944 research outputs found

    Projecting named entity tags from a resource rich language to a resource poor language

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    Named Entities (NE) are the prominent entities appearing in textual documents.Automatic classification of NE in a textual corpus is a vital process in Information Extraction and Information Retrieval research. Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the identification of words in text that correspond to a pre-defined taxonomy such as person, organization, location, date, time, etc.This article focuses on the person (PER), organization (ORG) and location (LOC) entities for a Malay journalistic corpus of terrorism.A projection algorithm, using the Dice Coefficient function and bigram scoring method with domain-specific rules, is suggested to map the NE information from the English corpus to the Malay corpus of terrorism.The English corpus is the translated version of the Malay corpus.Hence, these two corpora are treated as parallel corpora. The method computes the string similarity between the English words and the list of available lexemes in a pre-built lexicon that approximates the best NE mapping.The algorithm has been effectively evaluated using our own terrorism tagged corpus; it achieved satisfactory results in terms of precision, recall, and F-measure.An evaluation of the selected open source NER tool for English is also presented

    Information retrieval and text mining technologies for chemistry

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    Efficient access to chemical information contained in scientific literature, patents, technical reports, or the web is a pressing need shared by researchers and patent attorneys from different chemical disciplines. Retrieval of important chemical information in most cases starts with finding relevant documents for a particular chemical compound or family. Targeted retrieval of chemical documents is closely connected to the automatic recognition of chemical entities in the text, which commonly involves the extraction of the entire list of chemicals mentioned in a document, including any associated information. In this Review, we provide a comprehensive and in-depth description of fundamental concepts, technical implementations, and current technologies for meeting these information demands. A strong focus is placed on community challenges addressing systems performance, more particularly CHEMDNER and CHEMDNER patents tasks of BioCreative IV and V, respectively. Considering the growing interest in the construction of automatically annotated chemical knowledge bases that integrate chemical information and biological data, cheminformatics approaches for mapping the extracted chemical names into chemical structures and their subsequent annotation together with text mining applications for linking chemistry with biological information are also presented. Finally, future trends and current challenges are highlighted as a roadmap proposal for research in this emerging field.A.V. and M.K. acknowledge funding from the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Program (project reference: 654021 - OpenMinted). M.K. additionally acknowledges the Encomienda MINETAD-CNIO as part of the Plan for the Advancement of Language Technology. O.R. and J.O. thank the Foundation for Applied Medical Research (FIMA), University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain). This work was partially funded by Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (Xunta de Galicia), and FEDER (European Union), and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684). We thank Iñigo Garciá -Yoldi for useful feedback and discussions during the preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neural approaches to sequence labeling for information extraction

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    Een belangrijk aspect binnen artificiële intelligentie (AI) is het interpreteren van menselijke taal uitgedrukt in tekstuele (geschreven) vorm: natural Language processing (NLP) is belangrijk gezien tekstuele informatie nuttig is voor veel toepassingen. Toch is het verstaan ervan (zogenaamde natural Language understanding, (NLU) een uitdaging, gezien de ongestructureerde vorm van tekst, waarvan de betekenis vaak dubbelzinnig en contextafhankelijk is. In dit proefschrift introduceren we oplossingen voor tekortkomingen van gerelateerd werk bij het behandelen van fundamentele taken in natuurlijke taalverwerking, zoals named entity recognition (i.e. het identificeren van de entiteiten die in een zin voorkomen) en relatie-extractie (het identificeren van relaties tussen entiteiten). Vertrekkend van een specifiek probleem (met name het identificeren van de structuur van een huis aan de hand van een tekstueel zoekertje), bouwen we stapsgewijs een complete (geautomatiseerde) oplossing voor de bovengenoemde taken, op basis van neutrale netwerkarchitecturen. Onze oplossingen zijn algemeen toepasbaar op verschillende toepassingsdomeinen en talen. We beschouwen daarnaast ook de taak van het identificeren van relevante gebeurtenissen tijdens een evenement (bv. een doelpunt tijdens een voetbalwedstrijd), in informatiestromen op Twitter. Meer bepaald formuleren we dit probleem als het labelen van woord sequenties (vergelijkbaar met named entity recognition), waarbij we de chronologische relatie tussen opeenvolgende tweets benutten

    Scalable and Declarative Information Extraction in a Parallel Data Analytics System

