577 research outputs found

    Independent Component Analysis Enhancements for Source Separation in Immersive Audio Environments

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    In immersive audio environments with distributed microphones, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) can be applied to uncover signals from a mixture of other signals and noise, such as in a cocktail party recording. ICA algorithms have been developed for instantaneous source mixtures and convolutional source mixtures. While ICA for instantaneous mixtures works when no delays exist between the signals in each mixture, distributed microphone recordings typically result various delays of the signals over the recorded channels. The convolutive ICA algorithm should account for delays; however, it requires many parameters to be set and often has stability issues. This thesis introduces the Channel Aligned FastICA (CAICA), which requires knowledge of the source distance to each microphone, but does not require knowledge of noise sources. Furthermore, the CAICA is combined with Time Frequency Masking (TFM), yielding even better SOI extraction even in low SNR environments. Simulations were conducted for ranking experiments tested the performance of three algorithms: Weighted Beamforming (WB), CAICA, CAICA with TFM. The Closest Microphone (CM) recording is used as a reference for all three. Statistical analyses on the results demonstrated superior performance for the CAICA with TFM. The algorithms were applied to experimental recordings to support the conclusions of the simulations. These techniques can be deployed in mobile platforms, used in surveillance for capturing human speech and potentially adapted to biomedical fields

    Application of sound source separation methods to advanced spatial audio systems

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    This thesis is related to the field of Sound Source Separation (SSS). It addresses the development and evaluation of these techniques for their application in the resynthesis of high-realism sound scenes by means of Wave Field Synthesis (WFS). Because the vast majority of audio recordings are preserved in twochannel stereo format, special up-converters are required to use advanced spatial audio reproduction formats, such as WFS. This is due to the fact that WFS needs the original source signals to be available, in order to accurately synthesize the acoustic field inside an extended listening area. Thus, an object-based mixing is required. Source separation problems in digital signal processing are those in which several signals have been mixed together and the objective is to find out what the original signals were. Therefore, SSS algorithms can be applied to existing two-channel mixtures to extract the different objects that compose the stereo scene. Unfortunately, most stereo mixtures are underdetermined, i.e., there are more sound sources than audio channels. This condition makes the SSS problem especially difficult and stronger assumptions have to be taken, often related to the sparsity of the sources under some signal transformation. This thesis is focused on the application of SSS techniques to the spatial sound reproduction field. As a result, its contributions can be categorized within these two areas. First, two underdetermined SSS methods are proposed to deal efficiently with the separation of stereo sound mixtures. These techniques are based on a multi-level thresholding segmentation approach, which enables to perform a fast and unsupervised separation of sound sources in the time-frequency domain. Although both techniques rely on the same clustering type, the features considered by each of them are related to different localization cues that enable to perform separation of either instantaneous or real mixtures.Additionally, two post-processing techniques aimed at improving the isolation of the separated sources are proposed. The performance achieved by several SSS methods in the resynthesis of WFS sound scenes is afterwards evaluated by means of listening tests, paying special attention to the change observed in the perceived spatial attributes. Although the estimated sources are distorted versions of the original ones, the masking effects involved in their spatial remixing make artifacts less perceptible, which improves the overall assessed quality. Finally, some novel developments related to the application of time-frequency processing to source localization and enhanced sound reproduction are presented.Cobos Serrano, M. (2009). Application of sound source separation methods to advanced spatial audio systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8969Palanci

    Resynthesis of Acoustic Scenes Combining Sound Source Separation and WaveField Synthesis Techniques

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    [ES] La Separacón de Fuentes ha sido un tema de intensa investigación en muchas aplicaciones de tratamiento de señaal, cubriendo desde el procesado de voz al análisis de im'agenes biomédicas. Aplicando estas técnicas a los sistemas de reproducci'on espacial de audio, se puede solucionar una limitaci ón importante en la resíntesis de escenas sonoras 3D: la necesidad de disponer de las se ñales individuales correspondientes a cada fuente. El sistema Wave-field Synthesis (WFS) puede sintetizar un campo acústico mediante arrays de altavoces, posicionando varias fuentes en el espacio. Sin embargo, conseguir las señales de cada fuente de forma independiente es normalmente un problema. En este trabajo se propone la utilización de distintas técnicas de separaci'on de fuentes sonoras para obtener distintas pistas a partir de grabaciones mono o estéreo. Varios métodos de separación han sido implementados y comprobados, siendo uno de ellos desarrollado por el autor. Aunque los algoritmos existentes están lejos de conseguir una alta calidad, se han realizado tests subjetivos que demuestran cómo no es necesario obtener una separación óptima para conseguir resultados aceptables en la reproducción de escenas 3D[EN] Source Separation has been a subject of intense research in many signal processing applications, ranging from speech processing to medical image analysis. Applied to spatial audio systems, it can be used to overcome one fundamental limitation in 3D scene resynthesis: the need of having the independent signals for each source available. Wave-field Synthesis is a spatial sound reproduction system that can synthesize an acoustic field by means of loudspeaker arrays and it is also capable of positioning several sources in space. However, the individual signals corresponding to these sources must be available and this is often a difficult problem. In this work, we propose to use Sound Source Separation techniques in order to obtain different tracks from stereo and mono mixtures. Some separation methods have been implemented and tested, having been one of them developed by the author. Although existing algorithms are far from getting hi-fi quality, subjective tests show how it is not necessary an optimum separation for getting acceptable results in 3D scene reproductionCobos Serrano, M. (2007). Resynthesis of Acoustic Scenes Combining Sound Source Separation and WaveField Synthesis Techniques. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/12515Archivo delegad

