12 research outputs found

    Wireless Channel Assessment of Auditoriums for the Deployment of Augmented Reality Systems for Enhanced Show Experience of Impaired Persons

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    [Abstract] Auditoriums and theaters are buildings in which concerts, shows, and conferences are held, offering a diverse and dynamic cultural program to citizens. Unfortunately, people with impairments usually have difficulties in fully experiencing all the provided cultural activities, since such environments are not totally adapted to their necessities. For example, in an auditorium, visually impaired users have to be accompanied to their seats by staff, as well as when the person wants to leave the event in the middle of the show (e.g., to go to the toilet), or when he/she wants to move around during breaks. This work is aimed at improving the autonomy of disabled people within the mentioned kinds of environments, as well as enhancing their show experiences by deploying wireless sensor networks and wireless body area networks connected to an augmented reality device (Microsoft HoloLens smart glasses). For that purpose, intensive measurements have been taken in a real scenario (the Baluarte Congress Center and Auditorium of Navarre) located in the city of Pamplona. The results show that this kind of environment presents high wireless interference at different frequency bands, due to the existing wireless systems deployed within them, such as multiple WiFi access points, wireless microphones, or wireless communication systems used by the show staff. Therefore, radio channel simulations have been also performed with the aim of assessing the potential deployment of the proposed solution. The presented work can lead to the deployment of augmented reality systems within auditoriums and theaters, boosting the development of new applications.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-045Xunta de Galicia; , ED431G/01Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; RTI2018-095499-B-C3

    Robust Indoor Localization in a Reverberant Environment Using Microphone Pairs and Asynchronous Acoustic Beacons

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    In this paper, a robust indoor localization method using microphone pairs and asynchronous acoustic beacons was proposed. The proposed method is applicable even with a two-channel microphone pair, which is the minimal configuration of a microphone array. The proposed method estimates location by using the cross-correlation functions of the measured signals as location likelihoods. Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the proposed method. Four beacons were located at the corners of a localizing area of 4 m by 4 m and emitted signals with a bandwidth of 2 kHz. The localization results were compared to the previous method with deterministic direction-of-arrival estimation. The 90th percentiles of the localization error were 0.23 m for the proposed method with two microphones, 0.19 m for the proposed method with four microphones, and 0.30 m for the previous method under conditions without significant reverberation. Under a condition with reflective walls, the 90th percentile of the localization error of the previous method increased to 0.49 m, while that of the proposed method was only increased to 0.23 m for two microphones and 0.19 m for four microphones. The proposed method contributes to a robust localization in indoor environments and relieves the constraints of receiver configuration

    An indoor positioning system using Bluetooth Low Energy

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    In this paper, we present a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) based indoor positioning system developed for monitoring the daily living pattern of old people (e.g. people living with dementia) or individuals with disabilities. The proposed sensing system is composed of multiple sensors that are installed in different locations in a home environment. The specific location of the user in the building has been pre-recorded into the proposed sensing system that captures the raw Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from the BLE beacon that is attached on the user. Two methods are proposed to determine the indoor location and the tracking of the users: a trilateration-based method and fingerprinting-based method. Experiments have been carried out in different home environments to verify the proposed system and methods. The results show that our system is able to accurately track the user location in home environments and can track the living patterns of the user which, in turn, may be used to infer the health status of the user. Our results also show that the positions of the BLE beacons on the user and different quality of BLE beacons do not affect the tracking accuracy

