17 research outputs found

    Marginalised Public Library Patrons in E-Governed Smart Cities: Ethics, Access & Inclusion

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    This essay tackles the ethical issues raised by our increasing dependence on e-governance technologies now ubiquitous in UK Smart Cities. There is a focus on how lack of access to these technologies can compound the exclusion and marginalisation of vulnerable groups, and what the role of the public library can be in mitigating these issues by adapting to increasing levels of ‘smartness’ while continuing to uphold their traditional public service ethos of universal access, patron privacy, and social inclusion. The objective is to address the inclusivity potential of Smart City agendas with regards to people on the margins of society, and how the library can be mobilised and placed at the centre of urban smart planning and funding. As the further development of e-government in Smart Cities is inevitable and high on the UK government's agenda, this essay does not seek to argue against these technologies, as they have positive aspects as well as negative; instead, it explores the ethical concerns surrounding Smart City technology and how it might be harnessed, in collaboration with robust public library services as part of the wider civic services they sit within, to ensure that all citizens are able to access the benefits of e-participation

    Smart cities: Understanding policies, standards, applications and case studies

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    This paper presents the integration of required basic facilities of living such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure for building the smart cities. The administrations of smart cities should have the smart governance, safety measures with cultural and social stimulus. Four building blocks of smart cities, i.e., people and environment, smart utilities, smart technology and smart administration are described in the present paper. The aim of this paper is to give a clearer perspective of the key decisions with spatial reference that may assume a key part in the plan of a smart city technique. Application of various technologies, for examples big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, block chain technology to the smart cities are discussed in this paper. Various challenges of smart cities such as information technology (IT) infrastructure, cost, privacy, security, efficiency, fossil fuel dependency and congested commutes with proposed solutions are also presented in this paper

    Usulan Perencanaan Smart City : Smart Governance Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Mukomuko*

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    Pemerintah Kabupaten Mukomuko, Provinsi Bengkulu berkomitmen untuk menerapkan smart government sebagai bagian dari konsep smart city. Pentingnya layanan smart government dengan sistem open data bertujuan untuk mendorong pelayanan publik yang terintegrasi dan transparan. Penerapan sistem smart government, khususnya di Kabupaten Mukomuko masih terdapat kekurangan dalam bidang sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan ketersediaan sarana dan prasana penunjang. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menyusun konsep smart governance yang sesuai dengan visi dan misi Kabupaten Mukomuko dan RPJPN (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional). Dalam perencanaan ini menggunakan gabungan framework TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework ) dan COBIT 5 Capability model. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada fase implementation governance pada TOGAF dan area Governance pada COBIT 5. Hasil dari kajian ini adalah rekomendasi bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Mukomoko dalam menerapkan smart government


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    AbstactThe development of increasingly smart technology makes theconcept smart not only applied to various devices, but to various systems or arrangements. One of them that sticks out lately is theconcept smart city. Smart governance is the spearhead ofplanning smart city. The focus of the study in this research is smart governance, where smart governance has implications for improving the quality of public services by utilizing information technology so that its implementation is more efficient and better by looking atimplementation strategies smart governance ranging from legislation, technology use, vision, and collaboration. To answer the research questions used qualitative research approaches and methods with descriptive analysis. The results of the study indicate that the level ofimplementation strategy smart governance at the Makassar City Population and Civil Registration Service has not yet fully run optimally.Keywords: Smart City, Smart Governance, Strategy, Implementation AbstarkPerkembangan teknologi yang semakin pintar membuat konsep smart tak hanya diterapkan pada berbagai perangkat, tetapi pada berbagai sistem atau tatanan. Salah satunya yang mencuat akhir-akhir ini adalah konsep smart city. Smart governance merupakan ujung tombak perencanaan smart city. Adapun fokus kajian dalam penelitian ini adalah smart governance, dimana smart governance berimplikasi pada peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sehingga pelaksanaannya lebih efisien dan lebih baik dengan melihat strategi implementasi smart governace mulai dari legislasi, penggunaan teknologi, visi, dan kolaboratif. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan dan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat startegi implemetasi smart governance di Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Makassar belum sepenuhnya berjalan dengan optimal.Kata Kunci : Smart City, Smart Governance, Strategi, Implementas


