18 research outputs found

    The relation between color spaces and compositional data analysis demonstrated with magnetic resonance image processing applications

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    This paper presents a novel application of compositional data analysis methods in the context of color image processing. A vector decomposition method is proposed to reveal compositional components of any vector with positive components followed by compositional data analysis to demonstrate the relation between color space concepts such as hue and saturation to their compositional counterparts. The proposed methods are applied to a magnetic resonance imaging dataset acquired from a living human brain and a digital color photograph to perform image fusion. Potential future applications in magnetic resonance imaging are mentioned and the benefits/disadvantages of the proposed methods are discussed in terms of color image processing.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, short paper, submitted to Austrian Journal of Statistics compositional data analysis special issue, first revision, fix rendering error in fig

    Improved revealing of hidden structures and defects for historic art sculptures using poisson image editing

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    [EN] Radiography is a non-destructive tool and offers the acquisition of detailed information on the internal features of sculptures as a cultural heritage. However, radiographs contain different levels of blurriness mainly caused by the detection of scattered X-rays. Reduction of image blurriness provides improved contrast in targeted areas which enhances the extraction of information from the selected regions and features of the radiographs. In this study, we applied a set of convolution methods to a group of radiographic images of historic sculptures. Radiographs of the objects were provided with the associated documentation from the collection of the Radiographic Inspection Laboratory of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The selection of the particular objects was based on the difference in the materials used in their construction i.e. the objects were made of wood, paper, or wax. The Poisson Image Editing (PIE) based on L-2-norm was applied for image enhancement of digital radiography images. The results showed that the PIE method was effective in selective region enhancement of the radiographic image contrast enabling better visualization of the objects' internal structures. The application of the implemented algorithm enabled the conservators and radiographers involved in the study to improve the visualization of the sculptures' internal features and defects enhance the defects' evaluation.Madrid García, JA.; Yahaghi, E.; Mirzapour, M.; Movafeghi, A. (2022). Improved revealing of hidden structures and defects for historic art sculptures using poisson image editing. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 55:381-390. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2022.04.0023813905

    Towards Automatic Image Enhancement with Genetic Programming and Machine Learning

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Genetic Programming, Theory, Methods and Applications[Abstract] Image Enhancement (IE) is an image processing procedure in which the image’s original information is improved, highlighting specific features to ease post-processing analyses by a human or machine. State-of-the-art image enhancement pipelines apply solutions to fixed and static constraints to solve specific issues in isolation. In this work, an IE system for image marketing is proposed, more precisely, real estate marketing, where the objective is to enhance the commercial appeal of the images, while maintaining a level of realism and similarity with the original image. This work proposes a generic image enhancement pipeline that combines state-of-the-art image processing filters, Machine Learning methods, and Evolutionary approaches, such as Genetic Programming (GP), to create a dynamic framework for Image Enhancement. The GP-based system is trained to optimize 4 metrics: Neural Image Assessment (NIMA) technical and BRISQUE, which evaluate the technical quality of the images; and NIMA aesthetics and PhotoILike, that evaluate the commercial attractiveness. It is shown that the GP model was able to find the best image quality enhancement (0.97 NIMA Aesthetics), while maintaining a high level of similarity with the original images (Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) of 0.88). The framework has better performance according to the image quality metrics than the off-the-shelf image enhancement tool and the framework’s isolated parts.This research was supported by Centro de Investigación de Galicia “CITIC”, funded by Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-Galicia 2014-2020 Program), by grant ED431G 2019/01. This work is also supported by Ministry of Science and Innovation project Society Challenges (Ref. PID2020-118362RB-I00)Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Image enhancement for underwater mining applications

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    The exploration of water bodies from the sea to land filled water spaces has seen a continuous increase with new technologies such as robotics. Underwater images is one of the main sensor resources used but suffer from added problems due to the environment. Multiple methods and techniques have provided a way to correct the color, clear the poor quality and enhance the features. In this thesis work, we present the work of an Image Cleaning and Enhancement Technique which is based on performing color correction on images incorporated with Dark Channel Prior (DCP) and then taking the converted images and modifying them into the Long, Medium and Short (LMS) color space, as this space is the region in which the human eye perceives colour. This work is being developed at LSA (Laboratório de Sistema Autónomos) robotics and autonomous systems laboratory. Our objective is to improve the quality of images for and taken by robots with the particular emphasis on underwater flooded mines. This thesis work describes the architecture and the developed solution. A comparative analysis with state of the art methods and of our proposed solution is presented. Results from missions taken by the robot in operational mine scenarios are presented and discussed and allowing for the solution characterization and validation

    Selective Contrast Adjustment by Poisson Equation

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    Wound Segmentation with Dynamic Illumination Correction and Dual-view Semantic Fusion

