3,741 research outputs found

    A logical approach for behavioural composition of scenario-based models

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    As modern systems become more complex, design approaches model different aspects of the system separately. When considering (intra and inter) system interactions, it is usual to model individual scenarios using UML’s sequence diagrams. Given a set of scenarios we then need to check whether these are consistent and can be combined for a better understanding of the overall behaviour. This paper addresses this by presenting a novel formal technique for composing behavioural models at the metamodel level through exact metamodel restriction (EMR). In our approach a sequence diagram can be completely described by a set of logical constraints at the metamodel level. When composing sequence diagrams we take the union of the sets of logical constraints for each diagram and additional behavioural constraints that describe the matching composition glue. A formal semantics for composition in accordance with the glue guides our model transformation to Alloy. Alloy’s fully automated constraint solver gives us the solution. Our technique has been implemented as an Eclipse plugin SD2Alloy.Postprin

    Achieving Autonomic Computing through the Use of Variability Models at Run-time

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    Increasingly, software needs to dynamically adapt its behavior at run-time in response to changing conditions in the supporting computing infrastructure and in the surrounding physical environment. Adaptability is emerging as a necessary underlying capability, particularly for highly dynamic systems such as context-aware or ubiquitous systems. By automating tasks such as installation, adaptation, or healing, Autonomic Computing envisions computing environments that evolve without the need for human intervention. Even though there is a fair amount of work on architectures and their theoretical design, Autonomic Computing was criticised as being a \hype topic" because very little of it has been implemented fully. Furthermore, given that the autonomic system must change states at runtime and that some of those states may emerge and are much less deterministic, there is a great challenge to provide new guidelines, techniques and tools to help autonomic system development. This thesis shows that building up on the central ideas of Model Driven Development (Models as rst-order citizens) and Software Product Lines (Variability Management) can play a signi cant role as we move towards implementing the key self-management properties associated with autonomic computing. The presented approach encompass systems that are capable of modifying their own behavior with respect to changes in their operating environment, by using variability models as if they were the policies that drive the system's autonomic recon guration at runtime. Under a set of recon guration commands, the components that make up the architecture dynamically cooperate to change the con guration of the architecture to a new con guration. This work also provides the implementation of a Model-Based Recon guration Engine (MoRE) to blend the above ideas. Given a context event, MoRE queries the variability models to determine how the system should evolve, and then it provides the mechanisms for modifying the system.Cetina Englada, C. (2010). Achieving Autonomic Computing through the Use of Variability Models at Run-time [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7484Palanci

    A Model-based Framework for System Configuration Management

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    A system can be viewed from different perspectives, each focusing on a specific aspect such as availability, performance, security. Configurations reflect the manageable resources of the system, their attributes and organization which are necessary for the management of the system for each aspect. Thus, for management purposes a system is generally described through various partial configurations (also known as configuration fragments). To form a consistent system con-figuration, these independently developed configuration fragments need to be integrated together. The integration of configuration fragments is a challenging task. This is mainly due to over-lapping entities (different logical representations of the same system resource) in the configuration fragments and/or complex relationships among the entities of the different configuration fragments. At runtime the system may be reconfigured to meet certain/new requirements or in response to performance degradations. These changes may lead to inconsistency as some changes may violate the constraints between entities. Maintaining the consistency and adjusting the system configuration at runtime is another challenging task. In our research, we propose to handle these two important issues in an integrated manner. We define a model-based framework for configuration management. We use the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and its profiling mechanism for representing the configuration fragments. Using model weaving and model trans-formation techniques, we propose a solution for the integration of configuration fragments targeting specific system properties. To handle runtime changes, we propose a configuration validation and adjustment solution to check and preserve the consistency of the system configuration. We introduce a partial validation technique in which the runtime reconfigurations are checked against a reduced set of consistency rules instead of the complete set of rules and the reconfigurations are applied only if they are safe, i.e. they preserve the configuration consistency. For handling the changes that violate the consistency rules, we propose an adjustment technique to automatically resolve (if possible) the inconsistencies. This is achieved by propagating the changes in the configuration according to the system constraints following the possible impacts of the configuration entities on each other. Some heuristics are used to reduce the complementary changes and to limit the propagation. We evaluate the complexity of our adjustment technique and conduct experiments to evaluate its efficiency. The Service Availability Forum middleware is used as an application domain in the examples throughout this thesis; however the proposed solutions are applicable in more general settings. We present proofs of concepts using different technologies. We use the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Papyrus for implementing the UML profiles. The Atlas Model Weaver (AMW) and Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) are used to integrate the configuration fragments, and we also use the APIs of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) in the Eclipse environment and the Microsoft Z3 constraint solver to develop a prototype tool of our partial validation and adjustment agents

