646 research outputs found

    Showing the Benefits of Applying a Model Driven Architecture for Developing Secure OLAP Applications

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    Data Warehouses (DW) manage enterprise information that is queried for decision making purposes by using On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools. The establishment of security constraints in all development stages and operations of the DW is highly important since otherwise, unauthorized users may discover vital business information. The final users of OLAP tools access and analyze the information from the corporate DW by using specific views or cubes based on the multidimensional modelling containing the facts and dimensions (with the corresponding classification hierarchies) that a decision maker or group of decision makers are interested in. Thus, it is important that security constraints will be also established over this metadata layer that connects the DW's repository with the decision makers, that is, directly over the multidimensional structures that final users manage. In doing so, we will not have to define specific security constraints for every particular user, thereby reducing the developing time and costs for secure OLAP applications. In order to achieve this goal, a model driven architecture to automatically develop secure OLAP applications from models has been defined. This paper shows the benefits of this architecture by applying it to a case study in which an OLAP application for an airport DW is automatically developed from models. The architecture is composed of: (1) the secure conceptual modelling by using a UML profile; (2) the secure logical modelling for OLAP applications by using an extension of CWM; (3) the secure implementation into a specific OLAP tool, SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS); and (4) the transformations needed to automatically generate logical models from conceptual models and the final secure implementation.This research is part of the following projects: SERENIDAD (PEII11- 037-7035) financed by the ”Viceconsejería de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha” (Spain) and FEDER, and SIGMA-CC (TIN2012-36904) and GEODAS (TIN2012-37493-C03-01) financed by the ”Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” (Spain)

    Showing the Benefits of Applying a Model Driven Architecture for

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    Data Warehouses (DW) manage enterprise information that is queried for decision making purposes by using On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools. The establishment of security constraints in all development stages and operations of the DW is highly important since otherwise, unauthorized users may discover vital business information. The final users of OLAP tools access and analyze the information from the corporate DW by using specific views or cubes based on the multidimensional modelling containing the facts and dimensions (with the corresponding classification hierarchies) that a decision maker or group of decision makers are interested in. Thus, it is important that security constraints will be also established over this metadata layer that connects the DW's repository with the decision makers, that is, directly over the multidimensional structures that final users manage. In doing so, we will not have to define specific security constraints for every particular user, thereby reducing the developing time and costs for secure OLAP applications. In order to achieve this goal, a model driven architecture to automatically develop secure OLAP applications from models has been defined. This paper shows the benefits of this architecture by applying it to a case study in which an OLAP application for an airport DW is automatically developed from models. The architecture is composed of: (1) the secure conceptual modelling by using a UML profile; (2) the secure logical modelling for OLAP applications by using an extension of CWM; (3) the secure implementation into a specific OLAP tool, SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS); and (4) the transformations needed to automatically generate logical models from conceptual models and the final secure implementation.This research is part of the following projects: SERENIDAD (PEII11- 037-7035) financed by the ”Viceconsejería de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha” (Spain) and FEDER, and SIGMA-CC (TIN2012-36904) and GEODAS (TIN2012-37493-C03-01) financed by the ”Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” (Spain)

    Cloud BI: Future of business intelligence in the Cloud

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    In self-hosted environments it was feared that business intelligence (BI) will eventually face a resource crunch situation due to the never ending expansion of data warehouses and the online analytical processing (OLAP) demands on the underlying networking. Cloud computing has instigated a new hope for future prospects of BI. However, how will BI be implemented on Cloud and how will the traffic and demand profile look like? This research attempts to answer these key questions in regards to taking BI to the Cloud. The Cloud hosting of BI has been demonstrated with the help of a simulation on OPNET comprising a Cloud model with multiple OLAP application servers applying parallel query loads on an array of servers hosting relational databases. The simulation results reflected that extensible parallel processing of database servers on the Cloud can efficiently process OLAP application demands on Cloud computing

    Fraud and Performance Monitoring of Credit Card Tokenization Using Business Intelligence

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    This project major objective is to gather all the necessary data to analyze and deliver a best analytical reporting platform. This product developed for the analysts is expected to extensively use for insights on the token provisioning and its varied utilization with the banks and merchants. Also to monitor fraudulent occurring patterns and initiate necessary steps to avoid facing any adversities in the future. The reports are generated using the principles supporting descriptive analytics. Using many different KPIs, metrics and scorecards, etc., to support the analysis has given an advantage for better yield. These analytical dashboard has given a deep dive insight for the analysts. This project has been used by many analysts to come to an agreement on different patterns noticed by each individual. Also for the Senior Executives to get a profound understanding of how the widely different tokenization are used and its different attribute wise segregation

    Cloud BI: A Multi-party Authentication Framework for Securing Business Intelligence on the Cloud

