25 research outputs found

    Situational determinants of cognitive, affective, and compassionate empathy in naturalistic digital interactions

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    Empathy is apparent in computer-mediated communication (CMC), yet little is known about the situational predictors of empathic responses when interacting digitally. We used a diary methodology to explore: (1) the degree three types of empathy (cognitive, affective, and compassionate) are experienced in students' everyday (text- and image-based) dyadic digital interactions; (2) which situational factors are important for (different types of) empathy in CMC; and (3) how empathy reported in everyday CMC affects participants' perceptions of their empathy in CMC and face-to-face (FtF) contexts. One hundred student volunteers (50 women, Mage = 22.57 years) completed a “digital interaction diary” for three consecutive days, yielding 1939 observations. Participants reported significantly more cognitive than affective empathy, and significantly greater affective than compassionate empathy. Several situational variables (e.g., number of communications, recipient) were related to empathy overall, while others (e.g., subject, mood) contributed to discrete contextual profiles for the empathy subtypes. Empathy reported in the diaries predicted a more favourable ratio of perceived CMC to FtF empathy, particularly for those lower in baseline trait empathy. These findings help elucidate the multidimensional experience of empathy in CMC interactions

    Modifikasi Alat Ukur Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) pada Subjek dengan Identitas Sunda

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    This study aims to modify the instrument interpersonal reactivity index (IRI) made by Davis (1980) which consists of 4 dimensions into 2 dimensions. This research uses quantitative approach, the respondents is 318 students of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung who were of Sundanese ethnicity and lived in Islamic boarding schools with simple random sampling. The result of modification IRI instrument from 28 items to 26 items. Based on the results, it is known that content validity shows that all items are valid, the item differences shows that 24 items have a good difference, and confirmatory analysis shows that 23 items are valid. The result of the multidimensional validity test shows that perspective taking aspect has r value .81 and concern for other aspect has r value .71. While the alpha reliability obtained value .903 and reliability CR .96, and the model for empathy instrument of this modification is fit

    Pengaruh Empati Dan Kontrol Diri Terhadap Kecenderungan Perilaku Perundungan

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    It is important to have good personal character in individuals to overcome and reduce the tendency of bullying behavior. Students with good character and personality are able to develop their potential so that students have a humble nature, care socially, and are able to behave according to morals in determining their future lives. The aim of this research is to test whether there is an influence of empathy and self-control on the tendency to bully behavior. The subjects of the research were 310 SMA X students in Surakarta from classes XI and XII. The measuring tool in this research is a questionnaire containing scales of empathy, self-control and tendencies towards bullying behavior. The data results were analyzed through multiple linear regression analysis. The data results show Sig. p 0.00 Ftable 3.025 which shows that the variables of empathy and self-control significantly influence the variable of tendency towards bullying behavior. In the results of the coefficient of determination (R2), the empathy and self-control variables simultaneously contributed 0.169 or 16.9% with the remaining 83.1% influenced by other variable factors. Researchers also found gender categorization results which showed that women had a higher tendency for bullying behavior than men. Keywords: empathy, tendency to bully behavior, self-control

    The intersection of empathy, social identity, and threat

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    Empathy is a tool we can use to feel and understand other’s emotions and circumstances. The social identity perspective posits that we are motivated to protect and promote the groups we belong to, and that we feel emotions on behalf of the group. Further, intergroup threat theory (found within the social identity framework) postulates that perceived threat to one’s group leads to intergroup tension, breeding prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behavior. To investigate the relationship that identity and threat have on participant’s empathy for outgroups, I measured: how much participants identified with the White American identity; their White privilege awareness; their perceived anti-Black discrimination; their racial colorblindness; and their overall empathy levels. Next, participants (n = 52) were exposed to either a neutral stimulus or a threatening stimulus targeting the White American identity. Threat perception and empathy towards Black people was measured post manipulation. Findings indicate a significant negative correlation between racial colorblindness and empathy (p = .018, r = - 0.32, t = -2.42, CI = [-0.548, -0.056])

    Who is willing to help Ukrainian refugees and why? Individual prosocial dispositions and superordinate European identity related to intergroup helping intentions

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    In 2022, Europe experienced unprecedented citizen mobilizations to help Ukrainian refugees. Based on two parallel scholarship lines, we examined individual prosocial dispositions and superordinate identities related to intentions to help Ukrainians. Employing a French-speaking student sample in Belgium (N = 374), in Study 1 we showed that dispositional prosociality and European identification were both positively related to intentions to help Ukrainians. An interaction qualified these main effects, so that highly prosocial European identifiers were particularly willing to help. With a nationwide quota sample of the French-speaking population in Belgium (N = 371), in Study 2 we identified two processes mediating the relationship of dispositional prosociality and European identification with intentions to help Ukrainians. On the one hand, dispositional prosociality was positively related to empathy towards Ukrainians, which in turn predicted participants’ helping intentions. On the other hand, European identification was positively related to both empathy and identity fusion with Ukrainians, which in turn predicted participants’ helping intentions. Overall, these findings suggest that individual prosocial dispositions and superordinate identities represent two cumulative pathways to intergroup helping. Concluding, we discuss common and specific processes related to intentions to help Ukrainians, as compared to other refugee groups