    Achieving Autonomic Web Service Compositions with Models at Runtime

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    Over the last years, Web services have become increasingly popular. It is because they allow businesses to share data and business process (BP) logic through a programmatic interface across networks. In order to reach the full potential of Web services, they can be combined to achieve specifi c functionalities. Web services run in complex contexts where arising events may compromise the quality of the system (e.g. a sudden security attack). As a result, it is desirable to count on mechanisms to adapt Web service compositions (or simply called service compositions) according to problematic events in the context. Since critical systems may require prompt responses, manual adaptations are unfeasible in large and intricate service compositions. Thus, it is suitable to have autonomic mechanisms to guide their self-adaptation. One way to achieve this is by implementing variability constructs at the language level. However, this approach may become tedious, difficult to manage, and error-prone as the number of con figurations for the service composition grows. The goal of this thesis is to provide a model-driven framework to guide autonomic adjustments of context-aware service compositions. This framework spans over design time and runtime to face arising known and unknown context events (i.e., foreseen and unforeseen at design time) in the close and open worlds respectively. At design time, we propose a methodology for creating the models that guide autonomic changes. Since Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) lacks support for systematic reuse of service operations, we represent service operations as Software Product Line (SPL) features in a variability model. As a result, our approach can support the construction of service composition families in mass production-environments. In order to reach optimum adaptations, the variability model and its possible con figurations are verifi ed at design time using Constraint Programming (CP). At runtime, when problematic events arise in the context, the variability model is leveraged for guiding autonomic changes of the service composition. The activation and deactivation of features in the variability model result in changes in a composition model that abstracts the underlying service composition. Changes in the variability model are refl ected into the service composition by adding or removing fragments of Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) code, which are deployed at runtime. Model-driven strategies guide the safe migration of running service composition instances. Under the closed-world assumption, the possible context events are fully known at design time. These events will eventually trigger the dynamic adaptation of the service composition. Nevertheless, it is diffi cult to foresee all the possible situations arising in uncertain contexts where service compositions run. Therefore, we extend our framework to cover the dynamic evolution of service compositions to deal with unexpected events in the open world. If model adaptations cannot solve uncertainty, the supporting models self-evolve according to abstract tactics that preserve expected requirements.Alférez Salinas, GH. (2013). Achieving Autonomic Web Service Compositions with Models at Runtime [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/34672TESI

    Configurable Software Performance Completions through Higher-Order Model Transformations

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    Chillies is a novel approach for variable model transformations closing the gap between abstract architecture models, used for performance prediction, and required low-level details. We enable variability of transformations using chain of generators based on the Higher-Order Transformation (HOT). HOTs target different goals, such as template instantiation or transformation composition. In addition, we discuss state-dependent behavior in prediction models and quality of model transformations

    Engineering Secure Adaptable Web Services Compositions

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    Service-oriented architecture defines a paradigm for building applications by assembling autonomous components such as web services to create web service compositions. Web services are executed in complex contexts where unforeseen events may compromise the security of the web services composition. If such compositions perform critical functions, prompt action may be required as new security threats may arise at runtime. Manual interventions may not be ideal or feasible. To automatically decide on valid security changes to make at runtime, the composition needs to make use of current security context information. Such security changes are referred to as dynamic adaptation. This research proposes a framework to develop web services compositions that can dynamically adapt to maintain the same level of security when unforeseen security events occur at runtime. The framework is supported by mechanisms that map revised security requirements arising at runtime to a new security configuration plan that is used to adapt the web services composition

