1,183 research outputs found

    Design of Asynchronous Circuits for High Soft Error Tolerance in Deep Submicron CMOS Circuits

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    As the devices are scaling down, the combinational logic will become susceptible to soft errors. The conventional soft error tolerant methods for soft errors on combinational logic do not provide enough high soft error tolerant capability with reasonably small performance penalty. This paper investigates the feasibility of designing quasi-delay insensitive (QDI) asynchronous circuits for high soft error tolerance. We analyze the behavior of null convention logic (NCL) circuits in the presence of particle strikes, and propose an asynchronous pipeline for soft-error correction and a novel technique to improve the robustness of threshold gates, which are basic components in NCL, against particle strikes by using Schmitt trigger circuit and resizing the feedback transistor. Experimental results show that the proposed threshold gates do not generate soft errors under the strike of a particle within a certain energy range if a proper transistor size is applied. The penalties, such as delay and power consumption, are also presented

    Asynchronous designs on FPGA with soft error tolerance for security algorithms

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    Asynchronous methodologies, such as Null Convention Logic (NCL), have tremendous potential in implementing digital logic. It is essential to design complex asynchronous circuits using commercial Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. The main focus of this thesis is to design NCL circuits using VHDL and implementing them on FPGAs. The major contributions of this thesis include: 1) Developing a methodology of designing NCL circuits with VHDL and applying it successfully to all practical designs in this thesis. 2) As an example, the NCL circuit for DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm has been designed and simulated using VHDL and the implementation issues on various FPGAs (Xilinx and Altera) have been investigated. Modification of the design has been done to minimize the amount of logic used. 3) An effective soft error tolerant scheme for asynchronous circuits on FPGAs is proposed, and successfully verified through software simulation and hardware implementation by introducing it into a DES round. This thesis provides a starting point for further investigation of NCL circuits, in terms of VHDL modeling, FPGA implementations, and soft error tolerance

    Extensive SEU impact analysis of a PIC microprocessor for selective hardening

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    In order to increase the robustness of a circuit against SEUs, fault injection is commonly used to locate weak areas. autonomous emulation is a very powerful tool to locate these areas by executing huge fault injection campaigns. In this work, fault injection has been extensively applied to a PIC18 microprocessor, while executing three different workloads. A 80 million fault campaign has been performed, and results show that a failure rate lower than 1% can be obtained by hardening a 24% of the circuit flip-flops, for the given applications

    Study of Radiation-Tolerant SRAM Design

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    Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) are important storage components and widely used in digital systems. Meanwhile, with the continuous development and progress of aerospace technologies, SRAMs are increasingly used in electronic systems for spacecraft and satellites. Energetic particles in space environments can cause single event upsets normally referred as soft errors in the memories, which can lead to the failure of systems. Nowadays electronics at the ground level also experience this kind of upset mainly due to cosmic neutrons and alpha particles from packaging materials, and the failure rate can be 10 to 100 times higher than the errors from hardware failures. Therefore, it is important to study the single event effects in SRAMs and develop cost-effective techniques to mitigate these errors. The objectives of this thesis are to evaluate the current mitigation techniques of single event effects in SRAMs and develop a radiation-tolerant SRAM based on the developed techniques. Various radiation sources and the mechanism of their respective effects in Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductors(CMOS) devices are reviewed first in the thesis. The radiation effects in the SRAMs, specifically single event effects are studied, and various mitigation techniques are evaluated. Error-correcting codes (ECC) are studied in the thesis since they can detect and correct single bit errors in the cell array, and it is a effective method with low overhead in terms of area, speed, and power. Hamming codes are selected and implemented in the design of the SRAM, to protect the cells from single event upsets in the SRAM. The simulation results show they can prevent the single bit errors in the cell arrays with low area and speed overhead. Another important and vulnerable part of SRAMs in radiation environments is the sense amplifier. It may not generate the correct output during the reading operation if it is hit by an energetic particle. A novel fault-tolerant sense amplifier is introduced and validated with simulations. The results showed that the performance of the new design can be more than ten times better than that of the reference design. When combining the SRAM cell arrays protected with ECC and the radiation-tolerant hardened sense amplifiers, the SRAM can achieve high reliability with low speed and area overhead

    Radiation Hardened by Design Methodologies for Soft-Error Mitigated Digital Architectures

