130 research outputs found

    SEUSS: rapid serverless deployment using environment snapshots

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    Modern FaaS systems perform well in the case of repeat executions when function working sets stay small. However, these platforms are less effective when applied to more complex, large-scale and dynamic workloads. In this paper, we introduce SEUSS (serverless execution via unikernel snapshot stacks), a new system-level approach for rapidly deploying serverless functions. Through our approach, we demonstrate orders of magnitude improvements in function start times and cacheability, which improves common re-execution paths while also unlocking previously-unsupported large-scale bursty workloads.Published versio

    M2: Malleable Metal as a Service

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    Existing bare-metal cloud services that provide users with physical nodes have a number of serious disadvantage over their virtual alternatives, including slow provisioning times, difficulty for users to release nodes and then reuse them to handle changes in demand, and poor tolerance to failures. We introduce M2, a bare-metal cloud service that uses network-mounted boot drives to overcome these disadvantages. We describe the architecture and implementation of M2 and compare its agility, scalability, and performance to existing systems. We show that M2 can reduce provisioning time by over 50% while offering richer functionality, and comparable run-time performance with respect to tools that provision images into local disks. M2 is open source and available at https://github.com/CCI-MOC/ims.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering 201

    C-RAM: Breaking Mobile Device Memory Barriers Using the Cloud

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    Mobile applications are constrained by the available memory of mobile devices. We present C-RAM, a system that uses cloud-based memory to extend the memory of mobile devices. It splits application state and its associated computation between a mobile device and a cloud node to allow applications to consume more memory, while minimising the performance impact. C-RAM thus enables developers to realise new applications or port legacy desktop applications with a large memory footprint to mobile platforms without explicitly designing them to account for memory limitations. To handle network failures with partitioned application state, C-RAM uses a new snapshot-based fault tolerance mechanism in which changes to remote memory objects are periodically backed up to the device. After failure, or when network usage exceeds a given limit, the device rolls back execution to continue from the last snapshot. C-RAM supports local execution with an application state that exceeds the available device memory through a user-level virtual memory: objects are loaded on-demand from snapshots in flash memory. Our C-RAM prototype supports Objective-C applications on the unmodified iOS platform. With C-RAM, applications can consume 10Ă— more memory than the device capacity, with a negligible impact on application performance. In some cases, C-RAM even achieves a significant speed-up in execution time (up to 9.7Ă—)

    Snapshot : friend or foe of data management - on optimizing transaction processing in database and blockchain systems

