83 research outputs found

    Hubungan Self-Esteem dan Komparasi Sosial dengan Citra Tubuh pada Mahasiswa Pengguna Media Sosial

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    Students as active users of social media consume a lot of visual content while surfing in cyberspace. If allowed, it can change the self-perception of their body shape. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between selfesteem and social comparison with body image among students using social media. The subjects used are students who are active users of social media. The sampling technique for this research is purposive sampling. This study uses a correlational quantitative approach with data collection tools such as body image scale, social comparison scale and self-esteem scale. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the variable self-esteem and social comparison with body image, (R) = 0.713 F 109,325 p = 0.000 (p <0.05). The results of the correlation between self-esteem and body image variables showed that there was a significant positive relationship between self-esteem and body image, with rxy = 0.553; p = 0.000 (p <0.05). The results of the correlation between social comparison variables and body image show that there is a significant negative relationship between social comparison and body image, with rxy = -0.616; p = 0.000 (p 2 <0.05). From the results of the study, students who use social media in this study have high body image, high self-esteem and moderate social comparison

    Hubungan Self-esteem dengan Selfpresentation Pada Remaja Pengguna Instagram

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    Instagram menjadi salah satu media sosial yang banyak digunakan oleh remaja untuk menunjukan eksistensinya demi mendapatkan pengakuan dari orang lain dengan cara membagikan sesuatu di Instagram. Permasalahan yang timbul dari terlalu banyak berbagi di Instagram dan terlalu banyak mempresentasikan diri adalah kebocoran data yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian bagi individu tersebut. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi presentasi diri adalah harga diri, dimana presentasi diri dapat naik atau turun karena harga diri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan harga diri dengan presentasi diri pada remaja pengguna Instagram. adapun teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu probability simple random sampling dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 110 subjek. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai koefisien korelasi antara harga diri dengan presentasi diri sebesar r= -0,565** dan p= 0,000 (p<0,05). Hal ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara harga diri dengan presentasi diri. Semakin tinggi harga diri maka semakin rendah presentasi diri begitupun sebaliknya, semakin rendah harga diri maka semakin tinggi presentasi diri. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat meneliti faktor lain yang memiliki hubungan dengan presentasi diri remaja di media sosial Instagram seperti faktor body image dan faktor popularita

    Oot niin #goals – Ulkonäköpaineita ja ulkonäön kommentointia sosiaalisessa mediassa

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    Visuaalisessa kulutuskulttuurissa ulkonäkö on yhä tärkeämpää. Ulkonäkö voi olla luova keino viestiä identiteettiä ja yhteenkuuluvuutta, mutta sen perusteella tehdään myös erontekoja ja ulossulkemisia. Ulkonäkö eriarvoistaa sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti. Ei siis ole ihme, että paineet vastata yhteiskunnan ulkonäköodotuksiin ja -normeihin ovat kovat. Siinä missä nuorten ulkonäköä ennen kommentoitiin lähinnä koulun käytävillä ja sukujuhlissa, ja saavuttamattomia kauneusideaaleja levittivät televisio ja aikakausilehdet, ovat ulkonäköihanteet visuaalisen sosiaalisen median myötä tulleet lähemmäksi ihoa – kirjaimellisesti. Puhelin ja sen sosiaalisen median sovellukset kulkevat nuorilla jatkuvasti taskussa tai ainakin käden ulottuvilla. Sen myötä ulkonäön kommentoinnista, olkoon se positiivista tai negatiivista, tulee arkipäiväistä ja näkyvää.</p

    The Relationship Between DouYin Use Intensity and Parenting Anxiety: The Mediating Role of Online Upward Social Comparison

