2,984 research outputs found

    Efficient Implementation on Low-Cost SoC-FPGAs of TLSv1.2 Protocol with ECC_AES Support for Secure IoT Coordinators

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    Security management for IoT applications is a critical research field, especially when taking into account the performance variation over the very different IoT devices. In this paper, we present high-performance client/server coordinators on low-cost SoC-FPGA devices for secure IoT data collection. Security is ensured by using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol based on the TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 cipher suite. The hardware architecture of the proposed coordinators is based on SW/HW co-design, implementing within the hardware accelerator core Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication (ECSM), which is the core operation of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECC). Meanwhile, the control of the overall TLS scheme is performed in software by an ARM Cortex-A9 microprocessor. In fact, the implementation of the ECC accelerator core around an ARM microprocessor allows not only the improvement of ECSM execution but also the performance enhancement of the overall cryptosystem. The integration of the ARM processor enables to exploit the possibility of embedded Linux features for high system flexibility. As a result, the proposed ECC accelerator requires limited area, with only 3395 LUTs on the Zynq device used to perform high-speed, 233-bit ECSMs in 413 µs, with a 50 MHz clock. Moreover, the generation of a 384-bit TLS handshake secret key between client and server coordinators requires 67.5 ms on a low cost Zynq 7Z007S device

    IoT Sentinel: Automated Device-Type Identification for Security Enforcement in IoT

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    With the rapid growth of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), concerns about the security of IoT devices have become prominent. Several vendors are producing IP-connected devices for home and small office networks that often suffer from flawed security designs and implementations. They also tend to lack mechanisms for firmware updates or patches that can help eliminate security vulnerabilities. Securing networks where the presence of such vulnerable devices is given, requires a brownfield approach: applying necessary protection measures within the network so that potentially vulnerable devices can coexist without endangering the security of other devices in the same network. In this paper, we present IOT SENTINEL, a system capable of automatically identifying the types of devices being connected to an IoT network and enabling enforcement of rules for constraining the communications of vulnerable devices so as to minimize damage resulting from their compromise. We show that IOT SENTINEL is effective in identifying device types and has minimal performance overhead

    Securing Our Future Homes: Smart Home Security Issues and Solutions

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    The Internet of Things, commonly known as IoT, is a new technology transforming businesses, individuals’ daily lives and the operation of entire countries. With more and more devices becoming equipped with IoT technology, smart homes are becoming increasingly popular. The components that make up a smart home are at risk for different types of attacks; therefore, security engineers are developing solutions to current problems and are predicting future types of attacks. This paper will analyze IoT smart home components, explain current security risks, and suggest possible solutions. According to “What is a Smart Home” (n.d.), a smart home is a home that always operates in consideration of security, energy, efficiency and convenience, whether anyone is home or not

    Supporting Cyber-Physical Systems with Wireless Sensor Networks: An Outlook of Software and Services

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    Sensing, communication, computation and control technologies are the essential building blocks of a cyber-physical system (CPS). Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a way to support CPS as they provide fine-grained spatial-temporal sensing, communication and computation at a low premium of cost and power. In this article, we explore the fundamental concepts guiding the design and implementation of WSNs. We report the latest developments in WSN software and services for meeting existing requirements and newer demands; particularly in the areas of: operating system, simulator and emulator, programming abstraction, virtualization, IP-based communication and security, time and location, and network monitoring and management. We also reflect on the ongoing efforts in providing dependable assurances for WSN-driven CPS. Finally, we report on its applicability with a case-study on smart buildings

    New Secure IoT Architectures, Communication Protocols and User Interaction Technologies for Home Automation, Industrial and Smart Environments

