12 research outputs found

    Minimize electricity generation cost for large scale wind- thermal systems considering prohibited operating zone and power reserve constraints

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    Wind power plants (WPs) play a very important role in the power systems because thermal power plants (TPs) suffers from shortcomings of expensive cost and limited fossil fuels. As compared to other renewable energies, WPs are more effective because it can produce electricity all a day from the morning to the evening. Consequently, this paper integrates the optimal power generation of TPs and WPs to absolutely exploit the energy from WPs and reduce the total electricity generation cost of TPs. The target can be reached by employing a proposed method, called one evaluation-based cuckoo search algorithm (OEB-CSA), which is developed from cuckoo search algorithm (CSA). In addition, conventional particle swarm optimization (PSO) is also implemented for comparison. Two test systems with thirty TPs considering prohibited working zone and power reserve constraints are employed. The first system has one wind power plant (WP) while the second one has two WPs. The result comparisons indicate that OEB-CSA can be the best method for the combined systems with WPs and TPs

    Optimal generation for wind-thermal power plant systems with multiple fuel sources

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    In this paper, the combined wind and thermal power plant systems are operated optimally to reduce the total fossil fuel cost (TFFC) of all thermal power plants and supply enough power energy to loads. The objective of reducing TFFC is implemented by using antlion algorithm (ALA), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and Cuckoo search algorithm (CSA). The best method is then determined based on the obtained TFFC from the three methods as dealing with two study cases. Two systems with eleven units including one wind power plant (WPP) and ten thermal power plants are optimally operated. The two systems have the same characteristic of MFSs but the valve loading effects (VLEs) on thermal power plants are only considered in the second system. The comparisons of TFFC from the two systems indicate that CSA is more powerful than ALA and PSO. Furthermore, CSA is also superior to the two methods in terms of faster search process. Consequently, CSA is a powerful method for the problem of optimal generation for wind-thermal power plant systems with consideration of MFSs from thermal power plants

    Employee Attrition Prediction based on Grey Wolf Optimization and Deep Neural Networks

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    Despite the constructive application of promising technologies such as Neural Networks, their potential for predicting human resource management outcomes still needs to be explored. Therefore, the primary aim of this paper is to utilize neural networks and meta-heuristic technologies to predict employee attrition, thereby enhancing prediction model performance. The conventional Grey Wolf optimization optimization (GWO) has gained substantial attention notice because of its attributes of robust convergence, minimal parameters, and simple implementaton. However, it encounter problems with slow convergence rates and susceptibility to local optima in practical optimization scenarios. To address these problems, this paper introduces an enhanced Grey Wolf Optimization algorithm incorporating the utilization of Cauchy-Gaussian mutation, which contributes to enhancing diversity within the leader wolf population and enhances the algorithm's global search capabilities. Additionally, this work preserves exceptional grey wolf individuals through a greedy selection of 2 mechanisms to ensure accelerated convergence. Moreover, an enhanced exploration strategy is suggested to expand the optimization possibilities of the algorithm and improve its convergence speed. The results shows that the proposed model achieved the accuarcy of 97.85%, precision of  98.45%, recall of 98.14%, and f1-score of 97.11%. Nevertheless, this paper extends its scope beyond merely predicting employee attrition probability and activities to enhance the precision of such predictions by constructing an improved model employing a Deep Neural Network (DNN).

    Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques to Solve the Economic Emission Load Dispatch Problem Using Various Heuristic and Metaheuristic Algorithms

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    The main objective of thermoelectric power plants is to meet the power demand with the lowest fuel cost and emission levels of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions, considering the operational restrictions of the power plant. Optimization techniques have been widely used to solve engineering problems as in this case with the objective of minimizing the cost and the pollution damages. Heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms have been extensively studied and used to successfully solve this multi-objective problem. This chapter, several optimization techniques (simulated annealing, ant lion, dragonfly, NSGA II, and differential evolution) are analyzed and their application to economic-emission load dispatch (EELD) is also discussed. In addition, a comparison of all approaches and its results are offered through a case study

    An energy-efficient cluster head selection in wireless sensor network using grey wolf optimization algorithm

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    Clustering is considered as one of the most prominent solutions to preserve theenergy in the wireless sensor networks. However, for optimal clustering, anenergy efficient cluster head selection is quite important. Improper selectionofcluster heads(CHs) consumes high energy compared to other sensor nodesdue to the transmission of data packets between the cluster members and thesink node. Thereby, it reduces the network lifetime and performance of thenetwork. In order to overcome the issues, we propose a novelcluster headselection approach usinggrey wolf optimization algorithm(GWO) namelyGWO-CH which considers the residual energy, intra-cluster and sink distance.In addition to that, we formulated an objective function and weight parametersfor anefficient cluster head selection and cluster formation. The proposedalgorithm is tested in different wireless sensor network scenarios by varyingthe number of sensor nodes and cluster heads. The observed results conveythat the proposed algorithm outperforms in terms of achieving better networkperformance compare to other algorithms


