275,918 research outputs found

    Фреймворк управління процесами забезпечення інформаційної безпеки в SOC

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    Представлена робота має обсяг 140 сторінок, містить 18 ілюстрацій, 32 таблиці та 40 літературних посилань. Метою даної роботи є розробка фреймворку управління процесами безпеки для SOC, базуючись на попередньому огляді проблеми та наявних рішеннях, що теоретично можуть застосовуватись в контексті побудови методики оперування SOC. Об’єктом дослідження є процеси безпеки SOC, ключові складові компонентів SOC, а також наявні рішення, щодо побудови методики оперування SOC. Предметом дослідження є архітектурні та концептуальні особливості, а також типові проблеми із моніторингом та спостережністю інфраструктури за допомогою SOC. Результатом роботи є фреймворк управління процесами забезпечення інформаційної безпеки в SOC, для структурування, вибору необхідної методики, оцінки ризиків, пов’язаних з вразливостями та розробки методології управління процесами безпеки SOC, з можливістю оцінки здатностей операційного центру безпеки по основним складовим ключових компонентів. Методи дослідження: ознайомлення та опрацювання літератури, що представлено монографічними та журнальними матеріалами, електронними ресурсами, а також книгами, які стосуються досліджуваної теми, структурування одержаних результатів, адаптація існуючих рішень до сучасних вимог безпеки. Результати роботи можуть бути використані для розробки та впровадження стратегії оперування для забезпечення кращої ефективності оперування SOC, а відповідно спостережності інформаційної чи мережевої інфраструктури за допомогою SOC.The presented work has 140 pages, 18 figures, 32 tables and 40 literary references. The purpose of this work is to develop an information security process management framework based on preliminary overview of the problem and existing solutions that could theoretically be applied in the context of constructing a SOC operating methodology. The object of the study is SOC security processes, key components of the SOC elements, as well as existing solutions, for the construction of the SOC operating technique. The subject of the study is architectural and conceptual features, as well as typical problems with observing and monitoring infrastructure using SOC. The result of the work is the SOC information security management framework for structuring, selecting the appropriate technique, assessing vulnerability risks, and developing a SOC security management methodology, with the ability to evaluate the security operations centre’s capability across key components. Methods of study: familiarization and processing of literature, presented by monographic and journal materials, electronic resources, as well as books related to the subject, structuring of the obtained results, adaptation of existing solutions to current security requirements. The results of the work can be used to develop and implement an operating strategy to improve the efficiency of SOC operations and, accordingly, to monitor information of network infrastructure using SOC

    Anomeric O-Functionalization of Carbohydrates for Chemical Conjugation to Vaccine Constructs.

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    Carbohydrates mediate a wide range of biological interactions, and understanding these processes benefits the development of new therapeutics. Isolating sufficient quantities of glycoconjugates from biological samples remains a significant challenge. With advances in chemical and enzymatic carbohydrate synthesis, the availability of complex carbohydrates is increasing and developing methods for stereoselective conjugation these polar head groups to proteins and lipids is critically important for pharmaceutical applications. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of commonly employed strategies for installing a functionalized linker at the anomeric position as well as examples of further transformations that have successfully led to glycoconjugation to vaccine constructs for biological evaluation as carbohydrate-based therapeutics

    Calibration of multibeam echo sounders: a comparison between two methodologies

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    Multibeam echo sounders (MBES) are widely used in applications like seafloor imaging, fisheries, and habitat mapping. Calibration of acoustic backscatter is an important aspect of understanding and validating the performance of a MBES. Combined transmit/receive beampattern calibrations were performed on a 200 kHz Reson Seabat 7125 MBES in the acoustic tank of the University of New Hampshire utilizing two different methodologies. The first methodology employs fixed standard target spheres and a high accuracy/high resolution rotation mechanism. This method, similar to that proposed by Foote et al [ Protocols forcalibrating multibeam sonar , J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117(4), 2005], is designed for a calibrationtank and provides accurate results but requires a large amount of operation time and cannot be performed in situ. The second methodology has been designed for field calibration of MBES. It employs a standard target sphere and a 200 kHz Simrad EK60 split-beam sonar system to provide athwartship and alongship angular information of the target sphere position. This method offers the possibility of field calibration for vessel mounted systems and a significantly reduced operation time, but has a potential reduction in accuracy. In this paper, results from these two methods applied to the same MBES are compared

    A Method for Field Calibration of a Multibeam Echo Sounder

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    The use of multibeam echo sounders (MBES) has grown more frequent in applications like seafloor imaging, fisheries, and habitat mapping. Calibration of these instruments is important for understanding and validating the performance of MBES. For echo sounders in general, different calibration methodologies have been developed in controlled environments such as a fresh water tank and in the actual field of operation. While calibration in an indoor tank facility can bring excellent results in terms of accuracy, the amount of time required for a complete calibration can become prohibitively large. A field calibration can reveal the actual radiation beam pattern for shipmounted sonar systems, accounting for acoustic interferences which may be caused by objects around the installed transducers. The standard target method is a common practice for field calibration of split-beam echo sounders. However, when applied to a Mills Cross MBES, this method does not provide means to determine the alongship angle of the target, since the receiver transducer is a line array. A method to determine the combined transmit/receive radiation beam pattern for a ship-mounted multibeam system was developed and tested for a Reson Seabat 7125 MBES inside the fresh water calibration tank of the University of New Hampshire. This calibration methodology employs a tungsten carbide sphere of 38.1 mm diameter as target and a Simrad EK60 split-beam sonar system to provide athwartship and alongship angular information of the target sphere position. The multibeam sonar system was configured for 256 beams equi-angle mode at an operating frequency of 200 kHz; the split-beam system was set to work passively at the same frequency. A combined transmit/receive beam pattern was computed for an athwartship angular range between –6o and +6o and an alongship angular range between –1o and +3o . The limited angular range of the measurements is due to the –3 dB beamwidth of 7.1o in the athwartship and alongship directions of the split-beam sonar system coupled with the alongship offset of 1.6o between the maximum response axes (MRA) of the two sonar systems. Possible acoustic interferences caused by the monofilament line used to suspend the target sphere in the water column were found in the measurements for alongship angle values less than –1o . Beam pattern measurements for the combined transmit/receive beam pattern at a distance of 8 m show a –3 dB beamwidth of 1.1o in the athwartship direction and a –3 dB beamwidth of 2.0o in the alongship direction for the most inner beams. The dynamic range for the measurements was approximately of –40 dB

    From FPGA to ASIC: A RISC-V processor experience

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    This work document a correct design flow using these tools in the Lagarto RISC- V Processor and the RTL design considerations that must be taken into account, to move from a design for FPGA to design for ASIC

    Lessons from America: a research and policy briefing

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    The ReaxFF reactive force-field : development, applications and future directions

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    The reactive force-field (ReaxFF) interatomic potential is a powerful computational tool for exploring, developing and optimizing material properties. Methods based on the principles of quantum mechanics (QM), while offering valuable theoretical guidance at the electronic level, are often too computationally intense for simulations that consider the full dynamic evolution of a system. Alternatively, empirical interatomic potentials that are based on classical principles require significantly fewer computational resources, which enables simulations to better describe dynamic processes over longer timeframes and on larger scales. Such methods, however, typically require a predefined connectivity between atoms, precluding simulations that involve reactive events. The ReaxFF method was developed to help bridge this gap. Approaching the gap from the classical side, ReaxFF casts the empirical interatomic potential within a bond-order formalism, thus implicitly describing chemical bonding without expensive QM calculations. This article provides an overview of the development, application, and future directions of the ReaxFF method