446 research outputs found

    Hierarchical probabilistic macromodeling for QCA circuits

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    With the goal of building an hierarchical design methodology for quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) circuits, we put forward a novel, theoretically sound, method for abstracting the behavior of circuit components in QCA circuit, such as majority logic, lines, wire-taps, cross-overs, inverters, and corners, using macromodels. Recognizing that the basic operation of QCA is probabilistic in nature, we propose probabilistic macromodels for standard QCA circuit elements based on conditional probability characterization, defined over the output states given the input states. Any circuit model is constructed by chaining together the individual logic element macromodels, forming a Bayesian network, defining a joint probability distribution over the whole circuit. We demonstrate three uses for these macromodel-based circuits. First, the probabilistic macromodels allow us to model the logical function of QCA circuits at an abstract level - the "circuit" level - above the current practice of layout level in a time and space efficient manner. We show that the circuit level model is orders of magnitude faster and requires less space than layout level models, making the design and testing of large QCA circuits efficient and relegating the costly full quantum-mechanical simulation of the temporal dynamics to a later stage in the design process. Second, the probabilistic macromodels abstract crucial device level characteristics such as polarization and low-energy error state configurations at the circuit level. We demonstrate how this macromodel-based circuit level representation can be used to infer the ground state probabilities, i.e., cell polarizations, a crucial QCA parameter. This allows us to study the thermal behavior of QCA circuits at a higher level of abstraction. Third, we demonstrate the use of these macromodels for error analysis. We show that low-energy state configurations of the macromodel circuit match those of the layout level, thus allowing us to isolate weak p- oints in circuits design at the circuit level itsel

    Logical methods for the hierarchy of hyperlogics

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    In this thesis, we develop logical methods for reasoning about hyperproperties. Hyperproperties describe relations between multiple executions of a system. Unlike trace properties, hyperproperties comprise relational properties like noninterference, symmetry, and robustness. While trace properties have been studied extensively, hyperproperties form a relatively new concept that is far from fully understood. We study the expressiveness of various hyperlogics and develop algorithms for their satisfiability and synthesis problems. In the first part, we explore the landscape of hyperlogics based on temporal logics, first-order and second-order logics, and logics with team semantics. We establish that first-order/second-order and temporal hyperlogics span a hierarchy of expressiveness, whereas team logics constitute a radically different way of specifying hyperproperties. Furthermore, we introduce the notion of temporal safety and liveness, from which we obtain fragments of HyperLTL (the most prominent hyperlogic) with a simpler satisfiability problem. In the second part, we develop logics and algorithms for the synthesis of smart contracts. We introduce two extensions of temporal stream logic to express (hyper)properties of infinite-state systems. We study the realizability problem of these logics and define approximations of the problem in LTL and HyperLTL. Based on these approximations, we develop algorithms to construct smart contracts directly from their specifications.In dieser Arbeit beschreiben wir logische Methoden, um über Hypereigenschaften zu argumentieren. Hypereigenschaften beschreiben Relationen zwischen mehreren Ausführungen eines Systems. Anders als pfadbasierte Eigenschaften können Hypereigenschaften relationale Eigenschaften wie Symmetrie, Robustheit und die Abwesenheit von Informationsfluss ausdrücken. Während pfadbasierte Eigenschaften in den letzten Jahrzehnten ausführlich erforscht wurden, sind Hypereigenschaften ein relativ neues Konzept, das wir noch nicht vollständig verstehen. Wir untersuchen die Ausdrucksmächtigkeit verschiedener Hyperlogiken und entwickeln ausführbare Algorithmen, um deren Erfüllbarkeits- und Syntheseproblem zu lösen. Im ersten Teil erforschen wir die Landschaft der Hyperlogiken basierend auf temporalen Logiken, Logiken erster und zweiter Ordnung und Logiken mit Teamsemantik. Wir stellen fest, dass temporale Logiken und Logiken erster und zweiter Ordnung eine Hierarchie an Ausdrucksmächtigkeit aufspannen. Teamlogiken hingegen spezifieren Hypereigenschaften auf eine radikal andere Art. Wir führen außerdem das Konzept von temporalen Sicherheits- und Lebendigkeitseigenschaften ein, durch die Fragmente der bedeutensten Logik HyperLTL entstehen, für die das Erfüllbarkeitsproblem einfacher ist. Im zweiten Teil entwickeln wir Logiken und Algorithmen für die Synthese digitaler Verträge. Wir führen zwei Erweiterungen temporaler Stromlogik ein, um (Hyper)eigenschaften in unendlichen Systemen auszudrücken. Wir untersuchen das Realisierungsproblem dieser Logiken und definieren Approximationen des Problems in LTL und HyperLTL. Basierend auf diesen Approximationen entwickeln wir Algorithmen, die digitale Verträge direkt aus einer Spezifikation erstellen

    08271 Abstracts Collection -- Topological and Game-Theoretic Aspects of Infinite Computations

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    From June 29, 2008, to July 4, 2008, the Dagstuhl Seminar 08271 ``Topological and Game-Theoretic Aspects of Infinite Computations\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, many participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    05241 Abstracts Collection -- Synthesis and Planning

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    From 12.06.05 to 17.06.2005 the Dagstuhl Seminar 05241 ``Synthesis and Planning\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Theoretical Studies of Singlet Fission: Searching for Materials and Exploring Mechanisms