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    In South Africa, the demands expected of local government appear to be beyond the capacity of many municipalities across the country, and the problem can be traced back to governance and service delivery capabilities. Municipalities face a variety of obstacles, yet they are all obligated by law and the public to be responsive and accountable to the public. The study of urban governance in South Africa is based on a multi-level analytical framework and an interpretivist paradigm, using a qualitative research methodology. Poor leadership at both the political and administrative levels has resulted in a lack of monitoring and responsibility, which has been abused for self-interest. This has resulted in a lack of capability to carry out the local government’s mandate. Municipalities are characterised by disproportionate power distribution in decision-making. This does not allow for meaningful interaction or consultation with decision-makers, who are responsive to the needs and aspirations of the broader community in each municipality. These problems can be attributed to poor governance, resulting in service delivery failure. On a local level, this scenario has been exacerbated by internal disputes and broken politics, which has influenced governance procedures. Effective service delivery requires more than just efficient governance. It also requires a focus on the social structure and institutional norms that affect community members’ ability to change their own lives. To put it another way, governance and service delivery are inextricably linked.In South Africa, the demands expected of local government appear to be beyond the capacity of many municipalities across the country, and the problem can be traced back to governance and service delivery capabilities. Municipalities face a variety of obstacles, yet they are all obligated by law and the public to be responsive and accountable to the public. The study of urban governance in South Africa is based on a multi-level analytical framework and an interpretivist paradigm, using a qualitative research methodology. Poor leadership at both the political and administrative levels has resulted in a lack of monitoring and responsibility, which has been abused for self-interest. This has resulted in a lack of capability to carry out the local government’s mandate. Municipalities are characterised by disproportionate power distribution in decision-making. This does not allow for meaningful interaction or consultation with decision-makers, who are responsive to the needs and aspirations of the broader community in each municipality. These problems can be attributed to poor governance, resulting in service delivery failure. On a local level, this scenario has been exacerbated by internal disputes and broken politics, which has influenced governance procedures. Effective service delivery requires more than just efficient governance. It also requires a focus on the social structure and institutional norms that affect community members’ ability to change their own lives. To put it another way, governance and service delivery are inextricably linked

    Governance Autonomy to Improve Service Quality with Dynamic Linkage of Civil Society Organizations in Development Policy

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    This article discusses the involvement of civil society organizations in the regions in implementing development policies, especially in promoting the mission of local governments to strengthen the economic resilience of rural communities. The civil society knot through the movement of civil society organizations in the regions which are managed autonomously by the district government by utilizing the social capital they have is able to move the coffers of the economy independently. The existence of civil society organizations reinforces governance based on multi-actor collaboration to create community welfare, especially rural communities

    Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Cities in India: Opportunities, Issues, and Challenges

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    A large section of the population around the globe is migrating towards urban settlements. Nations are working toward smart city projects to provide a better wellbeing for the inhabitants. Cyber-physical systems are at the core of the smart city setups. They are used in almost every system component within a smart city ecosystem. This paper attempts to discuss the key components and issues involved in transforming conventional cities into smart cities with a special focus on cyber-physical systems in the Indian context. The paper primarily focuses on the infrastructural facilities and technical knowhow to smartly convert classical cities that were built haphazardly due to overpopulation and ill planning into smart cities. It further discusses cyber-physical systems as a core component of smart city setups, highlighting the related security issues. The opportunities for businesses, governments, inhabitants, and other stakeholders in a smart city ecosystem in the Indian context are also discussed. Finally, it highlights the issues and challenges concerning technical, financial, and other social and infrastructural bottlenecks in the way of realizing smart city concepts along with future research directions

    Factors influence the development of information system strategies in Finnish smart cities

