7 research outputs found

    A novel battery network modelling using constraint differential evolution algorithm optimisation

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    The use of battery storage devices has been advocated as one of the main ways of improving the power quality and reliability of the power system, including minimisation of energy imbalance and reduction of peak demand. Lowering peak demand to reduce the use of carbon-intensive fuels and the number of expensive peaking plant generators is thus of major importance. Self-adaptive control methods for individual batteries have been developed to reduce the peak demand. However, these self-adaptive control algorithms of are not very efficient without sharing the energy among different batteries. This paper proposes a novel battery network system with optimal management of energy between batteries. An optimal management strategy has been implemented using a population-based constraint differential evolution algorithm. Taking advantage of this strategy the battery network model can remove more peak areas of forecasted demand data compared to the self-adaptive control algorithm developed for the New York City study case

    Impact de la hausse d’intensité des précipitations extrêmes causée par les changements climatiques dans la gestion de l’eau de surface des aires d’entreposage des rejets miniers

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    Résumé Les opérations minières génèrent une grande quantité de rejets qui sont généralement entreposés en surface dans des parcs à résidus ceinturés de digues ou dans des haldes à stériles. Les instabilités géotechniques des aires d’entreposage sont fréquentes et couramment causées par des épisodes de pluie extrêmes. Or, les changements climatiques entraîneront une augmentation importante de l'intensité et de la fréquence des précipitations extrêmes au Québec d'ici la fin du siècle, notamment en Abitibi. Les projections climatiques dans cette région prévoient une augmentation moyenne de l'intensité des précipitations maximales probables (PMP) entre 15 et 30% d'ici 2100. Une hausse des précipitations extrêmes pourrait affecter la performance et l'intégrité des infrastructures de gestion de l’eau de surface et augmenter le risque de rupture par débordement en crête et/ou de déversement d’eaux minières dans l’environnement. Les changements climatiques doivent donc être intégrés à la planification de la gestion des eaux minières. L’objectif principal de ce projet de maîtrise était donc de développer une approche méthodologique permettant d’intégrer les projections climatiques de modèles climatiques régionaux (MRC), dans la conception des infrastructures de gestion des eaux de surface. Cette méthodologie a été appliquée au site de la Mine Canadian Malartic en Abitibi. Les précipitations et le ruissellement ont tout d’abord été mesurés à la mine Canadian Malartic au cours de l'été et de l'automne 2018, de manière à déterminer les caractéristiques hydrologiques du parc à résidus et de la halde à stériles. Ces mesures de terrain ont été utilisées pour calibrer un modèle numérique de ruissellement et d’écoulement au moyen du code Mike Hydro River. Les valeurs de PMP sur 24h de printemps et d’été/automne ont été évaluées à l’aide de données climatiques provenant de 11 simulations de MCR couvrant les périodes de 2041-2070 et 2071-2100 pour les scénarios d’émission RCP4.5 et RCP8.5. Ces valeurs ont été calculées en utilisant une approche statistique et une approche météorologique. Les hausses de débits de pointe moyennes pour les deux méthodes étaient de 17% pour 2041-2070, et 22% pour 2071-2100 pour le RCP4.5. Elles étaient de 32% pour 2041-2070, et de 44% pour 2071-2100 avec le RCP8.5. Les débits de pointe attendus avec les PMP de printemps étaient plus faibles que pour l’été/automne, mais une PMP de printemps pourrait entraîner un volume total de ruissellement plus important qu’une PMP d’été en raison de la fonte des neiges. La méthodologie développée dans cette étude peut être résumée selon les étapes suivantes : 1. calcul des données climatiques projetées à partir d’un MCR propre au site d’intérêt. 