    FPGA-based implementation of speech recognition for robocar control using MFCC

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    This research proposes a simulation of the logic series of speech recognition on the MFCC (Mel Frequency Spread Spectrum) based FPGA and Euclidean Distance to control the robotic car motion. The speech known would be used as a command to operate the robotic car. MFCC in this study was used in the feature extraction process, while Euclidean distance was applied in the feature classification process of each speech that later would be forwarded to the part of decision to give the control logic in robotic motor. The test that has been conducted showed that the logic series designed was precise here by measuring the Mel Frequency Warping and Power Cepstrum. With the achievement of logic design in this research proven with a comparison between the Matlab computation and Xilinx simulation, it enables to facilitate the researchers to continue its implementation to FPGA hardware

    Object-based Modeling of Audio for Coding and Source Separation

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    This thesis studies several data decomposition algorithms for obtaining an object-based representation of an audio signal. The estimation of the representation parameters are coupled with audio-specific criteria, such as the spectral redundancy, sparsity, perceptual relevance and spatial position of sounds. The objective is to obtain an audio signal representation that is composed of meaningful entities called audio objects that reflect the properties of real-world sound objects and events. The estimation of the object-based model is based on magnitude spectrogram redundancy using non-negative matrix factorization with extensions to multichannel and complex-valued data. The benefits of working with object-based audio representations over the conventional time-frequency bin-wise processing are studied. The two main applications of the object-based audio representations proposed in this thesis are spatial audio coding and sound source separation from multichannel microphone array recordings. In the proposed spatial audio coding algorithm, the audio objects are estimated from the multichannel magnitude spectrogram. The audio objects are used for recovering the content of each original channel from a single downmixed signal, using time-frequency filtering. The perceptual relevance of modeling the audio signal is considered in the estimation of the parameters of the object-based model, and the sparsity of the model is utilized in encoding its parameters. Additionally, a quantization of the model parameters is proposed that reflects the perceptual relevance of each quantized element. The proposed object-based spatial audio coding algorithm is evaluated via listening tests and comparing the overall perceptual quality to conventional time-frequency block-wise methods at the same bitrates. The proposed approach is found to produce comparable coding efficiency while providing additional functionality via the object-based coding domain representation, such as the blind separation of the mixture of sound sources in the encoded channels. For the sound source separation from multichannel audio recorded by a microphone array, a method combining an object-based magnitude model and spatial covariance matrix estimation is considered. A direction of arrival-based model for the spatial covariance matrices of the sound sources is proposed. Unlike the conventional approaches, the estimation of the parameters of the proposed spatial covariance matrix model ensures a spatially coherent solution for the spatial parameterization of the sound sources. The separation quality is measured with objective criteria and the proposed method is shown to improve over the state-of-the-art sound source separation methods, with recordings done using a small microphone array