    Adaptable software reuse:binding time aware modelling language to support variations of feature binding time in software product line engineering

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    Software product line engineering (SPLE) is a paradigm for developing a family of software products from the same reusable assets rather than developing individual products from scratch. In many SPLE approaches, a feature is often used as the key abstraction to distinguish between the members of the product family. Thus, the sets of products in the product line are said to have ’common’ features and differ in ’variable’ features. Consequently, reusable assets are developed with variation points where variant features may be bound for each of the diverse products. Emerging deployment environments and market segments have been fuelling demands for adaptable reusable assets to support additional variations that may be required to increase the usage-context of the products of a product line. Similarly, feature binding time - when a feature is included in a product and made available for use - may vary between the products because of uncertain market conditions or diverse deployment environments. Hence, variations of feature binding time should also be supported to cover the wide-range of usage-contexts. Through the execution of action research, this thesis has established the following: Language-based implementation techniques, that are specifically proposed to implement variations in the form of features, have better modularity but are not better than the existing classical technique in terms of modifiability and do not support variations in feature binding time. Similarly, through a systematic literature review, this thesis has established the following: The different engineering approaches that are proposed to support variations of feature binding time are limited in one of the following ways: a feature may have to be represented/implemented multiple time, each for a specific binding time; The support is only to execution context and therefore limited in scope; The support focuses on too fine-grained model elements or too low-level of abstraction at source-codes. Given the limitations of the existing approaches, this thesis presents binding time aware modelling language that supports variations of feature binding time by design and improves the modifiability of reusable assets of a product line

    Correct composition of dephased behavioural models

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    This research is supported by EPSRC grant EP/M014290/1.Scenarios of execution are commonly used to specify partial behaviour and interactions between different objects and components in a system. To avoid overall inconsistency in specifications, various automated methods have emerged in the literature to compose (behavioural) models. In recent work, we have shown how the theorem prover Isabelle can be combined with the constraint solver Z3 to efficiently detect inconsistencies in two or more behavioural models and, in their absence, generate the composition. Here, we extend our approach further and show how to generate the correct composition (as a set of valid traces) of dephased models. This work has been inspired by a problem from a medical domain where different care pathways (for chronic conditions) may be applied to the same patient with different starting points.Postprin

    Assisted Reuse of Pattern-Based Composition Knowledge for Mashup Development

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    First generation of the World Wide Web (WWW) enabled users to have instantaneous access to a large diversity of knowledge. Second generation of the WWW (Web 2.0) brought a fundamental change in the way people interact with and through the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 has made the World Wide Web a platform not only for communication and sharing information but also for software development (e.g., web service composition). Web mashup or mashup development is a Web2.0 development approach in which users are expected to create applications by combining multiple data sources, application logic and UI components from the web to cater for their situational application needs. However, in reality creating an even simple mashup application is a complex task that can only be managed by skilled developers. Examples of ready mashup models are one of the main sources of help for users who don't know how to design a mashup, provided that suitable examples can be found (examples that have an analogy with the modeling situation faced by the user). But also tutorials, expert colleagues or friends, and, of course, Google are typical means to find help. However, searching for help does not always lead to a success, and retrieved information is only seldom immediately usable as it is, since the retrieved pieces of information are not contextual, i.e., immediately applicable to the given modeling problem. Motivated by the development challenges faced by a naive user of existing mashup tools, in this thesis we propose toaid such users by enabling assisted reuse of pattern-based composition knowledge. In this thesis we show how it is possible to effectively assist these users in their development task with contextual, interactive recommendations of composition knowledge in the form of mashup model patterns. We study a set of recommendation algorithms with different levels of performance and describe a flexible pattern weaving approach for the one-click reuse of patterns. We prove the generality of our algorithms and approach by implementing two prototype tools for two different mashup platforms. Finally, we validate the usefulness of our assisted development approach by performing thorough empirical tests and two user studies with our prototype tools
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