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    Informationsextraktions (IE) auf sehr großen Datenmengen erfordert hochkomplexe, skalierbare und anpassungsfähige Systeme. Obwohl zahlreiche IE-Algorithmen existieren, ist die nahtlose und erweiterbare Kombination dieser Werkzeuge in einem skalierbaren System immer noch eine große Herausforderung. In dieser Arbeit wird ein anfragebasiertes IE-System für eine parallelen Datenanalyseplattform vorgestellt, das für konkrete Anwendungsdomänen konfigurierbar ist und für Textsammlungen im Terabyte-Bereich skaliert. Zunächst werden konfigurierbare Operatoren für grundlegende IE- und Web-Analytics-Aufgaben definiert, mit denen komplexe IE-Aufgaben in Form von deklarativen Anfragen ausgedrückt werden können. Alle Operatoren werden hinsichtlich ihrer Eigenschaften charakterisiert um das Potenzial und die Bedeutung der Optimierung nicht-relationaler, benutzerdefinierter Operatoren (UDFs) für Data Flows hervorzuheben. Anschließend wird der Stand der Technik in der Optimierung nicht-relationaler Data Flows untersucht und herausgearbeitet, dass eine umfassende Optimierung von UDFs immer noch eine Herausforderung ist. Darauf aufbauend wird ein erweiterbarer, logischer Optimierer (SOFA) vorgestellt, der die Semantik von UDFs mit in die Optimierung mit einbezieht. SOFA analysiert eine kompakte Menge von Operator-Eigenschaften und kombiniert eine automatisierte Analyse mit manuellen UDF-Annotationen, um die umfassende Optimierung von Data Flows zu ermöglichen. SOFA ist in der Lage, beliebige Data Flows aus unterschiedlichen Anwendungsbereichen logisch zu optimieren, was zu erheblichen Laufzeitverbesserungen im Vergleich mit anderen Techniken führt. Als Viertes wird die Anwendbarkeit des vorgestellten Systems auf Korpora im Terabyte-Bereich untersucht und systematisch die Skalierbarkeit und Robustheit der eingesetzten Methoden und Werkzeuge beurteilt um schließlich die kritischsten Herausforderungen beim Aufbau eines IE-Systems für sehr große Datenmenge zu charakterisieren.Information extraction (IE) on very large data sets requires highly complex, scalable, and adaptive systems. Although numerous IE algorithms exist, their seamless and extensible combination in a scalable system still is a major challenge. This work presents a query-based IE system for a parallel data analysis platform, which is configurable for specific application domains and scales for terabyte-sized text collections. First, configurable operators are defined for basic IE and Web Analytics tasks, which can be used to express complex IE tasks in the form of declarative queries. All operators are characterized in terms of their properties to highlight the potential and importance of optimizing non-relational, user-defined operators (UDFs) for dataflows. Subsequently, we survey the state of the art in optimizing non-relational dataflows and highlight that a comprehensive optimization of UDFs is still a challenge. Based on this observation, an extensible, logical optimizer (SOFA) is introduced, which incorporates the semantics of UDFs into the optimization process. SOFA analyzes a compact set of operator properties and combines automated analysis with manual UDF annotations to enable a comprehensive optimization of data flows. SOFA is able to logically optimize arbitrary data flows from different application areas, resulting in significant runtime improvements compared to other techniques. Finally, the applicability of the presented system to terabyte-sized corpora is investigated. Hereby, we systematically evaluate scalability and robustness of the employed methods and tools in order to pinpoint the most critical challenges in building an IE system for very large data sets

    24th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases

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    In the last three decades information modelling and knowledge bases have become essentially important subjects not only in academic communities related to information systems and computer science but also in the business area where information technology is applied. The series of European – Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC) originally started as a co-operation initiative between Japan and Finland in 1982. The practical operations were then organised by professor Ohsuga in Japan and professors Hannu Kangassalo and Hannu Jaakkola in Finland (Nordic countries). Geographical scope has expanded to cover Europe and also other countries. Workshop characteristic - discussion, enough time for presentations and limited number of participants (50) / papers (30) - is typical for the conference. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: 1. Conceptual modelling: Modelling and specification languages; Domain-specific conceptual modelling; Concepts, concept theories and ontologies; Conceptual modelling of large and heterogeneous systems; Conceptual modelling of spatial, temporal and biological data; Methods for developing, validating and communicating conceptual models. 2. Knowledge and information modelling and discovery: Knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and knowledge management; Advanced data mining and analysis methods; Conceptions of knowledge and information; Modelling information requirements; Intelligent information systems; Information recognition and information modelling. 3. Linguistic modelling: Models of HCI; Information delivery to users; Intelligent informal querying; Linguistic foundation of information and knowledge; Fuzzy linguistic models; Philosophical and linguistic foundations of conceptual models. 4. Cross-cultural communication and social computing: Cross-cultural support systems; Integration, evolution and migration of systems; Collaborative societies; Multicultural web-based software systems; Intercultural collaboration and support systems; Social computing, behavioral modeling and prediction. 5. Environmental modelling and engineering: Environmental information systems (architecture); Spatial, temporal and observational information systems; Large-scale environmental systems; Collaborative knowledge base systems; Agent concepts and conceptualisation; Hazard prediction, prevention and steering systems. 6. Multimedia data modelling and systems: Modelling multimedia information and knowledge; Contentbased multimedia data management; Content-based multimedia retrieval; Privacy and context enhancing technologies; Semantics and pragmatics of multimedia data; Metadata for multimedia information systems. Overall we received 56 submissions. After careful evaluation, 16 papers have been selected as long paper, 17 papers as short papers, 5 papers as position papers, and 3 papers for presentation of perspective challenges. We thank all colleagues for their support of this issue of the EJC conference, especially the program committee, the organising committee, and the programme coordination team. The long and the short papers presented in the conference are revised after the conference and published in the Series of “Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence” by IOS Press (Amsterdam). The books “Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases” are edited by the Editing Committee of the conference. We believe that the conference will be productive and fruitful in the advance of research and application of information modelling and knowledge bases. Bernhard Thalheim Hannu Jaakkola Yasushi Kiyok

    Applying dynamic Bayesian networks in transliteration detection and generation

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    Peter Nabende promoveert op methoden die programma’s voor automatisch vertalen kunnen verbeteren. Hij onderzocht twee systemen voor het genereren en vergelijken van transcripties: een DBN-model (Dynamische Bayesiaanse Netwerken) waarin Pair Hidden Markovmodellen zijn geïmplementeerd en een DBN-model dat op transductie is gebaseerd. Nabende onderzocht het effect van verschillende DBN-parameters op de kwaliteit van de geproduceerde transcripties. Voor de evaluatie van de DBN-modellen gebruikte hij standaard dataverzamelingen van elf taalparen: Engels-Arabisch, Engels-Bengaals, Engels-Chinees, Engels-Duits, Engels-Frans, Engels-Hindi, Engels-Kannada, Engels-Nederlands, Engels-Russisch, Engels-Tamil en Engels-Thai. Tijdens het onderzoek probeerde hij om verschillende modellen te combineren. Dat bleek een goed resultaat op te leveren