422 research outputs found

    The Challenges of Inter-Organizational Business Process Design - A Research Agenda

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    Given the increasing importance of value chain collaboration, business processes need to be more closely aligned across organizational boundaries. Hence, business process modeling and design have to be enhanced and extended to cope with inter-organizational business relationships. Among the challenges that arise are interdependencies between internal and external processes, different process logic and terminology, missing clarification of responsibilities and confidentiality issues. This paper analyzes existing approaches to business process modeling, workflow management and B2B standardization with regard to the specific requirements concerning inter-organizational business process design. It extracts the relevant concepts addressing these requirements and draws up an agenda for further research

    Cross-organisational workflow enactment via progressive linking by run-time agents

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    Driven by popular adoptions of workflow and requirements from the practice of virtual enterprise (VE), research in workflow interoperability is currently on the increase. Nonetheless, it is still in its early stage compared with the maturity of individual workflow technology. Some attempts have been tried, however results are not satisfactory especially in a VE context, where many of the partnerships are dynamic and temporary. Reasons include the rigidity and high initial coordination cost inherently associated with top-down modelling and enactment approaches. Therefore, this paper proposes a bottom-up and WfMS 1 Keywords: Multi-Agent Systems, Workflow Interoperability, Virtual Enterprise -independent approach towards cross-organisational workflow enactment, which is via progressive linking enabled by run-time agents. This is expected to pave the way for further cross-organisational workflow needs

    Information Security in Business Intelligence based on Cloud: A Survey of Key Issues and the Premises of a Proposal

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    International audienceMore sophisticated inter-organizational interactions have generated changes in the way in which organizations make business. Advanced forms of collaborations, such as Business Process as a Service (BPaaS), allow different partners to leverage business intelligence within organizations. However, although it presents powerfull economical and technical benefits, it also arrises some pitfalls about data security, especially when it is mediated by the cloud. In this article, current aspects which have been tackled in the literature related to data risks and accountability are presented. In addition, some open issues are also presented from the analysis of the existing methodologies and techniques proposed in the literature. A final point is made by proposing an approach, which aims at preventive, detective and corrective accountability and data risk management, based on usage control policies and model driven engineering

    Semantic Information Assurance for Secure Distributed Knowledge Management: A Business Process Perspective

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    Secure knowledge management for eBusiness processes that span multiple organizations requires intraorganizational and interorganizational perspectives on security and access control issues. There is paucity in research on information assurance of distributed interorganizational eBusiness processes from a business process perspective. This paper presents a framework for secure semantic eBusiness processes integrating three streams of research, namely: 1) eBusiness processes; 2) information assurance; and 3) semantic technology. This paper presents the conceptualization and analysis of a secure semantic eBusiness process framework and architecture, and provides a holistic view of a secure interorganizational semantic eBusiness process. This paper fills a gap in the existing literature by extending role-based access control models for eBusiness processes that are done by using ontological analysis and semantic Web technologies to develop a framework for computationally feasible secure eBusiness process knowledge representations. An integrated secure eBusiness process approach is needed to provide a unifying conceptual framework to understand the issues surrounding access control over distributed information and knowledge resources

    An Editorial Workflow Approach For Collaborative Ontology Development

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    The widespread use of ontologies in the last years has raised new challenges for their development and maintenance. Ontology development has transformed from a process normally performed by one ontology engineer into a process performed collaboratively by a team of ontology engineers, who may be geographically distributed and play different roles. For example, editors may propose changes, while authoritative users approve or reject them following a well defined process. This process, however, has only been partially addressed by existing ontology development methods, methodologies, and tool support. Furthermore, in a distributed environment where ontology editors may be working on local copies of the same ontology, strategies should be in place to ensure that changes in one copy are reflected in all of them. In this paper, we propose a workflow-based model for the collaborative development of ontologies in distributed environments and describe the components required to support them. We illustrate our model with a test case in the fishery domain from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

    Privacy-Conflict Resolution for Integrating Personal and Electronic Health Records in Blockchain-Based Systems

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    Integrating personal health records (PHRs) and electronic health records (EHRs) facilitates the provision of novel services to individuals, researchers, and healthcare practitioners. Simultaneously, integrating healthcare data leads to complexities arising from the structural and semantic heterogeneity within the data. The subject of healthcare data evokes strong emotions due to concerns surrounding privacy breaches. Blockchain technology is employed to address the issue of patient data privacy in inter-organizational processes, as it facilitates patient data ownership and promotes transparency in its usage. At the same time, blockchain technology creates new challenges for e-healthcare systems, such as data privacy, observability, and online enforceabil-ity. This article proposes designing and formalizing automatic conflict resolution techniques in decentralized e-healthcare systems. The present study expounds upon our concepts by employing a running case study centered around preventive and personalized healthcare domains. © 2023, Partners in Digital Health. All rights reserved

