17 research outputs found

    Patch-type Segmentation of Voxel Shapes using Simplified Surface Skeletons

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    We present a new method for decomposing a 3D voxel shape into disjoint segments using the shape’s simplified surface-skeleton. The surface skeleton of a shape consists of 2D manifolds inside its volume. Each skeleton point has a maximally inscribed ball that touches the boundary in at least two contact points. A key observation is that the boundaries of the simplified fore- and background skeletons map one-to-one to increasingly fuzzy, soft convex, respectively concave, edges of the shape. Using this property, we build a method for segmentation of 3D shapes which has several desirable properties. Our method segments both noisy shapes and shapes with soft edges which vanish over low-curvature regions. Multiscale segmentations can be obtained by varying the simplification level of the skeleton. We present a voxel-based implementation of our approach and illustrate it on several realistic examples.

    An automatic correction of Ma's thinning algorithm based on P -simple points

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    International audienceThe notion of P -simple points has been introduced by Bertrand to conceive parallel thinning algorithms. In 'A 3D fully parallel thinning algorithm for generating medial faces', Ma has proposed an algorithm for which there exists objects whose topology is not preserved. In this paper, we propose a new application of P -simple points: to automatically correct Ma's algorithm

    Segmenting Simplified Surface Skeletons

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    Shape Decomposition Algorithms for Laser Capture Microdissection

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    In the context of biomarker discovery and molecular characterization of diseases, laser capture microdissection is a highly effective approach to extract disease-specific regions from complex, heterogeneous tissue samples. These regions have to be decomposed into feasible fragments as they have to satisfy certain constraints in size and morphology for the extraction to be successful. We model this problem of constrained shape decomposition as the computation of optimal feasible decompositions of simple polygons. We use a skeleton-based approach and present an algorithmic framework that allows the implementation of various feasibility criteria as well as optimization goals. Motivated by our application, we consider different constraints and examine the resulting fragmentations. Furthermore, we apply our method to lung tissue samples and show its advantages in comparison to a heuristic decomposition approach

    Segmentation of 3D pore space from CT images using curvilinear skeleton: application to numerical simulation of microbial decomposition

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    Recent advances in 3D X-ray Computed Tomographic (CT) sensors have stimulated research efforts to unveil the extremely complex micro-scale processes that control the activity of soil microorganisms. Voxel-based description (up to hundreds millions voxels) of the pore space can be extracted, from grey level 3D CT scanner images, by means of simple image processing tools. Classical methods for numerical simulation of biological dynamics using mesh of voxels, such as Lattice Boltzmann Model (LBM), are too much time consuming. Thus, the use of more compact and reliable geometrical representations of pore space can drastically decrease the computational cost of the simulations. Several recent works propose basic analytic volume primitives (e.g. spheres, generalized cylinders, ellipsoids) to define a piece-wise approximation of pore space for numerical simulation of draining, diffusion and microbial decomposition. Such approaches work well but the drawback is that it generates approximation errors. In the present work, we study another alternative where pore space is described by means of geometrically relevant connected subsets of voxels (regions) computed from the curvilinear skeleton. Indeed, many works use the curvilinear skeleton (3D medial axis) for analyzing and partitioning 3D shapes within various domains (medicine, material sciences, petroleum engineering, etc.) but only a few ones in soil sciences. Within the context of soil sciences, most studies dealing with 3D medial axis focus on the determination of pore throats. Here, we segment pore space using curvilinear skeleton in order to achieve numerical simulation of microbial decomposition (including diffusion processes). We validate simulation outputs by comparison with other methods using different pore space geometrical representations (balls, voxels).Comment: preprint, submitted to Computers & Geosciences 202

    Co-skeletons:Consistent curve skeletons for shape families

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    We present co-skeletons, a new method that computes consistent curve skeletons for 3D shapes from a given family. We compute co-skeletons in terms of sampling density and semantic relevance, while preserving the desired characteristics of traditional, per-shape curve skeletonization approaches. We take the curve skeletons extracted by traditional approaches for all shapes from a family as input, and compute semantic correlation information of individual skeleton branches to guide an edge-pruning process via skeleton-based descriptors, clustering, and a voting algorithm. Our approach achieves more concise and family-consistent skeletons when compared to traditional per-shape methods. We show the utility of our method by using co-skeletons for shape segmentation and shape blending on real-world data

    Coarse-to-fine skeleton extraction for high resolution 3D meshes

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    This paper presents a novel algorithm for medial surfaces extraction that is based on the density-corrected Hamiltonian analysis of Torsello and Hancock [1]. In order to cope with the exponential growth of the number of voxels, we compute a first coarse discretization of the mesh which is iteratively refined until a desired resolution is achieved. The refinement criterion relies on the analysis of the momentum field, where only the voxels with a suitable value of the divergence are exploded to a lower level of the hierarchy. In order to compensate for the discretization errors incurred at the coarser levels, a dilation procedure is added at the end of each iteration. Finally we design a simple alignment procedure to correct the displacement of the extracted skeleton with respect to the true underlying medial surface. We evaluate the proposed approach with an extensive series of qualitative and quantitative experiments