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    Wound image segmentation is a critical component for the clinical diagnosis and in-time treatment of wounds. Recently, deep learning has become the mainstream methodology for wound image segmentation. However, the pre-processing of the wound image, such as the illumination correction, is required before the training phase as the performance can be greatly improved. The correction procedure and the training of deep models are independent of each other, which leads to sub-optimal segmentation performance as the fixed illumination correction may not be suitable for all images. To address aforementioned issues, an end-to-end dual-view segmentation approach was proposed in this paper, by incorporating a learn-able illumination correction module into the deep segmentation models. The parameters of the module can be learned and updated during the training stage automatically, while the dual-view fusion can fully employ the features from both the raw images and the enhanced ones. To demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed framework, the extensive experiments are conducted on the benchmark datasets. The encouraging results suggest that our framework can significantly improve the segmentation performance, compared to the state-of-the-art methods

    Poisson Image Editing

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    Embryo ploidy status classification through computer-assisted morphology assessment

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    BACKGROUND: Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy has been proven to be effective in determining the embryo’s chromosomal or ploidy status. The test requires a biopsy of embryonic cells on day 3, 5, or 6 from which complete information on the chromosomes would be obtained. The main drawbacks of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy include its relatively invasive approach and the lack of research studies on the long-term effects of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy. OBJECTIVE: Computer-assisted predictive modeling through machine learning and deep learning algorithms has been proposed to minimize the use of invasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy. The capability to predict morphologic characteristics of embryo ploidy status creates a meaningful support system for decision-making before further treatment. STUDY DESIGN: Image processing is a component in developing a predictive model specialized in image classification through which a model is able to differentiate images based on unique features. Image processing is obtained through image augmentation to capture segmented embryos and perform feature extraction. Furthermore, multiple machine learning and deep learning algorithms were used to create prediction- based modeling, and all of the prediction models undergo similar model performance assessments to determine the best model prediction algorithm. RESULTS: An efficient artificial intelligence model that can predict embryo ploidy status was developed using image processing through a his- togram of oriented gradient and then followed by principal component analysis. The gradient boosting algorithm showed an advantage against other algorithms and yielded an accuracy of 0.74, an aneuploid precision of 0.83, and an aneuploid predictive value (recall) of 0.84. CONCLUSION: This research study proved that machine-assisted technology perceives the embryo differently than human observation and determined that further research on in vitro fertilization is needed. The study finding serves as a basis for developing a better computer-assisted prediction model. Key words: artificial intelligence, image processing, in vitro fertilization, noninvasive embryo assessment, preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploid, ploidy status, prediction mode

    Statistical Techniques and Artificial Neural Networks for Image Analysis

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    The main topic of this PhD thesis is image analysis. The subject was investigated from different perspectives, starting from different image types and with different goals. At the beginning x-ray hazelnuts images were analyzed. The target of this analysis was to determine whether a hazelnut was good or not. In order to do this an Artificial Neural Network was used, whose features were statistical variables. At a later stage a SVM was implemented to try to get better results. The second kind of images were still x-ray ones; they were, however, images coming from a PCB productive process. What we were asked to do was to highlight the air bubbles trapped into a solder joint (particularly those inside the thermal pads). In this case filters and morphological operations were used. The third case were ulcers photographs: the goal of the collaboration with SIF (Società Italiana di Flebologia, Italian society of phlebology) is to give doctors a way to evaluate ulcers remotely, in order to customize the treatments according to how the healing behaves. A small digression was the development of a small and cheap Arduino-based robot for an educational laboratory (Xkè?, in collaboration with prof. Angelo Raffaele Meo from DAUIN, Politecnico di Torino). This should have been the first step towards the development of an evolved robot for agricultural purposes, but the project didn’t start

    impact of dehazing on underwater marker detection for augmented reality

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    Underwater augmented reality is a very challenging task and amongst several issues, one of the most crucial aspects involves real-time tracking. Particles present in water combined with the uneven absorption of light decrease the visibility in the underwater environment. Dehazing methods are used in many areas to improve the quality of digital image data that is degraded by the influence of the environment. This paper describes the visibility conditions affecting underwater scenes and shows existing dehazing techniques that successfully improve the quality of underwater images. Four underwater dehazing methods are selected for evaluation of their capability of improving the success of square marker detection in underwater videos. Two reviewed methods represent approaches of image restoration: Multi-Scale Fusion, and Bright Channel Prior. Another two methods evaluated, the Automatic Color Enhancement and the Screened Poisson Equation, are methods of image enhancement. The evaluation uses diverse test data set to evaluate different environmental conditions. Results of the evaluation show an increased number of successful marker detections in videos pre-processed by dehazing algorithms and evaluate the performance of each compared method. The Screened Poisson method performs slightly better to other methods across various tested environments, while Bright Channel Prior and Automatic Color Enhancement shows similarly positive results