19 research outputs found

    Design of Dynamic Pricing Systems for Online-Retailer\u27s-Core Functionalities and Qualitative Insights

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    The intense competition in e-commerce makes many small- and medium-sized retailers striving for dynamic pricing. Therefore, the core functionalities of a dynamic pricing system are investigated using single case study research method. They embrace both external and internal factors for price calculation. First, there are functions to get external information such as price information from competing retailers. They provide important information for calculation and forecasting. Second, internal oriented functions exist, which analyse personal information such as the birthday in order to influence the buyers’ decisions in a positive way


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    Prior studies on knowledge and or reader purpose have been proven to lead readers’ attitudes. Emerging hoax news circulating social networking sites (SNSs) including among scholars has become a research concern recently.  To determine the extent of knowledge and reading purpose on hoax about air transport subject among academia is the purpose of this study.  Furthermore, it also measures the effect of those variables on reading intention. Using questionnaires, data is collected from students, instructors, teachers, and staff (n=100) from aviation school.  Multivariate regression is applied toward two independent variables (readers’ knowledge and purpose) and one dependent variable (reading intention).  Results of this study depicts simultaneously significant impact of readers’ knowledge and purpose of reading to readers’ intention to click on certain news

    Competitive product pricing extended producer responsibility and the circular economy.

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    In an increasingly competitive marketplace selling products at the most competitive price is the norm, however emerging trends towards extended producer responsibility (EPR), sustainability and the circular economy have augmented the traditional pricing model. This paper contributes to literature by identifying a research gap relating to product pricing models, EPR and the needs of sustainability and the circular economy. The research reported was designed to address how theoretical and real-world models could potentially work to address the research gap.N/

    Business in practice: a retrospective analysis of relyon through the operation director´s eyes

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    In the “Business in Practice” simulation, my group and I managed a fictitious car manufacturing company called “Rely On”. In this work project, I will analyse my behaviour during the team decision process, and I will determine improvements that I can develop in my future career. Furthermore, I will perform an in-depth analysis of Rely On, reviewing the decisions made by the Operations, Marketing and Finance departments. The main objective of this academic work is to underline the interdependences across different business functions

    The Freemium Effect: Why Consumers Perceive More Value with Free than with Premium Offers

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    Continuous evolution of digital technology not only changes the way people communicate, it also fundamentally alters how companies generate revenue. Services like Dropbox, Skype, LinkedIn or Spotify successfully implement the freemium business model of concurrent free and priced premium versions. This paper will investigate the consequences of offering basic features for free. Based on research complementing the relationship between quality and price, the following provides evidence for an inversed “freemium” effect. Free services provide more value than premium services, not less. Results from a set of experimental studies show that consumers perceive fewer sacrifices and more benefits with free rather than premium offers. Consequently, decision-making variables (value, intention, and willingness to pay) favor the free versions. Implications for practice and research are provided building upon these results

    Principales precios de venta del mango a nivel nacional e internacional durante los años 2010 al 2018

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    El Perú desde años atrás se ha mantenido en crecimiento logrando aumentar la exportación de productos agrícolas, incentivando y promoviendo nuevas técnicas, know how y protocolos, lo que beneficia a empresas productoras y exportadoras. Aunque en el transcurso del tiempo surgió inconvenientes como las plagas mencionado por Senasa como otros factores, lo que permitió tener una tendencia fluctuada en los precios. En este sentido, el estudio de investigación tiene como objetivo el determinar cómo fueron los precios del mango a nivel nacional e internacional durante los periodos 2010-2018. La presente investigación es de tipo aplicada y de enfoque cuantitativo, el diseño es no experimental y longitudinal, el nivel o alcance descriptivo. Los datos ya han sido tomados con anterioridad, es decir de tipo ex post – facto. La población y muestra no fueron requeridas por ser una investigación “Ex post facto”, ya que los datos existen y están en fuentes de respaldo. La técnica que se empleó para la recolección de datos fue el análisis documental, que permitió reunir datos estadísticos sobre la variable, obteniéndose de fuentes confiables del ministerio de agricultura y de la sunat. Se ha logrado observar que los precios en el ámbito local e internacional sufrieron variaciones por diferentes factores que influyen en el comercio, a pesar de todo eso la demanda siguió vigente. Se concluye que el precio es un tema de gran importancia para los productores y exportadores porque incide en el margen de ganancia, por eso ellos mantienen la calidad y cualidades del mango en su estado orgánico para los consumidores de elección saludable

    Gaining competitive advantage when a business is expanding their maintenance service

