604 research outputs found

    Analysis of Software Aging in a Web Server

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    A number of recent studies have reported the phenomenon of “software aging”, characterized by progressive performance degradation and/or an increased occurrence rate of hang/crash failures of a software system due to the exhaustion of operating system resources or the accumulation of errors. To counteract this phenomenon, a proactive technique called 'software rejuvenation' has been proposed. It essentially involves stopping the running software, cleaning its internal state and/or its environment and then restarting it. Software rejuvenation, being preventive in nature, begs the question as to when to schedule it. Periodic rejuvenation, while straightforward to implement, may not yield the best results, because the rate at which software ages is not constant, but it depends on the time-varying system workload. Software rejuvenation should therefore be planned and initiated in the face of the actual system behavior. This requires the measurement, analysis and prediction of system resource usage. In this paper, we study the development of resource usage in a web server while subjecting it to an artificial workload. We first collect data on several system resource usage and activity parameters. Non-parametric statistical methods are then applied for detecting and estimating trends in the data sets. Finally, we fit time series models to the data collected. Unlike the models used previously in the research on software aging, these time series models allow for seasonal patterns, and we show how the exploitation of the seasonal variation can help in adequately predicting the future resource usage. Based on the models employed here, proactive management techniques like software rejuvenation triggered by actual measurements can be built. --Software aging,software rejuvenation,Linux,Apache,web server,performance monitoring,prediction of resource utilization,non-parametric trend analysis,time series analysis

    Modeling and analysis of high availability techniques in a virtualized system

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    Availability evaluation of a virtualized system is critical to the wide deployment of cloud computing services. Time-based, prediction-based rejuvenation of virtual machines (VM) and virtual machine monitors, VM failover and live VM migration are common high-availability (HA) techniques in a virtualized system. This paper investigates the effect of combination of these availability techniques on VM availability in a virtualized system where various software and hardware failures may occur. For each combination, we construct analytic models rejuvenation mechanisms to improve VM availability; (2) prediction-based rejuvenation enhances VM availability much more than time-based VM rejuvenation when prediction successful probability is above 70%, regardless failover and/or live VM migration is also deployed; (3) failover mechanism outperforms live VM migration, although they can work together for higher availability of VM. In addition, they can combine with software rejuvenation mechanisms for even higher availability; (4) and time interval setting is critical to a time-based rejuvenation mechanism. These analytic results provide guidelines for deploying and parameter setting of HA techniques in a virtualized system

    Proactive software rejuvenation solution for web enviroments on virtualized platforms

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    The availability of the Information Technologies for everything, from everywhere, at all times is a growing requirement. We use information Technologies from common and social tasks to critical tasks like managing nuclear power plants or even the International Space Station (ISS). However, the availability of IT infrastructures is still a huge challenge nowadays. In a quick look around news, we can find reports of corporate outage, affecting millions of users and impacting on the revenue and image of the companies. It is well known that, currently, computer system outages are more often due to software faults, than hardware faults. Several studies have reported that one of the causes of unplanned software outages is the software aging phenomenon. This term refers to the accumulation of errors, usually causing resource contention, during long running application executions, like web applications, which normally cause applications/systems to hang or crash. Gradual performance degradation could also accompany software aging phenomena. The software aging phenomena are often related to memory bloating/ leaks, unterminated threads, data corruption, unreleased file-locks or overruns. We can find several examples of software aging in the industry. The work presented in this thesis aims to offer a proactive and predictive software rejuvenation solution for Internet Services against software aging caused by resource exhaustion. To this end, we first present a threshold based proactive rejuvenation to avoid the consequences of software aging. This first approach has some limitations, but the most important of them it is the need to know a priori the resource or resources involved in the crash and the critical condition values. Moreover, we need some expertise to fix the threshold value to trigger the rejuvenation action. Due to these limitations, we have evaluated the use of Machine Learning to overcome the weaknesses of our first approach to obtain a proactive and predictive solution. Finally, the current and increasing tendency to use virtualization technologies to improve the resource utilization has made traditional data centers turn into virtualized data centers or platforms. We have used a Mathematical Programming approach to virtual machine allocation and migration to optimize the resources, accepting as many services as possible on the platform while at the same time, guaranteeing the availability (via our software rejuvenation proposal) of the services deployed against the software aging phenomena. The thesis is supported by an exhaustive experimental evaluation that proves the effectiveness and feasibility of our proposals for current systems

    Multi-perspective Evaluation of Self-Healing Systems Using Simple Probabilistic Models

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    Quantifying the efficacy of self-healing systems is a challenging but important task, which has implications for increasing designer, operator and end-user confidence in these systems. During design system architects benefit from tools and techniques that enhance their understanding of the system, allowing them to reason about the tradeoffs of proposed or existing self-healing mechanisms and the overall effectiveness of the system as a result of different mechanism-compositions. At deployment time, system integrators and operators need to understand how the selfhealing mechanisms work and how their operation impacts the system's reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS) in order to cope with any limitations of these mechanisms when the system is placed into production. In this paper we construct an evaluation framework for selfhealing systems around simple, yet powerful, probabilistic models that capture the behavior of the system's selfhealing mechanisms from multiple perspectives (designer, operator, and end-user). We combine these analytical models with runtime fault-injection to study the operation of VM-Rejuv — a virtual machine based rejuvenation scheme for web-application servers. We use the results from the fault-injection experiments and model-analysis to reason about the efficacy of VM-Rejuv, its limitations and strategies for managing/mitigating these limitations in system deployments. Whereas we use VM-Rejuv as the subject of our evaluation in this paper, our main contribution is a practical evaluation approach that can be generalized to other self-healing systems

