16 research outputs found

    Evaluation of e-learning web sites using fuzzy axiomatic design based approach

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    High quality web site has been generally recognized as a critical enabler to conduct online business. Numerous studies exist in the literature to measure the business performance in relation to web site quality. In this paper, an axiomatic design based approach for fuzzy group decision making is adopted to evaluate the quality of e-learning web sites. Another multi-criteria decision making technique, namely fuzzy TOPSIS, is applied in order to validate the outcome. The methodology proposed in this paper has the advantage of incorporating requirements and enabling reductions in the problem size, as compared to fuzzy TOPSIS. A case study focusing on Turkish e-learning websites is presented, and based on the empirical findings, managerial implications and recommendations for future research are offered

    A linguistic multi-criteria decision-aiding system to support university career services

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    In this paper we introduce a linguistic multi-criteria decision-aiding model to support college students with the internship job market application. It considers a fuzzy ordered weighted averaging (FOWA) operator in the matching to capture the inherent uncertainty and vague nature of personnel selection processes. The decision model is integrated in a software tool able to capture data from university student resume and internship databases. The application assesses position characteristics implicitly by means of linguistic descriptions according to each student's preferences. The software tool is enabled with the ability to propose positions according to student preferences. The system selects a reduced list of alternatives from the set of job offers, helping students to decide on which positions to focus their applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Expert system model for educational personnel selection

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    Se presenta, en este artículo, un modelo de sistema experto para la selección de personal docente universitario. Esta labor no es una tarea trivial, debido a la subjetividad que puede presentarse en su evaluación. Este proceso se puede complementar usando un sistema de apoyo a la toma de decisiones. El sistema desarrollado se dividió en cuatro fases: toma de requisitos, diseño, implementación y puesta en marcha. Con el prototipo software, se logró modelar el conocimiento específico del experto en recursos humanos, lo que permitió obtener una recomendación sobre el tipo de contrato al que puede aspirar un docente universitario, dependiendo de su perfil profesional.The staff selection is a difficult task due to the subjectivity that the evaluation means. This process can be complemented using a system to support decision. This paper presents the implementation of an expert system to systematize the selection process of professors. The management of software development is divided into 4 parts: requirements, design, implementation and commissioning. The proposed system models a specific knowledge through relationships between variables evidence and objective

    Yazılım Sektöründe Nitelikli Personel Seçiminin Nötrosofik AHP ve TOPSİS Yöntemleri İle İncelenmesi

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    Amaç- Çalışmanın temel amacı, insan kaynakları yönetiminde firma performansına etki eden nitelikli personel seçimi için gerekli kriterlerin (niteliklerin) belirlenerek, bu kriterler altında başvuran adaylardan en uygun olanın belirlenmesi ve seçilmesidir. Ayrıca etkili ve kısa sürede sıralamanın yapılması için bir yöntem sunulmaktadır. Yöntem- Araştırmada kullanılan veriler, yazılım sektöründe yer alan 5 firmada çalışan 15 insan kaynakları uzamanı ve yöneticileri ile yapılan yüz yüze görüşmeler ve literatür taraması ile elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler aralık değerli nötrosofik AHP yöntemi kullanılarak personel seçimine yönelik adaylarda aranacak kriterler sıralanmıştır. Daha sonra bu kriterlerin ağırlıkları nötrosofik TOPSIS yöntemi ile analiz edilerek proje yöneticisi olarak bavurana adaylar sıralanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bulgular- Kriter sıralaması sonucuna göre personel seçiminde yer alması gereken en önemli kriter 0,4900912 değeri ile “Eğitim Düzeyi” olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu kriteri, sırasıyla “Yazılım Tecrübesi”, “Yabancı Dil”, “Kişisel Özellikler” ve “Sahip olunan Sertifikalar” izlemektedir. Daha sonra belirlenen bir yazılım firması için, aralıklı nötrosofik TOPSIS yöntemi kullanılarak, proje yöneticisi belirlenmiş ve adaylar; Aday2> Aday1> Aday3> Aday4 şeklinde sıralanmıştır. Tartışma- Yazılım ve bilişim alanında yer alan firmalar için en doğru ve en uygun personelin belirlenmesi firma başarısı ve sürdürülebilirliği açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Karar vericilerin klasik yaklaşımları kullanarak belirsizlik altında güvenilir tespitler yapması pek kolay olmamaktadır. Kullanılan aralık değerli nötrosofik yöntemler, özellikle adayların değerlendirilmesinde ağırlıklandırılan özelliklerin net değerler ile ifade edilemediği durumlarda oldukça başarılı olmaktadır. Ayrıca çalışma sırasında insan kaynakları ile yaptığımız görüşmelerde, insan kaynakları biriminin farklı mülakatlar ile adayı belirlemesi yerine, kullandığımız teknikler ile çok daha kısa sürede ve etkili olarak sıralanabildiği sonucuna varılmıştır

