49 research outputs found

    Parallel Real-Time Scheduling for Latency-Critical Applications

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    In order to provide safety guarantees or quality of service guarantees, many of today\u27s systems consist of latency-critical applications, e.g. applications with timing constraints. The problem of scheduling multiple latency-critical jobs on a multiprocessor or multicore machine has been extensively studied for sequential (non-parallizable) jobs and different system models and different objectives have been considered. However, the computational requirement of a single job is still limited by the capacity of a single core. To provide increasingly complex functionalities of applications and to complete their higher computational demands within the same or even more stringent timing constraints, we must exploit the internal parallelism of jobs, where individual jobs are parallel programs and can potentially utilize more than one core in parallel. However, there is little work considering scheduling multiple parallel jobs that are latency-critical. This dissertation focuses on developing new scheduling strategies, analysis tools, and practical platform design techniques to enable efficient and scalable parallel real-time scheduling for latency-critical applications on multicore systems. In particular, the research is focused on two types of systems: (1) static real-time systems for tasks with deadlines where the temporal properties of the tasks that need to execute is known a priori and the goal is to guarantee the temporal correctness of the tasks prior to their executions; and (2) online systems for latency-critical jobs where multiple jobs arrive over time and the goal to optimize for a performance objective of jobs during the execution. For static real-time systems for parallel tasks, several scheduling strategies, including global earliest deadline first, global rate monotonic and a novel federated scheduling, are proposed, analyzed and implemented. These scheduling strategies have the best known theoretical performance for parallel real-time tasks under any global strategy, any fixed priority scheduling and any scheduling strategy, respectively. In addition, federated scheduling is generalized to systems with multiple criticality levels and systems with stochastic tasks. Both numerical and empirical experiments show that federated scheduling and its variations have good schedulability performance and are efficient in practice. For online systems with multiple latency-critical jobs, different online scheduling strategies are proposed and analyzed for different objectives, including maximizing the number of jobs meeting a target latency, maximizing the profit of jobs, minimizing the maximum latency and minimizing the average latency. For example, a simple First-In-First-Out scheduler is proven to be scalable for minimizing the maximum latency. Based on this theoretical intuition, a more practical work-stealing scheduler is developed, analyzed and implemented. Empirical evaluations indicate that, on both real world and synthetic workloads, this work-stealing implementation performs almost as well as an optimal scheduler

    Energy-Aware Real-Time Scheduling on Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Platforms in the Era of Parallel Computing

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    Multi-core processors increasingly appear as an enabling platform for embedded systems, e.g., mobile phones, tablets, computerized numerical controls, etc. The parallel task model, where a task can execute on multiple cores simultaneously, can efficiently exploit the multi-core platform\u27s computational ability. Many computation-intensive systems (e.g., self-driving cars) that demand stringent timing requirements often evolve in the form of parallel tasks. Several real-time embedded system applications demand predictable timing behavior and satisfy other system constraints, such as energy consumption. Motivated by the facts mentioned above, this thesis studies the approach to integrating the dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) policy with real-time embedded system application\u27s internal parallelism to reduce the worst-case energy consumption (WCEC), an essential requirement for energy-constrained systems. First, we propose an energy-sub-optimal scheduler, assuming the per-core speed tuning feature for each processor. Then we extend our solution to adapt the clustered multi-core platform, where at any given time, all the processors in the same cluster run at the same speed. We also present an analysis to exploit a task\u27s probabilistic information to improve the average-case energy consumption (ACEC), a common non-functional requirement of embedded systems. Due to the strict requirement of temporal correctness, the majority of the real-time system analysis considered the worst-case scenario, leading to resource over-provisioning and cost. The mixed-criticality (MC) framework was proposed to minimize energy consumption and resource over-provisioning. MC scheduling has received considerable attention from the real-time system research community, as it is crucial to designing safety-critical real-time systems. This thesis further addresses energy-aware scheduling of real-time tasks in an MC platform, where tasks with varying criticality levels (i.e., importance) are integrated into a common platform. We propose an algorithm GEDF-VD for scheduling MC tasks with internal parallelism in a multiprocessor platform. We also prove the correctness of GEDF-VD, provide a detailed quantitative evaluation, and reported extensive experimental results. Finally, we present an analysis to exploit a task\u27s probabilistic information at their respective criticality levels. Our proposed approach reduces the average-case energy consumption while satisfying the worst-case timing requirement