    Near-optimal scheduling and decision-making models for reactive and proactive fault tolerance mechanisms

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    As High Performance Computing (HPC) systems increase in size to fulfill computational power demand, the chance of failure occurrences dramatically increases, resulting in potentially large amounts of lost computing time. Fault Tolerance (FT) mechanisms aim to mitigate the impact of failure occurrences to the running applications. However, the overhead of FT mechanisms increases proportionally to the HPC systems\u27 size. Therefore, challenges arise in handling the expensive overhead of FT mechanisms while minimizing the large amount of lost computing time due to failure occurrences. In this dissertation, a near-optimal scheduling model is built to determine when to invoke a hybrid checkpoint mechanism, by means of stochastic processes and calculus of variations. The obtained schedule minimizes the waste time caused by checkpoint mechanism and failure occurrences. Generally, the checkpoint/restart mechanisms periodically save application states and load the saved state, upon failure occurrences. Furthermore, to handle various FT mechanisms, an adaptive decision-making model has been developed to determine the best FT strategy to invoke at each decision point. The best mechanism at each decision point is selected among considered FT mechanisms to globally minimize the total waste time for an application execution by means of a dynamic programming approach. In addition, the model is adaptive to deal with changes in failure rate over time

    Redundant VoD Streaming Service in a Private Cloud: Availability Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis

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    For several years cloud computing has been generating considerable debate and interest within IT corporations. Since cloud computing environments provide storage and processing systems that are adaptable, efficient, and straightforward, thereby enabling rapid infrastructure modifications to be made according to constantly varying workloads, organizations of every size and type are migrating to web-based cloud supported solutions. Due to the advantages of the pay-per-use model and scalability factors, current video on demand (VoD) streaming services rely heavily on cloud infrastructures to offer a large variety of multimedia content. Recent well documented failure events in commercial VoD services have demonstrated the fundamental importance of maintaining high availability in cloud computing infrastructures, and hierarchical modeling has proved to be a useful tool for evaluating the availability of complex systems and services. This paper presents an availability model for a video streaming service deployed in a private cloud environment which includes redundancy mechanisms in the infrastructure. Differential sensitivity analysis was applied to identify and rank the critical components of the system with respect to service availability. The results demonstrate that such a modeling strategy combined with differential sensitivity analysis can be an attractive methodology for identifying which components should be supported with redundancy in order to consciously increase system dependability

    Scalable and Reliable Sparse Data Computation on Emergent High Performance Computing Systems

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    Heterogeneous systems with both CPUs and GPUs have become important system architectures in emergent High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Heterogeneous systems must address both performance-scalability and power-scalability in the presence of failures. Aggressive power reduction pushes hardware to its operating limit and increases the failure rate. Resilience allows programs to progress when subjected to faults and is an integral component of large-scale systems, but incurs significant time and energy overhead. The future exascale systems are expected to have higher power consumption with higher fault rates. Sparse data computation is the fundamental kernel in many scientific applications. It is suitable for the studies of scalability and resilience on heterogeneous systems due to its computational characteristics. To deliver the promised performance within the given power budget, heterogeneous computing mandates a deep understanding of the interplay between scalability and resilience. Managing scalability and resilience is challenging in heterogeneous systems, due to the heterogeneous compute capability, power consumption, and varying failure rates between CPUs and GPUs. Scalability and resilience have been traditionally studied in isolation, and optimizing one typically detrimentally impacts the other. While prior works have been proved successful in optimizing scalability and resilience on CPU-based homogeneous systems, simply extending current approaches to heterogeneous systems results in suboptimal performance-scalability and/or power-scalability. To address the above multiple research challenges, we propose novel resilience and energy-efficiency technologies to optimize scalability and resilience for sparse data computation on heterogeneous systems with CPUs and GPUs. First, we present generalized analytical and experimental methods to analyze and quantify the time and energy costs of various recovery schemes, and develop and prototype performance optimization and power management strategies to improve scalability for sparse linear solvers. Our results quantitatively reveal that each resilience scheme has its own advantages depending on the fault rate, system size, and power budget, and the forward recovery can further benefit from our performance and power optimizations for large-scale computing. Second, we design a novel resilience technique that relaxes the requirement of synchronization and identicalness for processes, and allows them to run in heterogeneous resources with power reduction. Our results show a significant reduction in energy for unmodified programs in various fault situations compared to exact replication techniques. Third, we propose a novel distributed sparse tensor decomposition that utilizes an asynchronous RDMA-based approach with OpenSHMEM to improve scalability on large-scale systems and prove that our method works well in heterogeneous systems. Our results show our irregularity-aware workload partition and balanced-asynchronous algorithms are scalable and outperform the state-of-the-art distributed implementations. We demonstrate that understanding different bottlenecks for various types of tensors plays critical roles in improving scalability