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    Data management is a complicated task. Due to a wide range of data management tasks, businesses often need a sophisticated data management infrastructure with a plethora of distinct systems to fulfill their requirements. Moreover, since snapshot is an essential ingredient in solving many data management tasks such as checkpointing and recovery, they have been widely exploited in almost all major data management systems that have appeared in recent years. However, snapshots do not always guarantee exceptional performance. In this dissertation, we will see two different faces of the snapshot, one where it has a tremendous positive impact on the performance and usability of the system, and another where an incorrect usage of the snapshot might have a significant negative impact on the performance of the system. This dissertation consists of three loosely-coupled parts that represent three distinct projects that emerged during this doctoral research. In the first part, we analyze the importance of utilizing snapshots in relational database systems. We identify the bottlenecks in state-of-the-art snapshotting algorithms, propose two snapshotting techniques, and optimize the multi-version concurrency control for handling hybrid workloads effectively. Our snapshotting algorithm is up to 100x faster and reduces the latency of analytical queries by up to 4x in comparison to the state-of-the-art techniques. In the second part, we recognize strict snapshotting used by Fabric as a critical bottleneck, and replace it with MVCC and propose some additional optimizations to improve the throughput of the permissioned-blockchain system by up to 12x under highly contended workloads. In the last part, we propose ChainifyDB, a platform that transforms an existing database infrastructure into a blockchain infrastructure. ChainifyDB achieves up to 6x higher throughput in comparison to another state-of-the-art permissioned blockchain system. Furthermore, its external concurrency control protocol outperforms the internal concurrency control protocol of PostgreSQL and MySQL, achieving up to 2.6x higher throughput in a blockchain setup in comparison to a standalone isolated setup. We also utilize snapshots in ChainifyDB to support recovery, which has been missing so far from the permissioned-blockchain world.Datenverwaltung ist eine komplizierte Aufgabe. Aufgrund der vielfältigen Aufgaben im Bereich der Datenverwaltung benötigen Unternehmen häufig eine anspruchsvolle Infrastruktur mit einer Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Systemen, um ihre Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Dabei ist Snapshotting ein wesentlicher Bestandteil in nahezu allen aktuellen Datenbanksystemen, um Probleme wie Checkpointing und Recovery zu lösen. Allerdings garantieren Snapshots nicht immer eine gute Performance. In dieser Arbeit werden wir zwei Facetten des Snapshots beleuchten: Einerseits können Snapshots enorm positive Auswirkungen auf die Performance und Usability des Systems haben, andererseits können sie bei falscher Anwendung zu erheblichen Performanceverlusten führen. Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei Teilen basierend auf drei unterschiedlichen Projekten, die im Rahmen der Forschung zu dieser Arbeit entstanden sind. Im ersten Teil untersuchen wir die Bedeutung von Snapshots in relationalen Datenbanksystemen. Wir identifizieren die Bottlenecks gegenwärtiger Snapshottingalgorithmen, stellen zwei leichtgewichtige Snapshottingverfahren vor und optimieren Multi- Version Concurrency Control f¨ur das effiziente Ausführen hybrider Workloads. Unser Snapshottingalgorithmus ist bis zu 100 mal schneller und verringert die Latenz analytischer Anfragen um bis zu Faktor vier gegenüber dem Stand der Technik. Im zweiten Teil identifizieren wir striktes Snapshotting als Bottleneck von Fabric. In Folge dessen ersetzen wir es durch MVCC und schlagen weitere Optimierungen vor, mit denen der Durchsatz des Permissioned Blockchain Systems unter hoher Arbeitslast um Faktor zwölf verbessert werden kann. Im letzten Teil stellen wir ChainifyDB vor, eine Platform die eine existierende Datenbankinfrastruktur in eine Blockchaininfrastruktur überführt. ChainifyDB erreicht dabei einen bis zu sechs mal höheren Durchsatz im Vergleich zu anderen aktuellen Systemen, die auf Permissioned Blockchains basieren. Das externe Concurrency Protokoll übertrifft dabei sogar die internen Varianten von PostgreSQL und MySQL und erreicht einen bis zu 2,6 mal höhren Durchsatz im Blockchain Setup als in einem eigenständigen isolierten Setup. Zusätzlich verwenden wir Snapshots in ChainifyDB zur Unterstützung von Recovery, was bisher im Rahmen von Permissioned Blockchains nicht möglich war