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    Gaining competitive advantage is something that every company should do at some point. There are multiple different ways to do so, and in this thesis, some ways are introduced. An anonymous machine manufacturer is planning to expand its mainte-nance service. Today it is still just some small operation with a few people employed. The goal is to grow into a successful maintenance service business. This thesis consists of a competitor analysis, where other companies in the industry are benchmarked, implementing the Porter’s 5 forces, planning a pricing strategy, and conducting an online survey to Finnish customers, about the quality of their current maintenance service. The SERVQUAL model is applied to measure the level of satisfac-tion towards the current maintenance service. 16 people took part in the survey. Based on the results of the benchmarking and the online survey, some themes were raised. To gain competitive advantage in the maintenance service business, the service must be efficient, flexible and professional. Furthermore, implementing features like a mobile application for the customer can increase transparent communication. Some businesses are more active in social media than others. Around the case company’s industry social media, there is a lot of room for new companies.Jokaisen yrityksen kannattaa pohtia, mitä kilpailuetuja heillä on. Kilpailuetua voi tavoitella useilla eri tavoilla. Tässä opinnäytetyössä esitellään jotain tapoja, joilla nimetön kohdeyritys voisi saada kilpailuetua omalle laajenevalle huoltopalvelulleen. Tämänhetkinen huoltotoiminta on pientä ja huoltohenkilökuntaa on vain muutama henkilö. Yrityksen tavoitteena olisi laajentaa huoltopalvelusta menestyvä bisnes. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma koostuu kilpailija-analyysista, missä muita alan yrityksiä benchmarkataan ja yrityksen ominaisuuksia sovelletaan Porterin viiteen kilpailutekijään. Lisäksi huollolle suunnitellaan askeleita hinnoittelustrategiaan ja viimeisenä yrityksen asiakkaille järjestettiin verkkokysely ostettujen huoltopalveluiden laadusta. Kyselyssä käytettiin SERVQUAL menetelmää palvelun laadun kartoittamiseen. Kyselyyn osallistui 16 henkilöä. Benchmarkkauksen ja verkkokyselyn tulosten perusteella, esiin nostettiin muutamia teemoja. Yritys voisi saavuttaa kilpailuetua tarjoamalla joustavaa, tehokasta ja ammattitaitoista huoltopalvelua. Lisäksi esimerkiksi mobiilisovelluksen käyttöönotto helpottaa yrityksen ja asiakkaan välistä viestintää ja tuo palvelun nykyaikaiselle tasolle. Benchmarkkauksesta selvisi, että harvempi kohdeyrityksen kilpailija on todella aktiivinen sosiaalisessa mediassa. Näkyvyys siellä saattaisi tuoda huoltopalvelulle enemmän asiakkaita

    Innovation for and from emerging countries: a closer look at the antecedents of trickle-down and reverse innovation

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    International new product launch speed is a crucial goal for firms, as it has major implications for their performance. The authors examine whether and how (1) the price and number of attributes of a new product, (2) the number of developed (emerging) countries in which it has been launched, and (3) the nature of the firm that originally launched it (i.e., multinational versus not) affect the new product’s speed of launch from developed countries to emerging ones (i.e., trickle-down) or vice versa (i.e., reverse innovation). In order to test the hypotheses, the authors use data on new product launches in the global packaged food industry in 2001–2014. The results indicate that a lower price accelerates trickle-down, while a higher price and more attributes accelerate reverse innovation. Further, having been launched in more countries and having been launched by a multinational firm both accelerate trickle-down and reverse innovation

    Estrategias y políticas de precios y su efecto en la competitividad de la empresa Representaciones Agrícolas F&M&J E.I.R.L. Ancash, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como título “Estrategias y políticas de precios y su efecto en la competitividad de la Empresa Representaciones Agrícolas F&M&J E.I.R.L. Ancash, 2021” en ese sentido la finalidad de la investigación fue evaluar si las estrategias y políticas de precio logran afectar a la competitividad de la empresa. Para ello se realizó una investigación de tipo aplicada, de diseño no experimentaltrasversal, con un nivel correlacional causal debido a que primero se buscó la relación, luego la intensidad y finalmente el efecto. De esta manera se utilizó una muestra de 50 empresas donde 5 fueron clientes fijos y 45 fueron clientes potenciales. Debido a ello se puede concluir que el funcionamiento conjunto de las estrategias y políticas de precio tienen un efecto significativo en la competitividad de la empresa y con un valor de direccionalidad de 0.285 se infiere que la influencia es positiva y de nivel bajo a moderado, es decir a mejores estrategias y políticas de precio estás repercutirán en mejores y mayores índices de competitividad logrando que la empresa alcance más mercado y logre obtener mayor rentabilidad

    Skimming or Penetration? Strategic Dynamic Pricing for New Products

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    Current complex dynamic markets are characterized by numerous brands, each with multiple products and price points, and differentiated on a variety of product attributes plus a large number of new product introductions. This study seeks to analyze dynamic pricing paths in a highly complex branded market, consisting of 663 products under 79 brand names of digital cameras. The authors develop a method to classify dynamic pricing strategies and analyze the choice and correlates of observed pricing paths in the introduction and early growth phase of this market. The authors find that, despite numerous recommendations in the literature for skimming or penetration pricing, market pricing dominates in practice. In particular, the authors find five patterns: skimming (20% frequency), penetration (20% frequency), and three variants of market-pricing patterns (60% frequency), where new products are launched at market prices. Skimming pricing launches the new product 16% above the market price and subsequently increases the price relative to the market price. Penetration pricing launches the new product 18% below the market price and subsequently lowers the price relative to the market price. Firms exhibit a mix of these pricing paths across their portfolios. The specific pricing paths correlate with market, firm, and brand characteristics such as competitive intensity, market pioneering, brand reputation, and experience effects. The authors discuss managerial implications