32 research outputs found

    The Cyber Physical Implementation of Cloud Manufactuirng Monitoring Systems

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    AbstractThe rise of the industrial internet has been envisaged as a key catalyst for creating the intelligent manufacturing plant of the future through enabling open data distribution for cloud manufacturing. The context supporting these systems has been defined by Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) that facilitate data resource and computational functions as services available on a network. SOA has been at the forefront EU research over the past decade and several industrially implemented SOA technologies exist on the manufacturing floor. However it is still unclear whether SOA can meet the multi-layered requirements present within state-of-the-art manufacturing Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). The focus of this research is to identify the capability of SOA to be implemented at different execution layers present in a manufacturing CPS. The state-of-the-art for manufacturing CPS is represented by the ISA-95 standard and is correlated with different temporal analysis scales, and manufacturing computational requirements. Manufacturing computational requirements are identified through a review of open and closed loop machine control orientations, and continuous and discrete control methods. Finally the Acquire Recognise Cluster (ARC) SOA for reconfigurable manufacturing process monitoring systems is reviewed, to provide a topological view of data flow within a field level manufacturing SOA

    Software methodologies for the engineering of service-oriented industrial automation: the continuum project

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    Indexado InspecService-orientation represents a new wave of features and solutions by bringing closer Information Technology to the industrial domain, particularly factory shop floors. The service-oriented automation software entities (designated here by bots) used in such approach requires a short set of methodologies and software targeting their specification for both computer systems and embedded automation devices. The present work explains the adopted methodologies and software developments for the engineering of service-based automation systems. The main contents focus on the specification of a framework for the development of bots and supporting engineering tools that are part of the Continuum project. The paper also does an overview over the engineering steps from the system design to the operation, and focuses the importance of the maintenance of automation bots. Such applications will contribute to decrease the development time and reduce the components' interdependency, offering enough flexibility for automatic reconfiguration of shop-floor layouts.The authors would like to thank the European Commission and the partners of the EU IST FP6 project “Service-Oriented Cross-layer infrastructure for Distributed smart Embedded devices” (SOCRADES), the EU FP6 “Network of Excellence for Innovative Production Machines and Systems” (I*PROMS), and the European ICT FP7 project “Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence” (CONET) for their support

    Router-scheduler for the modular anatomy of service-oriented automation components

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    Automation and production systems are evolving in the direction of autonomous and collaborative components, approaching the idea of an ecosystem. A single habitant of this system is responsible for different and concurrent activities and thus it requires a special adapted anatomy that is balanced for the several requirements. This work introduces an anatomical-like structure for the development of functional and reusable modules of service-oriented automation components. The central attention will be given to their internal structure and the mechanism that bind the modules together, called the Event Router-Scheduler. The resulting software automation components are customized for different tasks due to the inclusion and management of the specialized functional modules and provide the ability to operate in a service-oriented automation and production environment

    Framework for context analysis and planning of an assistive robot

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    This paper presents the developments with the SAM robot, established in the ARMEN project. We are interested in cognitive robotics. We have developed two complementary modules. The first one deals with the representation of knowledge, while the second develops the scenario generation. Indeed, the representation of knowledge tells us about the scene, the current state of the robot and the strategy to be adopted by the robot to achieve goals specified by an assisted person. The information extracted from the knowledge representation is the starting point to generate the action plan and the implementation of the scenario by the robot

    RESTful Discovery and Eventing for Service Provisioning in Assisted Living Environments

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    Service provisioning in assisted living environments faces distinct challenges due to the heterogeneity of networks, access technology, and sensing/actuation devices in such an environment. Existing solutions, such as SOAP-based web services, can interconnect heterogeneous devices and services, and can be published, discovered and invoked dynamically. However, it is considered heavier than what is required in the smart environment-like context and hence suffers from performance degradation. Alternatively, REpresentational State Transfer (REST) has gained much attention from the community and is considered as a lighter and cleaner technology compared to the SOAP-based web services. Since it is simple to publish and use a RESTful web service, more and more service providers are moving toward REST-based solutions, which promote a resource-centric conceptualization as opposed to a service-centric conceptualization. Despite such benefits of REST, the dynamic discovery and eventing of RESTful services are yet considered a major hurdle to utilization of the full potential of REST-based approaches. In this paper, we address this issue, by providing a RESTful discovery and eventing specification and demonstrate it in an assisted living healthcare scenario. We envisage that through this approach, the service provisioning in ambient assisted living or other smart environment settings will be more efficient, timely, and less resource-intensive.The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for funding this work through the research group project No. RGP-VPP-049