    A Survey of Research into Mixed Criticality Systems

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    This survey covers research into mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s seminal paper in 2007, up until the end of 2016. The survey is organised along the lines of the major research areas within this topic. These include single processor analysis (including fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, realistic models, and systems issues. The survey also explores the relationship between research into mixed criticality systems and other topics such as hard and soft time constraints, fault tolerant scheduling, hierarchical scheduling, cyber physical systems, probabilistic real-time systems, and industrial safety standards

    Mixed Criticality Systems - A Review : (13th Edition, February 2022)

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    This review covers research on the topic of mixed criticality systems that has been published since Vestal’s 2007 paper. It covers the period up to end of 2021. The review is organised into the following topics: introduction and motivation, models, single processor analysis (including job-based, hard and soft tasks, fixed priority and EDF scheduling, shared resources and static and synchronous scheduling), multiprocessor analysis, related topics, realistic models, formal treatments, systems issues, industrial practice and research beyond mixed-criticality. A list of PhDs awarded for research relating to mixed-criticality systems is also included

    Scheduling techniques to improve the worst-case execution time of real-time parallel applications on heterogeneous platforms

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    The key to providing high performance and energy-efficient execution for hard real-time applications is the time predictable and efficient usage of heterogeneous multiprocessors. However, schedulability analysis of parallel applications executed on unrelated heterogeneous multiprocessors is challenging and has not been investigated adequately by earlier works. The unrelated model is suitable to represent many of the multiprocessor platforms available today because a task (i.e., sequential code) may exhibit a different work-case-execution-time (WCET) on each type of processor on an unrelated heterogeneous multiprocessors platform. A parallel application can be realistically modeled as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), where the nodes are sequential tasks and the edges are dependencies among the tasks. This thesis considers a sporadic DAG model which is used broadly to analyze and verify the real-time requirements of parallel applications. A global work-conserving scheduler can efficiently utilize an unrelated platform by executing the tasks of a DAG on different processor types. However, it is challenging to compute an upper bound on the worst-case schedule length of the DAG, called makespan, which is used to verify whether the deadline of a DAG is met or not. There are two main challenges. First, because of the heterogeneity of the processors, the WCET for each task of the DAG depends on which processor the task is executing on during actual runtime. Second, timing anomalies are the main obstacle to compute the makespan even for the simpler case when all the processors are of the same type, i.e., homogeneous multiprocessors. To that end, this thesis addresses the following problem: How we can schedule multiple sporadic DAGs on unrelated multiprocessors such that all the DAGs meet their deadlines. Initially, the thesis focuses on homogeneous multiprocessors that is a special case of unrelated multiprocessors to understand and tackle the main challenge of timing anomalies. A novel timing-anomaly-free scheduler is proposed which can be used to compute the makespan of a DAG just by simulating the execution of the tasks based on this proposed scheduler. A set of representative task-based parallel OpenMP applications from the BOTS benchmark suite are modeled as DAGs to investigate the timing behavior of real-world applications. A simulation framework is developed to evaluate the proposed method. Furthermore, the thesis targets unrelated multiprocessors and proposes a global scheduler to execute the tasks of a single DAG to an unrelated multiprocessors platform. Based on the proposed scheduler, methods to compute the makespan of a single DAG are introduced. A set of representative parallel applications from the BOTS benchmark suite are modeled as DAGs that execute on unrelated multiprocessors. Furthermore, synthetic DAGs are generated to examine additional structures of parallel applications and various platform capabilities. A simulation framework that simulates the execution of the tasks of a DAG on an unrelated multiprocessor platform is introduced to assess the effectiveness of the proposed makespan computations. Finally, based on the makespan computation of a single DAG this thesis presents the design and schedulability analysis of global and federated scheduling of sporadic DAGs that execute on unrelated multiprocessors