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    This study is initiated by the global phenomena of growth of smart cities based on urbanization and the accompanying prediction for digital changes in cities, demographic of the population and in information system strategies related to future cities. The aim of the study is to study the phenomena trough the achievements of the Innovatiiviset kaupungit (INKA) and Kuutoskaupungit (6AIKA) projects previously implemented in Finland to increase and evaluate the understanding of the strategic factors that influences the development of information systems of Finnish smart cities. The research will focus on exploring the issue through stakeholders that are influencing smart city planning. A similar development of urbanization is predicted to follow Finland as well, it is estimated that by 2040, most of the Finnish population 90% will live in urban agglomerations. At the same time the digitalization in the world will continue, urbanization, ecological and public sustainability gaps will require more attention in the future as well as reorganization. In this thesis we study the factors that influence the planning of information systems strategies for Finnish smart cities. Planning that guides the work of different actors in the future, how to support citizens that live in cities more involved in development and what methods are used to manage the knowledge of a smart city. The aim of this study is to identify the factors that effect in the information system strategies of a smart city. Information systems pretend to be designed to meet strategic objectives. Who are involved in the planning and what is their role? In this thesis, we start the examination from the phenomena of smart city development in Finland. The study has been carried out as a traditional literature review, supplemented by a qualitative and an interpretative case study and interviewing 6AIKA city representatives, system suppliers and technology experts. A comparison of INKA and 6AIKA projects which were previously project for Finnish cities, has been used as ground source of data. Literature research has been complemented by researching international smart city studies and information system strategies. Information systems being formal socio-technical organizational systems for collecting, processing, storing, and sharing information, have a role in organize the actions, from a socio-technical perspective, information systems consist of tasks, people, structure, and technology. Information system scanning is defined as the integration of components for the collection, storage and processing of data, the data of which is used to generate data, add data, and use digital products that facilitate decision-making. The research has brought following implications: cities operate primarily in the role of enabler and not directly produce the necessary information systems themselves, instead outsource the production to selected partners of their choice, often to solve single use cases rather than resolve larger systems. The internal autonomy of the city departments tends to decentralize information systems more than combine them, one single design model was not found to be in use, instead several information systems were found in use. Another founding is the lower-than3expected level of participation of urban residents in the co-creation of services for them. The fourth argument is the disconnection of different expert areas, even though the strategic objective is to achieve the same outcome that is stated in the city strategy. KEYWORDS: Smart cities, information systems, strategies, stakeholders, urbanizationTämän tutkimuksen alullepanija on maailmanlaajuinen kaupungistumisen kasvu ja sen mukana tuomat tietoyhteiskunnan muutostarpeet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia Suomessa aikaisemmin toteutettujen Innovatiiviset kaupungit INKA ja Kuutoskaupungit 6AIKA projektien saavutuksia ja lisätä ymmärrystä niistä yksittäisistä strategisista tekijöistä, jotka vaikuttavat Suomalaisten älykaupunkien tietojärjestelmien kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään tutkimaan asiaa älykaupunkien tietojärjestelmien suunnitteluun vaikuttavien sidosryhmien kautta. Kaupungistumisen ennustetaan kehittyvän myös Suomessa. On ennustettu, että vuonna 2040 suurin osa 90 % Suomalisista tulee asumaan kaupunkimaisissa taajamissa, samaan aikaan maailman digitalisaatio kehitys jatkuu ja samalla sekä kaupungistuminen, ekologinen että julkinen kestävyysvaje nähdään vaativan enemmän huomiota ja osittain uudelleen järjestämistä. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan niitä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat Suomalaisten älykkäiden kaupunkien tietojärjestelmien strategioiden suunnitteluun. Suunnitteluun, jolla ohjataan eri sidosryhmien työtä tulevaisuudessa. Miten kaupungeissa asuvat kansalaiset saadaan kiinteämmin osallistumaan kehitykseen ja millaisilla tekijöillä älykkään kaupungin tietoa hallitaan. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoite on tuoda esiin niitä lähtökohtia, joista tulevaisuuden älykaupunkien tietojärjestelmät voidaan suunnitella vastaamaan strategisia tavoitteita, ketkä suunnitteluun osallistuvat ja millaisissa rooleissa. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkimme asiaa Suomessa yleisesti käynnissä olevan älykaupunki kehityksen kautta. Tutkimus on toteutettu perinteisenä kirjallisuustutkimuksena, jota on täydennetty kvalitatiivisella haastattelututkimuksella tapaustutkimukseksi, haastattelemalla 6AIKA kaupungin edustajia, järjestelmätoimittajia ja teknologia asiantuntijoita. Lähdeaineistona on käytetty Suomalaisista kaupungeissa aikaisemmin toteutetuista INKA ja 6AIKA hankkeista julkaistuja raportteja. Kirjallisuustutkimusta on täydennetty ajankohtaisilla kansainvälisillä älykaupunkitutkimuksilla. Tietojärjestelmät ovat muodollisia Sosioteknisiä organisaatiojärjestelmiä tiedon keräämiseksi, käsittelemiseksi, tallentamiseksi ja jakamiseksi. Sosio-teknisestä näkökulmasta tietojärjestelmät koostuvat tehtävistä, ihmisistä, rakenteesta ja tekniikasta. Tietojärjestelmäskannaus määritellään tietojen keräämiseen, tallentamiseen ja käsittelyyn tarkoitettujen komponenttien integraatioksi, jonka tietoja käytetään tiedon tuottamiseen, tiedon lisäämiseen sekä päätöksentekoa helpottavien digitaalisien tuotteiden käyttämisellä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin seuraavia keskeisiä vaikuttimia, 1) kaupungit ovat ensisijaisesti tilaajan roolissa ja eivät itse suoraan tai harvoin toteuta tarvittavia tietojärjestelmiä. Vaan toimeksi antavat ne valitsemilleen kumppaneille, usein ratkaisemaan ensisijaisesti 5 yhtä käyttötapausta. 2) Samaan aikaan kaupungin sisäinen hallinnon autonomia eri osastojen välillä hajauttaa tietojärjestelmien suunnittelua enemmän kuin yhdistää niitä, myöskään yhtä standardisoitua suunnittelumallia ei havaittu olevan tutkimuksen aikana käytössä, sen sijaan havaittiin useassa tapauksessa käytössä olevan useita suunnittelu malleja ja tietojärjestelmiä. 3) Havaintona on myös kaupunkilaisten oletettua matalampi osallistumistaso heitä koskevien palveluiden suunnitteluun. 4) Havainto on eri asiantuntija alueiden toisiinsa kytkeytyminen tai irrallisuus huolimatta siitä, että tavoitteena on palvella samaa strategista lopputavoitetta. Näistä syistä tutkimuksessa keskitytään strategisiin syihin, jotka vaikuttavat tietojärjestelmien suunnitteluun. AVAINSANAT: Älykkäät kaupungit, strategia, sidosryhmät, tietojärjestelmät, kaupunkikehity