    Context-Sensitive Authorization in Interaction Patterns

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    Main requirement of recent computing environments, like mobile and then ubiquitous computing, is to adapt applications to context. On the other hand, access control generally trust users once they have authenticated, despite the fact that they may reach unauthorized situations. We analyse how dynamic information can be used to improve security in the authorization process, and what are the implications when applied to interaction patterns. We experiment and validate our approach using context as an authorization factor for eventing in Web service for device (like UPnP or DPWS)

    Engineering methods and tools for cyber–physical automation systems

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    Much has been published about potential benefits of the adoption of cyber–physical systems (CPSs) in manufacturing industry. However, less has been said about how such automation systems might be effectively configured and supported through their lifecycles and how application modeling, visualization, and reuse of such systems might be best achieved. It is vitally important to be able to incorporate support for engineering best practice while at the same time exploiting the potential that CPS has to offer in an automation systems setting. This paper considers the industrial context for the engineering of CPS. It reviews engineering approaches that have been proposed or adopted to date including Industry 4.0 and provides examples of engineering methods and tools that are currently available. The paper then focuses on the CPS engineering toolset being developed by the Automation Systems Group (ASG) in the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), University of Warwick, Coventry, U.K. and explains via an industrial case study how such a component-based engineering toolset can support an integrated approach to the virtual and physical engineering of automation systems through their lifecycle via a method that enables multiple vendors' equipment to be effectively integrated and provides support for the specification, validation, and use of such systems across the supply chain, e.g., between end users and system integrators

    Serviços Web: supervisão e controlo de sistemas de produção

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    Mestrado em Engenharia MecânicaA constante criação de novos produtos provoca mudanças constantes no processo produtivo levando muitas vezes a problemas de integração de recursos. Neste contexto a arquitetura SOA surge como uma interessante solução nomeadamente através da tecnologia dos serviços Web. Por outro lado o controlo dos processos de produção torna-se cada vez mais fulcral para o processo produtivo sendo que uma das ferramentas mais amplamente usadas são os sistemas SCADA. Neste momento mesmo os sistemas SCADA encontram-se sob pressão para permitir o controlo e a monitorização dos processos de uma maneira mais fácil e eficaz permitindo ao mesmo tempo efetuar esse controlo de qualquer parte do mundo e que o mesmo esteja disponível 24 horas por dia. Define-se então um novo tipo de solução SCADA que tem por ambição combinar as mais valias dos serviços Web e as ferramentas fornecidas por uma aplicação SCADA na medida em que beneficia a descentralização, independência e interoperabilidade do controlo dos processos a nível industrial. A implementação experimental da solução tornou possível verificar a simplicidade e facilidade da comunicação entre o serviço Web e o recurso a monitorar bem como uma boa integração entre o serviço Web e a aplicação SCADA permitindo um controlo e monitorização eficazes.The constant creation of new products causes constant changes in the production process often leading to problems of resource integration. In this context, SOA emerges as an interesting solution in particular through the technology of Web services. Moreover the control of production processes becomes increasingly critical to the production process of which one of the most widely used tools are SCADA systems. At this very moment SCADA systems are under pressure to allow control and monitoring of processes in a more easy and efficient way while allowing this control to be carried out from anywhere in the world and that it is available 24 hours a day. Sets up a new kind of SCADA solution that has the ambition to combine the gains of Web services and tools provided by a SCADA application to the extent that benefits decentralization, independence and interoperability of process control at industrial level. The experimental implementation of the solution made it possible to verify the simplicity and ease of communication between the Web service and resource monitoring as well as good integration between the Web service and SCADA application developed allowing effective control and monitoring