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e das Comunicacións en Redes Móbiles. 5029V01Tese por compendio de publicacións[Abstract] The Internet of Things (IoT) presents a communication network where heterogeneous physical devices such as vehicles, homes, urban infrastructures or industrial machinery are interconnected and share data. For these communications to be successful, it is necessary to integrate and embed electronic devices that allow for obtaining environmental information (sensors), for performing physical actuations (actuators) as well as for sending and receiving data (network interfaces). This integration of embedded systems poses several challenges. It is needed for these devices to present very low power consumption. In many cases IoT nodes are powered by batteries or constrained power supplies. Moreover, the great amount of devices needed in an IoT network makes power e ciency one of the major concerns of these deployments, due to the cost and environmental impact of the energy consumption. This need for low energy consumption is demanded by resource constrained devices, con icting with the second major concern of IoT: security and data privacy. There are critical urban and industrial systems, such as tra c management, water supply, maritime control, railway control or high risk industrial manufacturing systems such as oil re neries that will obtain great bene ts from IoT deployments, for which non-authorized access can posse severe risks for public safety. On the other hand, both these public systems and the ones deployed on private environments (homes, working places, malls) present a risk for the privacy and security of their users. These IoT deployments need advanced security mechanisms, both to prevent access to the devices and to protect the data exchanged by them. As a consequence, it is needed to improve two main aspects: energy e ciency of IoT devices and the use of lightweight security mechanisms that can be implemented by these resource constrained devices but at the same time guarantee a fair degree of security. The huge amount of data transmitted by this type of networks also presents another challenge. There are big data systems capable of processing large amounts of data, but with IoT the granularity and dispersion of the generated information presents a new scenario very di erent from the one existing nowadays. Forecasts anticipate that there will be a growth from the 15 billion installed devices in 2015 to more than 75 billion devices in 2025. Moreover, there will be much more services exploiting the data produced by these networks, meaning the resulting tra c will be even higher. The information must not only be processed in real time, but data mining processes will have to be performed to historical data. The main goal of this Ph.D. thesis is to analyze each one of the previously described challenges and to provide solutions that allow for an adequate adoption of IoT in Industrial, domestic and, in general, any scenario that can obtain any bene t from the interconnection and exibility that IoT brings.[Resumen] La internet de las cosas (IoT o Internet of Things) representa una red de intercomunicaciones en la que participan dispositivos físicos de toda índole, como vehículos, viviendas, electrodomésticos, infraestructuras urbanas o maquinaria y dispositivos industriales. Para que esta comunicación se pueda llevar a cabo es necesario integrar elementos electr onicos que permitan obtener informaci on del entorno (sensores), realizar acciones f sicas (actuadores) y enviar y recibir la informaci on necesaria (interfaces de comunicaciones de red). La integración y uso de estos sistemas electrónicos embebidos supone varios retos. Es necesario que dichos dispositivos presenten un consumo reducido. En muchos casos deberían ser alimentados por baterías o fuentes de alimentación limitadas. Además, la gran cantidad de dispositivos que involucra la IoT hace necesario que la e ciencia energética de los mismos sea una de las principales preocupaciones, por el coste e implicaciones medioambientales que supone el consumo de electricidad de los mismos. Esta necesidad de limitar el consumo provoca que dichos dispositivos tengan unas prestaciones muy limitadas, lo que entra en conflicto con la segunda mayor preocupación de la IoT: la seguridad y privacidad de los datos. Por un lado existen sistemas críticos urbanos e industriales, como puede ser la regulación del tráfi co, el control del suministro de agua, el control marítimo, el control ferroviario o los sistemas de producción industrial de alto riesgo, como refi nerías, que son claros candidatos a benefi ciarse de la IoT, pero cuyo acceso no autorizado supone graves problemas de seguridad ciudadana. Por otro lado, tanto estos sistemas de naturaleza publica, como los que se desplieguen en entornos privados (viviendas, entornos de trabajo o centros comerciales, entre otros) suponen un riesgo para la privacidad y también para la seguridad de los usuarios. Todo esto hace que sean necesarios mecanismos de seguridad avanzados, tanto de acceso a los dispositivos como de protección de los datos que estos