    shiFT: An Exploration of Empathy

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    abstract: “shiFT: An Exploration of Empathy” is a document detailing the process of creating the evening length dance performance, “shiFT,” through the theoretical, somatic, kinesthetic and choreographic research of empathy. This research specifically addressed the ability to consciously take on an empathetic perspective and the change that must occur within oneself to co-create empathy. It focused on the factors that impede empathetic function and the role of vulnerability in experiencing empathy. Throughout the creation of this concert, the choreographer employed empathy building exercises and concentrated creative processes constructed from her research into the neurological, emotional and physical aspects of empathy with a cast of ten dancers. Choreographer and dancers worked collaboratively to create an empathetic environment, a pre-show film installation titled GREY MATTER, and the culminating evening length concert piece “shiFT.”Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Dance 201

    Social Media Use and Empathy in Late Adolescents

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    Social media use has been linked to a wide variety of both positive effects, such as improved ability to share and understand the feelings of others and involvement in philanthropic activities, but it has also been associated with negative effects, including cyberbullying and low self-esteem. Today\u27s adolescents have grown up as digital natives and have deemed social media as an essential way to connect with peers and develop relationships. These relationships can play a critical role in adolescents’ development of important prosocial skills, such as empathy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between social media use and empathy in late adolescents.Seventy-six late adolescents, ages 18 to 19, completed an online survey assessing their social media use, cyberbullying and cyber victimization history, and empathy levels. Results indicated that the frequency of social media use is positively correlated with increased personal distress during interpersonal conflict, a factor of empathy. Findings also revealed that active use of social media was positively correlated with personal distress, though this was true only for males. Results showed that that being an active user of social media and the fantasy subscale (the ability to transpose oneself into the feelings of fictitious characters) of empathy were negatively correlated for females only. Overall, results suggested that the use of social media is particularly associated with feelings of personal distress. These feelings, in turn, may promote empathic behavior in late adolescents

    The impact of socio-economic status, life history, and biological sex on affective empathy in adults

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    ABSTRACT A discussion of affective (or emotional) empathy as it is impacted by socioeconomic status (SES), life history, and biological sex is presented. The current study examined a gap in prior research by examining the interaction between these three variables and affective empathy. Participants were 504 adults between the ages of 18-68, with average age of 37 and primarily biological sex male (64%). Ethnicity varied with the majority as White/Caucasian (68.8%) followed in descending response rate by Hispanic or Latino/a, Black or African American, Asian, Native American or American Indian, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander and 1.6% as two or more races and the majority of the sample (68%) reporting receiving a bachelor’s degree. Participants were assessed using Amazon Mechanical Turk or (MTurk) by completing an informed consent and survey. The survey consisted of demographic information (including biological sex), a measure of affective empathy (BEES; Mehrabian, 1996; 1997), a measure of SES (both objective and subjective), and a measure of life history (ALHB; Figueredo et al., 2017). These surveys were presented in randomized order to reduce potential order effects and a debriefing was provided after the study was completed. Two 2x2x3 factorial ANOVA(s) were used to analyze the collected data. A significant main effect of SES (assessed as high, moderate, or low) which found high and low SES showed more affective empathy than the moderate group, life history (assessed as a fast strategy or slow strategy) which found significant differences in males when the social support function of life history is included, and biological sex (assessed as female or male) on affective empathy where biological females showed more affective empathy than biological males. These main effects were qualified by a significant three-way interaction in which biological males with high SES and slow life history (social support resources) showed the most affective empathy. Further findings and implications are discussed. Keywords: Affective Empathy, Socioeconomic Status, Life History, Sex, Factorial ANOV

    Leveraging human-robot interaction in hospitality services: Incorporating the role of perceived value, empathy, and information sharing into visitors’ intentions to use social robots

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    Social robots have become pervasive in the tourism and hospitality service environments. The empirical understanding of the drivers of visitors' intentions to use robots in such services has become an urgent necessity for their sustainable deployment. Certainly, using social androids within hospitality services requires organisations' attentive commitment to value creation and fulfilling service quality expectations. In this paper, via structural equation modelling (SEM) and semi-structured interviews with managers, we conceptualise and empirically test visitors' intentions to use social robots in hospitality services. With data collected in Singapore's hospitality settings, we found visitors' intentions to use social robots stem from the effects of technology acceptance variables, service quality dimensions leading to perceived value, and two further dimensions from human robot interaction (HRI): empathy and information sharing. Analysis of these dimensions' importance provides a deeper understanding of novel opportunities managers may take advantage of to position social robot-delivered services in tourism and hospitality strategies