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    Based on the current situation of parenting anxiety, this paper constructs a parenting anxiety evaluation model based on structural equation model (SEM), and uses partial least squares (PLS) to estimate the parameters, and makes a comprehensive evaluation of parenting anxiety. The results show that the intensity of parents’ Douyin use (ID) is positively correlated with the Network upward social comparison (NUSC). There is a positive correlation between Network upward social comparison (NUSC)and parenting anxiety(PA), that is, the upward social comparison on the Internet generated during the use of Douyin by parents is likely to cause parenting anxiety; The intensity of Douyin use is positively correlated with parenting anxiety, that is, the greater the intensity of Douyin use is, the more likely it is to produce anxiety in the process of parenting. Online upward social comparison plays a mediating role in the relationship between Douyin use intensity and parenting anxiety

    Pengaruh Harga Diri terhadap Kecenderungan Body Dysmorphic Disorder pada Mahasiswi UKSW Pengguna TikTok atau Instagram

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah&nbsp; terdapat pengaruh&nbsp; harga diri terhadap kecenderungan&nbsp; Body Dysmorphic Disorder&nbsp; pada&nbsp; mahasiswi UKSW pengguna Tiktok atau Instagram. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif. Penelitian ini mengambil sebanyak 112 mahasiswi UKSW Pengguna aktif Tiktok atau Instagram dalam masa dewasa awal rentang usia 18-25th sebagai responden. Untuk mengukur harga diri digunakan instrumen penelitian yang diterjemahkan dari State Self Esteem Scale oleh Heatherton dan Polivy (1991).&nbsp; Sedangkan kecenderungan body dysmorphic disorder diukur menggunakan instrumen yang diadaptasi dari teori Philips (2009). Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis adalah dengan analisis regresi sederhana sehingga didapatkan hasil yang menyatakan bahwa Fhitung= 178,806 dengan&nbsp; tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,000 yang artinya ada pengaruh yang sangat signifikan antara variabel harga diri (x) terhadap kecenderungan body dysmorphic disorder (y). Sumbangan efektif harga diri terhadap Pengaruh Kecenderungan body dysmorphic disorder adalah sebesar 61,9%

    The correlation between materialism, social comparison and status consumption among students

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    South African students face many challenges when completing their tertiary education, finances being one of the most significant. This is not only due to a lack of monetary resources but also to students’ inability to manage their available resources. Students often make financial decisions not in their own interest due to both internal and external factors. Consequently, many students do not finish their studies or end up in debt. The research reported on in this article examined the correlation between three factors which influence spending and debt according to previous research, namely Materialism, Social Comparison and Status Consumption. These concepts refer to how much people value material possessions and how they compare their possessions to those of others and spend on status-conferring possessions to improve their image. This study used convenience sampling of 630 Generation Y students registered from four university campuses. Data collection was conducted using a self-reporting questionnaire. Data analysis comprised 597 valid questionnaires. The results reveal that Status Consumption can be predicted using Materialism and Social Comparison tendencies. The net result of this situation is that students first compare themselves to their peers and then spend money to feel better about themselves or present an improved image to their peers instead of investing their limited resources in their education. Very often, this spending is funded using credit. According to existing literature, this is true for students and the population at large and is one of the main drivers of the current debt problems South Africa is experiencing

    'Selfie’-objectification: The role of selfies in self-objectification and disordered eating in young women

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    Existing research demonstrates a relationship between social networking site (SNS) use and body-related concerns and disordered eating amongst females. Preliminary evidence indicates that SNS photo activities (e.g., taking and sharing 'selfies’) may play a particularly important role. The present study aimed to use self-objectification as a framework to examine the relationship between SNS photo activities and body-related and eating concerns in a population of young women. Participants were 259 young women (age 18–29; M = 22.97, SD = 3.25) who completed self-report questionnaires of SNS use and body-related and disordered eating concerns. Results showed that SNS 'selfie’ activities, rather than general SNS usage, were associated with body-related and eating concerns. Specifically, greater investment in 'selfie’ activities was associated with increased body dissatisfaction and bulimia symptomatology, even after accounting for known risk factors such as thin-ideal internalisation and body mass index (BMI). Moreover, self-objectification was found to moderate the relationship between photo investment and bulimia symptomatology. These findings indicate that active engagement with SNS photo activities, rather than general SNS use, shows an association with body-related and eating concerns. Interventions targeting specific SNS photo activities may be an effective avenue for the prevention and management of body-related concerns and disordered eating in young women