    Standart-konformes Snapshotting fĂĽr SystemC Virtuelle Plattformen

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    The steady increase in complexity of high-end embedded systems goes along with an increasingly complex design process. We are currently still in a transition phase from Hardware-Description Language (HDL) based design towards virtual-platform-based design of embedded systems. As design complexity rises faster than developer productivity a gap forms. Restoring productivity while at the same time managing increased design complexity can also be achieved through focussing on the development of new tools and design methodologies. In most application areas, high-level modelling languages such as SystemC are used in early design phases. In modern software development Continuous Integration (CI) is used to automatically test if a submitted piece of code breaks functionality. Application of the CI concept to embedded system design and testing requires fast build and test execution times from the virtual platform framework. For this use case the ability to save a specific state of a virtual platform becomes necessary. The saving and restoring of specific states of a simulation requires the ability to serialize all data structures within the simulation models. Improving the frameworks and establishing better methods will only help to narrow the design gap, if these changes are introduced with the needs of the engineers and developers in mind. Ultimately, it is their productivity that shall be improved. The ability to save the state of a virtual platform enables developers to run longer test campaigns that can even contain randomized test stimuli. If the saved states are modifiable the developers can inject faulty states into the simulation models. This work contributes an extension to the SoCRocket virtual platform framework to enable snapshotting. The snapshotting extension can be considered a reference implementation as the utilization of current SystemC/TLM standards makes it compatible to other frameworkds. Furthermore, integrating the UVM SystemC library into the framework enables test driven development and fast validation of SystemC/TLM models using snapshots. These extensions narrow the design gap by supporting designers, testers and developers to work more efficiently.Die stetige Steigerung der Komplexität eingebetteter Systeme geht einher mit einer ebenso steigenden Komplexität des Entwurfsprozesses. Wir befinden uns momentan in der Übergangsphase vom Entwurf von eingebetteten Systemen basierend auf Hardware-Beschreibungssprachen hin zum Entwurf ebendieser basierend auf virtuellen Plattformen. Da die Entwurfskomplexität rasanter steigt als die Produktivität der Entwickler, entsteht eine Kluft. Die Produktivität wiederherzustellen und gleichzeitig die gesteigerte Entwurfskomplexität zu bewältigen, kann auch erreicht werden, indem der Fokus auf die Entwicklung neuer Werkzeuge und Entwurfsmethoden gelegt wird. In den meisten Anwendungsgebieten werden Modellierungssprachen auf hoher Ebene, wie zum Beispiel SystemC, in den frühen Entwurfsphasen benutzt. In der modernen Software-Entwicklung wird Continuous Integration (CI) benutzt um automatisiert zu überprüfen, ob eine eingespielte Änderung am Quelltext bestehende Funktionalitäten beeinträchtigt. Die Anwendung des CI-Konzepts auf den Entwurf und das Testen von eingebetteten Systemen fordert schnelle Bau- und Test-Ausführungszeiten von dem genutzten Framework für virtuelle Plattformen. Für diesen Anwendungsfall wird auch die Fähigkeit, einen bestimmten Zustand der virtuellen Plattform zu speichern, erforderlich. Das Speichern und Wiederherstellen der Zustände einer Simulation erfordert die Serialisierung aller Datenstrukturen, die sich in den Simulationsmodellen befinden. Das Verbessern von Frameworks und Etablieren besserer Methodiken hilft nur die Entwurfs-Kluft zu verringern, wenn diese Änderungen mit Berücksichtigung der Bedürfnisse der Entwickler und Ingenieure eingeführt werden. Letztendlich ist es ihre Produktivität, die gesteigert werden soll. Die Fähigkeit den Zustand einer virtuellen Plattform zu speichern, ermöglicht es den Entwicklern, längere Testkampagnen laufen zu lassen, die auch zufällig erzeugte Teststimuli beinhalten können oder, falls die gespeicherten Zustände modifizierbar sind, fehlerbehaftete Zustände in die Simulationsmodelle zu injizieren. Mein mit dieser Arbeit geleisteter Beitrag beinhaltet die Erweiterung des SoCRocket Frameworks um Checkpointing Funktionalität im Sinne einer Referenzimplementierung. Weiterhin ermöglicht die Integration der UVM SystemC Bibliothek in das Framework die Umsetzung der testgetriebenen Entwicklung und schnelle Validierung von SystemC/TLM Modellen mit Hilfe von Snapshots

    Understanding and Leveraging Virtualization Technology in Commodity Computing Systems

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    Commodity computing platforms are imperfect, requiring various enhancements for performance and security purposes. In the past decade, virtualization technology has emerged as a promising trend for commodity computing platforms, ushering many opportunities to optimize the allocation of hardware resources. However, many abstractions offered by virtualization not only make enhancements more challenging, but also complicate the proper understanding of virtualized systems. The current understanding and analysis of these abstractions are far from being satisfactory. This dissertation aims to tackle this problem from a holistic view, by systematically studying the system behaviors. The focus of our work lies in performance implication and security vulnerabilities of a virtualized system.;We start with the first abstraction---an intensive memory multiplexing for I/O of Virtual Machines (VMs)---and present a new technique, called Batmem, to effectively reduce the memory multiplexing overhead of VMs and emulated devices by optimizing the operations of the conventional emulated Memory Mapped I/O in hypervisors. Then we analyze another particular abstraction---a nested file system---and attempt to both quantify and understand the crucial aspects of performance in a variety of settings. Our investigation demonstrates that the choice of a file system at both the guest and hypervisor levels has significant impact upon I/O performance.;Finally, leveraging utilities to manage VM disk images, we present a new patch management framework, called Shadow Patching, to achieve effective software updates. This framework allows system administrators to still take the offline patching approach but retain most of the benefits of live patching by using commonly available virtualization techniques. to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach, we conduct a series of experiments applying a wide variety of software patches. Our results show that our framework incurs only small overhead in running systems, but can significantly reduce maintenance window