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    Business intelligence (BI) has emerged as a key technology to be hosted on Cloud computing. BI offers a method to analyse data thereby enabling informed decision making to improve business performance and profitability. However, within the shared domains of Cloud computing, BI is exposed to increased security and privacy threats because an unauthorised user may be able to gain access to highly sensitive, consolidated business information. The business process contains collaborating services and users from multiple Cloud systems in different security realms which need to be engaged dynamically at runtime. If the heterogamous Cloud systems located in different security realms do not have direct authentication relationships then it is technically difficult to enable a secure collaboration. In order to address these security challenges, a new authentication framework is required to establish certain trust relationships among these BI service instances and users by distributing a common session secret to all participants of a session. The author addresses this challenge by designing and implementing a multiparty authentication framework for dynamic secure interactions when members of different security realms want to access services. The framework takes advantage of the trust relationship between session members in different security realms to enable a user to obtain security credentials to access Cloud resources in a remote realm. This mechanism can help Cloud session users authenticate their session membership to improve the authentication processes within multi-party sessions. The correctness of the proposed framework has been verified by using BAN Logics. The performance and the overhead have been evaluated via simulation in a dynamic environment. A prototype authentication system has been designed, implemented and tested based on the proposed framework. The research concludes that the proposed framework and its supporting protocols are an effective functional basis for practical implementation testing, as it achieves good scalability and imposes only minimal performance overhead which is comparable with other state-of-art methods

    Integration of Business Intelligence Dashboard for Enhanced Data Analytics Capabilities

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    Digitilization has taken the world by storm which has lead to the development of automation and smart technologies which are driven by data and in return are generating even more data. With the volume of data being created it has become essential to store and analyze the data through which better decisions can be taken. It is not just essential to store this data the real benefit lies if we can convert this data into information through which knowledge can be gained for actionable insights. This the where the Business Intelligence and Data Analytics ecosystem has a very crucial part to play. In this research first we do a pre-study of the process involved in building BI ecosystem and the features that are offered by the BI tools SaaS and if there are options other than BI SaaS which could help in delivering the same value. This research also includes how BI and DA are related to each other and which one is important in what scenario. Lastly we study the criteria which should be taken into account while choosing and BI tool and a comparison of how the best available BI SaaS tools compete with each other along with their strengths and weaknesses. The BI SaaS tools compared in the pre-study are then used to develop Interactive Dashboards to get a more of a hands on experience with the BI tools and also match the requirements of the case organization for delivering the BI dashboard. Apart from only relying on the BI tool providers we have also developed Interactive Dashboards using open source frameworks to have an in house solution which delivers the same value for the case organization as the other BI tools available in the market. According to this study, BI is a very valuable tool for the organizations for analyzing their data but the decision to choose or develop a BI tool totally depends on the organizations requirements of what do they want to achieve with these tools

    Business intelligence to support NOVA IMS academic services BI system

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceKimball argues that Business Intelligence is one of the most important assets of any organization, allowing it to store, explore and add value to the organization’s data which will ultimately help in the decision making process. Nowadays, some organizations and, in this specific case, some schools are not yet transforming data into their full potential and business intelligence is one of the most known tools to help schools in this issue, seen as some of them are still using out-dated information systems, and do not yet apply business intelligence techniques to their increasing amounts of data so as to turn it into useful information and knowledge. In the present report, I intend to analyse the current NOVA IMS academic services data and the rationales behind the need to work with this data, so as to propose a solution that will ultimately help the school board or the academic services to make better-supported decisions. In order to do so, it was developed a Data Warehouse that will clean and transform the source database. Another important step to help the academic services is to present a series of reports to discover information in the decision making process

    A UML profile for multidimensional modeling in data warehouses

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    The multidimensional (MD) modeling, which is the foundation of data warehouses (DWs), MD databases, and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) applications, is based on several properties different from those in traditional database modeling. In the past few years, there have been some proposals, providing their own formal and graphical notations, for representing the main MD properties at the conceptual level. However, unfortunately none of them has been accepted as a standard for conceptual MD modeling. In this paper, we present an extension of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) using a UML profile. This profile is defined by a set of stereotypes, constraints and tagged values to elegantly represent main MD properties at the conceptual level. We make use of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) to specify the constraints attached to the defined stereotypes, thereby avoiding an arbitrary use of these stereotypes. We have based our proposal in UML for two main reasons: (i) UML is a well known standard modeling language known by most database designers, thereby designers can avoid learning a new notation, and (ii) UML can be easily extended so that it can be tailored for a specific domain with concrete peculiarities such as the multidimensional modeling for data warehouses. Moreover, our proposal is Model Driven Architecture (MDA) compliant and we use the Query View Transformation (QVT) approach for an automatic generation of the implementation in a target platform. Throughout the paper, we will describe how to easily accomplish the MD modeling of DWs at the conceptual level. Finally, we show how to use our extension in Rational Rose for MD modeling.This work has been partially supported by the METASIGN project (TIN2004-00779) from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, by the DADASMECA project (GV05/220) from the Regional Government of Valencia, and by the MESSENGER (PCC-03-003-1) and DADS (PBC-05-012-2) projects from the Regional Science and Technology Ministry of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)