    Scrutinizing the Smart City Index: a multivariate statistical approach

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    Koncept pametnog grada često se obrađuje, ali još nije postignuta konzistentna definicija. Ipak, svaki je opis gotovo uvijek usmjeren na njegovu tehnološku komponentu, politike održivog razvoja i omogućavanje visokih kapaciteta za učenje i inovacije. Osim toga, pametni grad ima za cilj povezivanje ljudi, informacija i drugih gradskih elemenata koristeći najsuvremenije tehnologije. Kao rezultat, stvara se održivi, zeleniji grad, potiče konkurentna i inovativna trgovina i povećava opća kvaliteta života.Integriranim prikazom pametnog grada ističe se da ne djeluje izolirano, te stoga, svaki podsustav grada treba razvijati svoju pametnu komponentu. Širok raspon rangiranja koristi se za određivanje pametnosti gradova mapiranjem prednosti i nedostataka svakog analiziranog grada. Kao način integriranja različitih pokazatelja u jednu vrijednost koja će predstavljati rang, najčešće se koristi složeni indeksni pristup.Ipak, složeni indeksi najčešće se formiraju primjenom pristupa jednakih pondera, što se u trenutnoj literaturi žestoko kritizira. U ovom radu pokušavamo pružiti dodanu vrijednost indeksu Smart City primjenom statističkog post-hoc I-distance pristupa. Postupak nam omogućuje osvjetljavanje pitanja osjetljivosti ranga gradova. Primjena post-hoc I-distance definira pokazatelje koji su najvažniji za postupak rangiranja što gradskim donositeljima odluka omogućava da poboljšaju svoje poslovanje, s naglaskom na upravo te pokazatelje.The smart city represents a frequently elaborated concept which however comes short in delivering a consistent definition. Nevertheless, almost every description has always been oriented to its technological component, sustainable development policies, and enabling high capacities for learning and innovation. Moreover, the smart city aims at connecting people, information and other city elements using state-of-the-art technologies. As a result, it creates a sustainable, greener city, pushes forward competitive and innovative commerce, and increases overall life quality. The integrated view of a smart city underlines it does not operate in isolation, which is why every subsystem of a city needs to develop its smart component. A wide range of rankings is used to determine the smartness of cities by mapping out the pros and cons of each analysed city. As the way to integrate various indicators into one value which will represent the rank, a composite index approach is most frequently used. Still, composite indexes are usually formed using the equal weight approach, which is heavily criticised in current literature. In this paper, we try to provide added value to the Smart City Index by implementing the statistical post hoc I-distance approach. The procedure enables us to shed some additional light on the issue of sensitivity of cities’ rank. The application of post hoc I-distance defines indicators which are most significant for the ranking process. It consequently empowers city decision-makers to improve their performance, with a focus on those particular indicators