2. caractérisation des bassins versants constitués par les parcs à résidus et les haldes à stériles à partir de mesures d’écoulement dans les fossés collecteurs. 3. calibration et validation d’un modèle numérique d’écoulement reproduisant le ruissellement lors des événements extrêmes. 4. extrapolation de ce modèle pour les différentes crues de projet selon le niveau de risque des infrastructures. 5. dimensionnement des infrastructures de gestion des eaux de surface en fonction des débits de pointe et des volumes de ruissellement totaux calculés. La méthodologie développée dans cette étude pourrait permettre, à partir de projections climatiques propres au site étudié, de données de terrain et de simulations numériques, de dimensionner de manière résiliente face aux événements extrêmes les infrastructures de gestion de l’eau de surface des aires d’entreposage des rejets miniers. ----------Abstract Mine operations generate large quantities of solid waste, which are generally stored on surface in tailings ponds surrounded by dikes or in waste rock piles. Geotechnical instabilities of storage facilities are frequent and commonly caused by extreme rainfall events. Climate change is expected to significantly increase the intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation in Quebec by the end of the century, including in Abitibi. Climate projections in this region predict an average increase of the intensity of maximum probable precipitation (PMP) between 15 and 30% by 2100. An increase in PMP could affect the performance and integrity of the surface water management infrastructure and increase the risk for overtopping and dam failure as well as the discharge of mine water to the environment. Climate change must therefore be integrated in the design of surface water infrastructure at an early stage. The main objective of this master’s project was therefore to develop a methodological approach to integrate climate projections from regional climate models (RCM), into the design of surface water management infrastructure. This methodology was applied to the Canadian Malartic Mine site located in Abitibi. Precipitation and runoff were first measured at the Canadian Malartic mine during the summer and fall of 2018, to determine the hydrological characteristics of the tailings storage facility and the waste rock pile. These field measurements were then used to calibrate a rainfall-runoff model using Mike Hydro River software. Spring and summer/fall 24-h PMP values were calculated using climate data from 19 RCM simulations covering 2041-2070 and 2071-2100 periods, both for RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios. PMP were calculated using a statistical approach and a meteorological approach. The average peak discharge in ditches increased with both methods by 17% for 2041-2070, and by 22% for 2071-2100 for RCP4.5. The increase was 32% for 2041-2070, and 44% for 2071-2100 with the RCP8.5 scenario. The expected peak discharge associated with the spring PMP was lower than for the summer/fall, but a spring PMP could cause a greater total runoff volume than a summer PMP because of snowmelt. The methodology developed in this project can be summarized according to the following steps: 1. calculation of climate data projected from a regional climate model and adapted to the site of interest. 2. characterization of the hydrological properties of the watersheds on site (including the tailings ponds and the waste rock piles) using discharge measurements in collector ditches. 3. calibration and validation of a numerical model to simulate runoff during rainfall events. 4. extrapolation of this model for the different project floods depending on the risk associated with each infrastructure. 5. design of surface water management infrastructure according to peak flows and calculated total runoff volumes. The methodology developed in this study could help design surface water management infrastructure for the mine waste storage facilities that are resilient to extreme precipitation events, based on climate projections specific to the studied site studied, field data and numerical simulations