    Blind source separation using statistical nonnegative matrix factorization

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    PhD ThesisBlind Source Separation (BSS) attempts to automatically extract and track a signal of interest in real world scenarios with other signals present. BSS addresses the problem of recovering the original signals from an observed mixture without relying on training knowledge. This research studied three novel approaches for solving the BSS problem based on the extensions of non-negative matrix factorization model and the sparsity regularization methods. 1) A framework of amalgamating pruning and Bayesian regularized cluster nonnegative tensor factorization with Itakura-Saito divergence for separating sources mixed in a stereo channel format: The sparse regularization term was adaptively tuned using a hierarchical Bayesian approach to yield the desired sparse decomposition. The modified Gaussian prior was formulated to express the correlation between different basis vectors. This algorithm automatically detected the optimal number of latent components of the individual source. 2) Factorization for single-channel BSS which decomposes an information-bearing matrix into complex of factor matrices that represent the spectral dictionary and temporal codes: A variational Bayesian approach was developed for computing the sparsity parameters for optimizing the matrix factorization. This approach combined the advantages of both complex matrix factorization (CMF) and variational -sparse analysis. BLIND SOURCE SEPARATION USING STATISTICAL NONNEGATIVE MATRIX FACTORIZATION ii 3) An imitated-stereo mixture model developed by weighting and time-shifting the original single-channel mixture where source signals can be modelled by the AR processes. The proposed mixing mixture is analogous to a stereo signal created by two microphones with one being real and another virtual. The imitated-stereo mixture employed the nonnegative tensor factorization for separating the observed mixture. The separability analysis of the imitated-stereo mixture was derived using Wiener masking. All algorithms were tested with real audio signals. Performance of source separation was assessed by measuring the distortion between original source and the estimated one according to the signal-to-distortion (SDR) ratio. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed uninformed audio separation algorithms have surpassed among the conventional BSS methods; i.e. IS-cNTF, SNMF and CMF methods, with average SDR improvement in the ranges from 2.6dB to 6.4dB per source.Payap Universit

    Modification of multichannel audio for non-standard loudspeaker configurations

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    Tämä diplomityö käsittelee monikanavaäänen analyysi- ja hajotelmamenetelmiä. Työn tavoitteena on pystyä muokkaamaan monikanavaäänityksiä uusille kaiutinkokoonpanoille siten, että äänen tilaominaisuudet säilyvät. Teoriataustana työssä ovat ihmiskuulon tilahavainnointiominaisuudet, äänisignaaleihin perustuvat samankaltaisuusmitat sekä suunta-arviot ja informaatioteknologian lähde-erottelumenetelmät. Työ käy läpi kirjallisuudesta löytyviä monikanavaäänen muokkausmenetelmiä. Diplomityön kokeellisen osuuden aloittaa DVD-levyjen analyysi, jolla pyrittiin saamaan tietoa levyjen äänituotannossa käytettävistä menetelmistä myöhempää äänimuunnostekniikoiden kehittämistä varten. Koe osoitti, että kolmen etukanavasignaalin ja kahden takakanavasignaalin välillä on vain harvoin yhteisiä äänikomponentteja. Kompaktien kaiutinkokoonpanojen ominaisuuksia tutkittiin kahdessa kuuntelukokeessa. Ensimmäinen koe tarkasteli eroja eri kolmikanavaisten kaiutinasettelujen välillä. Tavoitteena näissä toistosysteemeissä oli hyödyntää ääniaaltojen heijastuksia huoneen seinistä. Jälkimmäinen kuuntelukoe sovelsi kolmea tunnettua äänimuunnosmenetelmää kolmikanavaiseen kompaktiin kaiutinkokoonpanoon, jonka toistosta saatavaa tilahavaintoa pyrittiin laajentamaan. Kahden metodeista havaittiin parantavan tutkittuja tilaominaisuuksia.In this thesis, analysis and decomposition methods for multichannel audio are studied. The objective of the work is to transform multichannel recordings to new reproduction systems so that the spatial properties of the sound are preserved. Spatial hearing of the human auditory system, signal-based similarity and localization measures, and information-technological source separation methods are described as background theory. Then, different multichannel audio transform methods are reviewed. The experimental part of the work starts with an analysis of DVD recordings to gain helpful information about the production methods of such recordings for further development of audio transform methods. The test reveals that the three frontal channels do not usually share common sound sources with the two rear channels. The properties of compact loudspeaker systems are investigated in two listening tests. The first test studies the differences between three-channel loudspeaker layouts, which exploit the reflections of sound waves from room boundaries. The latter one of the tests applies three transform methods known from the literature to widen the spatial dimensions of a three-channel compact loudspeaker system in comparison to a reference stereo system. These methods are a stereo signal transform method based on signal powers and interchannel cross-correlations, a primaryambient signal decomposition based on principal component analysis (PCA), and directional audio coding (DirAC). The methods were ranked in this descending order of preference by the test subjects

    Applying source separation to music

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    International audienceSeparation of existing audio into remixable elements is very useful to repurpose music audio. Applications include upmixing video soundtracks to surround sound (e.g. home theater 5.1 systems), facilitating music transcriptions, allowing better mashups and remixes for disk jockeys, and rebalancing sound levels on multiple instruments or voices recorded simultaneously to a single track. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the algorithms and approaches designed to address the challenges and opportunities in music. Where applicable, we also introduce commonalities and links to source separation for video soundtracks, since many musical scenarios involve video soundtracks (e.g. YouTube recordings of live concerts, movie sound tracks). While space prohibits describing every method in detail, we include detail on representative music‐specific algorithms and approaches not covered in other chapters. The intent is to give the reader a high‐level understanding of the workings of key exemplars of the source separation approaches applied in this domain