intercambian. En consecuencia, es necesario avanzar en dos aspectos principales: la e ciencia energética de los dispositivos y el uso de mecanismos de seguridad e ficientes, tanto computacional como energéticamente, que permitan la implantación de la IoT sin comprometer la seguridad y la privacidad de los usuarios. Por otro lado, la ingente cantidad de información que estos sistemas puede llegar a producir presenta otros dos retos que deben ser afrontados. En primer lugar, el tratamiento y análisis de datos toma una nueva dimensión. Existen sistemas de big data capaces de procesar cantidades enormes de información, pero con la internet de las cosas la granularidad y dispersión de los datos plantean un escenario muy distinto al actual. La previsión es pasar de de dispositivos instalados en 2015 a más de en 2025. Además existirán multitud de servicios que harán un uso intensivo de estos dispositivos y de los datos que estos intercambian, por lo que el volumen de tráfico será todavía mayor. Asimismo, la información debe ser procesada tanto en tiempo real como a posteriori sobre históricos, lo que permite obtener información estadística muy relevante en diferentes entornos. El principal objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es analizar cada uno de estos retos (e ciencia energética, seguridad, procesamiento de datos e interacción con el usuario) y plantear soluciones que permitan una correcta adopción de la internet de las cosas en ámbitos industriales, domésticos y en general en cualquier escenario que se pueda bene ciar de la interconexión y flexibilidad de acceso que proporciona el IoT.[Resumo] O internet das cousas (IoT ou Internet of Things) representa unha rede de intercomunicaci óns na que participan dispositivos físicos moi diversos, coma vehículos, vivendas, electrodomésticos, infraestruturas urbanas ou maquinaria e dispositivos industriais. Para que estas comunicacións se poidan levar a cabo é necesario integrar elementos electrónicos que permitan obter información da contorna (sensores), realizar accións físicas (actuadores) e enviar e recibir a información necesaria (interfaces de comunicacións de rede). A integración e uso destes sistemas electrónicos integrados supón varios retos. En primeiro lugar, é necesario que estes dispositivos teñan un consumo reducido. En moitos casos deberían ser alimentados por baterías ou fontes de alimentación limitadas. Ademais, a gran cantidade de dispositivos que se empregan na IoT fai necesario que a e ciencia enerxética dos mesmos sexa unha das principais preocupacións, polo custo e implicacións medioambientais que supón o consumo de electricidade dos mesmos. Esta necesidade de limitar o consumo provoca que estes dispositivos teñan unhas prestacións moi limitadas, o que entra en con ito coa segunda maior preocupación da IoT: a seguridade e privacidade dos datos. Por un lado existen sistemas críticos urbanos e industriais, como pode ser a regulación do tráfi co, o control de augas, o control marítimo, o control ferroviario ou os sistemas de produción industrial de alto risco, como refinerías, que son claros candidatos a obter benefi cios da IoT, pero cuxo acceso non autorizado supón graves problemas de seguridade cidadá. Por outra parte tanto estes sistemas de natureza pública como os que se despreguen en contornas privadas (vivendas, contornas de traballo ou centros comerciais entre outros) supoñen un risco para a privacidade e tamén para a seguridade dos usuarios. Todo isto fai que sexan necesarios mecanismos de seguridade avanzados, tanto de acceso aos dispositivos como de protección dos datos que estes intercambian. En consecuencia, é necesario avanzar en dous aspectos principais: a e ciencia enerxética dos dispositivos e o uso de mecanismos de seguridade re cientes, tanto computacional como enerxéticamente, que permitan o despregue da IoT sen comprometer a seguridade e a privacidade dos usuarios. Por outro lado, a inxente cantidade de información que estes sistemas poden chegar a xerar presenta outros retos que deben ser tratados. O tratamento e a análise de datos toma unha nova dimensión. Existen sistemas de big data capaces de procesar cantidades enormes de información, pero coa internet das cousas a granularidade e dispersión dos datos supón un escenario moi distinto ao actual. A previsión e pasar de de dispositivos instalados no ano 2015 a m ais de de dispositivos no ano 2025. Ademais existirían multitude de servizos que farían un uso intensivo destes dispositivos e dos datos que intercambian, polo que o volume de tráfico sería aínda maior. Do mesmo xeito a información debe ser procesada tanto en tempo real como posteriormente sobre históricos, o que permite obter información estatística moi relevante en diferentes contornas. O principal obxectivo da presente tese doutoral é analizar cada un destes retos (e ciencia enerxética, seguridade, procesamento de datos e interacción co usuario) e propor solucións que permitan unha correcta adopción da internet das cousas en ámbitos industriais, domésticos e en xeral en todo aquel escenario que se poda bene ciar da interconexión e flexibilidade de acceso que proporciona a IoT

