50 research outputs found

    Prototype of a Dsp-Based Instrument for In-Service Wireless Transmitter Power Measurement

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    Abstract A prototype of a DSP-based instrument for in-service transmitter power measurements is presented. The instrument implements a signal-selective algorithm for power measurements that is suitable for use in wireless environments, where possible uncontrolled interfering sources are present in the radio channel and are overlapped to the signal emitted by the transmitter under test, possibly in both time and frequency domain. The measurement method exploits the principles of cyclic spectral analysis, which are briefly recalled in the paper. Potentialities, as well as limitations of the prototype use are discussed, and the results of experiments with both modulated and unmodulated interfering sources are presented


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    ResumenEn este trabajo se presenta la metodología de diseño e implementación de un sistema para corrección del desequilibrio I/Q basado en una tarjeta DSP-FPGA. Este sistema utiliza series de Volterra para modelar el comportamiento no lineal del desequilibrio I/Q. El desempeño del sistema se demuestra utilizando una señal compleja 256-QAM con desequilibrio en fase y amplitud. El sistema desarrollado tiene como característica un bajo costo de implementación y alta flexibilidad del diseño, lo que permite modificaciones o expansiones futuras. Se utiliza la tarjeta de desarrollo Stratix III de Altera para implementación practica y verificación de los resultados experimentales del sistema propuesto. El sistema desarrollado es capaz de corregir el desequilibrio I/Q satisfactoriamente, tanto en fase como en amplitud. Este trabajo puede ser considerado como una alternativa de bajo costo para corregir el desequilibrio I/Q ya que no requiere de algoritmos complejos o equipo de medición adicional.Palabras Claves: 256-QAM, corrección, desequilibrio, FPGA, modulador.EMULATION IN FPGA OF TECHNIQUE FOR CORRECTION OF IMBALANCE I/Q APPLIED IN A DIGITAL MODULATOR 256-QAMAbstractIn this paper the design methodology for a I/Q imbalance correction system is presented based on a DSP-FPGA board. This system employs Volterra series to model the non-linear behavior of the I/Q imbalance. The system performance is verified using a 256-QAM complex signal with phase and amplitude imbalance. The implemented system has the advantage of having low implementation cost and a high design flexibility, which allows for future revisions or enhancement. The Stratix III FPGA board from Altera is employed for the practical implementation and result verification of the system. The developed system can compensate the I/Q imbalance, in amplitude and phase. This work can be considered as a low-cost alternative for I/Q imbalance correction given that it doesn’t require additional measurement equipment nor uses complex algorithms.Keywords: 256-QAM, correction, imbalance, FPGA, modulator

    Optimisation of Bluetooth wireless personal area networks

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    In recent years there has been a marked growth in the use of wireless cellular telephones, PCs and the Internet. This proliferation of information technology has hastened the advent of wireless networks which aim to increase the accessibility and reach of communications devices. Ambient Intelligence (Ami) is a vision of the future of computing in which all kinds of everyday objects will contain intelligence. To be effective, Ami requires Ubiquitous Computing and Communication, the latter being enabled by wireless networking. The IEEE's 802.11 task group has developed a series of radio based replacements for the familiar wired ethernet LAN. At the same time another IEEE standards task group, 802.15, together with a number of industry consortia, has introduced a new level of wireless networking based upon short range, ad-hoc connections. Currently, the most significant of these new Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) standards is Bluetooth, one of the first of the enabling technologies of Ami to be commercially available. Bluetooth operates in the internationally unlicensed Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band at 2.4 GHz. unfortunately, this spectrum is particularly crowded. It is also used by: WiFi (IEEE 802.11); a new WPAN standard called Zig- Bee; many types of simple devices such as garage door openers; and is polluted by unintentional radiators. The success of a radio specification for ubiquitous wireless communications is, therefore, dependant upon a robust tolerance to high levels of electromagnetic noise. This thesis addresses the optimisation of low power WPANs in this context, with particular reference to the physical layer radio specification of the Bluetooth system

    Physical Layer Techniques for High Frequency Wireline Broadband Systems

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    This thesis collects contributions to wireline and wireless communication systems with an emphasis on multiuser and multicarrier physical layer technology. To deliver increased capacity, modern wireline access systems such as G.fast extend the signal bandwidth up from tens to hundreds of MHz. This ambitious development revealed a number of unforeseen hurdles such as the impact of impedance changes in various forms. Impedance changes have a strong effect on the performance of multi-user crosstalk mitigation techniques such as vectoring. The first part of the thesis presents papers covering the identification of one of these problems, a model describing why it occurs and a method to mitigate its effects, improving line stability for G.fast systems.A second part of the thesis deals with the effects of temperature changes on wireline channels. When a vectored (MIMO) wireline system is initialized, channel estimates need to be obtained. This thesis presents contributions on the feasibility of re-using channel coefficients to speed up the vectoring startup procedures, even after the correct coefficients have changed, e.g., due to temperature changes. We also present extensive measurement results showing the effects of temperature changes on copper channels using a temperature chamber and British cables. The last part of the thesis presents three papers on the convergence of physical layer technologies, more specifically the deployment of OFDM-based radio systems using twisted pairs in different ways. In one proposed scenario, the idea of using the access copper lines to deploy small cells inside users' homes is explored. The feasibility of the concept, the design of radio-heads and a practical scheme for crosstalk mitigation are presented in three contributions

    Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering

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    The book consists of 24 chapters illustrating a wide range of areas where MATLAB tools are applied. These areas include mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological (molecular biology) and medical sciences, communication and control systems, digital signal, image and video processing, system modeling and simulation. Many interesting problems have been included throughout the book, and its contents will be beneficial for students and professionals in wide areas of interest

    Modern Applications in Optics and Photonics: From Sensing and Analytics to Communication

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    Optics and photonics are among the key technologies of the 21st century, and offer potential for novel applications in areas such as sensing and spectroscopy, analytics, monitoring, biomedical imaging/diagnostics, and optical communication technology. The high degree of control over light fields, together with the capabilities of modern processing and integration technology, enables new optical measurement systems with enhanced functionality and sensitivity. They are attractive for a range of applications that were previously inaccessible. This Special Issue aims to provide an overview of some of the most advanced application areas in optics and photonics and indicate the broad potential for the future

    Outils d'analyse, de modélisation et de commande pour les radiocommunications Application aux amplificateurs de puissance

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    L'évolution croissante des télécommunications résulte de la combinaison de plusieurs facteurs comme les progrès de l'électronique, de la micro-électronique, de la radiofréquence mais aussi des avancées des techniques de communications numériques. Dans ce contexte, les études s'orientent de plus en plus vers l'amélioration de la couverture et de la qualité de service offertes aux usagers. C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrivent les travaux exposés dans le cadre de cette Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. Les problématiques soulevées concernent : - la connaissance et la maîtrise du comportement des composants en présence de signaux large bande, multiporteuses, - l'amélioration de la qualité des transmissions en tenant compte des aspects énergétiques, - la reconfigurabilité et l'adaptation des nouveaux systèmes à la multiplication des normes et des standards de communications. Pour chaque problématique, nous avons proposé des solutions théoriques et pratiques avec comme fil conducteur l'utilisation et la mise en \oe uvre d'outils issus de l'Automatique comme l'estimation paramétrique, la commande et la linéarisation, l'optimisation, etc. Concernant la modélisation des fonctions électroniques RF, je présente mes travaux concernant la prise en compte des effets statiques et dynamiques en temps continu et discret. Pour les circuits hautes fréquences qui se caractérisent par des constantes de temps avec des ordres de grandeurs divers, nous avons montré qu'il est important d'envisager la modélisation selon l'application visée et en déployant des outils d'estimation paramétrique adaptés. Des problématiques telles que la normalisation de l'espace paramétrique, l'initialisation, la convergence sont étudiées pour répondre aux caractéristiques des systèmes de radiocommunications.Dans le chapitre consacré à l'amélioration de la linéarité et du rendement, nous avons présenté des techniques de correction des imperfections des amplificateurs de puissances ainsi que des méthodes de traitement du signal qui permettent de réduire leurs impacts sur la transmission. Concernant la linéarisation, nous avons commencé par une comparaison d'une technique Feedback et d'un linéariseur à base d'une prédistorsion polynomiale sans mémoire. Cette étude a mis en évidence l'intérêt d'adjoindre de la mémoire sous forme de retards dans le linéariseur. Les fortes fluctuations des signaux multiporteuses, mesurées par le PAPR pour Peak-to-Average Power Ratio, contribuent aussi à dégrader le bilan énergétique de l'émetteur. La majorité des travaux sur la réduction du PAPR se limite à l'étude des performances en termes de gain de réduction, sans aborder la qualité de transmission en présence d'imperfections réalistes des éléments non-linéaires. C'est dans ce contexte que nous avons analysé cette problématique pour un système MIMO-OFDM en boucle fermée avec prise en compte du canal, des non-linéarités, des effets mémoires et des critères visuels permettant d'évaluer la qualité des transmissions de données multimédias.Le développement d'architectures entièrement numérique, reconfigurables est traité en dernière partie de ce cette HDR. Pour cette large thématique, nous proposons des améliorations pour des coefficients des modulateurs afin d'obtenir une fonction de transfert du bruit respectant un gabarit fréquentiel donné. La correction des erreurs de calcul dus aux coefficients du type 1/2L2^L. Cette correction est basée sur la ré-injection de l'erreur au sein de la boucle directe à travers un filtre numérique

    A study of a space communication system for the control and monitoring of the electric distribution system. Volume 2: Supporting data and analyses

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    It is technically feasible to design a satellite communication system to serve the United States electric utility industry's needs relative to load management, real-time operations management, remote meter reading and to determine the costs of various elements of the system. The functions associated with distribution automation and control and communication system requirements are defined. Factors related to formulating viable communication concepts, the relationship of various design factors to utility operating practices, and the results of the cost analysis are discussed The system concept and several ways in which the concept could be integrated into the utility industry are described