    Exploring the relationships between self-presentation and self-esteem of mothers in social media in Russia

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    Majority of parents use social media platforms, with young mothers being the most active users. Academic research has only recently started addressing the impact of social media on mothers, although they are one of the most engaged online audiences. Instagram and Facebook perceived as positive types of social media, where users post positive content to increase encouraging response from their subscribers and thus enhance their self-esteem. This also relates to mothers portraying positive self-presentation online, therefore enhancing their parental self-esteem. This study provides in-depth analysis of 23 popular online profiles of mothers with more than thirty thousand followers on Instagram and 12 interviews with socially active mothers. This work focuses on mothers in Russia. Research findings show mothers with children of pre-school age are the most regular users of social media. This is due to time availability, as majority of these mothers are on maternity leave and due to little knowledge in child related aspects, which leads to lower self-esteem. They often look for assurance in online community. Mothers that are more confident have positive attitude towards social media communication. Mothers with initially lower self-esteem feel under pressure to maintain positive image to be in line with other mothers' presentation on social media. Mothers find Facebook more informative and supportive vehicle of communication than Instagram


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    Socialinės medijos – sociokultūriniai veiksniai, formuojantys pažinimo ir veikimo procesus, integruojantys individų socializacijos procesų vyksmą virtualioje bei realioje erdvėje. Socialinės medijos tenkina individų socialinio ryšio, savivertės diagnostikos ir savirealizacijos poreikius, kurie neatsiejami nuo tapsmo visuomenės nariu, t. y. nuo individo socializacijos proceso. Šiuolaikiniame technologijų amžiuje individo naujas patirties lygmuo siejamas su virtualiai realistine patirtimi, tampant virtualiai realistinės visuomenės nariu. Socialinių medijų pozicija socializacijos tarpsnių kontekste apima pirminės ir antrinės socializacijos periodus. Socialinių medijų poveikis individų socializacijos procese integruojasi su pagrindinių socializacijos veiksnių (šeimos, mokyklos, bendraamžių grupės) funkcijomis ir įtakomis. Socialinių medijų funkcijos individo socializacijos procese siejamos su komunikaciniais pažintiniais ir socialiniais kūrybiniais individo gebėjimais bei įgūdžiais. Socialinės medijos individų socializacijos procesus gali veikti tiek teigiamai, tiek ir neigiamai.PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: socialinė medija, socializacija, socialinis tinklas, medija, komunikacijos priemonės.JEL D83; D85; L82DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/rfds.v23i3.159

    Exploring the relationships between self-presentation and self-esteem of mothers in social media in Russia

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    Majority of parents use social media platforms, with young mothers being the most active users. Academic research has only recently started addressing the impact of social media on mothers, although they are one of the most engaged online audiences. Instagram and Facebook perceived as positive types of social media, where users post positive content to increase encouraging response from their subscribers and thus enhance their self-esteem. This also relates to mothers portraying positive self-presentation online, therefore enhancing their parental self-esteem. This study provides in-depth analysis of 23 popular online profiles of mothers with more than thirty thousand followers on Instagram and 12 interviews with socially active mothers. This work focuses on mothers in Russia. Research findings show mothers with children of pre-school age are the most regular users of social media. This is due to time availability, as majority of these mothers are on maternity leave and due to little knowledge in child related aspects, which leads to lower self-esteem. They often look for assurance in online community. Mothers that are more confident have positive attitude towards social media communication. Mothers with initially lower self-esteem feel under pressure to maintain positive image to be in line with other mothers' presentation on social media. Mothers find Facebook more informative and supportive vehicle of communication than Instagram