    Social Computing and Cooperation Services for Connected Government and Cross-Boundary Services Delivery

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    Connected Government requires different government organizations to connect seamlessly across functions, agencies, and jurisdictions in order to deliver effective and efficient services to citizens and businesses. In the countries of the European Union, this also involves the possibility of delivering cross-border services, which is an important step toward a truly united Europe. To achieve this goal, European citizens and businesses should be able to interact with different public administrations in different Member States in a seamless way to perceive them as a single entity. Interoperability, which is a key factor for Connected Government, is not enough in order to achieve this result, since it usually does not consider the social dimension of organizations. This dimension is at the basis of co-operability, which is a form of non-technical interoperability that allows different organizations to function together essentially as a single organization. In this chapter, it is argued that, due to their unique capacity of coupling several technologies and processes with interpersonal styles, awareness, communication tools, and conversational models, the integration of social computing services and tools within inter-organizational workflows can make them more efficient and effective. It can also support the \u201clearning\u201d process that leads different organizations to achieve co-operability

    Modeling and verification of web service composition based interorganizational workflows

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    Interorganisationale Workflows sind ArbeitsablĂ€ufe, welche die Grenzen einer Organisation verlassen und einen Rahmen fĂŒr Kooperationen der verschiedenen autonomen Organisationen zur VerfĂŒgung stellen. Ein wichtiger Punkt fĂŒr den Entwurf solcher Workflows ist die Balance zwischen Offenheit und Abgrenzung, wobei erstere fĂŒr Kooperationen und letztere die fĂŒr den Schutz von Know-how benötigt wird. Workflow Sichten stellen ein effizientes Werkzeug fĂŒr diesen Zweck zur VerfĂŒgung. Durch Offenlegung von bestimmten Teilen eines Prozesses, können Organisationen sowohl kooperieren als auch das Know-how schĂŒtzen. Diese Dissertation prĂ€sentiert nun eine Methode fĂŒr die korrekte Konstruktion von Workflow Sichten. Es wird angenommen, dass Organisationen Web Service orientierte Technologien zur Modellierung und Implementierung von interorganisationalen Workflows verwenden. Die Anwendung von Web Services bietet Organisationen viele Vorteile. Den eigentlichen Mehrwert von Web Services stellt aber die KompositionsfĂ€higkeit dar. VerfĂŒgbare Web Services können dadurch von anderen Choreographien und Orchestrationen (wieder-)verwendet werden. Die Notwendigkeit der Implementierung von Systemen von Null weg kann minimiert werden. Die zentralen Anforderungen sind einerseits eine Architektur mit adĂ€quatem Potential, andererseits die Verifikation der Korrektheit. Diese Dissertation prĂ€sentiert nun eine Architektur zur Modellierung von Web Service Composition basierten interorganisationalen Workflows, genannt föderierte Choreographien, die verglichen mit anderen Architekturen verschiedene Vorteile anbieten. DarĂŒber hinaus werden Algorithmen und Techniken zur Verifikation der strukturellen und temporalen Korrektheit vorgestellt. Strukturelle Korrektheit prĂŒft, ob die Strukturen der beteiligten Prozesse zusammenpassen. Temporale Korrektheit ĂŒberprĂŒft, ob ein interorganisationaler Workflow, der aus mehreren Choreographien und Orchestrationen besteht hinsichtlich der lokalen und globalen Bedingungen fehlerfrei ist. Mit Hilfe dieser Techniken kann die strukturelle und temporale KonformitĂ€t des Modells zur Designzeit ĂŒberprĂŒft werden. Falls das Modell nicht strukturell oder temporal konform ist, können nötige Änderungen durchgefĂŒhrt werden, sodass die korrekte AusfĂŒhrung zur Laufzeit garantiert werden kann. Die ÜberprĂŒfung der KonformitĂ€t zur Designzeit reduziert die Prozesskosten vor allem wegen den folgenden zwei GrĂŒnden: Erstens, die entdeckten Fehler zur Designzeit sind normalerweise billiger als jene, die zur Laufzeit entdeckt werden und zweitens, Fehlerbehandlungsmechanismen können verhindert werden, die wiederum Zusatzkosten verursachen. ZusĂ€tzlich zu der vorgestellten Architektur wird eine allgemeinere Architektur zusammen mit den passenden KonformitĂ€tsprĂŒfungsalgorithmen prĂ€sentiert. Der Ansatz ist Platform- und sprachunabhĂ€ngig und die Algorithmen sind verteilt.Interorganizational workflows are workflows that cross the boundaries of a single organization and provide a framework for cooperation of different autonomous organizations. An important issue when designing such workflows is the balance between the openness needed for cooperation and the privacy needed for protection of business know-how. Workflow views provide an efficient tool for this aim. By exposure of only selected parts of a process, organizations can both cooperate and protect their business logic. This dissertation presents a technique for a correct construction of workflow views. It is assumed that organizations and partners use web services and web service related technology to model and implement interorganizational workflows. Application of web services offers several advantages for organizations. The real surplus of web services is their capability of being composed to more complex systems. Available web services can be reused by other choreographies and orchestrations and the need for development of new systems from scratch can be minimized. The essential requirements are on the one hand an architecture with adequate capabilities and on the other hand, verification of correctness. This dissertation proposes an architecture for modeling web service composition based interorganizational workflows, called \emph{federated choreographies}, that provides several advantages compared to existing proposals. Moreover, algorithms and techniques for verification of structural and temporal correctness of interorganizational workflows are proposed. Structural conformance checks if the structures of the involved processes match. Temporal conformance checks if an interorganizational workflow composed of choreographies and orchestrations is temporally error-free with respect to local and global temporal constraints. The proposed algorithms can be applied for checking the structural and temporal conformance of the federated choreographies at design-time. If the model is not structurally or temporally conformant, necessary modifications can be done such that the correct execution of the flow at run-time can be guaranteed. The conformance checking at design time reduces the cost of process because of two reasons: first, errors detected at design time are normally cheaper than those detected at run time and second, exception handling mechanisms can be avoided which are, in turn, coupled with additional costs. In addition to the proposed architecture, a more general architecture together with the conformance checking algorithms and techniques for interorganizational workflows are presented. The presented approach is language and platform independent and algorithms work in a distributed manner