    Rainfall-runoff modeling in arid areas

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    The Wadi Dhuliel catchment/ North east Jordan, as any other arid area has distinctive hydrological features with limited water resources. The hydrological regime is characterized by high variability of temporal and spatial rainfall distributions, flash floods, absence of base flow, and high rates of evapotranspiration. The aim of this Ph.D. thesis was to apply lumped and distributed models to simulate stream flow in the Wadi Dhuliel arid catchment. Intensive research was done to estimate the spatial and temporal rainfall distributions using remote sensing. Because most rainfall-runoff models were undertaken for other climatic zones, an attempt was made to study limitations and challenges and improve rainfall-runoff modeling in arid areas in general and for the Wadi Dhuliel in particular. The thesis is divided into three hierarchically ordered research topics. In the first part and research paper, the metric conceptual IHACRES model was applied to daily and storm events time scales, including data from 19 runoff events during the period 1986-1992. The IHACRES model was extended for snowfall in order to cope with such extreme events. The performance of the IHACRES model on daily data was rather poor while the performance on the storm events scale shows a good agreement between observed and simulated streamflow. The modeled outputs were expected to be sensitive when the observed flood was relatively small. The optimum parameter values were influenced by the length of a time series used for calibration and event specific changes. In the second research paper, the Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP_MVK+) dataset was used to evaluate the precipitation rates over the Wadi Dhuliel arid catchment for the period from January 2003 to March 2008. Due to the scarcity of the ground rain gauge network, the detailed structure of the rainfall distribution was inadequate, so an independent from interpolation techniques was used. Three meteorological stations and six rain gauges were used to adjust and compare with GSMaP_MVK+ estimates. Comparisons between GSMaP_MVK+ measurements and ground rain gauge records show distinct regions of correlation, as well as areas where GSMaP_MVK+ systematically over- and underestimated ground rain gauge records. A multiple linear regression (MLR) model was used to derive the relationship between rainfall and GSMaP_MVK+ in conjunction with temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. The MLR equations were defined for the three meteorological stations. The ‘best’ fit of the MLR model for each station was chosen and used to interpolate a multiscale temporal and spatial distribution. Results show that the rainfall distribution over the Wadi Dhuliel is characterized by clear west-east and north-south gradients. Estimates from the monthly MLR model were more reliable than estimates obtained using daily data. The adjusted GSMaP_MVK+ dataset performed well in capturing the spatial patterns of the rainfall at monthly and annual time scales, while daily estimation showed some weakness for light and moderate storms. In the third research paper, the HEC-HMS and IHACRES rainfall runoff models were applied to simulate a single streamflow event in the Wadi Dhuliel catchment that occurred in 30-31.01.2008. Both models are considered suitable for arid conditions. The HEC-HMS model application was done in conjunction with the HEC-GeoHMS extension in ArcView 3.3. Streamflow estimation was performed on hourly data. The aim of this study was to develop a new framework of rainfall-runoff model applications in arid catchment by integrating a re-adjusted satellite derived rainfall dataset (GSMaP_MVK+) to determine the location of the rainfall storm. Each model has its own input data sets. HEC-HMS input data include soil type, land use/land cover map, and slope map. IHACRES input data sets include hourly rainfall and temperature. The model was calibrated and validated using observed stream flow data collected from Al-Za’atari discharge station. IHACRES shows some weaknesses, while the flow comparison between the calibrated streamflow results agrees well with the observed streamflow data of the HEC-HMS model. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (Ef) for both models was 0.51, and 0.88 respectively. The application of HEC-HMS model in this study is considered to be satisfactory

    Simulation-Based Evaluation and Optimization of the Seismic Performance of Buildings with Passive Energy Dissipation System

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    Earthquakes are one of the major natural hazards that could directly cause damages to or collapse of buildings, leading to significant economic losses. In this dissertation research, analytical tools and simulation-based optimization framework are developed to improve our understanding of and the ability to design more seismic-resilient structures with passive energy dissipation systems. The main objectives of this dissertation are to (1) investigate the seismic performance of structures with energy dissipation systems and evaluate the effectiveness of damping coefficient dissipation methods using three-dimensional numerical models; (2) develop a simulation-based multi-objective optimization framework to evaluate and optimize the seismic performance of buildings with energy dissipation systems; (3) incorporate and evaluate the influence of soil-structure interaction in the performance-based seismic design of structures. Aiming at these objectives, this dissertation consists of three related studies. In the first study, the seismic performance of structures with energy dissipation systems, specifically fluid viscous dampers (FVD), was investigated using three-dimensional (3D) numerical models. Four different damping coefficient distribution methods for FVD were extended to 3D numerical models. Then, their effectiveness in terms of improving structural seismic performance was evaluated through a series of nonlinear dynamic analysis. The seismic performance of the structure has been significantly improved by applying the FVD, and this significance of the improvement depends on the distribution of damper\u27s damping coefficient within the 3d numerical model. Among the four different damping coefficient distribution methods, the story shear strain energy distribution (SSSED) method was found to be an optimal distribution method that can improve the inter-story drift of the structure while it can also provide the most uniformly distributed inter-story drift. In the second study, a performance-based optimization framework for the structural design was developed that considers multiple conflicting objectives: initial material cost, structural repair cost, and record-to-record variability of ground motions. The developed optimization framework was effective in improving the seismic performance of structures. All obtained optimum designs can dramatically decrease the inter-story drift and peak floor acceleration of the structure. This study also provided a practical approach to select the optimal design variables of the energy dissipation systems. The selected design can achieve the desired performance level of the structure with moderate initial material cost, structural repair cost, and robustness measure. In the third study, the effect of soil-structure interaction was incorporated into the optimization framework developed in the second study. Two scenarios were considered in the analysis: one with a fixed foundation, and the other one with a flexible foundation. In this study, the selection of soil properties was based on site class D. The frame with a flexible foundation was found to have a larger inter-story drift in each floor when compared to the frame with a fixed foundation. The guideline for selecting the best-performance design was developed based on the inter-story drift ratio. The improvement of the inter-story drift (compared to a bare frame without energy dissipation systems) and the uniformity of the inter-story drift, were proposed as two performance indices to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected designs. Finally, based on findings of this dissertation work, recommendations for seismic design of buildings with energy dissipation systems and directions for future research are given

