8 research outputs found

    On the Use of Queueing Petri Nets for Modeling and Performance Analysis of Distributed Systems

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    Predictive performance models are used increasingly throughout the phases of the software engineering lifecycle of distributed systems. However, as systems grow in size and complex-ity, building models that accurately capture the different aspects of their behavior becomes a more and more challenging task. The challenge stems from the limited model expressivenes

    SimQPN - a tool and methodology for analyzing queueing Petri net models by means of simulation

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    The queueing Petri net (QPN) paradigm provides a number of benefits over conventional modeling paradigms such as queueing networks and generalized stochastic Petri nets. Using queueing Petri nets (QPNs), one can integrate both hardware and software aspects of system behavior into the same model. This lends itself very well to modeling distributed component-based systems, such as modern e-business applications. However, currently available tools and techniques for QPN analysis suffer the state space explosion problem, imposing a limit on the size of the models that are tractable. In this paper, we present SimQPN—a simulation tool for QPNs that provides an alternative approach to analyze QPN models, circumventing the state space explosion problem. In doing this, we propose a methodology for analyzing QPN models by means of discrete event simulation. The methodology shows how to simulate QPN models and analyze the output data from simulation runs. We validate our approach by applying it to study several different QPN models, ranging from simple models to models of realistic systems. The performance of point and interval estimators implemented in SimQPN is subjected to a rigorous experimental analysis

    Parameter dependencies for reusable performance specifications of software components

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    To avoid design-related per­for­mance problems, model-driven performance prediction methods analyse the response times, throughputs, and re­source utilizations of software architectures before and during implementation. This thesis proposes new modeling languages and according model transformations, which allow a reusable description of usage profile dependencies to the performance of software components. Predictions based on this new methods can support performance-related design decisions

    Coupled model transformations for QoS enabled component-based software design

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    This thesis presents the Palladio Component Model and its accompanying transformations for component-based software design with predictable performance attributes. The use of transformations results in a deterministic relationship between the model and its implementation. The introduced Coupled Transformations method uses this relationship to include implementation details into predictions to get better predictions. The approach is validated in several case studies showing the increased accuracy

    Architecture-Level Software Performance Models for Online Performance Prediction

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    Proactive performance and resource management of modern IT infrastructures requires the ability to predict at run-time, how the performance of running services would be affected if the workload or the system changes. In this thesis, modeling and prediction facilities that enable online performance prediction during system operation are presented. Analyses about the impact of reconfigurations and workload trends can be conducted on the model level, without executing expensive performance tests