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    Due to the great importance of reliable indicators in electrical operating systems in all its different parts, it has been considered the most important factors in the design and maintenance of the electrical system, especially during its operation. The main reason for attention to reliability indicators relates to interruptions in the power system that are provided to consumers. The introduction of reliable indicators to solving an economic load dispatch (ELD) issue increases the possibility of providing customers with a required load with the highest degree of reliability. The ELD issue has been solved with reliability indicators. This means that the ELD problem with reliability is combined into one problem called combined the economic load dispatch with reliability (CELDR). Solving the above problem lowers the fuel cost while increasing the reliability of the generators while preparing the required load. The exchange market algorithm (EMA), in this work, has been implemented in a system of 26 generating units to solve the CELDR issue. Considering system reliability, inequality, and equality constraints. The results obtained show the direct effect of using reliability indicators in solving the above problem, where the best results were obtained using the EMA algorithm to solve the mentioned problem, compared to other algorithms

    GOOSE Algorithm: A Powerful Optimization Tool for Real-World Engineering Challenges and Beyond

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    This study proposes the GOOSE algorithm as a novel metaheuristic algorithm based on the goose's behavior during rest and foraging. The goose stands on one leg and keeps his balance to guard and protect other individuals in the flock. The GOOSE algorithm is benchmarked on 19 well-known benchmark test functions, and the results are verified by a comparative study with genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), dragonfly algorithm (DA), and fitness dependent optimizer (FDO). In addition, the proposed algorithm is tested on 10 modern benchmark functions, and the gained results are compared with three recent algorithms, such as the dragonfly algorithm, whale optimization algorithm (WOA), and salp swarm algorithm (SSA). Moreover, the GOOSE algorithm is tested on 5 classical benchmark functions, and the obtained results are evaluated with six algorithms, such as fitness dependent optimizer (FDO), FOX optimizer, butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA), whale optimization algorithm, dragonfly algorithm, and chimp optimization algorithm (ChOA). The achieved findings attest to the proposed algorithm's superior performance compared to the other algorithms that were utilized in the current study. The technique is then used to optimize Welded beam design and Economic Load Dispatch Problem, three renowned real-world engineering challenges, and the Pathological IgG Fraction in the Nervous System. The outcomes of the engineering case studies illustrate how well the suggested approach can optimize issues that arise in the real-world

    Grey wolf optimization-based optimum energy-management and battery-sizing method for grid-connected microgrids

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    In the revolution of green energy development, microgrids with renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and fuel cells are becoming a popular and effective way of controlling and managing these sources. On the other hand, owing to the intermittency and wide range of dynamic responses of renewable energy sources, battery energy-storage systems have become an integral feature of microgrids. Intelligent energy management and battery sizing are essential requirements in the microgrids to ensure the optimal use of the renewable sources and reduce conventional fuel utilization in such complex systems. This paper presents a novel approach to meet these requirements by using the grey wolf optimization (GWO) technique. The proposed algorithm is implemented for different scenarios, and the numerical simulation results are compared with other optimization methods including the genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), the Bat algorithm (BA), and the improved bat algorithm (IBA). The proposed method (GWO) shows outstanding results and superior performance compared with other algorithms in terms of solution quality and computational efficiency. The numerical results show that the GWO with a smart utilization of battery energy storage (BES) helped to minimize the operational costs of microgrid by 33.185% in comparison with GA, PSO, BA and IBA

    Adaptive wind driven optimization and moth swarm algorithm in solving economic emission dispatch problem

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    U ovom radu su primenjeni algoritam roja noćnih leptira (MSA) i adaptivna optimizacija inspirisana vetrom (AWDO) za rešavanje nelinearnog problema ekonomične raspodele snaga (ERS) generatora u termoelektranama. Utvrđeno je da ovi algoritmi imaju visoku efikasnost u rešavanju ERS problema i izvršena je statistička analiza ponašanja ovih algoritama. Algoritmi MSA i AWDO su testirani na standardnim IEEE test sistemima sa 3 i 6 generatora i pokazali su bolje performanse u odnosu na algoritme primenjivane u publikovanoj literaturi. Zatim je problem ERS proširen problemom lanca snabdevanja električnom energijom na deregulisanom tržištu pa je takav integrisani problem rešavan primenom AWDO. Na rezultate dobijene testiranjem algoritama primenjeni su statistički parametarski i neparametarski testovi kako bi se utvrdila razlika u ponašanju algoritama pri dobijanju rezultata na pojedinačnim funkcijama ERS problema i na svim funkcijama zajedno i kako bi se utvrdilo da li se mogu generalizovati zaključci iz konkretnih skupova rešenja na celu populaciju mogućih rešenja. Rezultati statističke analize su pokazali da se algoritmi ponašaju različito za različite funkcije ERS problema tj., da jedan algoritam ne može biti najbolji za svaku funkciju. To znači da je pri rešavanju problema koji se sastoji od većeg broja funkcija bolje primeniti veći broj odgovarajućih algoritama umesto jednog