839 research outputs found

    Smart Interfaces for Granular Synthesis of Sound by Fractal Organization

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    This article describes software for granular synthesis of sound. The software features a graphical interface that enables easy creation and modification of sound clouds by deterministic fractal organization. Output sound clouds exist in multidimensional parameter–time space, and are constructed as a micropolyphony of statements of a single input melody or group of notes. The approach described here is an effective alternative to statistical methods, creating sounds with vitality and interest over a range of time scales. Standard techniques are used for the creation of individual grains. Innovation is demonstrated in the particular approach to fractal organization of the sound cloud and in the design of a smart interface to effect easy control of cloud morphology. The interface provides for intuitive control and reorganization of large amounts of data

    Ground-breaking: Scientific and sonic perceptions of environmental change in the African Sahel

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    Soils surrounding ancient settlements can hold evidence of the activities of past societies. To seek an understanding of how past societies have reacted and contributed to environmental change requires many data sources. The real-time audiovisual installation Ground-breaking problematises the presentation of such data gained through the image-analysis of soil materials. These data are used to connote environmental events and consequent human responses. Combining these data with audiovisual synthesis and environmental recordings, a basis for developing conceptualizations of new locales undergoing environmental change is presented; the visual and sonic narratives developed allowing the art-science interface to be explored

    Natural Fiber Based Composites

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    Entitled “Natural Fiber-Based Composites”, this Special Issue has the objective to give an inventory of the latest research in the area of composites reinforced with natural fibers. Fibers of renewable origin have many advantages. They are abundant and cheap, they have a reduced impact on the environment, and they are also independent from fossil resources. Their ability to mechanically reinforce thermoplastic matrices is well known, as their natural heat insulation ability. In the last twenty years, the use of cellulosic and lignocellulosic agricultural by-products for composite applications has been of great interest, especially for reinforcing matrices. The matrices can themselves be of renewable origin (e.g., proteins, starch, polylactic acid, polyhydroxyalkanoates, polyamides, etc.), thus contributing to the development of 100% bio-based composites with a controlled end of life. This Special Issue’s objective is to give an inventory of the latest research in this area of composites reinforced with natural fibers, focusing in particular on the preparation and molding processes of such materials (e.g., extrusion, injection-molding, hot pressing, etc.) and their characterization. It contains one review and nineteen research reports authored by researchers from four continents and sixteen countries, namely, Brazil, China, France, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, and Vietnam. It provides an update on current research in the field of natural fiber based composite materials. All these contributions will be a source of inspiration for the development of new composites, especially for producers of natural fibers, polymer matrices of renewable origin and composite materials. Generally speaking, these new materials are environmentally friendly and will undoubtedly find numerous applications in the years to come in many sectors. Dr. Philippe Evon Guest Edito

    Skyler and Bliss

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    Hong Kong remains the backdrop to the science fiction movies of my youth. The city reminds me of my former training in the financial sector. It is a city in which I could have succeeded in finance, but as far as art goes it is a young city, and I am a young artist. A frustration emerges; much like the mould, the artist also had to develop new skills by killing off his former desires and manipulating technology. My new series entitled HONG KONG surface project shows a new direction in my artistic research in which my technique becomes ever simpler, reducing the traces of pixelation until objects appear almost as they were found and photographed. Skyler and Bliss presents tectonic plates based on satellite images of the Arctic. Working in a hot and humid Hong Kong where mushrooms grow ferociously, a city artificially refrigerated by climate control, this series provides a conceptual image of a imaginary typographic map for survival. (Laurent Segretier

    SciTech News Volume 70, No. 1 (2016)

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    Columns and Reports From the Editor 3 SciTech News Call for Articles 3 Assistant Editor wanted 4 Division News Science-Technology Division 5 Chemistry Division 7 Engineering Division 12 Aerospace Section of the Engineering Division 13 Call for Nominations & Applications Sparks Award for Professional Development11 Reviews Sci-Tech Book News Reviews 1

    Effects of Surface Topography and Vibrations on Wetting: Superhydrophobicity, Icephobicity and Corrosion Resistance

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    Concrete and metallic materials are widely used in construction and water industry. The interaction of both these materials with water and ice (or snow) produces undesirable results and is therefore of interest. Water that gets absorbed into the pores of dry concrete expands on freezing and can lead to crack formation. Also, the ice accretion on concrete surfaces such as roadways can have disastrous consequence. Metallic components used in the water industry undergo corrosion due to contact with aqueous corrosive solutions. Therefore, it is desirable to make concrete water/ice-repellent, and to make metallic surfaces corrosion-resistant. Recent advances in micro/nanotechnology have made it possible to design functional micro/nanostructured surfaces with micro/nanotopography providing low adhesion. Some examples of such surfaces are superhydrophobic surfaces, which are extremely water repellent, and icephobic surfaces, which have low ice adhesion, repel incoming water droplets before freezing, or delay ice nucleation. This dissertation investigates the effects of surface micro/nanotopography and small amplitude fast vibrations on the wetting and adhesion of concrete with the goal of producing hydrophobic and icephobic concrete, and on the wetting of metallic surfaces to prevent corrosion. The relationship between surface micro/nanotopography and small fast vibrations is established using the method of separation of motions. Both these small scale effects can be substituted by an effective force or energy. The structure-property relationships in materials and surfaces are established. Both vibrations as well as surface micro/nanopatterns can affect wetting properties such as contact angle and surface free energy. Hydrophobic engineered cementitious composite samples are produced by controlling their surface topography and surface free energy. The surface topography is controlled by varying the concrete mixture composition. The surface free energy of concrete is lowered using a hydrophobic emulsion. The hydrophobic concrete samples were able to repel incoming water droplets as well as resist droplet pinning. Corrosion resistance is achieved in cast iron samples by rendering them superhydrophobic. The corrosion resistance of superhydrophobic surfaces with micro/nanotopography may be explained by the low effective contact area with the electrolyte. The experimental results matched the theoretical predictions based on surface roughness and wettability. The icephobicity of engineered cementitious composite samples is achieved by hydrophobization, by using coatings containing dielectric material (such as polyvinyl alcohol fibers), and by controlling the surface topography. Two aspects of the icephobicity of concrete, namely, the repulsion of incoming water droplets before freezing and the ice adhesion strength, are investigated experimentally. It is found that icephobic performance of concrete depends on these parameters – the hydrophobic emulsion concentration, the polyvinyl alcohol fiber content, the water to cement ratio, and the sand to cement ratio. The potential for biomimetic icephobicity of thermogenic skunk cabbage plant is investigated, and it is found that the surface topography of its leaves can affect the heat transfer from the plant to the surrounding snow. The hierarchical microstructure of the leaf surface coupled with its high adhesion to water suggests the presence of an impregnated wetting state, which can minimize the heat loss. Thus functional materials and surfaces, such as hydrophobic and icephobic engineered cementitious composites and corrosion resistant metallic surfaces, can be produced by controlling the surface micro/nanotopography

    Engineering Division

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