210 research outputs found

    Software Architecture Evolution

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    This chapter provides an overview, comparison and detailed treatment of the various state-of-the-art approaches to evolving software architectures. Furthermore, we discuss one particular framework for software architecture evolution in more detail

    Visualizing Software Architecture Evolution Using Change-Sets

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    When trying to understand the evolution of a software system it can be useful to visualize the evolution of the sys-tem’s architecture. Existing tools for viewing architectural evolution assume that what a user is interested in can be described in an unbroken sequence of time, for example the changes over the last six months. We present an alternative approach that provides a lightweight method for examining the net effect of any set of changes on a system’s architec-ture. We also present Motive, a prototype tool that imple-ments this approach, and demonstrate how it can be used to answer questions about software evolution by describing case studies we conducted on two Java systems.

    Software Architecture Evolution through Dynamic AOP

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    Modern computing and network environments demand a high degree of adaptability from applications. At run time, an application may have to face many changes: in conguration, in protocols used, in terms of the available resources, etc. Many such changes can only be adequately addressed through dynamic evolution of the software architecture of the application. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to dynamically evolve a software architecture based on run-time aspect oriented programming. In our framework, a system designer/administrator can control the architecture of an application by dynamically inserting and removing code extensions. It is even possible to replace a signicant part of the underlying middleware infrastructure without stopping the application. The novelty of this work is that it allows for a much more flexible development strategy as it delegates issues like middleware choice and adherence to an architectural specication to a framework enhanced by dynamic code extensions

    The icub software architecture: evolution and lessons learned

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    The complexity of humanoid robots is increasing with the availability of new sensors, embedded CPUs and actuators. This wealth of technologies allows researchers to investigate new problems like whole-body force control, multi-modal human-robot interaction and sensory fusion. Under the hood of these robots, the software architecture has an important role: it allows researchers to get access to the robot functionalities focusing primarily on their research problems, it supports code reuse to minimize development and debugging, especially when new hardware becomes available. But more importantly it allows increasing the complexity of the experiments that can be implemented before system integration becomes unmanageable and debugging draws more resources than research itself. In this paper we illustrate the software architecture of the iCub humanoid robot and the software engineering best practices that have emerged driven by the needs of our research community. We describe the latest developments at the level of the middleware supporting interface definition and automatic code generation, logging, ROS compatibility and channel prioritization. We show the robot abstraction layer and how it has been modified to better address the requirements of the users and to support new hardware as it became available. We also describe the testing framework we have recently adopted for developing code using a test driven methodology. We conclude the paper discussing the lessons we have learned during the past eleven years of software development on the iCub humanoid robot

    A software architecture for autonomous maintenance scheduling: Scenarios for UK and European Rail

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    A new era of automation in rail has begun offering developments in the operation and maintenance of industry standard systems. This article documents the development of an architecture and range of scenarios for an autonomous system for rail maintenance planning and scheduling. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) has been utilized to visualize and validate the design of the prototype. A model for information exchange between prototype components and related maintenance planning systems is proposed in this article. Putting forward an architecture and set of usage mode scenarios for the proposed system, this article outlines and validates a viable platform for autonomous planning and scheduling in rail

    Agent-based simulation of open source evolution

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    We present an agent-based simulation model developed to study how size, complexity and effort relate to each other in the development of open source software (OSS). In the model, many developer agents generate, extend, and re-factor code modules independently and in parallel. This accords with empirical observations of OSS development. To our knowledge, this is the first model of OSS evolution that includes the complexity of software modules as a limiting factor in productivity, the fitness of the software to its requirements, and the motivation of developers. Validation of the model was done by comparing the simulated results against four measures of software evolution (system size, proportion of highly complex modules, level of complexity control work, and distribution of changes) for four large OSS systems. The simulated results resembled the observed data, except for system size: three of the OSS systems showed alternating patterns of super-linear and sub-linear growth, while the simulations produced only super-linear growth. However, the fidelity of the model for the other measures suggests that developer motivation and the limiting effect of complexity on productivity have a significant effect on the development of OSS systems and should be considered in any model of OSS development

    A New Approach for Quality Management in Pervasive Computing Environments

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    This paper provides an extension of MDA called Context-aware Quality Model Driven Architecture (CQ-MDA) which can be used for quality control in pervasive computing environments. The proposed CQ-MDA approach based on ContextualArchRQMM (Contextual ARCHitecture Quality Requirement MetaModel), being an extension to the MDA, allows for considering quality and resources-awareness while conducting the design process. The contributions of this paper are a meta-model for architecture quality control of context-aware applications and a model driven approach to separate architecture concerns from context and quality concerns and to configure reconfigurable software architectures of distributed systems. To demonstrate the utility of our approach, we use a videoconference system.Comment: 10 pages, 10 Figures, Oral Presentation in ECSA 201
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