    An Evaluation of Inter-Organizational Workflow Modelling Formalisms

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    This paper evaluates the dynamic aspects of the UML in the context of inter-organizational workflows. Two evaluation methodologies are used. The first one is ontological and is based on the BWW (Bunge-Wand-Weber) models. The second validation is based on prototyping and consists in the development of a workflow management system in the aerospace industry. Both convergent and divergent results are found from the two validations. Possible enhancements to the UML formalism are suggested from the convergent results. On the other hand, the divergent results suggest the need for a contextual specification in the BWW models. Ce travail consiste en une Ă©valuation des aspects dynamiques du language UML dans un contexte de workflow inter-organisationnel. Le choix du language par rapport Ă  d'autres est motivĂ© par sa richesse grammaticale lui offrant une trĂšs bonne adaptation Ă  ce contexte. L'Ă©valuation se fait par une validation ontologique basĂ©e sur les modĂšles BWW (Bunge-Wand-Weber) et par la rĂ©alisation d'un prototype de systĂšme de gestion de workflows inter-organisationnels. À partir des rĂ©sultats convergents obtenus des deux diffĂ©rentes analyses, des amĂ©liorations au formalisme UML sont suggĂ©rĂ©es. D'un autre cotĂ©, les analyses divergentes suggĂšrent une possibilitĂ© de spĂ©cifier les modĂšles BWW Ă  des contextes plus particuliers tels que ceux des workflows et permettent Ă©galement de suggĂ©rer d'autres amĂ©liorations possibles au langage.Ontology, Conceptual study, Prototype Validation, UML, IS development methods and tools., Ontologie, Ă©tude conceptuelle, validation du prototype, UML, mĂ©thodes et outils de dĂ©veloppement IS

    A cross organisation compatible workflows generation and execution framework

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    With the development of the Internet, the demand for electronic and online commerce has increased. This has, in turn, increased the demand for business process automation. In this paper, we look at the use of workflows for business process automation. An automatically generated workflow can save time and resources needed for running online businesses. In general, due to the interdependencies between their activities, multiple business organisations will need to work together by collaborating and coordinating their activities with each other. This gives rise to the need for workflow collaboration across organisations. Current systems for workflow collaboration are only capable of reconciling existing workflows of the collaborating organisations. Automatic workflow generation systems only generate workflows for individual organisations and cannot handle the automatic generation of compatible workflows for multiple collaborating organisations. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we present a framework that is able to generate multiple sets of compatible workflows for multiple collaborating organisations. The proposed framework supports runtime enactment and runtime collaboration of the generated workflows. This framework enables users to save the time and resources that would otherwise be spent in modelling, reconciling and reengineering workflows