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    In this Review article, a survey is given for theoretical studies in the subject of singlet fission. Singlet fission converts one singlet exciton to two triplet excitons. With the doubled number of excitons and the longer lifetime of the triplets, singlet fission provides an avenue to improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency in organic photovoltaic devices. It has been a subject of intense research in the past decade. Theoretical studies play an essential role in understanding singlet fission. This article presents a Review of theoretical studies in singlet fission since 2006, the year when the research interest in this subject was reignited. Both electronic structure and dynamics studies are covered. Electronic structure studies provide guidelines for designing singlet fission chromophores and insights into the couplings between single‐ and multi‐excitonic states. The latter provides fundamental knowledge for engineering interchromophore conformations to enhance the fission efficiency. Dynamics studies reveal the importance of vibronic couplings in singlet fission

    Logics and Algorithms for Hyperproperties

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    System requirements related to concepts like information flow, knowledge, and robustness cannot be judged in terms of individual system executions, but rather require an analysis of the relationship between multiple executions. Such requirements belong to the class of hyperproperties, which generalize classic trace properties to properties of sets of traces. During the past decade, a range of new specification logics has been introduced with the goal of providing a unified theory for reasoning about hyperproperties. This paper gives an overview on the current landscape of logics for the specification of hyperproperties and on algorithms for satisfiability checking, model checking, monitoring, and synthesis

    Software Synthesis is Hard -- and Simple

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    While the components of distributed hardware systems can reasonably be assumed to be synchronised, this is not the case for the components of distributed software systems. This has a strong impact on the class of synthesis problems for which decision procedures exist: While there is a rich family of distributed systems, including pipelines, chains, and rings, for which the realisability and synthesis problem is decidable if the system components are composed synchronously, it is well known that the asynchronous synthesis problem is only decidable for monolithic systems. From a theoretical point of view, this renders distributed software synthesis undecidable, and one is tempted to conclude that synthesis of asynchronous systems, and hence of software, is much harder than the synthesis of synchronous systems. Taking a more practical approach, however, reveals that bounded synthesis, one of the most promising synthesis techniques, can easily be extended to asynchronous systems. This merits the hope that the promising results from bounded synthesis will carry over to asynchronous systems as well

    Engineering change in a non-deterministic FSM setting

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    Synthesis of asynchronous distributed systems from global specifications

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    The synthesis problem asks whether there exists an implementation for a given formal specification and derives such an implementation if it exists. This approach enables engineers to think on a more abstract level about what a system should achieve instead of how it should accomplish its goal. The synthesis problem is often represented by a game between system players and environment players. Petri games define the synthesis problem for asynchronous distributed systems with causal memory. So far, decidability results for Petri games are mainly obtained for local winning conditions, which is limiting as global properties like mutual exclusion cannot be expressed. In this thesis, we make two contributions. First, we present decidability and undecidability results for Petri games with global winning conditions. The global safety winning condition of bad markings defines markings that the players have to avoid. We prove that the existence of a winning strategy for the system players in Petri games with a bounded number of system players, at most one environment player, and bad markings is decidable. The global liveness winning condition of good markings defines markings that the players have to reach. We prove that the existence of a winning strategy for the system players in Petri games with at least two system players, at least three environment players, and good markings is undecidable. Second, we present semi-decision procedures to find winning strategies for the system players in Petri games with global winning conditions and without restrictions on the distribution of players. The distributed nature of Petri games is employed by proposing encodings with true concurrency. We implement the semi-decision procedures in a corresponding tool.Das Syntheseproblem stellt die Frage, ob eine Implementierung f ¨ur eine Spezifikation existiert, und generiert eine solche Implementierung, falls sie existiert. Diese Vorgehensweise erlaubt es Programmierenden sich mehr darauf zu konzentrieren, was ein System erreichen soll, und weniger darauf, wie die Spezifikation erf ¨ ullt werden soll. Das Syntheseproblem wird oft als Spiel zwischen einem System- und einem Umgebungsspieler dargestellt. Petri-Spiele definieren das Syntheseproblem f ¨ur asynchrone verteilte Systeme mit kausalem Speicher. Bisher wurden Resultate bez¨uglich der Entscheidbarkeit von Petri-Spiele meist f ¨ur lokale Gewinnbedingungen gefunden. In dieser Arbeit pr¨asentieren wir zuerst Resultate bez¨uglich der Entscheidbarkeit und Unentscheidbarkeit von Petri-Spielen mit globalen Gewinnbedingungen. Wir beweisen, dass die Existenz einer gewinnenden Strategie f ¨ur die Systemspieler in Petri- Spielen mit einer beschr¨ankten Anzahl an Systemspielern, h¨ochstens einem Umgebungsspieler und schlechten Markierungen entscheidbar ist. Wir beweisen ebenfalls, dass die Existenz einer gewinnenden Strategie f ¨ur die Systemspieler in Petri-Spielen mit mindestens zwei Systemspielern, mindestens drei Umgebungsspielern und guten Markierungen unentscheidbar ist. Danach pr¨asentieren wir Semi-Entscheidungsprozeduren, um gewinnende Strategien f ¨ur die Systemspieler in Petri-Spielen mit globalen Gewinnbedingungen und ohne Restriktionen f ¨ur die Verteilung von Spielern zu finden. Wir benutzen die verteilte Natur von Petri-Spielen, indem wir Enkodierungen einf ¨uhren, die Nebenl¨aufigkeit ausnutzen. Die Semi-Entscheidungsprozeduren sind in einem entsprechenden Tool implementiert

    Incremental verification and synthesis of discrete-event systems guided by counter-examples

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    This article presents new approaches to system verification and synthesis based on subsystem verification and the novel combined use of counterexamples and heuristics to identify suitable subsystems incrementally. The scope of safety properties considered is limited to behavioral inclusion and controllability. The verification examples considered provide a comparison of the approaches presented with straightforward state exploration and an understanding of their applicability in an industrial context
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