    IoT Security Vulnerabilities and Predictive Signal Jamming Attack Analysis in LoRaWAN

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    Internet of Things (IoT) gains popularity in recent times due to its flexibility, usability, diverse applicability and ease of deployment. However, the issues related to security is less explored. The IoT devices are light weight in nature and have low computation power, low battery life and low memory. As incorporating security features are resource expensive, IoT devices are often found to be less protected and in recent times, more IoT devices have been routinely attacked due to high profile security flaws. This paper aims to explore the security vulnerabilities of IoT devices particularly that use Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs). In this work, LoRaWAN based IoT security vulnerabilities are scrutinised and loopholes are identified. An attack was designed and simulated with the use of a predictive model of the device data generation. The paper demonstrated that by predicting the data generation model, jamming attack can be carried out to block devices from sending data successfully. This research will aid in the continual development of any necessary countermeasures and mitigations for LoRaWAN and LPWAN functionality of IoT networks in general

    Design and analysis of adaptive hierarchical low-power long-range networks

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    A new phase of evolution of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication has started where vertical Internet of Things (IoT) deployments dedicated to a single application domain gradually change to multi-purpose IoT infrastructures that service different applications across multiple industries. New networking technologies are being deployed operating over sub-GHz frequency bands that enable multi-tenant connectivity over long distances and increase network capacity by enforcing low transmission rates to increase network capacity. Such networking technologies allow cloud-based platforms to be connected with large numbers of IoT devices deployed several kilometres from the edges of the network. Despite the rapid uptake of Long-power Wide-area Networks (LPWANs), it remains unclear how to organize the wireless sensor network in a scaleable and adaptive way. This paper introduces a hierarchical communication scheme that utilizes the new capabilities of Long-Range Wireless Sensor Networking technologies by combining them with broadly used 802.11.4-based low-range low-power technologies. The design of the hierarchical scheme is presented in detail along with the technical details on the implementation in real-world hardware platforms. A platform-agnostic software firmware is produced that is evaluated in real-world large-scale testbeds. The performance of the networking scheme is evaluated through a series of experimental scenarios that generate environments with varying channel quality, failing nodes, and mobile nodes. The performance is evaluated in terms of the overall time required to organize the network and setup a hierarchy, the energy consumption and the overall lifetime of the network, as well as the ability to adapt to channel failures. The experimental analysis indicate that the combination of long-range and short-range networking technologies can lead to scalable solutions that can service concurrently multiple applications

    A practical evaluation on RSA and ECC-based cipher suites for IoT high-security energy-efficient Fog and mist computing devices

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    [Abstract] The latest Internet of Things (IoT) edge-centric architectures allow for unburdening higher layers from part of their computational and data processing requirements. In the specific case of fog computing systems, they reduce greatly the requirements of cloud-centric systems by processing in fog gateways part of the data generated by end devices, thus providing services that were previously offered by a remote cloud. Thanks to recent advances in System-on-Chip (SoC) energy efficiency, it is currently possible to create IoT end devices with enough computational power to process the data generated by their sensors and actuators while providing complex services, which in recent years derived into the development of the mist computing paradigm. To allow mist computing nodes to provide the previously mentioned benefits and guarantee the same level of security as in other architectures, end-to-end standard security mechanisms need to be implemented. In this paper, a high-security energy-efficient fog and mist computing architecture and a testbed are presented and evaluated. The testbed makes use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) cipher suites (that comply with the yet to come TLS 1.3 standard requirements), which are evaluated and compared in terms of energy consumption and data throughput for a fog gateway and two mist end devices. The obtained results allow a conclusion that ECC outperforms RSA in both energy consumption and data throughput for all the tested security levels. Moreover, the importance of selecting a proper ECC curve is demonstrated, showing that, for the tested devices, some curves present worse energy consumption and data throughput than other curves that provide a higher security level. As a result, this article not only presents a novel mist computing testbed, but also provides guidelines for future researchers to find out efficient and secure implementations for advanced IoT devices.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-045Xunta de Galicia; ED341D R2016/012Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2013-47141-C4-1-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2015-69648-REDCAgencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2016-75067-C4-1-