    CPU Energy-Aware Parallel Real-Time Scheduling

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    Both energy-efficiency and real-time performance are critical requirements in many embedded systems applications such as self-driving car, robotic system, disaster response, and security/safety control. These systems entail a myriad of real-time tasks, where each task itself is a parallel task that can utilize multiple computing units at the same time. Driven by the increasing demand for parallel tasks, multi-core embedded processors are inevitably evolving to many-core. Existing work on real-time parallel tasks mostly focused on real-time scheduling without addressing energy consumption. In this paper, we address hard real-time scheduling of parallel tasks while minimizing their CPU energy consumption on multicore embedded systems. Each task is represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with nodes indicating different threads of execution and edges indicating their dependencies. Our technique is to determine the execution speeds of the nodes of the DAGs to minimize the overall energy consumption while meeting all task deadlines. It incorporates a frequency optimization engine and the dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) scheme into the classical real-time scheduling policies (both federated and global) and makes them energy-aware. The contributions of this paper thus include the first energy-aware online federated scheduling and also the first energy-aware global scheduling of DAGs. Evaluation using synthetic workload through simulation shows that our energy-aware real-time scheduling policies can achieve up to 68% energy-saving compared to classical (energy-unaware) policies. We have also performed a proof of concept system evaluation using physical hardware demonstrating the energy efficiency through our proposed approach

    Concurrency Platforms for Real-Time and Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Parallel processing is an important way to satisfy the increasingly demanding computational needs of modern real-time and cyber-physical systems, but existing parallel computing technologies primarily emphasize high-throughput and average-case performance metrics, which are largely unsuitable for direct application to real-time, safety-critical contexts. This work contrasts two concurrency platforms designed to achieve predictable worst case parallel performance for soft real-time workloads with millisecond periods and higher. One of these is then the basis for the CyberMech platform, which enables parallel real-time computing for a novel yet representative application called Real-Time Hybrid Simulation (RTHS). RTHS combines demanding parallel real-time computation with real-time simulation and control in an earthquake engineering laboratory environment, and results concerning RTHS characterize a reasonably comprehensive survey of parallel real-time computing in the static context, where the size, shape, timing constraints, and computational requirements of workloads are fixed prior to system runtime. Collectively, these contributions constitute the first published implementations and evaluations of general-purpose concurrency platforms for real-time and cyber-physical systems, explore two fundamentally different design spaces for such systems, and successfully demonstrate the utility and tradeoffs of parallel computing for statically determined real-time and cyber-physical systems

    Period and Computational Elasticity for Adaptive Real-Time Systems

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    A wide range range of real-world applications (including multimedia players, ad-hoc communication networks, online trading, radar tracking software, and other adaptive control algorithms) need adaptive adjustment to their resource utilizations at run-time, while still maintaining real-time guarantees. The elastic task model of soft real-time systems allows for the run-time manipulation of tasks’ processor utilizations in order to maintain a system-wide quality of service or accommodate needs of other tasks by assigning each task a period within a specified range. As originally presented, only sequential tasks executing on a single processor were considered. However, in the two decades since the elastic task model was first introduced, multiprocessor systems have become increasingly prevalent. This dissertation appropriately extends the elastic task model to include both multiprocessor scheduling of sequential adaptive tasks and scheduling of adaptive tasks with internal parallelism. It also introduces novel elastic concepts in which 1) tasks can vary their computational loads rather than their periods and 2) the more realistic scenario in which tasks are allowed to adapt among a discrete set of candidate processor utilizations rather than over a continuous range. A runtime system for parallel elastic tasks is also presented and used to demonstrate the benefit of discrete elastic scheduling by enabling adaptation in the application domain of real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS)

    Cache-Aware Allocation of Parallel Jobs on Multi-cores based on Learned Recency

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    Scheduling of tasks on multi- and many-cores benefits significantly from the efficient use of caches. Most previous approaches use the static analysis of software in the context of the processing hardware to derive fixed allocations of software to the cache. However, there are many issues with this approach in terms of pessimism, scalability, analysis complexity, maintenance cost, etc. Furthermore, with ever more complex functionalities being implemented in the system, it becomes nearly impracticable to use static analysis for deriving cache-aware scheduling methods. This paper focuses on a dynamic approach to maximise the throughput of multi-core systems by benefiting from the cache based on empirical assessments. The principal contribution is a novel cache-aware allocation for parallel jobs that are organised as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). Instead of allocating instruction and data blocks to caches, the proposed allocation operates at a higher abstraction level that allocates jobs to cores, based on the guidance of a predictive model that approximates the execution time of jobs with caching effects taken into account. An implementation of the predictive model is constructed to demonstrate that the execution time approximations can be effectively obtained. The experimental results, including a real-world case study, prove the concept of the proposed cache-aware allocation approach and demonstrate its effectiveness over the state-of-the-art