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    abstract: Digital architectures for data encryption, processing, clock synthesis, data transfer, etc. are susceptible to radiation induced soft errors due to charge collection in complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits (ICs). Radiation hardening by design (RHBD) techniques such as double modular redundancy (DMR) and triple modular redundancy (TMR) are used for error detection and correction respectively in such architectures. Multiple node charge collection (MNCC) causes domain crossing errors (DCE) which can render the redundancy ineffectual. This dissertation describes techniques to ensure DCE mitigation with statistical confidence for various designs. Both sequential and combinatorial logic are separated using these custom and computer aided design (CAD) methodologies. Radiation vulnerability and design overhead are studied on VLSI sub-systems including an advanced encryption standard (AES) which is DCE mitigated using module level coarse separation on a 90-nm process with 99.999% DCE mitigation. A radiation hardened microprocessor (HERMES2) is implemented in both 90-nm and 55-nm technologies with an interleaved separation methodology with 99.99% DCE mitigation while achieving 4.9% increased cell density, 28.5 % reduced routing and 5.6% reduced power dissipation over the module fences implementation. A DMR register-file (RF) is implemented in 55 nm process and used in the HERMES2 microprocessor. The RF array custom design and the decoders APR designed are explored with a focus on design cycle time. Quality of results (QOR) is studied from power, performance, area and reliability (PPAR) perspective to ascertain the improvement over other design techniques. A radiation hardened all-digital multiplying pulsed digital delay line (DDL) is designed for double data rate (DDR2/3) applications for data eye centering during high speed off-chip data transfer. The effect of noise, radiation particle strikes and statistical variation on the designed DDL are studied in detail. The design achieves the best in class 22.4 ps peak-to-peak jitter, 100-850 MHz range at 14 pJ/cycle energy consumption. Vulnerability of the non-hardened design is characterized and portions of the redundant DDL are separated in custom and auto-place and route (APR). Thus, a range of designs for mission critical applications are implemented using methodologies proposed in this work and their potential PPAR benefits explored in detail.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    The Impact of Single Event Effect Reliability of Convolution Neural Network Architectures and Hardening Approaches Implemented on SRAM FPGA

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    Convolution neural networks (CNNs) have powerful data processing and learning capabilities, which have been widely applied to image processing related applications, especially in autonomous driving, medical image classification, space exploration and military applications. Due to the low power consumption, high flexibility, and parallel characteristics of modern field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), they are frequently used in CNN implementation as a hardware acceleration platform. Two architectures are mainly used to implement CNNs on FPGAs: the streaming architecture and single computation engines (SCEs) architecture. In the streaming architecture of a CNN, each layer is implemented with one distinct hardware block and each block can be optimized separately. On the other hand, the single computation engine architecture uses a systolic array of processing elements or a matrix multiplication unit as a computation engine to execute the CNN layers sequentially. The control of the hardware and the scheduling of operations is performed by a control unit and associated software. The advantage of this design paradigm is that it consists of a fixed architectural template that can be scaled based on the input of CNNs and the available FPGA resources. Therefore, it is suitable to implement modern complex CNNs that may not fit into the streaming architecture. SRAM-based FPGAs are sensitive to radiation effects, which can generate single event effects (SEEs) in the system. Designs are required to reduce the radiation effects in FPGA-based CNNs for many applications. Previous radiation effects studies mainly focused on streaming architecture and explored triple-modular redundancy (TMR) or selective hardening techniques. As far as the authors know, there are very few radiation effects studies on the CNNs implemented with SCEs architecture on FPGAs and no radiation effects evaluation between the two architectures with proton irradiation. In this thesis, we implement a Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) CNN with two mainstream architectures, both streaming architecture and SCEs architecture, on a Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ multiprocessor system on a chip (MPSoC) ZCU-102 evaluation kit. Then we evaluate their error, hang, and total failure rate with proton irradiation test at Tri-University Meson Facility (TRIUMF). The cross-section results for different architectures showed that the SCEs design has higher error cross-sections and total failure cross-sections than that of the streaming architecture, even though SCEs architecture uses much fewer hardware resources in FPGA. In addition, two resilience techniques for SCEs architecture named spatial TMR and temporal TMR are designed and adopted for the SCEs architecture with the same hardware structure and utilization by reusing process elements (PEs) or using multiple PEs to carry out each calculation. As a result, the cross-sections of the spatial TMR and temporal TMR SCEs architecture designs are reduced by 34.9% and 59.2%, with an execution time overhead of 14.2% and 21.4% compared with non-harden one, respectively. Thus, the study shows that SCEs architecture for FPGA acceleration has excellent potential for applications in a radiation environment with minimal overhead due to its scalability and flexibility, and spatial TMR and temporal TMR could effectively reduce the error rate and total failure rate with no extra hardware resources. This suggests that spatial TMR and temporal TMR propose in my project seems to be generic for SCEs architecture, and it could be a better redundancy choice for complex CNNs implement with not enough hardware resources
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