    Impacts of land developments and land use changes on urban stormwater management

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    With the rapid urbanization happening around the world, the nature of the natural hydrological cycle has been changed and it causes many adverse effects like urban flooding, erosion and degradation of water quality in urban areas. Due to the increasing population, urbanization will continue rapidly and this increases impervious lands which generate more runoff. Anthropogenic climate change has influenced the strength of storm events and reduced the recurrent intervals. Current urban stormwater management systems are becoming increasingly lacking with rapidly increasing demands and climatic effects. Groundwater has been found as a key factor in creating inadequacy in urban drainage to carry stormwater runoff in catchments having a shallow groundwater table. Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) and modifications to urban stormwater management systems (USWMSs) according to the best management practices (BMP) should be implemented after systematic analysis to overcome the situation.This study has focused on assessing urban land development activities and changing patterns of land use in urban areas as the main anthropogenic stress on urban hydrology. In addition, the adaptation to natural phenomenon such as climate change has been studied. A numerical hydrological model was used to analyse the behaviour of catchments and their characteristics. Urban flood identification and prevention was one of the major concerns of this study. Several urban stormwater drainage systems have been assessed under three case studies.The stormwater drainage system of Canning Vale Central catchment, which is one of the urban catchments in Western Australia, has been assessed by using numerical modelling in case study number one. The model was developed by using existing mapped data and data collected from an ongoing telemetric observation system and several field visits. Surface runoff has been routed by using different modelling techniques such as hydrological surface runoff and two-dimensional (2D) surface runoff modelling. Groundwater has been treated as a critical issue during the modelling. The effects of land use changes and their sensitivity to the USWMS have been assessed. Necessary recommendations to improve the USWMS and mitigate localised flood issues have been given. Flood vulnerability maps have been developed to identify the critical areas where there is the potential to be flooded under different Average Recurrent Interval (ARI) events. These flood vulnerability maps will be used by the local authorities to develop recommendations and guidelines for future developments of infrastructure during land development and subdivision works.The urban ungauged catchment of Victoria Park in Western Australia has been assessed by using a 2D surface runoff routing model. The catchment has built flood storage areas (stormwater basins) and the inadequacy of them in protecting against recent storm events has caused local concern. The area has been developed rapidly in recent decades and land use has been changed to more impervious surfaces than was expected at the time the basins were designed. These changes to the land use—together with anthropogenic climate change—has caused runoff from rapid storms to exceed the basin top water level. The catchment‘s existing stormwater basins‘ capacities were assessed against different ARI events during case study number two. Flood vulnerability maps and water level contours have been developed to identify the possible inundations and flood depths of basins and surrounding areas.The overall study is based on hydrological modelling of different USWMSs and urban hydrology. Land use change was considered as the main anthropogenic stress upon urban hydrological catchments. Factors such as encountering groundwater in stormwater drainage have been analysed to support the study. Recommendations based on WSUD and BMPs have been given to mitigate the adverse effects of urban land use changes to urban stormwater management