    Selection of Project Managers: An Overview

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    Background: The project manager choice is one of the most important, complicated and multi-layered decisions in project management. Although the competence of a project manager is the subject of numerous studies, mostly in the field of economic sciences, there are still relatively few studies dealing with project manager selection. Objectives: The aim of this paper is to provide a useful overview of research on approaches, models, techniques, and competencies during the process of selecting project managers, in order to improve understanding an effective process of selecting project managers from academic researchers and practitioners’ point of view. Methods/Approach: This article is a scientific review of previously published studies that are linked to competencies of a project manager and the process of project manager selection according to the traditional and the modern approach. Results: The process of selecting project managers is not sufficiently investigated in Croatia, while most of the research is focused to traditional approach. Conclusions: In this work, we propose a combination of the traditional and the modern approach to the selection of project managers, which would be based on the multicriteria decision making

    Uncertain averaging operators: a new way to study the psychosocial organizational phenomena

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    The aim of this paper is to use uncertain averaging operators (Uncertain Average, Uncertain Weighted Average, Uncertain Probabilistic Aggregation, and Uncertain Probabilistic Weighted Average) in order to explore psychosocial processes. Traditionally, research in the field of work and organizational psychology has departed from positivism, based on simple deterministic laws that are unable to account for the complexity of organizational phenomena. Our purpose is to show how the Experton methodology contributes to the study of managers' subjectivity on their perception of Corporate Social Responsibility policies development. This is a very innovating perspective in the research of work and organizational psychology. We developed an interview guideline to analyze the level of development of policies for the workplace integration of persons with disabilities. Thirty-five interviews were obtained. Respondents were top managers, Chief Executive Officers, human resources and Corporate Social Responsibility managers. Ten academic and professional experts, with a minimum of 10 years' experience in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, were asked to establish confidence intervals based on four anchors. The results achieved by the managers and by the experts group reached a similar assessment of the degree of deployment of those policies related to collaborate with the local community and associations, and the setting-up of strategic alliances. These techniques provide an assessment that optimizes the result, as it indicates the exact level of implementation of the policies for the workplace integration of persons with disabilities


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    It seems that getting graduate education has become more important compared to the past. This is the case for teachers and prospective teachers. In order to be admitted for graduate education in Turkey, one must have ALES (Academic personnel and graduate education entrance exam), College GPA (graduation grade point average) and a foreign language score. The road to success is a difficult process for many students to complete when represented by classification of traditional graduation grade point average. Development approaches of student achievement need to have a framework consisting of more in number and a complex success criteria in order to be more effective. Apart from the aforementioned grade data that was mainly determined in the classification that classify whether prospective teachers were suitable for graduate education or not, some other components such as; their emotional data, their level of knowledge on graduate education and how much priority they give to teaching department while doing their university preferences have also become important. The study was shaped in this context and by assessing various components related to the students with fuzzy logic, a more effective prediction and classification was tried to be presented. In the study, considering attitudes of prospective teachers towards graduate education, their genders, their levels of knowledge on graduate education, their university entrance scores, their order of preference, and their levels in undergraduate education, their suitabilities of admission to graduate education was aimed to be determined by fuzzy logic. In our study in which relationships of all above mentioned components with each other were analyzed, survey (scanning) method, of quantitative research methods, was used and the relational scanning model was preferred. In the study, the information of 390 prospective teachers who were studying at the department of primary school mathematics teaching in three different state universities and attending at formation programs but graduated from faculty of arts and sciences mathematics teaching department was used. MATLAB software was used for fuzzy logic analysis. In the research, a fuzzy logic rule base was created and 98 (25.1%) of the analyzed data were decided to be suitable for graduate education program. 29 (7.4%) of these prospective teachers were from the first year, 48 (12.3%) of them were from the fourth year, and 21 (5.3%) of them were from the formation group. The group with the highest percentage of prospective teachers considered to be suitable for graduate education is fourth year undergraduate students with 12.3%. The group with the lowest percentage is formation students with 5.3%. As a result of the analyses conducted by fuzzy logic providing a valid prediction and classification, the reason of fourth year prospective teachers have the highest percentage in the research can be explained as their having higher attitude scores and being more knowledge about graduate education and having higher scores on the university entrance exams than the other participants. In order to ensure prospective teachers to have a higher attitude towards the graduate education, their gaining awareness of research and being informed about graduate education from the first years of college can provide significant benefits. Prospective teachers in different departments may be included in the study. Considering different components related to the prospective teachers and conducting researches using other methods of artificial intelligence such as fuzzy logic, students and educators can be provided an effective prediction and classification opportunities.  Article visualizations

    Fit between humanitarian professionals and project requirements: hybrid group decision procedure to reduce uncertainty in decision-making

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    Choosing the right professional that has to meet indeterminate requirements is a critical aspect in humanitarian development and implementation projects. This paper proposes a hybrid evaluation methodology for some non-governmental organizations enabling them to select the most competent expert who can properly and adequately develop and implement humanitarian projects. This methodology accommodates various stakeholders’ perspectives in satisfying the unique requirements of humanitarian projects that are capable of handling a range of uncertain issues from both stakeholders and project requirements. The criteria weights are calculated using a two-step multi-criteria decision-making method: (1) Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process for the evaluation of the decision maker weights coupled with (2) Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to rank the alternatives which provide the ability to take into account both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Sensitivity analysis have been developed and discussed by means of a real case of expert selection problem for a non-profit organisation. The results show that the approach allows a decrease in the uncertainty associated with decision-making, which proves that the approach provides robust solutions in terms of sensitivity analysis