    ThingsMigrate: Platform-Independent Migration of Stateful JavaScript IoT Applications

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained wide popularity both in academic and industrial contexts. As IoT devices become increasingly powerful, they can run more and more complex applications written in higher-level languages, such as JavaScript. However, by their nature, IoT devices are subject to resource constraints, which require applications to be dynamically migrated between devices (and the cloud). Further, IoT applications are also becoming more stateful, and hence we need to save their state during migration transparently to the programmer. In this paper, we present ThingsMigrate, a middleware providing VM-independent migration of stateful JavaScript applications across IoT devices. ThingsMigrate captures and reconstructs the internal JavaScript program state by instrumenting application code before run time, without modifying the underlying Virtual Machine (VM), thus providing platform and VM-independence. We evaluated ThingsMigrate against standard benchmarks, and over two IoT platforms and a cloud-like environment. We show that it can successfully migrate even highly CPU-intensive applications, with acceptable overheads (about 30%), and supports multiple migrations

    Master of Science

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    thesisSystem administrators use application-level knowledge to identify anomalies in virtual appliances (VAs) and to recover from them. This process can be automated through an anomaly detection and recovery system. In this thesis, we claim that application-level policies defined over kernel-level application state can be effective for automatically detecting and mitigating the effects of malicious software in VAs. By combining user-defined application-level policies, virtual machine introspection (VMI), expert systems, and kernel-based state management techniques for anomaly detection and recovery, we are able to provide a favorable environment for the execution of applications in VAs. We use policies to specify the desired state of the VA based on an administrator's application-level knowledge. By using VMI we are able to generate a snapshot that represents the true internal state of the VA. An expert system evaluates the snapshot and identifies any violations. Potential violations include the execution of an irrelevant application, an unauthorized process, or an unfavorable environment configuration. The expert system also reasons about appropriate recovery strategies for each of the violations detected. The recovery strategy decided by the expert system is carried out by recovery tools so that the VA can be restored to an acceptable state. We evaluate the effectiveness of this approach for anomaly detection and repair by using it to detect and recover from the actions of different types malicious software targeting a web server VA. The system is shown to be effective in guarding the VA against the actions of a kernel-exploit kit, a kernel rootkit, a user-space rootkit, and an application malware. For each of these attacks, the recovery component was able to restore the VA to an acceptable state. Although, the recovery actions carried out did not remove the malicious software, they substantially mitigated the harmful effects of the malicious software

    Programming Persistent Memory

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    Beginning and experienced programmers will use this comprehensive guide to persistent memory programming. You will understand how persistent memory brings together several new software/hardware requirements, and offers great promise for better performance and faster application startup times—a huge leap forward in byte-addressable capacity compared with current DRAM offerings. This revolutionary new technology gives applications significant performance and capacity improvements over existing technologies. It requires a new way of thinking and developing, which makes this highly disruptive to the IT/computing industry. The full spectrum of industry sectors that will benefit from this technology include, but are not limited to, in-memory and traditional databases, AI, analytics, HPC, virtualization, and big data. Programming Persistent Memory describes the technology and why it is exciting the industry. It covers the operating system and hardware requirements as well as how to create development environments using emulated or real persistent memory hardware. The book explains fundamental concepts; provides an introduction to persistent memory programming APIs for C, C++, JavaScript, and other languages; discusses RMDA with persistent memory; reviews security features; and presents many examples. Source code and examples that you can run on your own systems are included. What You’ll Learn Understand what persistent memory is, what it does, and the value it brings to the industry Become familiar with the operating system and hardware requirements to use persistent memory Know the fundamentals of persistent memory programming: why it is different from current programming methods, and what developers need to keep in mind when programming for persistence Look at persistent memory application development by example using the Persistent Memory Development Kit (PMDK) Design and optimize data structures for persistent memory Study how real-world applications are modified to leverage persistent memory Utilize the tools available for persistent memory programming, application performance profiling, and debugging Who This Book Is For C, C++, Java, and Python developers, but will also be useful to software, cloud, and hardware architects across a broad spectrum of sectors, including cloud service providers, independent software vendors, high performance compute, artificial intelligence, data analytics, big data, etc
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