25 research outputs found

    Sets in homotopy type theory

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    Homotopy Type Theory may be seen as an internal language for the ∞\infty-category of weak ∞\infty-groupoids which in particular models the univalence axiom. Voevodsky proposes this language for weak ∞\infty-groupoids as a new foundation for mathematics called the Univalent Foundations of Mathematics. It includes the sets as weak ∞\infty-groupoids with contractible connected components, and thereby it includes (much of) the traditional set theoretical foundations as a special case. We thus wonder whether those `discrete' groupoids do in fact form a (predicative) topos. More generally, homotopy type theory is conjectured to be the internal language of `elementary' ∞\infty-toposes. We prove that sets in homotopy type theory form a ΠW\Pi W-pretopos. This is similar to the fact that the 00-truncation of an ∞\infty-topos is a topos. We show that both a subobject classifier and a 00-object classifier are available for the type theoretical universe of sets. However, both of these are large and moreover, the 00-object classifier for sets is a function between 11-types (i.e. groupoids) rather than between sets. Assuming an impredicative propositional resizing rule we may render the subobject classifier small and then we actually obtain a topos of sets

    Martin-L\"of \`a la Coq

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    We present an extensive mechanization of the meta-theory of Martin-L\"of Type Theory (MLTT) in the Coq proof assistant. Our development builds on pre-existing work in Agda to show not only the decidability of conversion, but also the decidability of type checking, using an approach guided by bidirectional type checking. From our proof of decidability, we obtain a certified and executable type checker for a full-fledged version of MLTT with support for Π\Pi, Σ\Sigma, N\mathbb{N}, and identity types, and one universe. Furthermore, our development does not rely on impredicativity, induction-recursion or any axiom beyond MLTT with a schema for indexed inductive types and a handful of predicative universes, narrowing the gap between the object theory and the meta-theory to a mere difference in universes. Finally, we explain our formalization choices, geared towards a modular development relying on Coq's features, e.g. meta-programming facilities provided by tactics and universe polymorphism

    Refining Inductive Types

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    Dependently typed programming languages allow sophisticated properties of data to be expressed within the type system. Of particular use in dependently typed programming are indexed types that refine data by computationally useful information. For example, the N-indexed type of vectors refines lists by their lengths. Other data types may be refined in similar ways, but programmers must produce purpose-specific refinements on an ad hoc basis, developers must anticipate which refinements to include in libraries, and implementations must often store redundant information about data and their refinements. In this paper we show how to generically derive inductive characterizations of refinements of inductive types, and argue that these characterizations can alleviate some of the aforementioned difficulties associated with ad hoc refinements. Our characterizations also ensure that standard techniques for programming with and reasoning about inductive types are applicable to refinements, and that refinements can themselves be further refined

    Refining Inductive Types

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    Dependently typed programming languages allow sophisticated properties of data to be expressed within the type system. Of particular use in dependently typed programming are indexed types that refine data by computationally useful information. For example, the N-indexed type of vectors refines lists by their lengths. Other data types may be refined in similar ways, but programmers must produce purpose-specific refinements on an ad hoc basis, developers must anticipate which refinements to include in libraries, and implementations must often store redundant information about data and their refinements. In this paper we show how to generically derive inductive characterisations of refinements of inductive types, and argue that these characterisations can alleviate some of the aforementioned difficulties associated with ad hoc refinements. Our characterisations also ensure that standard techniques for programming with and reasoning about inductive types are applicable to refinements, and that refinements can themselves be further refined

    Sets in homotopy type theory

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    Constructing a universe for the setoid model

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    The setoid model is a model of intensional type theory that validates certain extensionality principles, like function extensionality and propositional extensionality, the latter being a limited form of univalence that equates logically equivalent propositions. The appeal of this model construction is that it can be constructed in a small, intensional, type theoretic metatheory, therefore giving a method to boostrap extensionality. The setoid model has been recently adapted into a formal system, namely Setoid Type Theory (SeTT). SeTT is an extension of intensional Martin-L\uf6f type theory with constructs that give full access to the extensionality principles that hold in the setoid model. Although already a rich theory as currently defined, SeTT currently lacks a way to internalize the notion of type beyond propositions, hence we want to extend SeTT with a universe of setoids. To this aim, we present the construction of a (non-univalent) universe of setoids within the setoid model, first as an inductive-recursive definition, which is then translated to an inductive-inductive definition and finally to an inductive family. These translations from more powerful definition schemas to simpler ones ensure that our construction can still be defined in a relatively small metatheory which includes a proof-irrelevant identity type with a strong transport rule

    Generic bidirectional typing for dependent type theories

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    Bidirectional typing is a discipline in which the typing judgment is decomposed explicitly into inference and checking modes, allowing to control the flow of type information in typing rules and to specify algorithmically how they should be used. Bidirectional typing has been fruitfully studied and bidirectional systems have been developed for many type theories. However, the formal development of bidirectional typing has until now been kept confined to specific theories, with general guidelines remaining informal. In this work, we give a generic account of bidirectional typing for a general class of dependent type theories. This is done by first giving a general definition of type theories (or equivalently, a logical framework), for which we define declarative and bidirectional type systems. We then show, in a theory-independent fashion, that the two systems are equivalent. This equivalence is then explored to establish the decidability of typing for weak normalizing theories, yielding a generic type-checking algorithm that has been implemented in a prototype and used in practice with many theories

    Cubical Syntax for Reflection-Free Extensional Equality

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    We contribute XTT, a cubical reconstruction of Observational Type Theory which extends Martin-L\"of's intensional type theory with a dependent equality type that enjoys function extensionality and a judgmental version of the unicity of identity types principle (UIP): any two elements of the same equality type are judgmentally equal. Moreover, we conjecture that the typing relation can be decided in a practical way. In this paper, we establish an algebraic canonicity theorem using a novel cubical extension (independently proposed by Awodey) of the logical families or categorical gluing argument inspired by Coquand and Shulman: every closed element of boolean type is derivably equal to either 'true' or 'false'.Comment: Extended version; International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD), 201

    Computads for generalised signatures

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    We introduce a notion of signature whose sorts form a direct category, and study computads for such signatures. Algebras for such a signature are presheaves with an interpretation of every function symbol of the signature, and we describe how computads give rise to signatures. Generalising work of Batanin, we show that computads with certain generator-preserving morphisms form a presheaf category, and describe a forgetful functor from algebras to computads. Algebras free on a computad turn out to be the cofibrant objects for certain cofibrantly generated factorisation system, and the adjunction above induces the universal cofibrant replacement, in the sense of Garner, for this factorisation system. Finally, we conclude by explaining how many-sorted structures, weak ω\omega-categories, and algebraic semi-simplicial Kan complexes are algebras of such signatures, and we propose a notion of weak multiple category.Comment: 39 page

    Turing-completeness totally free

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    In this paper, I show that general recursive definitions can be represented in the free monad which supports the ‘effect’ of making a recursive call, without saying how these calls should be executed. Diverse semantics can be given within a total framework by suitable monad morphisms. The Bove-Capretta construction of the domain of a general recursive function can be presented datatype-generically as an instance of this technique. The paper is literate Agda, but its key ideas are more broadly transferable