving the forward problem and with repeated construction of the Jacobian, which represents the sensitivity of the measurements to the unknown parameters. Forming the Jacobian can be prohibitively expensive because it requires repeated solutions of the forward and adjoint time-dependent parabolic partial differential equations corresponding to multiple sources and receivers. We propose an efficient method based on a Laplace transform-based exponential time integrator combined with a flexible Krylov subspace approach to solve the resulting shifted systems of equations efficiently. Our proposed solver speeds up the computation of the forward and adjoint problems, thus yielding significant speedup in total inversion time. We consider an application from Transient Hydraulic Tomography (THT), which is an imaging technique to estimate hydraulic parameters related to the subsurface from pressure measurements obtained by a series of pumping tests. The algorithms discussed are applied to a synthetic example taken from THT to demonstrate the resulting computational gains of this proposed method

    Advanced signal processing methods in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging

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    Tato dizertační práce představuje metodu zobrazování perfúze magnetickou rezonancí, jež je výkonným nástrojem v diagnostice, především v onkologii. Po ukončení sběru časové sekvence T1-váhovaných obrazů zaznamenávajících distribuci kontrastní látky v těle začíná fáze zpracování dat, která je předmětem této dizertace. Je zde představen teoretický základ fyziologických modelů a modelů akvizice pomocí magnetické rezonance a celý řetězec potřebný k vytvoření obrazů odhadu parametrů perfúze a mikrocirkulace v tkáni. Tato dizertační práce je souborem uveřejněných prací autora přispívajícím k rozvoji metodologie perfúzního zobrazování a zmíněného potřebného teoretického rozboru.This dissertation describes quantitative dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI), which is a powerful tool in diagnostics, mainly in oncology. After a time series of T1-weighted images recording contrast-agent distribution in the body has been acquired, data processing phase follows. It is presented step by step in this dissertation. The theoretical background in physiological and MRI-acquisition modeling is described together with the estimation process leading to parametric maps describing perfusion and microcirculation properties of the investigated tissue on a voxel-by-voxel basis. The dissertation is divided into this theoretical analysis and a set of publications representing particular contributions of the author to DCE-MRI.

    Sumudu-Bernstein solution of differential, integral and integro-differential equations

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    A numerical method based on the inverse Sumudu transform and the Bernstein polynomials operational matrix of integration is developed. The derived method is implemented in solving linear differential, integral and integro-differential equations. Also, a procedure for overcoming nonlinearity is developed and implemented to solve nonlinear Volterra integral equations. The approximate results are compared with the exact solutions and an existing method. Error estimation shows that the proposed method has elevated level of accuracy for just a few terms of the polynomial