    Hapi: A Robust Pseudo-3D Calibration-Free WiFi-based Indoor Localization System

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    In this paper, we present Hapi, a novel system that uses off-the-shelf standard WiFi to provide pseudo-3D indoor localization. It estimates the user's floor and her 2D location on that floor. Hapi is calibration-free, only requiring the building's floorplans and its WiFi APs' installation location for deployment. Our analysis shows that while a user can hear APs from nearby floors as well as her floor, she will typically only receive signals from spatially closer APs in distant floors, as compared to APs in her floor. This is due to signal attenuation by floors/ceilings along with the 3D distance between the APs and the user. Hapi leverages this observation to achieve accurate and robust location estimates. A deep-learning based method is proposed to identify the user's floor. Then, the identified floor along with the user's visible APs from all floors are used to estimate her 2D location through a novel RSS-Rank Gaussian-based method. Additionally, we present a regression based method to predict Hapi's location estimates' quality and employ it within a Kalman Filter to further refine the accuracy. Our evaluation results, from deployment on various android devices over 6 months with 13 subjects in 5 different up to 9 floors multistory buildings, show that Hapi can identify the user's exact floor up to 95.2% of the time and her 2D location with a median accuracy of 3.5m, achieving 52.1% and 76.0% improvement over related calibration-free state-of-the-art systems respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication in MobiQuitous 2018 - the 15th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Service

    SmartWheels: Detecting urban features for wheelchair users’ navigation

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    People with mobility impairments have heterogeneous needs and abilities while moving in an urban environment and hence they require personalized navigation instructions. Providing these instructions requires the knowledge of urban features like curb ramps, steps or other obstacles along the way. Since these urban features are not available from maps and change in time, crowdsourcing this information from end-users is a scalable and promising solution. However, it is inconvenient for wheelchair users to input data while on the move. Hence, an automatic crowdsourcing mechanism is needed. In this contribution we present SmartWheels, a solution to detect urban features by analyzing inertial sensors data produced by wheelchair movements. Activity recognition techniques are used to process the sensors data stream. SmartWheels is evaluated on data collected from 17 real wheelchair users navigating in a controlled environment (10 users) and in-the-wild (7 users). Experimental results show that SmartWheels is a viable solution to detect urban features, in particular by applying specific strategies based on the confidence assigned to predictions by the classifier

    Airport Accessibility and Navigation Assistance for People with Visual Impairments

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    People with visual impairments often have to rely on the assistance of sighted guides in airports, which prevents them from having an independent travel experience. In order to learn about their perspectives on current airport accessibility, we conducted two focus groups that discussed their needs and experiences in-depth, as well as the potential role of assistive technologies. We found that independent navigation is a main challenge and severely impacts their overall experience. As a result, we equipped an airport with a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacon-based navigation system and performed a real-world study where users navigated routes relevant for their travel experience. We found that despite the challenging environment participants were able to complete their itinerary independently, presenting none to few navigation errors and reasonable timings. This study presents the first systematic evaluation posing BLE technology as a strong approach to increase the independence of visually impaired people in airports

    Indoor Localization for Personalized Ambient Assisted Living of Multiple Users in Multi-Floor Smart Environments

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    This paper presents a multifunctional interdisciplinary framework that makes four scientific contributions towards the development of personalized ambient assisted living, with a specific focus to address the different and dynamic needs of the diverse aging population in the future of smart living environments. First, it presents a probabilistic reasoning-based mathematical approach to model all possible forms of user interactions for any activity arising from the user diversity of multiple users in such environments. Second, it presents a system that uses this approach with a machine learning method to model individual user profiles and user-specific user interactions for detecting the dynamic indoor location of each specific user. Third, to address the need to develop highly accurate indoor localization systems for increased trust, reliance, and seamless user acceptance, the framework introduces a novel methodology where two boosting approaches Gradient Boosting and the AdaBoost algorithm are integrated and used on a decision tree-based learning model to perform indoor localization. Fourth, the framework introduces two novel functionalities to provide semantic context to indoor localization in terms of detecting each user's floor-specific location as well as tracking whether a specific user was located inside or outside a given spatial region in a multi-floor-based indoor setting. These novel functionalities of the proposed framework were tested on a dataset of localization-related Big Data collected from 18 different users who navigated in 3 buildings consisting of 5 floors and 254 indoor spatial regions. The results show that this approach of indoor localization for personalized AAL that models each specific user always achieves higher accuracy as compared to the traditional approach of modeling an average user